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7362289 No.7362289 [Reply] [Original]

Which girl did you chose as your wife in Rune Factory? Even thought Karina is my favourite I don't know if I will choose her or another girl since every girl has her own charms. The only girl is out from the list is Kuruna.

>> No.7362297
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Yuyuko was the only real choice for me.
Marian almost made it but Pia was just too fucking perfect.

>> No.7362313

Who's Yuyuko? Is she from RF3?

>> No.7362322

Sakuya. Greedy Jew moe.

>> No.7362344

I managed to narrow it down to Raven and Pia, which was still an incredibly difficult choice, but I went with Raven in the end.

>> No.7362346
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>> No.7362350

Raven, because she's cute.

>> No.7362357

Either Fishwife or Oppositegirl.

>> No.7362395

I went with Pia, but I really liked Karina. I actually really really liked ALL of the girls. Except maybe Collette...I liked her as a character, just not as a waifu. Probably the same thing for Marian.

>> No.7362433

I loved Harvest Moon and played pretty much all of them through and throughout until it reached the GC or something like that.

I also bought Rune Factory 1, but despite of how much I liked the shopkeeper girl Rosetta, I couldn't find myself to like much else about the game.

Could RF3 possibly fare any better, or rather, enough to make me care enough to give it a shot despite being somewhat letdown by the first?

>> No.7362440

Well, what did you dislike about the original Rune Factory? 3 fixes a lot of things I did not like about 1. Definitely makes combat feel a lot better.

>> No.7362490

It also fixes item gifting.
RF1: Have all of these.
RF2: Have one of these.
RF3: Catch!

>> No.7362519

I really liked RF3, because it was great just as a Harvest Moon game, but had a pretty good action RPG side as well for the main story. I loved it. One of my most favorite games.

>> No.7362532
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RF3 is like, everything RF1 did right minus everything it did wrong, plus a bunch of other really fucking excellent things. One of those things being fish Yuyuko.
Yes, it will fare better if you liked HM.

>> No.7362538

I think RF3 was the first one in the series where I seriously had to sit down and think about who to woo. Marian, Karina, Pia, Raven, Sakuya, Sofia... they were all so lovely. I went with Raven in the end, should go back play through for the other girls.

>> No.7362555

Well, since Monica wasn't romanceable...

>> No.7362578

I tried playing Oceans in Japanese and understood most of it, but...

How the fuck do I farm?

>> No.7362593

I wanted that glasses girl but she comes in too late in the game and by then I had been swept up by mermaid girl.

>> No.7362622

The thing I didn't like about RF3 was how easy and pointless farming was, which was made worse by there being nothing to spend money on. I had done almost everything and unlocked almost everything before the end of the first autumn.

>> No.7362669

I've heard RFO is even worse in that regard (farming), kinda sucks.

>> No.7362677

Farming = Free +stats, that's about it

I went with Raven, but honestly, none of the girls stood out to me, they were all ~ the same quality.

I wish Shino was romanceable :(

>> No.7362685

Toona & Sakuya

>> No.7362713
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OP here. Call me a weird but I wish Hazel was romanceable. Expecially since she leaves the impression that she would like to seduce you if you were much older. Sooooo...Karina would be a much better choice this way. I would "hit" both mother and daughter. Ok, I'm reading too much hentai.

>> No.7362715
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Went with Marion, but everyone else was great too.

>> No.7362723

Raven is the cool+sexy choice for cool+sexy men.

>> No.7362736

The problem with Toona/Raven was that she's not only quiet (Quiet chicks are cool), but she's mean when she's distant from you.

There's a difference between being anti-social, and being anti-social and mean. Instead of giving the "I don't care about you", she gives off an "I don't like you" feel

>> No.7362752
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>> No.7362767
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I could see no reason to pick anyone but Pia.
She was perfect in every single way.

>> No.7362783

In Harvest Moon you farmed and improved your farm and or various places around town with what you gained, as well as wooing any girls and the like with the profits from it.

In Rune Factory... you dungeon crawl to improve the countryside, your home and woo girls with the profit from it.
Farming is optional, but make the dungeon crawl even more piss easy.

Oh how I wish it felt more meaningful.

>> No.7362785

Her warming up to you is a huge part of her charm.

>> No.7362796

First I picked raven, then glasses, now have pia. Steadily working to impregnate all the possible girls. Shame there are only 2 save files though.

>> No.7362807

first time i went with raven. Second play through i went with Carmen, i didn't like her at first but she ended up being incredibly cute.

>> No.7362831
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Ι came.

>> No.7362860

Ah, I see that you have an impeccable taste in waifus, good sir. I still want to marry Gaius or myself though because I'm pretty damn gay and just about every other romancable female is pretty damn retarded.

Also, why is /v/'s flavor of last October here? Usually, it's just Persona and NIS/FATLUS that get to stay.

>> No.7362865

Was there only the 3 girls to choose from in this or was there more? I don't think I ever seen art for anyone but the 3 sisters.

>> No.7362869
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Haven't really decided in RF3, too many likeable options, but Rosetta in RF1.

>> No.7362872

Because /jp/ have better taste on videogames.

>> No.7362878
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There's more.
Include the heroes since you can play as the female heroine later on the game.

