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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 161 KB, 740x740, Vomit Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7551948 No.7551948 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ Hikkis, besides leeching how do you guys make money?

>> No.7551962

part time job. you should give it a try.

>> No.7551965

im a DJ for a local club

>> No.7551966

By using the philosopher stone to make vomit into gold!

op's pic related, madotsuki is a alchemist the whole time.

>> No.7551967

Fixing people's computers... But it happens rarely ;_;

>> No.7551969

I would respond but I find your choice of pic quite rude

>> No.7551971

I don't. As soon as my food supply runs out, I'm fucked.

>> No.7551972

I have a shitty online job. Gets me enough to support my hobbies.

>> No.7551975

So you do that over the internet?
That's pretty cool, I guess.

>> No.7551983


I'm tired of hearing about your personal problems. Just keep quiet from now on, capiche?

>> No.7551985

I for one find his depressing life very interesting.

>> No.7551988
File: 138 KB, 666x599, 66px-Uncyclo-tan_AttarkedByGift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put your last remaining bits of food on windowsill.

Catch and eat small animals that come by.

Use those bits to trap more and bigger animals.

Soon you will have netted a loli!


>> No.7551990

horse races

>> No.7551993

A cooking fire would be noticed, especially in the fire-paranoid desert.... I've been giving serious consideration to stealing a fishing pole and going fishing, though.

>> No.7551994

Go back to jail

>> No.7551996

no, i have to leave the house a few times a week, but im fine with it since its at night.

>> No.7551999

Who would eat a loli?

>> No.7552001

going fishing in the desert...

And don't you have a microwave for those birds? Why need a fire?

>> No.7552002

Well, looking at that user's name, it appears that a loli is being sought in some capacity or another...

>> No.7552003

I almost want to send you money. Why do I always feel the need to protect and take care of other /jp/sies?

>> No.7552010

I do have access to a microwave, but it's tiny. I can barely make a bowl of ramen in it, space-wise. I suppose if I butchered the animal up, I could just cook bits as-needed, but I'm also limited in refrigeration space.

Despite the fact I'm in the desert, we have mountain runoff rivers.

>> No.7552032

i only get money from birthdays and holidays. for the last 2.5 years, i've been saving up for a new computer. i'm up to $600, so i think i can get one soon.

>> No.7552045

Most of us are either

Dependent on a parent/relative
Receiving money from social security or a similar program
Living off of inheritance

though I have seen a few stories of people doing freelance programming or art type work online, and a few people talking about forex but personally I still think that's a scam.

>> No.7552065


I daydream all the time about living off an inheritance. That's got to be really rare though.

>> No.7552069

So you're going on a cactus diet soon?

>> No.7552072

I dunno, I've seen a few /jp/ers claiming to be doing so. I imagine that it's just the logical continuation of the first route, assuming you stick with it long enough, and your family is at least middle or upper/middle class. If they manage to pay off the house and leave you with a bit of savings before dying you should be okay for quite some time, if you live responsibly.

>> No.7552077

Why is desert fire paranoid? Is it because tumbleweeds become flaming balls of fiery death wreaking havoc across concentrated flammable structures, igniting yet more floating balls? Kind of like a runaway fission reaction.

>> No.7552078

My dad and my grandma let me clean their houses which adds up to about $260 a month. Then I have LOTS of credit cards, I get about $500 for christmas and $500 for birthday then I also clean my dads cars for about $40 a month then I guilt my mom into giving me about $40 a month because I remind her how much of a bitch she is. And occasionally I'll randomly get a job for like two months then quit. So that about takes care of the whole year for me.

>> No.7552086

My parents give me some money each month to spend on stupid shit. I don't know how else you would make money in such a position.

>> No.7552088

>I have LOTS of credit cards
This will end well.

>> No.7552094

I had LOTS of credit cards when I was in my first year of college (the year I wound up dropping out after, coincidentally enough, but I was a perfectly diligent student at the time) and now I have LOTS of debt ;_; I think my mom pays the minimums every months now, but I don't really pay a whole lot of attention to it.

