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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7550690 No.7550690 [Reply] [Original]

Would you give up NEET lifestyle to live in Gensokyo?

Do you think your favourite Youkai would put up with your bullshit while you sit in your room all day long using up electricity? You'd have to go out and work long hours, chopping wood for your next meal, fixing leaking roofs and generally interacting with the outside world.

It's not all bad. You could play with your waifu in your free time. I'd chase Tewi through the long grass and molest her.

>> No.7550696

If I had to. But only if I really needed to. I'd prefer to be a fairy though.

>> No.7550709
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But certainly I would do other things and waifu would do things like fixing roofs chopping wood etc.

Also I don't like to be NEET.

But where to sign up???

>> No.7550715

Gensokyo portal would be ass unless you also become a cute youkai girl. I thought we'd established this already.

>> No.7550714
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Are we going to be having this thread daily?

>> No.7550719

I'd cut off my fucking dick to go to Gensokyo, to say nothing of something easy like a lifestyle change.

>> No.7550728


>> No.7550731
File: 361 KB, 850x637, unhappy reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I'm not OP lol, I already had my thread for today and I have to do go now.

>> No.7550748

to do HC's and arenas for weekly cap.

>> No.7550768

JP, you"re really starting to bore the hell out of me...

>> No.7550775

We're not allowed to discuss anime, and it would be a bad idea to encourage video games here. So that means we're left with Umineko, Rika, VN shitposting and a few other assorted topics, leaving Touhou as the most important.

>> No.7550780


I chased after Tewi through the tall grass, listening to her giggles while we foraged for carrots. We tumbled together a few feet before I eventually landed upon her. The little dress hiked about her chest, exposing her midriff. I gulped hard as the gazed upon the milky babyfat, and her puffy panties. Biting my lip, and trying to forget the temporary thoughts racing through my head, I brought my fingers to her waist and tickled her gently. Listening to her scream and giggle. "Hey stop, not there!" she squeeled, something about it stirred something inside me. As the little bunny tossed about on the ground causing her little dress to bundle up tighter underneath her small form. Suddenly I saw those perky, swollen pink buds. Those small, perky nipples glistening under the noon sunlight. Causing my pants to tighten instantly. My groin felt like it was going to explode. Hesitantly I ran my fingers up to her chest, gulping once again. Caressing her delicate flesh, and flat undeveloped loli breasts. Tewi was looking at me so lovingly, her tussled hair, and big fluffy ears. It was making me wild. Slowly I brought a carrot to her lips. Her mouth greedily accepting the orange vegetable. Her glistening wet tongue grazing over it's surface like a lolipop, slurping softly as she pulled away, strings of saliva hanging from hir plump, pallid lips.

>> No.7550788

then JP won't be around for long.

>> No.7550793

Oh god. You know, you should write some erotic stories. Try to make them long, work on polishing your wording a little, and upload it.

Tewi brofist.

>> No.7550800


I probably should have proof read it.

>> No.7550817

> chopping wood for your next meal, fixing leaking roofs
I think I'd enjoy that.

>generally interacting with the outside world.
Can't I just chop wood in the back instead?

>> No.7550954


Maybe I should try and make an actually story about this

>> No.7550960

THis is no different than my current lifestyle.

>> No.7551027

Don't mention any carrots, unless it's something cute like the one around her neck, because I laughed at your mention of putting it in her mouth. Try to make the story slower too, to build up extra suspense. Try to talk about her pantsu aswell, and make her personality totally innocent but make her naturally sexual and empathic, like a good little slut. Bonus points if she becomes yandere and follows you around.

>> No.7551057

That was original? I really enjoyed it, but I never know it those are reposts.

>> No.7551063


I can agree with most of that, except probably making her yandere (doesn't that imply something more violent?) and I also don't understand why Tewi wouldn't eat any actual carrots.

But yea, the rest sounds like a good idea, I'll probably also have to make some sort of main character people could project themselves on.

>> No.7551072

I already agreed with two other Anonymous to explore Gensokyo if we end up in there, hopefully as fairies. So no, I suppose I won't have the usual NEET lifestyle if I get into there.

>> No.7551082
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>I do manual labour for very little pay

Same as always I guess. Less old polish men telling me what to do though.

>> No.7551094
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I would gladly become as hard and joyless as a Russian turnip for the sake of her and her girls.

>> No.7551110


Let's have fun once we're there.

>> No.7551127

Since I'm a disgusting secondary I have no idea who those Touhou are.

Not really, she would just be curious, once you'd fondled her, she'd want to explore her sexuality more and would follow you around, and blurt out lewd things without realizing it, and you'd have to get her to keep secrets. But I guess she could become very posessive and find other girls threatening, so she could indeed be violent, and carry a cleaver around with her, that she took from Orin's grilled meat restaurant.

>> No.7551129


I'm not quite into Yandere, but everything else there is pretty cute.

>> No.7551404

So Tewi's transgendered?

