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74616 No.74616 [Reply] [Original]

TL;DR What is the easiest way to live permanently in Japan?

Simply put, the United States of America does not coincide with my interests/morals. Don't get me wrong, I love America, but I know I honestly do not want to spend the rest of my life here. I have been looking into other places to live and I would have to say Japan would be my first choice, but i have heard that its quite difficult to become a permanent resident.
I am 20 years old, no education passed high school yet, I don't speak any Japanese(but i wouldn't mind learning) I have no clue how permanent residency in other countries works... and thats all the limitations i can think of at the moment ><

Any tips/help for moving to japan /jp/?

>> No.74654
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>> No.74687
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im so glad i entered community college at JPNS201

>> No.74731
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You need a college degree to get a long term stay visa, as well as a sponsor/employer before you can even come over. Than you need to stay 5 years, be capable of supporting yourself and have a clean record before you can apply for citizenship.

As it is, you strike me as someone who is sore at his country (with good cause) and think moving away is a solution to this disgust you feel, but I hardly doubt moving into America's best buddy's house will help. All that's on the news lately has been the rape and other crimes that US servicemen are doing down in Okinawa and how lethargic the US government is responding. Not to mention the language barrier you'd face: moving to a country and learning as you go is a cute notion and Japan's basically tolerant enough to help that, but it's a flawed and somewhat ill-though idea.

Think, as in, really, reeeeaaally think before you even come over for a year or two, let alone settle here. Rose-colored glasses off and all that.

>> No.75145
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Marry a Japanese lady. That's what I did.

>> No.75195
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>> No.75206
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>> No.74627

fail 0/10

>> No.74625

good luck finding work over there

>> No.74632

You'll soon change your mind, little wapanese.

>> No.74636

Move to Sweden.

>> No.74641

You need a college degree just to get work as a garbage man in japan.

>> No.74642

first finish a career on amerikkka.

>> No.74643

Sweden sucks, country full of feminists.

>> No.74645

Thats kinda what i was asking, is there anything that i could study here that would help me get a job there?
Any serious reasons why i wouldn't want to live there?

>> No.74646

Go to community college for 2 years and study japanese.
Go to college somewhere for 2 more years and study japanese.
Get a degree and join JET programme or teach engrish.
Come to japan.
Then decide if you wanna live here for ever and ever and ever....

You need a degree to work here. Take out a student loan and go to school.

I fucking hate school, but Japan is worth it!

^_^ YAY!

>> No.74647

It's not like you have to deal with them if you just stay inside.

>> No.74648

Go to college first faggot.

>> No.74657

I plan to

>> No.74661

I moved to Japan 2 years ago after failing highschool. Now I'm a rising star in the Mcdonalds corporation.

>> No.74671

make someone pregnant

>> No.74673

Cancer that is ravaging the corpse of /jp/.

>> No.74676

Are you upset that you moved there?

>> No.74689

Just remember that in Japan, you're always a gaijin. Even if you marry a native, have 10 kids, invent a longer-lasting light bulb and a better mouse trap, then write the novel of the century and are awarded the Order of Culture, then spend 30 years teaching classical Japanese literature at Tokyo University, you're still a gaijin, and you're still a second-class citizen.

>> No.74698

>>What is the easiest way to live permanently in Japan?

- you must live in Japan for 10 years before you can be considered a permanent resident.

- you still are not considered a citizen

- you _MUST_ renounce your previous citizenship (no dual citizenship in Japan)

- realize that you'll never have the same rights and acceptance in Japan even though you might have citizenship there

>> No.74705

>- you still are not considered a citizen
By the government? Not even on paper?
>you'll never have the same rights
legally? really?

>> No.74714

Ill always be a foreigner? What exactly do you mean and what would be different? Is it hard to live in Japan as a foreigner? And what exactly do I not get to do while being a permanent resident and not a Citizen besides voting?

>> No.74717

>>I am 20 years old, no education passed high school yet, I don't speak any Japanese

You have zero chance of staying in Japan for longer then 3 months. The Japanese government doesn't want you there if you're uneducated and can't communicate with others.