>> No.7552105

sell body parts.

>> No.7552114

Shit like this makes me hope I'm never in a place where having a credit card is a viable option to survive. Let alone the ONLY option. Fuck that.

>> No.7552121

My mom has been in debt for over a year and she doesn't pay any of her bills. Debt collectors call every day and she just ignores them.

How will this end?

>> No.7552127

just don't let it happen, if in such a situation commit suicide before using credit cards with no way to pay back

>> No.7552130
File: 88 KB, 300x356, Untitled-1 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work two jobs;

Full-time as an IT specialist, mostly dealing with medical and government record archive management and document imaging. Today I was busy recreating a document (Photoshop) that had been soaked in blood at a murder scene; it contained financial data that needed to be recovered. After that was done I went to local Fortune 500 energy conglomerate to pick up some legal records to be scanned in, turned into PDFs, and added to a virtual library. Later this week I got to show a group of engineers how to operate a $12,000 blueprint scanner.

My other job is working part-time on weekends and evenings helping customers in the outside lawn and garden department at Lowe's.

I plan on quitting the part-time job in a month and going back to college part-time if I can fix my FASFA situation (there was some small loan I had through the state of New York I wasn't making payments on). And if classes go well this fall I plan on quitting my full-time job and going to school full-time (again). I might ask if I can do some weekend and evening work with my current employer.

With the little free time I do have, it's spent working on a visual novel with a few other /jp/.

>> No.7552147

If it's just credit cards I don't think they can do a whole lot. Her credit score will plummet, but that's about it. If it were a mortgage or car loan or something of course the consequences would be more immediate.

>> No.7552150

Bankruptcy -> Total liquidation of all assets -> Live in shelter -> drugs/booze -> DONOTWANT

>> No.7552151

I own a gun shop.

>> No.7552159
File: 272 KB, 715x1000, Siesta_410_by_Rosettesin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I owned a gunshop I'd spend all my time online just like you BOOF.

>> No.7552161

Do you fap to Touhous behind the counter while your customers ask you about cleaning kits?

>> No.7552162

You've seen Kaiji, haven't you?

>> No.7552164

They don't take your house if you declare bankruptcy though, and you can hang on to a few other things. Also it's not really that hard to hide other stuff you might need, or even cash if you're careful. Just have a trusted friend hang onto it for a while, no one will know. (Well, besides the cash, if you make a huge withdrawal right before declaring bankruptcy obviously that shit will look suspicious.)

>> No.7552167 [DELETED] 

I have a student allowance of about $100+ a week from my family and I plan on getting a job in the next week or two. I take it pretty easy, so I think I should be doing more.

>> No.7552165


I do what I gotta do to afford my touhous and arcueids and all that stuff.

>> No.7552172

Credit Rating -> zero
neighbor refuses to lend change for the payphone

>> No.7552201

I have guys running the shop, the only thing I do there is work on guns that need fixing. My job doesn't have any set hours, its just "work when you want as long as shit gets done" I usually head in around 6am, take an hour break at noon and head home at 3. This time of year (not hunting season) I hardly have any work, I usually stay at home for a few days out of the week and spend all day friday doing the few jobs that came in the days before.

Around hunting season I'm swamped, but most of the time I'm slacking off and reading VN's and watching anime in my cave in the back of the shop.

>> No.7552213

Nobody calls me back for a job,done every place in this town,no car,no exp,I dont know anybody. plus i kind of get really bad anxiety,panic attacks, and i guess depression,when i think about working.

>> No.7552221

How did you get a nice job like that,what made you start it?

>> No.7552228

Spending up all of my financial aid while I fail my classes. I don't know how long I can get away with this...

>> No.7552233
File: 41 KB, 450x450, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



did /jp/ really get this bad? it's like that /a/ thread where everyone talked about how they're hikikomori between school and work.

how fucking stupid are you normals replying to this thread talking about your jobs.

