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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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712496 No.712496 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/

The people suffering in China because of the earthquake moved me so deeply that I'm gonna make a VN about it to raise awareness. The game starts as you are a high school freshman in the beginning the school year. You make friends with 3 girls and the whole VN love story thing happens and you get closer to one of them. You trigger flags like dates, communist marches, Chinese firedrills and festivals etc... Then the Earthquake happens and the girl with the most affection points is trapped under rubble. Here she begs you to stay with her but if you don't get help she will die. If you stay with her, you hold her hand as she slowly dies and whispers "I love you". If you choose to get help she cries and you tell her you'll be back shortly. You get help and they get her out of the rubble and she goes to a hospital. She gets treated and is recovering. She then gets a secondary infection and due to Chinese officials being corrupt, the antibiotics that were given to her were sugar pills. She dies and you scream "WHY GOD WHY!?!?!?!" Then a member of the Chinese secret police arrests you because there is no God in China because they are communist. You spend the next 5 years in prison thinking of your love and die from typhus. What do you guys think?

>> No.712503


>> No.712510

This is a great idea.

>> No.712516

What...no Girl trapped in a dream? This is crap

>> No.712517
File: 192 KB, 400x400, 1212010933794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad ends everywhere? Sounds good.

>> No.712521


>> No.712523

>due to Chinese officials being corrupt, the antibiotics that were given to her were sugar pills

>> No.712514

Why don't you just go donate that 20 bucks you been saving for a PS2 game? That'll do more than your idea ever will...probably

>> No.712540

>>She dies and you scream "WHY GOD WHY!?!?!?!" Then a member of the Chinese secret police arrests you because there is no God in China because they are communist.

No matter how far fetched that sounds...it's strangely believable.

>> No.712545

I approve of this

>> No.712553

This is the greatest idea I've ever seen on /jp/.

You better actually fucking make it. Don't let me down.

>> No.712549

I bet this will come out before Unlimited Blade Works

>> No.712559

Sorry, we make fun of the official clannad patch now.

>> No.712561

>flags like dates, communist marches, Chinese firedrills

I'd play it, so long as the writing was funny enough to do it justice.

>> No.712562

I don't really get it. Why do you want to 'raise awareness'? Anyone who could give a shit has already done so. And what will it benefit the survivors and victims if some weeaboo knows they suffered/died?

>> No.712567

That's sarcasm

>> No.712573

I am intrigued...go on

>> No.712577

Screw raising awareness. If you get it into Japanese and release it it'll automatically be a hit.

Because China.

>> No.712586

For some reason...this is one of the most realistic VN idea's I've ever heard of. Bravo Anon!

>> No.712587

looks like it was tl;dr for you

>> No.712596

I guess enough time has passed to make fun of the earthquake victims?

>> No.712603

Do it. I would actually read this.

>> No.712612

I bet this comes out before Clannad official patch

>> No.712615


There is no "too soon" on the internet, and this isn't even really making fun of them. This is simply the greatest VN idea ever.

>> No.712623

Sounds like win to me, go for it OP

>> No.712637

Taking a tragic event and making it into a media form where weeaboos can enjoy?!?! Sounds like win to me

>> No.712661

Add in a childhood friend, a tsundere, a girl in a dream and you've got yourself a VN that would rival Key's crap.

>> No.712688

"Enough time" is passed as soon as people on the internet have heard about it. Which is immediately. This isn't the real world where you have to be careful not to tread on others' feelings.

>> No.712700

On 4chan enough time means that such an event can be conceived in our imaginations. It doesn't' have to happen yet and we can make fun of it.

>> No.712749


Uh, I don't think it's awareness about china this guy want's to raise. It's more like awareness of his COLLOSAL E-PEEN.

Srrsly, if anon actually makes this, I can see it getting a brief slot on some shitty new bulletin, a column in a gaming mag and a couple of pages on a website.