Unlike the US, Japan is strict on their immigration policy. You can't even enter the country with out a round trip ticket (they will force you to leave if you come with a one way ticket) and you have to pass some aptitude tests too I believe

>> No.74732



Why is this so hard for people to understand? If you were not born in Japan, you are not and never will be a true citizen/resident of Japan. Period. No Exceptions.

There's also the fact that you won't gain complete social acceptance too.

>> No.74733

>you're still a second-class citizen
This is not true.

>> No.74729

First and foremost, get a degree. It'll improve your chances over 9000%. Learn moonspeak while you're at it. By the time you've done that you'd probably man it up and decide on your own rather than asking ronery weeaboo anons on the internet.

Or better yet, enter a Japanese university and have a trail run at life in Japan. There's various universities that accept non-japanese speakers and teach fully in engrish.

>> No.74740

in b4 debito

>> No.74743

Like I said though, I'm still planning on going to school, I just don't know what i want to go to school for and I would like to make plans for what I'm going to do now rather than later. Also I realize that I would have to learn the language before going anywhere to stay permanently. I also realize this is a long term goal and i don't plan on leaving for at least 4 years.

>> No.74745

> I would have to say Japan would be my first choice
Care to explain why?

>> No.74751


Becasue Muslims and blacks are fully integrated and welcomed into America. You hardly ever drag them to death behing pick-up trucks and send nooses to them!

tl;dr: Every country has it's race issues.

>> No.74756

he's a weeaboo?

>> No.74761

Thanks this is exactly the kind of information I was looking for.

>> No.74760

Oh, ok. I thought he'd actually looked at the laws and culture of Japan and still came to the conclusion that it would be a good place to move to.

>> No.74769

In theory, if you are a legal citizen of Japan, you have all the same rights and privileges of natives. But IN THEORY communism works. The reality is unless you were born in Japan you are 100% ethnically Japanese, you are very quickly going to discover what racism and discrimination are all about. You will also come face-to-face with The Japanese Work Ethic when trying to keep a job (translation: more unpaid overtime than there are hours in the week) which you need to deal with in order to keep up with the outrageous cost of living, which will ultimately lead you to discover how all middle class Japanese solve their personal and social problems: alcoholism.

If you're still excited about The Mystical and Honorable Land of Kawaii Schoolgirls Desu Ne then read through http://thejapanfaq.cjb.net/ and all its links for practical information about emigration laws and logistics.

>> No.74765

Most people who decide they're going to leave America don't even think about where they'll go instead at all, let alone go researching into other countries' law and culture.

>> No.74773

OP: Hope you don't like anything American, because if you do, be prepared to pay at least 10 times the amount for it in Japan.

>> No.74786

Hey OP.
Stay who you are. Come to Japan.
There will be no problems. Just don't try to be Japanese. You can't.

>> No.74795

Look up Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Sophia University, Waseda University, International Christian University (ICU). Last three's in Tokyo so you can get easy trips to Akihabara and Nakano Broadway and has Liberal Arts Colleges that teaches in English while teaching Japanese on the side. In the case of ICU, the aim's to eventually enable you to take classes in Japanese as well. Personally I'm having Waseda as my first choice, prestige and all that.

>> No.74817

I have never been big on luxuries, but thanks for the advice, although its hard to know what is American and what isn't until its gone.
Thanks for the link, seems very helpful

Also, is it really as bad as you guys are making it out to be? Will i have a hard time getting by and I should just drop the idea of living there all together? All I have heard is bad things really, maybe its not meant to be.
I love the culture and a lot of my interests can be traced back to Japan in some way or another but if I'm going to be miserable than its definitely not worth it.

>> No.74823

No education and you want to work in Japan?


>> No.74826

while were on the subject of citizenship, what are the circumstances if you were born from 100% Japanese parents (who were born in Japan), but you were born in a different country?

>> No.74825

Also, make sure never get accused of doing something criminal. System over there is harsh... guilty until proven innocent is only the start.

>> No.74828

I definitely will look those up, thx for the info, sounds perfect actually

>> No.74839

According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_nationality_law,
if your parents were Japanese nationals at the time of your birth, then you are a citizen. However, take note that Japan does not allow anyone to have dual citizenship - so you can't be an American and Japanese citizen at the same time.