>> No.7552236

u jelly? >:3

>> No.7552238
File: 599 KB, 301x225, 1306687453515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda do this but by coming into large money in another way, say like winning the lottery.

I wish it would happen, I'd either stay here or get a decent apartment in a central location with low crime, with good services and stash the rest in a bank account and live off the steady interest.

Sometimes I get hard thinking of the freedom of mobility and travel that I would have with that kind of money, I'd be a modern day Edmond Dantes, minus the lengthy imprisonment of course.

>> No.7552239

Are you doing a two year degree? Im wasting my time and money... I mean i passed the first year but i feel like im never gonna amount to anything anyway.

>> No.7552240

Grants and federal aid, I'm actually not retarded so I qualified for them.

Little do they know I have zero ambition to do shit with my degree. I chose Biology as a joke to my AP Biology teacher and stuck with it because most classes just required reading the books and showing up for tests. Now I'm in the summer of my senior year with no fucking clue what I'm doing and my school card stopped working on the city bus so I think I may have been kicked out unless it's just deactivated because I took the summer off.

Also, forex. Profiting off Greece's demise right now.

>> No.7552244


>> No.7552246

I'm jobless. I live with my mom and use my left over grant money from school to buy stuff I need. I never buy anything.

I'm doomed to a life of poverty anyhow. I'm an English major. I would like to switch to something else, but I'm already only a year away from graduating. I also don't know if my financial aid would be able to carry me long enough to tack on another year and a half or so to my estimated graduation date

>> No.7552248

With your financial situation you've probably made about 12 bucks off of Forex so far. amirite

>> No.7552250

I used to get £30 a week from the government for food/books/etc. I never spent it for 2 years, so I have that in the bank.
When that runs out though, I'm fucked.

>> No.7552255
File: 61 KB, 405x600, 949e91064155bfd8ce7dba5769f88341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one ever calls you back for a job when it's low end entry positions. You need to call them back 2-3 days after dropping off your application/resume and ask to speak with the individual responsible for hiring. Ask them if they read your application/resume and if you can setup a time to meet with them.

The only two jobs I've even been contacted back without the need to follow up were both higher pay grade technical jobs (ie; my current job and another I had a few years ago)

All the low end food and retail jobs, they expect you to hound them.

>> No.7552262

Teach English in a foreign country.

>> No.7552264
File: 1.05 MB, 2048x1536, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started out as a gunsmith at a local shop, we where going under and I offered to pump some money into it in exchange for partial ownership. After a few years I implemented some changes that turned the place around and quadrupled the annual income of the shop, I used some of the money to buy a building in northern Minnesota and acquired my class 3 license.

Local law enforcement contracted with me because I was one of the few class 3 licensed gunsmiths in the state, that started a reputation and people wanted their guns worked on by the guy the cops use. I then hired 3 guys and moved to a bigger building further north to concentrate on commercial firearms as well as law enforcement.

I'm living the dream I had growing up, I have a shooting range in the basement.

>> No.7552265

This thread makes /jp/ seem like mostly ticking timebombs of fail. Poor otaku.

>> No.7552267

I do that, I always go to speak with the manger or call them but they dont give a shit or they say ill call you,which they dont.

>> No.7552270

I wish, I'm still climbing out of the 2 grand I blew when I first started. Fucking Goldman Sachs stealing my unearned money.

>> No.7552273

>Vomit Chan
>/jp/ Hikkis
>people seriously replying to the troll thread

>> No.7552285

Hey, you can have a job without leaving the house.

>> No.7552291

Hikki doesn't mean NEET. Who's the real dumbass here?

>> No.7552292

i always forget you live in minnesota. are you there now?

>> No.7552296

For now, yeah.

>> No.7552298
File: 206 KB, 800x800, sample-53365f0842d6363b21d42d2a6e0c5919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Northern Minnesota

It would only take me a few hours to drive there. I'll see you this weekend BOOF.

