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7477379 No.7477379 [Reply] [Original]

Relationships with children.

Genuine feelings of affection are something both relatives and non-family members are capable of developing towards a child. At what point does this connection become "wrong"? Would the context be the same if you were merely reciprocating feelings initiated by the minor?

Should the artificial construct of sexual legality restrict our natural sentiments?

>> No.7477404

>>Should the artificial construct of sexual legality restrict our natural sentiments?

Yes, I think so.
The first time should be a special moment, little kids aren't old enough to make that choice.

>> No.7477409

listen to me carefully

If you like children in ANY way, platonic, sexual or ironic, you should seek help.

These feelings are just your DNA trying to trick you into having a child.

But you wont fall for it, because you are smart and don't want to ruin your life

>> No.7477411

What about as friends?
Their one of the top greatest age groups to be wIth, after old people.

>> No.7477412

Is OP asking if it's okay to fuck little children?

>> No.7477414

"fuck" is a strong word, OPs talking about making love to them.
It's still wrong though, as they aren't quite able to fully feel love yet.

>> No.7477415

He's asking if it's okay to screw anything and everything with a hole regardless of age as long as the condition of 'mutual love' as interpreted by him is satisfied.

>> No.7477416

I think it would still be risky

You might think that your own children might be your friends, despite all the scientific evidence that it is impossible.

>> No.7477420
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What factor do you feel must be present for the child to be able to make a "correct" choice? I don't believe the empirical measurement of age alone is at all even relevant towards a child's capacity to feel emotion.

>> No.7477429

>You might think that your own children might be your friends, despite all the scientific evidence that it is impossible.

I'm pretty sure I had friends as a kid.
I'm not sure why it's impossible to be friends with them, they are generally pretty nice and use less curse words than adults.

>> No.7477440

>At what point does this connection become "wrong"
When you start touching them at night

>Should the artificial construct of sexual legality restrict our natural sentiments?
Yes. Because you are looking for a pretext to lust after little kids, instead of a reason.

>> No.7477441

Not him/her but they lack experience in the love field.

>> No.7477452

/jp/ = greek philosophers, pedo masters of jurisprudence

>> No.7477453
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What does that even mean?

Are you suggesting intercourse should just flat out not happen until the individual has experience with intercourse? Because, wat.

>> No.7477458

I believe he means to say that children lack the mental ability to "love." Which I disagree with.

>> No.7477460

Oh, you want sex with her. The "Relationships with children" opening threw me off. Yeah, no comment from me on that.

>> No.7477468

The only way I would consider a romantic relationship with a kid if they showed better intelligence than most adults. Not just ten year old genius intelligence, but emotional maturity as well. The type you could ponder philosophical matters with. A type that could argue vehemently and intelligently for your favor if you end up going to court for it basically.

Sadly such a kid probably doesn't exist.

>> No.7477471 [SPOILER] 
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Besides the ethical interdiction and the psychological risks, how harmful is it for a loli to get penetrated? Is her body not ready?

>> No.7477483

Vaginally, it could cause tearing in the perineum.

Anally is perfectly safe, though. Provided the same procautions taken when practicing anal sex with an adult are followed (use lube, use condom, use enema, don't go from ass to mouth or ass to vagina)

>> No.7477487

such an adult does not exist
relationships are bad news

>> No.7477488
File: 15 KB, 263x368, fresh_loli-su-50efaf25427d61fe132e95d998f02ad0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original post was intended to specify neither. All relationships are being taken into account.

So you believe a platonic relationship between a minor and an adult is morally wrong, then? Care to elaborate?

>> No.7477489

>I don't believe the empirical measurement of age alone is at all even relevant towards a child's capacity to feel emotion.

Nor do I, however love is blinding, and you may think her more mature that she really is.
Think of it as remaining chaste for your lover, once she turns 14 you can love eachother, but until then it's generally a good choice not to let kids have sex.

>> No.7477509
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14 seems to be a pretty arbitrary choice. Why not 7? Emotional "maturity", whatever that means has very little to do with morality behind sex. Just look at all the childish women in their early 20s freely having intercourse.

>> No.7477534

>Emotional "maturity", whatever that means has very little to do with morality behind sex

If you ask me, emotional maturity should not be as much of a concern as physical maturity. I don't think there are many kids who can be penetrated by a fully grown man's penis without feeling actual physical pain.