>> No.74837


I can already tell you're going to withdraw from the plan. You're way too unprepared to start. If you want to be stupid enough to go to Japan without even a degree, let alone GED/HS education, and no knowledge of the language to top it off, go ahead and do it. See how much life isn't all fun and anime.

>> No.74862

Listen to the internet...

>> No.74867

Now I love me some moe moe schoolgirls and giant robots as much as the next basement-dwelling weeaboo. But on my list of reasons to move to another country, "to watch cartoons and play the vidya" ranks just about last. So ask yourself "Why do I want to leave the country?" Then ask yourself "Why do I want to go to Japan instead of, say, England?" In other words, before you try to make any life-changing decisions, THINK SERIOUSLY ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE DOING. That was important enough to be in caps, so read it again.

Personally, I'd love to visit the place. But note that I said visit. That means a week or two at most. I'd never, ever, want to actually live there.

>> No.74909

Oh I have been asking myself that, I just didn't think it would be fitting to ask what requirements England has for residency on /jp/. Japan seems very interesting to me and I'm trying to gather all the information I can before deciding to go anywhere. It is probably my fault for making you think that Japan was the only place I wanted by the way I worded what I said, In actuality I just wanted to get more information on japan.

>> No.74935

Like what >>74867 said, working and living there is an altogether different thing than just being interested in it's pop culture export. Getting an education there's your best bet for now, financial issues aside, just get your SATs done and take the dive. If you regret it later on at least you'd have a bunch of foreign students' shoulders to cry on. Also forgot to mention Temple University Tokyo Campus, the catch is you get an American Degree instead of a Japanese Degree which probably won't satisfy the JAPANESE SPIRIT in you.

>> No.74930

From what you've told us, the only job you'd be considered for is as a crazy gaijin in some kind of derogatory advertisement.

>> No.74951

this thread is so full of crap. OP don't ask for advice in 4chan. PERIOD.

>> No.74969

>Still a second class citizen

how is this different from where we are now, precisely?

>> No.74974

Not everyone is a nigger like you.

>> No.74984

Protip: /jp/ browsers never get laid.

Niggers will at least go on a rape spree....

>> No.75004

Now tell them about the pay so you're not offering a one-sided perspective. While you're at it, compare that pay to that of various doctors in Japan for an even better perspective.

>> No.75013

I'm going to throw in with you on that one. I've lived in Japan.

>> No.75028

Sometimes I'm thining, discrimination and xenophobia aside, I'd probably 'fit in' better in Japan. Because whereas in my home country I'm flat out seen as a weirdo (seems being introverted and silent is a crime here), the elevens might just blame my personality quirks on 'lol gaijin, must be that way where he came from' and let it slide.

Then again I'm not a weeaboo faggot so it doesn't matter.

>> No.75035

Because England is full of chavs and has the highest violent crime rate in the world, for first world countries.

>> No.75046

Which country is that?

I'm wondering, what would be the best country for a hermit lifestyle. Not a NEET, but self-supporting. Probably the one with the fastest interents. Might be Japan!

>> No.75052

I am also looking for this place....

>> No.77670
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I'm a freelance programmer with a master's from Georgia Tech, but can only speak Japanese on a third grade level.

Could I find any decent work there?

I don't care if it's not programming, I could work as a store clerk or some shit. I just want to know if having a degree is enough to prove that you're not a fucking moron in Japan.

>> No.75062

Look, basically all you tragic fuckers should all come to Japan.


>> No.75063

>If you're still excited about The Mystical and Honorable Land of Kawaii Schoolgirls Desu Ne


>> No.75071

I wonder how many people saying how xenophobic and foreigner-hating Japan is actually have lived in Japan before...

It's really not as bad as people make it out to be. Becoming a citizen is hard, but you can stay here indefinitely without much effort. I've been here for years and will stay years more. I've known people who have been here a very long time as well. Job-wise, yes, it is difficult to advance quickly but the Japanese work ethic is very high and a lot of foreigners can't handle it. Fortunately teaching English is easy and the money isn't bad if you get a lot of private students who are paying you $30-$80 an hour.