>> No.7552302

my brother-in-law is heavily into guns i wonder if he used your service ever? aren't you from florida or something though?

there is probably 3 people total browsing /jp/ from minnesota. maybe i'm being hopeful and it's only the two of us though.

>> No.7552317

I'm from Minnesota, however I live part of the year in Florida.

>> No.7552321

You, of course. There's only so much work you can do while not leaving your house and most people with jobs that posted here are certainly not hikkis.

>> No.7552323
File: 58 KB, 800x600, 1307857146699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a hacker paid under-the-table by a web design company. I do lots of coding on many platforms, but right now mainly web and iphone.

I mostly live like a hikki, hardly ever going out. Working on it, though. As other things start going better in my life, my desire to leave the house goes up.

But seriously, drugs, HD porn, and a solid fap-station (I own a butt plug, 3 dildos, and a cyberskin artificial vagina - along w/ tons of water-based lube), I pretty much only leave the house for food or to use the excercise bikes at the gym. Just sittin back makin money.

Life's good

>> No.7552325

I run woodcutting bots for Runescape and sell the accounts/gold to various sites.

>> No.7552329

My utmost apologies to OP for thoroughly derailing his thread.

>> No.7552331

So, now having a job = being a dumbass?.

Family business, some way similar to BOOF since I barely do something, different field.

We have two shops. One is take care by my parents, the other by me. I still live with my parents though. I don't have plans to move out.

>> No.7552332

>a butt plug, 3 dildos
sooooooo you're a ... girl... right?

>> No.7552338

What use would a girl have for an artificial vagina?

>> No.7552341


>> No.7552359

Yes, get out of /jp/.

>> No.7552369

I don't.

I have some money left from my student loan before I dropped out due to typical /jp/ mental health problems and no allowance or income of any sort to counter what's going out.

I'm almost tempted to get a part time job, but then I go to sleep and forget I'm hungry.

>> No.7552370

if you're leaving your house/room for work or school you aren't a hikikomori. it doesn't matter how you only leave for once every month or whatever. you aren't a hikki.


>> No.7552384 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 300x400, 1309207551318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nope, just a bi-curious dude who enjoys jacking off with large cock-like objects stimulating my prostate and while sucking on a cock (gotta admit, seems good man). I also wear girl's panties (thongs) and a cockring when I do this. I rig up the vagina on a desktable to be stable/not-move, equip my gear, turn on my pr0ns playlist, and pound that shit like its my future waifu. Smoking tons of weed before beginning's a good idea too. I've done this on MDMA as well, and that was the best fucking thing ever.

Fap of the Gods, nigga

>> No.7552388

>Hikikomori (ひきこもり or 引き籠もり Hikikomori?, literally "pulling away, being confined", i.e., "acute social withdrawal") is a Japanese term to refer to the phenomenon of reclusive people who have chosen to withdraw from social life, often seeking extreme degrees of isolation and confinement because of various personal and social factors in their lives.

>While many people feel the pressures of the outside world, hikikomori react by complete social withdrawal. In some cases, they lock themselves in their room, apartment or house for prolonged periods, sometimes measured in years. They usually have few, if any, friends. While hikikomori favor indoor activities, some venture outdoors on occasion.

>> No.7552389

Why do people think NEET is a viable status that can sustain itself? That's why everyone calls it a social problem, you know, it's a dead end.

>> No.7552396


They don't. Hyping the NEET life's just for fun. It is pretty fucking awesome, but I'm sure some are aware of how detrimental to society that way of life is.

>> No.7552402
File: 20 KB, 582x329, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when they say venturing out they don't mean to work or school you fucking tool. it's to get food, mail, and similar stuff.

>withdraw from society
>continue going to school and work
you're too early to be posting on /jp/

>> No.7552410

>Dead end
So is the rest of life. If I was capable of working I would, it's hardly a life of luxury.

