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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7627590 No.7627590 [Reply] [Original]

How would you feel about making a /jp/ village? Anyone up for it?


>> No.7627597

Can I build a shrine so I can get donations?

>> No.7627598



>> No.7627601

Isn't this a game dominated by high-level Russian NEETs? Even if we participate how do you suppose we can compete?

>> No.7627604

If I wanted to play an MMO to sink hours of my life in just to have it all washed away with server resets and permadeath that occurs whenever a Russian thinks you looked at him wrong, I'd go get a job instead.

>> No.7627609

What a shitty thread

>> No.7627610

A Russian gave me a couple of deer carcasses and told me to bugger off, I guess I met him on a good day.

and I'd be kind of up to that, sounds neat

>> No.7627611

i don't like games where humantrash can be humantrash full force online

>> No.7627612
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Oh. Actually this site really has /portal/ in it.

But still it's bad thread.

>> No.7627616

You guys are really bitter about it, why all the hate?

>> No.7627628

Be the better NEET.

>> No.7627639

Come on guys, it's not like you have better things to do.

>> No.7627640

I don't know how it'd work on village scale, but me and 2 other people were able to keep away from trouble near an isolated lake and cave for about a month until a wipe came along

>> No.7627641

So where is this /jp/ village?

>> No.7627642

But I have a    .

>> No.7627645

What do you mean 'a wipe'? Someone came and pillage your village?

>> No.7627647

He said make one, I imagine if enough were interested he'd just set a hearth secret for people to set up with

>> No.7627650

No, the game is still in developement, so when they make major changes they'll do a complete reset of the world, including your character.

>> No.7627656


H&H is hosted on a spare computer in a Scandinavian's bedroom. It's always one spilled pint away from a catastrophic crash.

>> No.7627661 [DELETED] 

Alright, you can count me in.

>> No.7627693

when I was in Wayneville, we used skype to keep in touch
are we going to use an irc channel or somesuch?
can we stream Miku music?

>> No.7627705

Its got its own chat, I fail to see the point

>> No.7627718
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Are we doing this or should I just go back to playing Borderlands to pass the time until fate forces me back out into the real world in order to get money.

>> No.7627727

I just found out about the game and wanted to ask if /jp/ was interested.

It looks like there are experienced players here that is far better suit to set things up for us than me.

>> No.7627731


Someone should at least create a character and hearth secret and post it here for people to join in to

>> No.7627740

I haven't played HnH since they revamped the XP system and wiped, what's been done since then?

>> No.7627766

Nothing's gonna happen if no one steps up to start, I don't know shit about the game past that its permadeath and Russians everywhere so I doubt I would do any good.

>> No.7627769

I would if I knew who the hell you guys are.
I'm not joining just to play with some random /v/ or /a/ people.

>> No.7627772

What are you going to lose by trying?

>> No.7627773

If you set up some sort of meeting place I'm interested in checking it out, I don't feel like walking around alone in there.

>> No.7627778

I'll probably join in to for an hour or two.

I'd start a location, but I'm not familiar with any updates and even less familiar with what constitutes a good start location.

>> No.7627786
File: 481 KB, 800x600, 1310855442909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played this for a few days when it first went public. It really made me reflect on how much I don't know about making the basics in life. I went right to Wikipedia and read up on how to make bread and leather.

Who knew you had to boil the stuff in piss and brains?

I'll play with you OP, I'll ask if some of the people from #hotglue would like to join in. We're all pretty bored right now, waiting warmly for Rusty Hearts next week.

>> No.7627787

Well, I'll be scanning the thread for a while and see if anything takes off.

>> No.7627796

Please don't, I'm sure it'd be better with more people but some of us really don't want to deal with the /v/ hybrids if they don't know how to carry themselves

>> No.7627806
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Funny. Because that's exactly what we think about most of you.

>> No.7627814

Well then we're going to have trouble if one side decides to fuck with the other.

Really I'm not personally opposed to it, but if there's any bad relations, it won't work in the end, because inevitably someone will fuck everything up just for the sake of trolling

assuming anymore than 3 people play past a week

>> No.7627811

Well then, everyone is on the same page here, no need to bother each other.

>> No.7627816

whats this game about? The art looks nice

>> No.7627827

Nobody likes you. Isn't it sad?

>> No.7627830

You being sarcastic or ZUN-eyed.

Its survival or something like that, you get plopped in a random location in a fairly huge world, and you try to survive and build up more or less. If you get killed, your character is gone, you can create a new character and inheret some of the previous characters skills depending on a few things.

>> No.7627882
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Places me on a mountain, great start

Trudging 5 minutes north of said mountain brings me to a pine forest with a lake and a river I can see the mouth of. There's a couple of runestones lined up with "X was here" and a few logs laying about but that's it.

below the said mountain there is a deciduous forest with some more logs, a skeleton and a runestone with what I think is Korean on it.

That's about what I explored, this is a new area for me so I have no clue of the surroundings, would anyone care for me to set a hearth secret for it? I'll only be on half an hour myself before I have some computer maintenance to do for someone, up to you guys. If someone has a better plan then state it.

>> No.7627949

All fine and good then. Just wanted to mention it for anyone interested. I guess I'll check back on this thread later to see if anyone set anything up.