Speaking Japanese and having some Japanese people on your side always helps too. I was caught without a valid driver's license which is a really big offense carrying a $5000 fine. I had to jump through a few hoops but I got off scott free. I found the Japanese police to be quite reasonable.

>> No.75089

Actually, Korea would probably be the best for that. Their primary export is WoW gold and MMO's are their national pastime.

Agreed. Fucking limeys. Goddamn, that whole country exists for the sole purpose of deifying Princess Di. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and then she grew up to marry a rich inbred twit. Then she got divorced and died because her alcoholic manservant was doing twice the speed limit. Boo fucking hoo. How that qualifies her for sainthood is beyond me.

>> No.75094

Country would be Romania, worst fucking country ever. Think Gaia only in real life, maybe worse. And while I am going to finish my uni degree and get the hell out of here, probably Amerikkka is the better choice for a hermit. Decent pay for my field (programming), cheap food (compared to here at least), people probably suck but I don't go out much anyway, much less after I'll be out of college.
And while most of my interests come from japan (animu/manga) I'm not delusional enough to think living there = living in animu. Hell, probably the shit diploma I'll get from this gimped education system won't even be accepted there.
There's still a long ways to go though, who knows...

>> No.75095

I also heard you get free kittens when you arrive, and that they have a wife ready at your home.

>> No.75092

Sweden's hilariously racist. They had mandatory sterilization of "lesser races" until 1965, and their definition of "lesser races" included everybody who wasn't Swedish (even Finns were too damn nigger-like for them) and lots of swedes too - the poor, the uneducated, the divorced, pretty much anybody who didn't fit the mold.

Recently, there has been some kind of a backlash of collective shame over this, over-the-top anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-everything laws have been put into place and now the Sweden is like the Muslim headquarters of northern Europe. Uppsala is like a second Iraq.

There's also a funny story about that one guy who was recently jailed for 10 years or so for the supposed rape of a mentally ill chick when the only proof they had was the word of that chick - something that they proved false in the first five minutes of the trial or so, but then the cops and even the minister of justice or something kept censoring the details of the trial (or something, I'm blurry on the details). They eventually released him, but none of the cops were so much as reprimanded for forging and hiding evidence.

>> No.75106

Come to Australia instead.


>> No.75107

I heard they had the fastest internets at one point. I'll look into there! I want to be able to sit at home all day and code indie games. Might not be possible, willing to go get a 'real' job... and code all night.

I'm a Britfag and I never cared about Diana. Well, I'm only 20.

>> No.75109

Move to Canada.

>> No.75124

Australia is pretty nice actually.


>> No.75144

Is America the 'civilised' country with the lowest taxes?
That sounds appealing to me.
But the fact you have to 'do' your own taxes, as a normal individual, not even a business owner!, sounds annoying. Why can't the gov do its own dirty work.

Are Japan's taxes really high like they say? Or is that just compared with the US?

>> No.75161

Japanese ladies have the worst teeth.


>> No.75171


America has the lowest taxes and some of the highest wages (for educated types at least), but the flipside is that you have to pay for pretty much everything from your own pocket, including lots of things you'd get for free in other Western countries. Education is especially expensive in America - just trying to get a single child a proper university education can cost you more money than you can make. Compare this to all the various Nordic countries where universities are free by law.

>> No.75173

I have crooked teeth fetish

>> No.75176

As seen here:>>75145

>> No.75179

I am actually thinking of moving to somewhere in the US or England to finish my thesis work. Maybe Canada if I can get my latino self used to the cold.

It's possible to do if I can get the university first, permits later. Otherwise it will be inmigration hell.
Why? Easy, I am colombian (strike one)
My name is the same as a guy pursued by the Interpol (I've had some trouble before, strike two)
I look fucking arab/indian, due to a genetics mix-up (strike three)

It's going to be difficult, but it will be worth it once I make it out of here.