>> No.7552411

Almost everyone from 2008 now has some kind of social life/work.
At least I do. I don't want to but there's no other way. When you get older people don't tolerate your shit anymore.

inb4 shitposter et cetera.
on my years in /jp/ I've only made 3 threads.

>> No.7552418

>work at home
You make me sick. The devs get all the props and all the privileges, and us QA who make sure your shit works inevitably get shat on. We don't get to work from home, we work long hours, and we know the software better from an end-user standpoint than the devs. We understand the front end and the back end. We spend WEEKS doing the same shit over again to make sure there's no memory leaks. We build rows upon rows of machines with different configurations so we can replicate user experience in the wild.

And we get paid shit, and blamed for every tiny error that crops up.

>> No.7552448

>almost everyone
yes, that's true. the point of being a hikikomori is you aren't apart of that almost everyone. talking with people on /jp/ isn't defined as having a social life, and even if you're some internet social butterfly most people wouldn't recognize that as a social life either.

i don't know what you mean by get older since /jp/ isn't filled with kids. what's the difference between 25 and 30? as you get older people get less social.

>> No.7552456

As you get older people won't pay for your expenses.

>> No.7552522

I inherited an apartment building,l just rent that shit to a lot of people and I don't have work, l have to keep that shit working and sometimes resolve quarrels but usually it's pretty easy.

>> No.7552525
File: 21 KB, 490x279, tumblr_ljw4kwA0Uc1qgxhb9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never thought I'd get to say it, but you jelly

Go to a university, enroll in a CS program, and get an undergrad position in the department. You'll have plenty of respect and get to build tons of useless, broken shit and get paid for it!

That was my last super-awesome job before dropping out of school & going unemployed for 2 years. I was picked up off a conversation in a bar to dev iphone apps, but ended up doing PHP, linux, Javascript, JQuery, Wordpress, Zencart...among other things, and knew them far better than their dedicated in-house team.

You're in QA because you suck, qq

>> No.7552561

you realize social security exists? most of the hikikomori are privileged, on government money, shut-ins who never leave and work from home, and/or about to be homeless or taking a bleach portal.

it's /a/ that's 18 year old "hikikomori", not /jp/.

>> No.7552563

I work in shitty factories for meager pay until I have enough money saved up to live on for a few months. After I run out of cash the process repeats.

Yes it is soul crushing work, but I don't have any other options. Not that I call myself a hikki.

>> No.7552577

>CS program
Never. I am first and foremost a language major.
All my tech background is school of hard knocks, and so it shall remain.
I can break software like no one's business. I have a hard time playing video games now because I inevitably break them.
Not really jelly, just immensely frustrated. Instead of jumping from Software Test Engineer to dev, I'll take a side route and become an SDET. That way I can stay true to my QA roots AND get out from under the thumb of the devs.

>> No.7552603


>> No.7552609

I wish I was. Just another penniless NEET here.

>> No.7552615

Well that's fine, but don't bitch because someone has a better job than you.

>> No.7552618

I've considered getting it numerous times myself, but I always worry it will just get cut off anyway, and I live just fine off my parents, so I haven't bothered.

>> No.7552620

I've got nothing but time on my hands, OF COURSE I'm going to bitch.

>> No.7552625

If you have all that time, why not get some food?

>> No.7552632
File: 16 KB, 442x526, sadkeanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work part-time as a customer service clerk at a local grocery store

>> No.7552635

Store's closed. Besides, 35 cents doesn't go very far.

>> No.7552638

ITT: Yeah I'm a NEET between my two part-time jobs, university and parties (i guess u could call me a hiki when i'm not with my gf...xD)

>> No.7552640

You could probably get a line of credit. Just speak some computer stuff and convince the proprietor you got money on the way.

>> No.7552644

My family owns a screen printing business. It took about a day to learn how to use the software for this business with the help of my uncle of course.

Whenever I have work it takes an hour or two to finish a logo(tracing and color seperating, that's it). Pay is ridiculous for what I'm doing.