>> No.712814

I bet the Chinese will rage if this gets made. Blame Japan...even though the OP is most likely from America

>> No.712874

Sounds like this could be an awesome VN. Just don't forget to saturate it with the two foremost facets of Chinese culture: censorship and propaganda.

>> No.712925

Censored Version they will release in China:

You are a Patriotic Communist high school student that plans to enlist in the PLA after graduation. The earthquake happens because Taiwan threatens to declare independence. You walk over to Taiwan and beat up their newly elected president, Ma Ying Jeow, and force Taiwan to join our communist brethren. Aftershocks shake China and you find out it happened because Japan denied the Rape of Nanking. You go over to Tokyo and conquer it with the sheer force that is Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. The crisis is over as no more earthquakes happen. The bad end in this game is that the earthquakes are resolved through capitalism.

>> No.712944

Clearly anon has too much time on his hands

>> No.712947


No police force of the people's republic of China will care more or less about PRO being a believer of God when an earthquake happened. You need to revise the final part and make it sound plausible.

>> No.712954

lol Chinafag

>> No.712989

Include patriotic songs and this will be GOLD.

>> No.712998

If you pay attention to world politics then you would know that Communist government is on friendly terms with Taiwan and Japan.

If you want a serious VN you should tone down frontal propaganda and make your points indirectly. For example, you could "hint" that local official in charge of building the school has been embezzling funds and didn't reinforce it with a steel structure. Then you could make the protagonist infiltrate the house of the official and unearth more incriminating evidence of corruption.


>> No.713007

This anon does not understand the meaning of sarcasm

>> No.712997

>earthquakes are resolved through capitalism.

Oh dear, oh dear

>> No.713020

That's what they want you to believe. Also, it's a fucking VN. Not sure if you're trolling.

>> No.713032

>>Aftershocks shake China and you find out it happened because Japan denied the Rape of Nanking. You go over to Tokyo and conquer it with the sheer force that is Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.

It's never a dull day in /jp/

>> No.713033

Whenever I played Real Lives, I never noticed any real differences between playing in China and the US, EXCEPT that in China my person would always live 20-30 years longer than in the US.

Also, none of my people ever developed Goiters due to insufficient iodine in their diet. Don't believe /v/'s lies.

>> No.713052

Make one of the minigames rescuing people trapped in the rubble through the One Child Policy

>> No.713070

silly americans, china is big friend!
china even buy us bonds so well-fed american friends can live beyond their means! chiner love american.

>> No.713087

hey! you no make fun of china. costing lives because of earthquake hurt economy of globe!

>> No.713097

Why does this VN only have bad ends?

>> No.713107

I hope there are h-scenes in this visual novel...and hopefully not in prison...

>> No.713124

As a guy who was born in China and has lived a little half of his life in China (currently residing in the US), I can tell you that any Chinese person capable of playing/reading this VN would find it to be an inaccurate depiction of Chinese life.

>Chinese firedrills

You've obviously never pulled up at a downtown intersection on a Saturday night.

>Then a member of the Chinese secret police arrests you because there is no God in China because they are communist.

What the fuck. I had originally believed this to be a genuine "let's raise awareness" type thing, but I'm tempted to call it a troll.

>> No.713153

No sir you are the troll

>> No.713157

I think you're the troll.

>> No.713159


Born in China?!?! I believe you are part of that Internet police China has going on...

>> No.713173

>> She then gets a secondary infection and due to Chinese officials being corrupt, the antibiotics that were given to her were sugar pills.

This part is funny because it's probably true...sadly

>> No.713191


>> No.713200


>> No.713212

It would probably be because the manufacturer didn't give a shit what went into the machines as long as lots of pills came out. Chinese are like that, for personal gain they'll do anything they can't be forcefully stopped from doing. You don't even have toilet paper in Chinese toilets, because if you do they'll just steal the entire roll. I've seen a woman steal tea bags at a buffet. Fucking tea bags. They're like fucking 7 cents each. And after she snaffled all she could, she started opening cupboards to steal tomorrow's tea bags but was stopped by the waiters.