And why go to amerikka? Easy, English is the only other language I know, and I'm not going to be yet another sudaca in Spain

>> No.75181

Yeah, Diana was just England's answer to Jackie Kennedy. Holy shit how that woman is worshiped over here by people aged 45+. She was a rich debutante who married a rich womanizer (whose similarities to her father are almost creepy) and after his brains got splattered across the back seat of a limo, she married an even richer man. And yet she's a secular saint. I swear Jacqueline is the most common name in America among women aged 25 - 45, because everyone wanted their little girl to be like her.

But this is totally off-topic, so, yeah, Japan. It sure is a country all right. Woo woo.

>> No.75177

My teeth are worse than my wife's. Doesn't bother me a bit.

>> No.75184

They don't have Dentist in Japan?
Which is another question, how hard is it to get check ups in Japan?
Can you just look 'em up in the phone book? I'm not the OP, but am interested in studying abroad.

>> No.75192

I dunno. I live on a military base, so all that stuff is free for me. I see dental clinics all over the fucking place though, so saying you can't get dental work done here is most likely far from the truth.

>> No.75191


>> No.75205

Western culture puts a lot of emphasis on dental care and a straight smile. It seems although Japan does put a lot of emphasis on certain aspects of appearance, having that straight smile isn't on the top list. Maybe it's because of the ratio of patients to dentists, or they're expensive... or it could be cultural that having "natural" teeth is just a good thing.

Can someone verify?

>> No.75232

Wow, some of these comments are really harsh...


OP, it's never too late to become something.


>> No.75226

I like it when bitter Americans stress than you can NEVER BECOME JAPANESE like that isn't how it works in the rest of the world. You can never become Korean or German either.

>> No.75236


Pretty sure dental care is covered by the national health insurance. My biology teacher in high school talked about how peoples' jaws just have too many teeth in there for the size. Humans are evolving. People are already being born without wisdom teeth I hear.

>> No.75235

So just how hard is it to become a student at a Japanese University?
I chose to homeschool and get my GED rather then go to some hick school in Pulaski, TN. Will that be a problem?

>> No.75239

Here. I'm interested in just going to school in Japan and not actually having citizenship.

>> No.75242

When it comes to taxes, you don't have to "do them yourself". Their are plenty of firms, the biggest being H&R Block, that will do them for you. All you have to do if bring in the forms supplied by your employer and any financial institutions you do business with (i.e. banks, loan offices, etc) and some guy will do it for you. The basic service is pretty cheap, but they do offer more robust options if you are so inclined. Or you can use one of several websites to do it yourself. It's surprisingly easy. Fill a few numbers into a spreadsheet, hit Print, then mail it off.

Also, it only has to be done once every year. And if this little bit of busy work every April is the price I have to pay for not surrendering 2/3 of my income and paying double the proper price for everything due to a VAT because socialist faggots like to pretend they have free health care, then I for one welcome our lazy accountant overlords.

>> No.75247

But you can become American.

I think America is the odd one out.

>> No.75250

I don't have any on my lower jaw apparently...

>> No.75251


Can you speak Japanese? If not, I'd go to a regular college for a few years, learn some, then try to transfer to a Japanese college or do an extended study abroad program. You could also go to grad school in Japan, like my friend is doing now. His Japanese is very good though. There are some colleges that offer English courses, but you should be prepare to read books in Japanese and write essays in Japanese.

>> No.75255

>I like it when bitter Americans stress than you can NEVER BECOME JAPANESE like that isn't how it works in the rest of the world. You can never become Korean or German either.

Actually, different countries do have different levels of xenophobia. Germans will stop treating you like an outsider if you just learn perfect German, make yourself useful to the society, learn the local customs and are white. Japanese will never ever ever even consider accepting you as the same as them. Maybe your children if they are lucky, but you? Never.

Americans will accept pretty much everybody except Mexicans, including ones that don't know fucking English, but that's just because all "American" means to them is "somebody who happens to live in the United States area for some reason". As a collection of random rabble who drifted there over the centuries, they don't have a strong national identity the way proper nation-states do (apart from them delightful southern folks, but fuck them, they're not human).

>> No.75258

You can do it online now? Fantastic. Heh, doesn't sound so bad now. I think my idea of the horrible tax experience came from a Simpsons episode.