I'm not doing this anymore though as I don't feel like it. Maybe when I need money.

>> No.7552645
File: 385 KB, 320x240, 3b655c98fa075267f6cfd3d04d61cdb5ab5ea9b6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you at least have someone to warm your bed at night, forsaken one.

>> No.7552649

>i guess u could call me a hiki
I have some bad news for you.

>> No.7552651

And then what? I'm already in debt up to my eyeballs, and I'm in a podunk town where every body knows everybody else. People know where to find me.

>> No.7552655

Do cats count?

>> No.7552669

I only get money from birthdays and at Christmas. I only have £20 in my account.

>> No.7552671

You bed your cat?

>> No.7552673

Seriously, as long as you know how to watch for dangers and potential hazzards, and know how to deal with emergency procedures when shit hits the fan, you can literally just walk around the pool for a good few hours and get $20 hour for it.

However, instructing on the other hand, is a very different story.

>> No.7552674

selling tf2 hats

>> No.7552677

A cat isn't fine too? I've been lied to.

>> No.7552678

If you were truly a hikki, wouldn't nobody know you?

Ahh the benefits of alone.

>> No.7552682

My Hikki days are behind me right now. Hard to lock yourself in a room when you have nowhere to live.

>> No.7552683

>Replying to an 'ITT:' post that's dripping with so much sarcasm it's embarassing

I have some for you too friend.

>> No.7552691

I'm actually sort of interested.
Out of curiosity, how much does a
Big Kill
V.Ze Googles
V.Proc mask
V.Hound Dog
go for anyways, in terms of cash value.

>> No.7552693

Okay, I'll give you mine first:

It turns out that you're probably not a hikikomori by any stretch of the definition.

Your turn.

>> No.7552695

>gawk at girls from behind sunglasses
>fap under magazine in lap
>life is fulfilled

>> No.7552696

Don't be too cruel to the resident autists, they can't help their condition.

>> No.7552699

Not him, but goddamn
Does it not compute to you that he's mocking the posters in this thread calling themselves NEETs with jobs or hikkis who do social shit?

>> No.7552700

how is that resident behavior? he's hopefully just very tired/out of it and completely misread what was said.

>> No.7552702
File: 242 KB, 1920x1080, [Elysium]To.Aru.Kagaku.no.Railgun.EP03(BD.1080p.FLAC)[D84FCEBF].mkv_snapshot_12.36_[2011.05.29_20.30.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, wow. You really are autistic.

>> No.7552704

He's still wrong. If I said, "ITT: People with three hands," you could point out that nobody has three hands, so I did something wrong.

>> No.7552706

I actually do the same job, Instructing made me realize that IRL lolis can be total bitches too.

>> No.7552708

freefag here
we should go to >>>/v/

>> No.7552713
File: 81 KB, 559x644, shibasaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in IT and make a comfortable salary.

Do not fucking work in IT. It seems cool at first, but you will come to hate it (and no, I don't work in first-line client support or call center work). If I had a chance to become a librarian, I would do it in a heartbeat.

>> No.7552718

I'm pretty sure he's either autistic or trolling.

>> No.7552719

Or both.

>> No.7552721

Oh, you think I'm the person that made that post? I guess I have even more news.

a) I'm not the person you had news for
b) I think I might be, it's been years since I left the house, I don't even need to leave for groceries
c) I don't think the person you had news for was serious!

>> No.7552722

it cannot be
lolis are the purest angels of love
it was just a petite cumdumpster do not disparage holy lolis

>> No.7552723

>a) I'm not the person you had news for
Please pass the news along to the correct Anonymous when you see him.

>b) I think I might be, it's been years since I left the house, I don't even need to leave for groceries
Then you shouldn't be posting in this thread, as in this thread, only people who hold down jobs, attend university, go to parties, and have girlfriends are allowed.

>c) I don't think the person you had news for was serious!
Just in case.