>> No.7551410


It was a typo, though i'm sure I will get fucked over for it.

>> No.7551421

I'd probably be a loser in Gensokyo too. At least I have it easy here.

>> No.7551459
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Eh... cute girls are overrated.
How about a manly youkai man?

I would strike Jojo poses in the mirror all day.

>> No.7551613

Only if I get to be waifu of manly touhous.

>> No.7551662

There isn't electricity in Gensokyo, so I can't really use it all up. I'd of course help out with the chores. In terms of free time, if I had an escort, I'd like to go around and look at all of the plant life in the Bamboo Forest. Or do Eientei shenanigans.

>> No.7552639

I wrote up a longer story and expanded the original story, but I am not sure where to upload it.

>> No.7552670

No, I'm pretty content with my life here, at least for now.

>> No.7552679

Then maybe you should go back to funny /a/.

>> No.7552689



>> No.7552737

I've been to Gensokyo before... Outsiders aren't welcomed, they made me leave.

>> No.7553360

google docs, then post here

>> No.7553368

What occupation would I have in Gensokyo?

Living in the human village would involve breaking my back and sweating my ass off, probably planting and harvesting rice with 19th century tools, just for the opportunity to see a youkai once in a while. NO THANK YOU.

I could be a shrinekeeper, but then I'd be taking a job from Reimu or Sanae, so... I don't think that would work out.

I could be a hermit temple priest, but the Gensokyo border was sealed before the Meiji liberalization of Japanese vinaya, so with the exception of Jodo Shinshu, all the priests of that era were celibate. This would be aggravating. I don't have a Touhou waifu but the temptation would be irresistible. If I were defrocked, I imagine, I'd have to go work in the human village.


I would give up my NEET lifestyle to live in Gensokyo, but only if I were allowed to be a Jodo Shinshu priest living amidst the youkai.

>> No.7553370

Oops, I forgot one...


I would also accept a position as a yamabushi.

>> No.7553376

>Her glistening wet tongue grazing over it is surface like a lolipop
>grazing over it is surface

>> No.7553410
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Of course I can be a NEET. Fairies don't need food and get houses for free.

>> No.7554509
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They still get hungry hombre.

>> No.7554536


1. To touch lightly in passing; brush.

Also, this wasn't proof read, I just typed it out, I was inspired to expand the story though.

>> No.7554543

Are you blind?
>Her glistening wet tongue grazing over it is surface like a lolipop
>grazing over it is surface
>it is

>> No.7554549
File: 288 KB, 1280x720, [KSH]_Sengoku_Basara_Two_-_12_END_[720p][FE634BE6].mkv_000955454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not the same autist but I believe the emphasis was more on the "it is" than the grazing.

>Her glistening wet tongue grazing over it's surface like a lolipop

Like that.

>> No.7554551

Ignore his shitposting, it doesn't matter. The meaning is quite clear, and his ignorance isn't your responsibility, so don't concern yourself with it.

>> No.7554557


>Also, this wasn't proof read

Question is, are you blind?

Noone is out to get you, so please calm down a bit, I don't want to argue with you.

>> No.7554576

I wasn't pointing out how you're crap lacked proofreading, I was pointing out how you somehow completely managed to miss >>7553376's point.

>> No.7554597


Wait... You do know what proof reading is right?

Just in case you didn't, it's to fix spelling mistakes, the flow of a story, etc. I decided to write a story out of my own time for you guys, for the fuck of it. I then decide to write about 5 pages of story later. For the fuck of it.

I am also being extremely courteous to you, so hopefully this is a clue that you need to accept that both you and him are flying off the handle for no reason.

>> No.7554602

Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?

>> No.7554612
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Having a MANLY discussion on penises and colouring books.

>> No.7554615
File: 73 KB, 744x1340, 1305898079280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One or two bored /v/ users are shitposting about the guy who wrote the Tewi story. I'm just hoping he's not stupid enough to get pulled in by /v/-level shitposting. Pic related.

>> No.7554620

>proof reading
It's a compound word.
Heh. Your "courtesy" amounts to nothing but a thinly veiled "U MAD."
You ought to be thanking us on bended knee for doing the proofreading job for you.

>> No.7554638


If you say so, but i've already received constructive criticism from people who were much more helpful, and frankly, better than your posting level in every way. I have no reason to thank you, and all the reason to do the opposite.

Besides I already finished Chapter 1, and posted it for anyone who wants to take a look at it. You just continue doing what you do, finding fault in anyone and everyone to sooth your ego.

>> No.7554657

The /v/-tier arguing ruined my gun. I don't think it will fire now. Thanks for the story, regardless.

>> No.7554664

Seems to me like you're just touchy about your poor English, proofread or not.

>> No.7554669


The full story is here if you want it. I finished a page of it last night, based on impulse.


>> No.7554679


Well, more like touchy that I had to explain to people multiple times that it was draft, just so maybe someone could enjoy it. To be honest the only thing that annoys me is having to repeat myself constantly.