>> No.75271


funny how I find that most of those who speak about Japan or their culture in that same condescending manner have never fucking been there.
then the ones who have, but got rejected and went back to bitch about it are the same ignorant cocks who cannot grasp the meaning of cultural differences.

>> No.75286

I don't know any moonspeak, but thought about taking lessons.
So if I were to let's say go to a Technical school in Nashville for programming/IT something like that.
How hard would it be to transfer to a school in Japan?

>> No.75288

Yeah, America is a whole nation of immigrants, so we welcome them. If you move here legally (illegals need to GTFO), you don't become a gaijin or a gringo, you become an American. You just have to follow a few basic rules upon arrival:

1. Speak, read, and write English.
2. Get a job.
3. Pay your taxes.
4. If you smuggle drugs in with you, sell them at a fair market price. Being a price gouger or a cut-rate is heavily frowned upon.
5. Enjoy apple pie. A la mode is optional, but preferred.
6. If you don't already hate the French, learn to do so.

And that's all there is to it. If you can do that, you'll fit in just fine here, and you'll be shouting "America, FUCK YEAH" in no time.

>> No.75298

>7. Hate the poor.
>8. Hate the darkies.
>9. Bow to uncontrolled capitalism as your one true God.

>> No.75305

The modern American continent was formed with immigrants, so it's relatively easy to get the citizenship. Here in Argentina (lol Argentina) the government even ran naturalization campaigns where you could apply for citizenship even if you came in as an illegal, the only requirement is that you have a job and have a clean criminal record.

>> No.75306



>> No.75311

That's variable from region to region even within the United States, though it's true that most immigrant rage overall is directed at Mexicans thanks to the big illegal immigration debate among other things. Still, living in the southeast, I think there's a bit of anti-foreigner sentiment across the board, it's just that most of the immigrants you see down here are from Mexico or the Caribbean.

>> No.75323


For IT? Probably not easy. It would be better to get your degree and then look for jobs in Japan, but check your school and see what kind of study abroad programs they have. Either way, those kind of programs usually require at least a year of language study. Skimming some travel-related phrases won't cut it.

>> No.75321

>3. Pay your taxes.
>>9. Bow to uncontrolled capitalism as your one true God.
does not compute

>> No.75333

Hating darkies is only a requirement if you want to move to Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, or West Virginia. It's encouraged but not mandatory in North Carolina, Texas, and Virginia. It should be noted that in these locales the same requirements also demand that you hate Jews, Hispanics, Catholics, Irish, Italians, Asians, Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis, Slavs, Egyptians, Australian Aborigines, Greeks, Dutch, Swedes, Swiss, and anyone who claims the world is more than 6000 years old.

>> No.75337

Don't go. Japan has enough retarded weeaboo faggots in it already, and it doesn't need you fagging it up as well.

>> No.75351

People that teach english in Japan as a profession are kind of pathetic IMO...

I mean, you don't have any other usable skills than teaching your language that you (and almost everyone in your home country) should know?

If you get a job in Japan that is not a teacher, performer, model, bar/restaurant worker, or bum, then you are semi-unfail in my books.

>> No.75356

Eh. Doesn't sound great. I'm half-black. Shouldn't be much of an issue for a shut-in, right? And the actual laws promote equality or even special rights for minorities. For the moment.

>> No.75364

ITT: people who have never been to the South.
I grew up in TN, and currently live in Alabama.
And I can tell you it's nothing like that.
If you ever go to the mall in Huntsville, you'd be shocked by all the rich blacks who act pompus and better then you.
This isn't the fucking 1950s.

>> No.75374

Where the fuck are you from? You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.75376

When I was down visiting in SC everyone was polite. I am not white.

>> No.75398

>teacher, performer, model, bar/restaurant worker, or bum

also to add, military.

I wouldn't be surprised though if 95% of all gaijin (except for chinese, koreans, and brazilians) have one of those professions on that list in Japan. At least, that was my impression while I was there last year.

>> No.75428

ITT: The South rises again and this time it's SERIOUS BUSINESS.