>> No.7362884

I picked Sofia for the lighthearted, lovable trolling.

>> No.7362888

How is Rune Factory Frontier in comparison to Rune Factory 3?

>> No.7362911

I think I liked RFF better. Except for those damn Runeys.

In terms of girls, I think RF3 beats them all except for Rosetta.

>> No.7362920

FUCK RUNEYS. The only reason why I haven't married anyone other than the tsundere girl is because I don't want to replay those fucking runeys all over again.

I stored around 500 of each and then left my fields to rot. My income is purely from farming bosses

>> No.7362956

Tomboy moe is best moe
I had some trouble passing up lazy moe, though

>> No.7363069

Brown overobvious girl was best, Unihitler and Psychotic bitch from the flower shop were close seconds.

>> No.7363073

I guess I gotta play this sometime, sounds fun.

>> No.7363082

I love Yue so much, she will always be my wife. I married her in RF2, but I decided to stay loyal to her and the best I could do was giving her a daily aquamarine and be like "why can't I marry her ;_;"

>> No.7363091

You already married her back in her country, why try to make her cheat on you with such trivial gifts?

>> No.7363098

Makes sense, but I like to think I'm the main character, I guess.

>> No.7363125
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The yandere.

>> No.7363335

Same reason here. Brofist.

So cute.

>> No.7363340


>> No.7364001
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This will not end well.

My one complaint with the newer iterations of HM/RF is the low time that it takes for the villagers to warm up to you. In FomT it took months before you saw any sort of change in attitude, which made it all more satisfactory.

Also, money is way too easy to get.

>> No.7364009

That first time seeing Pia as a mermaid...my heart...

>> No.7364041

I would've picked Raven if she wasn't making such annoying sounds.
So I went for Sakuya instead.

>> No.7364050

I finally decided Carmen was my favourite closely followed by Raven.

>> No.7364051

Went with the bird.

Then the fish.

>> No.7364068
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>> No.7364075

Drugs everywhere.

>> No.7364087

>The only girl is out from the list is Kuruna.
Racist fuck.

>> No.7364093
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Japanese version = Kururufa (so not the militant stalinist version), Toona
English version = Pia, Marion

>> No.7364113



>> No.7364349
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a gentleman and a scholar

>> No.7364359

My body is so ready for Tides of Destiny.
(Hope it will be released in Europe this time.)

>> No.7364372
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If it's not you can always pirate. Dolphin Wii emulator did RFF just fine (except one game-breaking bug in UNDUB RFF that no one bothered to fix), so I imagine it can do RFO/ToD as well.

>> No.7364382

oh god this, why aren't the milfs available in these games for fucks sake
in RFF i would totally gone with Ganeisha or Rita but no, and same in RF3 with Hazel and Shino

also in op post, in RFF Iris, Tabitha, Selphy and in RF3 Kuruna and Raven, those were the girls i did

>> No.7364417

Did you guys notice the moon has a turnip on it?

>> No.7364422

Oh, god, I see it.

>> No.7364447
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I married Kuruna. She was just so cute and that horn oh dat horn.


Ah. I too wish that the milfs were romancable. Oh Shino,how I would love to see you abuse whatshisname. How I would love to have you utterly humiliate him in the ring of honor. How I would love for the screen to fade to black after insulting her horribly. How I would love for all my equipment and possessions to be gone after insulting her so. How I would love to marry her and have this done daily under the excuse for bills.

Yes, it would be simply marvelous~

>> No.7364450
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>> No.7365361

Micah was just to sheepish to romance the moms. He should've tried to be more like men than like mice.

>> No.7365537
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>> No.7365547


Undub obviously.

>> No.7365549

Dub obviously.

>> No.7365551

both were good play both.

>> No.7366719
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>You wouldn't give an engagement ring to a friend, would you?

>> No.7366724

I think they went all out on this game. I tried going back to the prequels afterwards and they were completely unplayable. Looking forward to Oceans.

>> No.7366739
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I believe that there is a special hell populated only by people who made Eunice lose weight in Frontier.

>> No.7366856



Tides of Destiny

>> No.7366859

Fucking name changes.

>> No.7366894
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Only choice.

>> No.7367077

I picked Raven because she looked like Kirino

>> No.7367244

Worst fucking reason ever.

>> No.7367374

Sofia is the WORST

I HATE her so much

>> No.7367378

Me too what a god-awful gimmick, I only fucked her for her father's money.

>> No.7367383


If only...

>> No.7367391

If you're lying I think you're a fine individual of upstanding taste

>> No.7367394

melody is the sweetest wife
she likes to take baths and drink tea

and is a magician

>> No.7367397

I will never play Rune Factory 3 because the player's character looks like he could be one of the potential wives.

>> No.7367398

Too be fair I've tasted every rune factory 3.

>> No.7367400


And that is bad how...?

>> No.7367402

This annoys me a great deal in those games.

It's not even like they can't have manly men in that style, every other man in RF3 looked like a man, some more than others admittedly.

>> No.7367418

They never fucking released this in Australia. Pirate time.

>> No.7367446

Yes yes yes.

The milf is NEVER romanceable. ;_;

I wept when the hot Elf Blacksmith wasn't a potential wife in Frontier