>> No.7552724
File: 20 KB, 185x183, 1268783226197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, that special brand of /b/ trolling where the aim isn't to anger or ridicule anyone, but just to make yourself look like an idiot - damn, he got me! Totally convinced.

>> No.7552728

I'm highly offended that you don't think I was trying to make people angry.

In fact, you are probably mad right now.

At least I hope you are, or else I have failed.

>> No.7552730

> where the aim isn't to anger or ridicule anyone, but just to make yourself look like an idiot
It's quite a curious way to "troll" isn't it?

>> No.7552738

That's not nice. I'm half-inclined to suspect that you two are trying to troll me right now. The nerve!

I am positively aghast that the tables have been turned on me.

My frustration rises with every passing minute. I've really got quite the bee in my bonnet now.

>> No.7552742

And now I've been thrown into an unfathomable rage. Curse you and your 'umad' retort, God I'm so angry I can't even take it easy anymore.

You win anon, I thought you were just some /b/level idiot, but you outfoxed me with your cunning ways!

>> No.7552761

Indeed, I knew that deep down inside your seething rage was only barely repressed. As soon as you saw my post, something snapped and you started literally frothing at the mouth.

I graciously accept your utter capitulation. Let the record show that this was a total victory on all accounts. Here ever after, this day will be known as 6-30-2011: The day that /b/ OWNED /jp/.

Mark your calendar, kids.

>> No.7552778

Some lolis.
Will will genuinely be an ass to you since you're a guy. Like, I'm generally good with working with children, but some just refuse to have a male instructor. Obviously they will have a different instructor for the next lesson, but they make that 30 minutes hell. They pretty much fuck with your lesson plan, and the plans of all the other students.
Not to mention they kick you too.

>> No.7552785

you're explaining what colors look like to a blind person with autism. don't even do it, dude. don't even fuck this up, man.

>> No.7552787
File: 34 KB, 720x472, Getter Robo G - 26.mkv_snapshot_22.07_[2011.06.12_23.39.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7552799

Not even.
Like I will have this totally legit 30 minute lesson plan with took a good 20 minutes the night before to plan out to fit skill levels, and for assessment criteria.
And one lolibitch comes and pretty much shits on the entire class because she feels that she is more important than everyone and "doesn't want to listen to guy teachers". Totally ruins majority of the lesson with her attitude. And not to mention, I get in shit from the other children parents for wasting part of their money too. Seriously, even with the disciplinary steps, it's like she just wants to annoy the fuck out of me. Which she successfully did.

Whilst cases like this are rare, I just had a girl exactly like this this morning, hence the rage.

>> No.7552815
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, capture_24062011_220339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every girl is a tsundere. Some just with a little to no dere.

>> No.7552817

>And one lolibitch comes and pretty much shits on the entire class because she feels that she is more important than everyone and "doesn't want to listen to guy teachers".
>Not to mention they kick you too.
>Seriously, even with the disciplinary steps, it's like she just wants to annoy the fuck out of me.

Try to picture this in 2D form and tell me she doesn't sound like your typical tsundere, maybe with a hint of ojou-sama. You're living the dream, bro.

>> No.7552825

Except for that damn extra dimension, anyway.

>> No.7552836


The funniest part is that the character she's talking about is exactly like her.

>> No.7552842

>You're living the dream

What about those of us who dislike that terrible archetype quite a bit? There are quite a few of us, you know.

>> No.7552849

You see, i'd tolerate it more or less if she was actually tsundere.
But she really, as >>7552815 's image describes, has no dere.

I think there is a distinctive line between tsun and boarderline abuse. Usually I can deal with kids and demanding needs, but today really pushed the limit.

To say the least, I'm getting paid well at this facility since I do have more seniority than half of the other guard/instructors. If not, I would have taken the job at the other rec center about 15 mins further out, in the rural area of my city.

>> No.7552855

I keep picturing instructor anon's swimming class as the lolis from Lotte de omocha

>> No.7552856

Any who, I need to call it quits on the internet for now, I just got to finish one last lesson plan. There is this one kid in one of my private lessons whom loves star wars, and now I gotta make a star wars themed lesson plan which incorporates the swimming performance criteria for his level.