In all seriousness, it's not nearly as bad as I make it out to be. But come to the north-eastern part of the country anyway. We have four distinct seasons up here, no earthquakes, no hurricanes, and no tornadoes. And we have cheese steaks and cheesecakes. And more varieties of potato chip than you ever though existed. Seriously, I live within 40 minutes of no less than three major potato chip plants, all belonging to different companies. And 40 minutes in the other direction is Hershey: the sweetest place on Earth. Pennsylvania is truly the best place to be a glutton.

>> No.75455

Fuck yeah Philadelphia!

>> No.75461

Bookmark and read this.

>> No.75481


You do have that lovely stream of endless flaming trash trucks coming out of NYC though.

>> No.75513

Holy fuck this is EXACTLY what I am doing right now (currently at the 4-year University stage).

Except Im planning on doing a Year study abroad at Sophia U in Tokyo before getting my Bachelors this Fall.

>> No.75515


Inside Canada, move to Vancouver. I plan to move there from faggotry Ontario.

>> No.75518

And then we use our Rocky Balboa powers to punch that flaming garbage until it turns into cheesecake. And thus the cycle of life is complete. And then we go chase chickens.

>> No.75546

>Any serious reasons why i wouldn't want to live there?

tl;dr fred - You will forever be an outsider, no matter how long you live there, how naturalized you become, or how many citizenship forms you fill out - you will always be a fish out of water (this isn't all bad, you aren't expected to become part of the 'work till you die' daily-grind oyaji machine either).

The Japanese also have a habit of blaming all societies' percieved problems on foreigners and are obsessive about keeping their 'pure' (lol) bloodlines. They also have a pretty strong right wing 'Uyoku' KKK esque movement too, although they seem to be focused toward their asian neighbours.

If you don't mind being an outsider forever (It has its perks and its negatives) and you can put up with all the raysissms bullshit then go for it. Its not the easiest thing to do but some people seem to get on ok.

>> No.75558

I went to Osaka a couple of years ago on a business trip(I'm one of the few people at my company who speaks moon) and most people I had conversations with didn't believe I was American simply because I was polite and courteous.

What a bunch of fucking assholes.

>> No.76439

Holy crap, I just became afraid to even visit Japan for a few weeks which I had planned to do next year maybe... I was aware, that they are racists to a certain degree, but after I read this thread, I don't know anymore.
One question crossed my mind. Do they maybe hate Americans, and other Asians because the Japanese feel like those want to force on them, their own way of life and because they don't respect the Japanese one, or what reason is it? Would they behave different to a let say German, who acts politely and respects their culture and for us sometimes strange feeling behavior?

>> No.77096

Wait, what? The stress was japanese in spirit. Anyone from anywhere can immigrate to the US and will be considered an American. Some jerkass racists wont think so, true, but the nation as a whole will accept you no matter where you hailed from.

>> No.77180

I lol'd

>> No.77192

>Do they maybe hate ... other Asians because the Japanese feel like those want to force on them, their own way of life and because they don't respect the Japanese one...


>> No.77194

Jesus Christ you all act as though the only racist and non-accepting nation is Japan. Ever been to the United States? Melting-Pot my ass, more like a salad bowl. No race/nationality is accepted in any community unless you are the same race/nationality. If you date a different race you will be looked at weird.

>> No.77239

Join the Navy. 7th Fleet. Mission accomplished.

>> No.77277


This is true. You can't look at somebody and instantly think "foreigner".

>> No.77291

The only reason to move to Japan is the girls and the their internet.

>> No.77292

What are you talking about. I look at some asian and think "chinese", a brown person is "terrorist", and Mexicans as "illegals".

>> No.77339


That comment was directed towards non-/b/tards. Pay no attention to it.

>> No.77394

becoming a permanent citizen of another country (except for USA hahaha) is an arduous process, and impossible unless you bring something to the new country, like if you have a job lined up already or you have a degree in a field like engineering that is needed everywhere

>> No.77412

uh, it's pretty fucking hard, if not outright impossible to get a green card in America nowadays. Been waiting for 8 years now and still nothing.

>> No.77416

You're an idiot; everyone is "racist". It's human nature to rather be with someone like you than someone different. If you don't want to be a nigger, don't go to Japan-stay in a caucasian (or whatever the fuck you are) country.