>> No.713231

For some reason I wouldn't be surprised if this was the censored version of the Earthquake VN

>> No.713233

You know what's funny, though? They always emphasize currency. I remember one time a guy was trying to overcharge me for taxi fare and I eventually relented, and then when I tried to give him a large bill and let him keep the change as a tip, he insisted on making me stay so he could count out my change.

>> No.713241

>tl; dr ver.: It sucks to be a chink

Sounds fairly accurate to me. I'd buy it so I could laugh my ass off.

>> No.713269

-99999999999/10, as soon as it became apparent you cared about China it was too obvious. No one cares about where their socks are made.

>> No.713296

>> She dies and you scream "WHY GOD WHY!?!?!?!" Then a member of the Chinese secret police arrests you because there is no God in China because they are communist.


>> No.713297

>Chinese are like that, for personal gain they'll do anything they can't be forcefully stopped from doing.

just like the rest of the world, dumbass.

>> No.713316

Man this is a terrible year for China. First the snow storms...anti olympic protests...EARTHQUAKES!!!!....NOW THIS!?!?!?!?!

>> No.713322


God is having his revenge on the godless.

>> No.713345

>God is attempting to purify the planet of inferior races, but he missed the nigras and accidentally hit the second most inferior one instead.

>> No.713358

There are more Christians in China than in the US, assuming that you limit your definition of "Christian" to those who tithe regularly, attend church on a weekly basis, etc.

>> No.713361

>you hold her hand as she slowly dies and whispers "I love you".

for some reasons, even in chinese movies and drama series, girls dont die that way.

>> No.713369

They should...it would make the world more like a VN

>> No.713399

>> communist marches

Lol do they even still have those in China? With all those free market reforms?

>> No.713428

Those reforms are only to make money. Any side-effects are discouraged.

>> No.713436

Its not hard to have more of something when your country is just a bunch of dogs reproducing like crazy.

>> No.713461

You guys should be nice to China. I for one, welcome our new Chinese overlords.

>> No.713458


>> No.713499

China hating liberal fag

>> No.713515
File: 489 KB, 976x1371, 1212020006100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost got it right. Its chink though, don't associate your shitty race with mai waifu.

>> No.713540
File: 73 KB, 500x707, 1212020317647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Why does everyone hate me?

>> No.713566

Noone hates you...just your country...your communist country

>> No.713616
File: 32 KB, 300x500, 1212021067031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well meiling probably left china for a reason too

i just sorta guessed she ended up in europe where she found her current job then remi moved the whole mansion to gensokyo

or something i dunno

>> No.713627

Maybe she moved to Gensokyo because everything she did was counter-revolutionary

>> No.713633

Good, just let the girl live.

>> No.713646

10 bux says this shit will be better than clannaids

>> No.713651


She has red hair and blue eyes, she can't be ethnically Chinese, so it's okay.

>> No.713659

Fuck... now I'm writing Hong Meiling origins fanfiction... FUCK YOU /JP/ LOK WHAT YOU'VE TURNED ME INTO

>> No.713665

Ever hear of contacts and hair dye? Or is someone living under a rock...wait...that's not much of an insult directed at an anon

>> No.713734

Meiling's not even Chinese, she's from Gensokyo.

>> No.713795

Fine...she's Chinese-Gensokyo...ian

>> No.713854

now that's just being silly

>> No.713905
File: 221 KB, 800x800, 1212023845114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, maybe turning into a youkai could've given China her current appearance.

>> No.713987

Wow...Earthquake victims....are you serious OP? My faith in humanity has just been killed...

>> No.715136



>> No.715612


>> No.715639

...Is this thread still going? Fuck it's obvious this guy is trolling

>> No.715649


I don't think you know what trolling is.

>> No.715655

I think you are trolling

>> No.716519