I wish a good night to those whom are still within this thread.

>> No.7552862


>> No.7552863

Holy fuck, you sound awesome.

>> No.7552876
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Ore_no_Imouto_ga_Konna_ni_Kawaii_Wake_ga_Nai_03_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[0A3F633B].mkv_snapshot_05.50_[2011.06.22_13.32.31].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, maybe I also should try to find a job with kids. Is it even possible for random /jp/edo?

>> No.7552894
File: 469 KB, 1120x1000, 10820040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in a <pic related>.

I work as an event director and advertising for a maid cafe.
Socializing with people is a hassle but its my job.

>> No.7552925

I sell blood and donate sperm, twice a week for each of them at separate clinics. I'm contract-bound to keep selling sperm but just that is enough to support living if you're really frugal.

>> No.7552948
File: 40 KB, 300x400, ichi - 体格差カップルS娘.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm contract-bound to keep selling sperm
If you don't fulfill the contract do the send a nurse to take it by force?

>> No.7552952

Started university 3 days ago in hopes of getting a decent way out of the NEET lifestyle, and it's horrible. I'm currently skipping class and hiding in the bathroom with my laptop.

I hate being around so many people all the time, and I was told straight out that this probably wasn't the course for me if I wasn't good at working with other people. The workload is already beyond my area of comfort, and the teacher assured us that it's only going to get worse. And though I was hoping I would find something interesting in the subjects, looking at them after realizing I'll be stuck here every weekday for 3 years is crushing.

Help me, /jp/. I really don't know what to do anymore. I've wanted to just quit since day 2, but this is kinda my last chance to ever get a job with decent pay where I'm not treated as a slave.

>> No.7552953

>3 days
Seems like you still have time to switch courses.

>> No.7552958

There's nothing I want to switch to, and even if there was, I would probably be experiencing the exact same problems.

>> No.7552967

I know that feel. If I had a solution I probably wouldn't be posting here. Sorry.

>> No.7552985
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>> No.7553001
File: 54 KB, 476x355, 1281412452293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started another job over a week ago, in hopes I could finally stick to it and make money to do things and live on my own.

I nearly started crying halfway into my shift, ran out, and haven't been back since. I've been shut up in my room since then, back the way I like it. My parents finally confronted me yesterday, and they're wanting to talk to me about it later today.

I think this might be the end of me, this happens every couple of months and I think they're going to kick me out. I'm so nervous and scared, I just want to sleep, and wander around at night. I haven't decided how, but today is probably going to be the day I kill myself, and even if I fail, they put you in those special rooms right? Where I can just be by myself, being fed and warm, and sleep? That might not be so bad either..

>> No.7553024

I manage Hello Kitty Online for shit pay.

Am I hikki if the only places I go to are the office, my home, and the stores?

Also, Boof you're not a Hikki.

>> No.7553039

I used to be a nikki, lived as an indoor trap.
Then the government conscripted me. I failed the physicals for regular military service so they put me in alternative service. I now work at a school around 200km away from home making around 200USD a month. I've been eating at 7-11 for all three of my meals for the last half an year. I have 150 days left before my service term is up. They also force me to cut my hair every fucking 25 days. Could you imagine someone who used to have hair down the the hips wearing frilly clothes, now forced to live in a shitty closet 200km from home making 200bux a month eating at 7-11 and having really short hair?

>> No.7553048

Jesus what shitty country do you live in that they still took you after failing their physicals?

>> No.7553069


>> No.7553144


>> No.7553190

>Not british colony

>> No.7553866

A loli kicked you with her foot.

Are you seriously complaining. I would have had to turn away from any viewers for a good 30 seconds after that or be fired (or face a giant spontaneous orgy on the spot), just from that.

>> No.7554969

Have you by any chance seen 今、僕は?