>> No.77487

While we're on the topic of second class citizenry, I think once I finish college I'll try teaching Engrish in Japan for a bit. It'd be interesting living in a country as a second class citizen, seeing as how I'm a white American and have all the rights and privileges I want.

>> No.77532

In Amerikka, whites are second class citizens to minorites.

>> No.77582

Uh, no we aren't. Get the fuck back to Stormfront.

>> No.77577

;? what? No we aren't assclown. They get benefits because they suck so much and would otherwise fall into crime more often than they already do.

>> No.77598

japan is one of those countries with relatively closed borders so its pretty hard to stay permanently. However, if you can somehow find a job there you can probably get a visa and stay for at least 3 years or so, and longer if you do well on your job and apply for naturalization etc. Then again, you are an U.S. citizen and japan probably has some special relation with all the military bases and stuff thats there, so you might have a chance. Go on the government websites and see what you can find.

>> No.77604

It's called exaggeration; I was merely pointing out that minorites have more rights than whites.

>> No.77617


try canada instead.

>> No.77624

Where ever you live it's going to suck.

>> No.77700

you all are fucking morons, japanese people love the fuck out of white americans. if you're not fat and disgusting you'll be almost like an idol. For the most part younger people (30-40 and under) will almost worship the ground you walk on. Know some japanese and they will shit their pants, just make sure to bring them some souveniers from america, they love that shit

>> No.77709


Also, I'm about a quarter Japanese, and I wouldn't need it to be long-term, just for about three months.

Pic is animooted, btw.

>> No.77734


>> No.77749

>>77700 Is either a troll or has never been to Japan.

Probably both.

>> No.77770


I lol'd.

>> No.77767


holy shit those cranes in the back!
Are they just fucking TALL AS HELL, or are they like...anchored to the building in some way?

Maybe they're not even cranes??

>> No.77799


Where the fuck have you been? Mexico?

Shit liek that happens all the time in big cities. Especially in the US. They're just anchored to the buildings in the picture, but yes, they can get that big.

>> No.77888

I'm actually considering going to Japan with the Jet program. I have the BA and a background in teaching so I should be good on that aspect atleast.

Though, I guess I'm part of the few that want to move there for it's culture (Not the animmu) but like it's history.

Yeah I know I'll will never be truely accepted there and that's ok. Your never truely accepted in America as well.

Though, the whole drivers license thing.. Do you have to have one for everything other than the obvious?

>> No.77903

Enjoy minimum wage of 250,000 yen

>> No.77911

enjoy your fail, you can't live in japan forever, they kick you out after a certain number of years.

>> No.77917

>I'm actually considering going to Japan with the Jet program
>it's history
>Your never truely accepted
>drivers license
Oh yeah, you'll do fine; your grammar is superb.

>> No.77930


>> No.77922


>> No.77923

Pfft, more than I make here.

>> No.77951


Yeah, and I hear their wiminz have horizontal vaginas.

>> No.77972

Oo, grammar police.

I personally really don't give a shit weither you think I can survive in Japan or not.

>> No.77978


>> No.78025

/r/'ing every facepalm pic in existence.

>> No.78041

Why don't we do it the beaner way and all move together.
We can get a shit apartmenr, work construction and all use a beat up van. But one of us will get a Mustang with flames.

>> No.78066

Dibs on the Mustang.

>> No.78080

Damnit beat me to it.

>> No.78076

Hellz yeah. As long as we can blast some hair band metal.

>> No.78101

marry a jap. easiest way.

>> No.78105

You know, that could actually work.

>> No.78128


>> No.78161


>> No.78954

I would think the best way to get in the country and experience whether you would actually like to stay is to be military, and permanantly stationed there for a few years.

>> No.79170

ask dannychoo

>> No.79215

sorry, grew up in a small town (2,000 people)

Even at my college down, the cranes here are never anchored to the buildings. They're just tall

>> No.79248


The Dance Trooper?

>> No.79389


Read these


>> No.79416

Teaching English, actually.

>> No.79439

I currently attend sophia...

>> No.79439,1 [INTERNAL] 

>worst teeth

and worst feet