>> No.7554705

I never said it wasn't a draft.
The whole thing started because I couldn't believe you were so stupid as to think >>7553376 was criticizing your use of grazing.

>> No.7554711
File: 342 KB, 592x942, Bang39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Without electricity, all my life would consist of is reading, drinking, and working out.

That doesn't sound too bad actually.
Anime and manga aren't exactly productive and manual labor (followed by drinking and good eating after a hard day's work), surrounded by nature, sounds stupendous.

>> No.7554722


I did no know whether you mocked grazing (as in grazing fields) or the grammar mistake, or both. So in my reply I responded to both issues in the very say sentence, by giving you the definition I used for grazing, and explaining that I had not proofed the story.

It's not my fault you ignored half my post, then flipped out.

>> No.7554776


You know... it's only a problem when you keep talking about it.

>> No.7554808

I can't believe no one caught this

>> No.7554832

This is just an attention-grabbing ploy of his; don't mind it.

>no know
This must be on purpose.

Changing "it's" to "it is" is a fairly obvious alteration, especially in a situation where it's so obviously wrong, hence my incredulity that there could be any debate as to what error >>7553376 highlighted. I never once doubted that you didn't proofread, or that you suck at English, but I did wonder if you had some sort of disorder that prevented you from noticing the not-so-subtle change.

>> No.7554854


One that creates awkward, and sometimes bizarre typos? yes. I won't go into any detail because that's off topic. It's easily fixed when I skim through my stories and run conventional spelling checks.

>> No.7554875

But I was never really a NEET.

On a related note, do you think I could study to become a wizard once there?

>> No.7554881

I'm sure it's possible. The question is, will you become a little girl when you turn into a youkai?

>> No.7554905
File: 40 KB, 435x571, wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I'd rather not.
This is the kind of wizard I'd wish to be.

>> No.7555037
File: 61 KB, 500x500, 1299056788279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think your favourite Youkai would put up with your bullshit while you sit in your room all day long using up electricity?

Yes, if not I can be a boatman or whatever.

>> No.7555755
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Taskmaster Cirno gives no second chances - slack and you die.

>> No.7555766


>Implying I wouldn't be Yukari and Ran's personal sex slave.

>> No.7555784

That would be nice but seriously why would their want us as sex slaves? they can get peoplemore suited for that task

>> No.7555792



>> No.7555793

I don't know, it's all about devotion, and I'd be Yukari's happy love puppet.

>> No.7555869

But she sleeps 16-20 hours a day and hibernates during winter. Don't get your 'hopes' up.

>> No.7555879


And for 4 hours out of the day, for a 4th of the year she has the sex drive of 30 women. For the rest of the year you tend to Ran's needs.

>> No.7556203

Do you mind adding one more to that number? I'd like to come along, too.

>> No.7556246
File: 110 KB, 747x586, 1304064055264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Tewi, you so naughty

>> No.7556274

I'm not a hikki or a NEET right now, but I doubt they'd have much use for someone studying Biochem and Pharmaceuticals. So, I'd probably do manual labour. I suppose I'm strong enough. But I don't have a waifu.

I'd still do it for the adventure, though.

>> No.7556282

[x] Eirin's lab assistant

>> No.7556730
File: 497 KB, 1426x2000, 1309245464296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh Tewi, the Hershey's again?

>> No.7556737

ok the hare lip is a pretty fucking big turn off

>> No.7556739

That's actually cecal feces. They're a rabbit's favorite brown substance.

>> No.7556762
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>> No.7556770

That sounds pretty fun, actually. Now I'm sad that it will never happen.

>> No.7557704
File: 53 KB, 645x773, 1308313191010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm becoming one of you. Slowly. I'm a slow-motion train wreck. I see this picture and my thoughts explode - I really really need to go to Gensokyo. I would do anything for Tewi.

How do I escape this place.

>> No.7557734

>How do I escape this place.
You don't.

>> No.7559043


Question is, why would you want to?

>> No.7559085
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>> No.7559090

Don't worry! You'll reincarnate as some kind of lowly animal or ghost that is not even capable of basic thought for your animalistic and thoughtless desires.

>> No.7559096

Because Gensokyo is infinitely better than this shithole?

>> No.7559101

Would I go to Gensokyo, if it meant I had to chop would and farm and do hard labour everyday? Hell yes.

>> No.7559109

But then they'll be free from the torment that thought brings, they'll live their short life, then die.

Presumably they'll eventually reach littlegirl status.

>> No.7559116
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>> No.7559163
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How can you call the ENTIRE planet earth a "shithole" when you haven't even been everywhere?

I do not comprehend.

>> No.7560217
File: 453 KB, 1103x1600, touhou-patchykoa-006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's renouncing to a lifestyle, but you get to enjoy new aspects of life... I probably will get to be used as a sanitary and do the hard work, but goddamn, my Remilia-sama collection will grow constantly.