>> No.7628227

I don't really get this game.

>> No.7628527

After helplessly walking around for a long time, I'm finally getting the hang of this game. Yes, I'd be interested in having a /jp/ village. Going to sleep now though, it's 4:30 AM.

>> No.7628581

I got bored of this game once I realized that there was more grinding in it than oldschool maple story.

Which really sucked for the /tg/ village I was a part of because my zone-thing (the name eludes me) was right in the middle to keep people out of the stockpiles.

>> No.7628834

After reading up on this some more this might be pretty cool to mess around with, provided that I don't immediately run into angry Russians or something.

>> No.7628852

Part of it is that the world is quite large, so unless you travel a lot, you really don't run in to many people, and most times its just sailing past them in a boat on the river.

Also; If we all start out fresh, its actually going to be a decent while before any of us have to worry about another of us making too much mischief, with the XP system now, grinding is well-nigh impossible save for combat hunting (IE: not rabbits), and the skills required to commit crimes are quite up their in XP.

As such, its also difficult to reach the XP to start making a settlement you can feel comfortable with, so for about a week or more, you have to live with the concern of logging in one day to find your character gone or someone else's and their skeleton is placed in front of your door to completely block you from getting out.

HnH can be quite brutal, but its all really dependent on where you end up mostly. Its a toss-up between resource-rich regions or day-to-day security

>> No.7628878

Mind sharing a few experiences to give some of us uninitiated an idea of just how bad it is?

Not just him, anyone who's got anything to share is encouraged to say.

>> No.7628890

I remember studying cone cows to get the xp needed in order to work on a small settlement with a friend. As in some, I mean a lot of cone cows.

>> No.7628906

Poor NEET here, is this free...

>> No.7628922

Yes anon.

btw, anyone has any clue on how to play this from behind blocked ports?
I'm actually trying with "Yur Freedom" but no results.

>> No.7628923

Yes, it's free.

>> No.7628937

I think I got tendinitis in my wrist from this game. Building houses 4 minutes from the closest river and 3 screens into a jungle takes forever. Once I finished up my fortress of seclusion, though, I realized there's not really any point. That's true of everything I do, but for H&H it just seems to stand out even more.

>> No.7628944
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I just made my first character and I spawned in the wilderness near someone's settlement. Walked around a bit collecting apples and branches until I found a small clearing in a forest and built a fire.

What would constitute as a good site for my first shelter?

>> No.7628951

First and foremost, its not for the impatient, things take a long time to get going, and even more so with the XP system

The old XP system was the regular grind type, do this action; get some XP for it. Now they only give XP for the FIRST time you do a said action. Meaning you can't just start out grinding wicker baskets for 2 days and be able to do thieving right a way.

It also means you'll get a chunk of XP for EVERY thing to you the first time, even amusingly enough taking and putting your pants and shirt.

Anyways that's just basic mechanics.

Last time I played, I was with two other people, previous to my joining them, when they just started, they had not ben 2 days end and in their first house before one logs on, finds out the other had been killed, and their corpse layed in front of the door, effectively permanently blocking him inside his own house.

Turns out that had been a dangerous area, something about a territorial dispute between a Russians and Polish village.

Its not really hard to find a relatively safe place, optimally its near a lake/river, but just outside of draw range so your settlement isn't spotted by a passerby, who will almost positively try and come in to pillage.

Resources are also very sought after, any and all. Before the wipe, if you found a cave or clay deposit of decent quality or size, that was justification enough to set up a new character and build a palisade around. I hear caves are more frequent now so maybe that's less of an issue

in short, try not to build near other people.

Yeah, the new way to grind is to find/craft "curiosities" which you place in some grid and let them cycle to give some XP, that's always a pain.

>> No.7628962

Pine forests tend to be good starting areas, try to be within a couple minutes walk from a river or something, avoid settlements and assume their intentions are hostile, there are still kind people too of course, save maybe Russians apparently.

>> No.7628982


Has anyone decided to designate an area for us to start, or is this just not going to go anywhere?

Apologies if someone really is working on a location and just hasn't said anything.

>> No.7629001

I'm just wandering around looking for a water source or something.

>> No.7629010

This game will show you that Russians are often worse than BRs.

At least BRs tend to be terrible at games and are children. These RUS dudes are like fucking gangsters.

>> No.7629012
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Found a lake, but there's a fuckhuge settlement next to it. Hightailing it out of there....AAAAND I JUST GOT ONESHOTTED BY A FUCKING BOAR.

>> No.7629019 [DELETED] 

Ever played Fallout Online, Russian servers? I played with /v/ and it was kill on sight if they didnt speak English. They're too big a threat to be ignored.

>> No.7629023

I tried but this game is too hard for me.

>> No.7629021

Are we playing with #hotglue or making a village independent of them.

>> No.7629027

Tends to happen, avoid going out a night, and above all, I know its cheap but go get Ender's custom client, its got options to make trees and whatnot transparent so you don't see a boar or a bear hiding behind one and only notice it as it comes charging at you.

I had found a water source, but its a lake, river, in a pine forest with a deciduous forest nearby, it seems pretty optimal, but that makes me uneasy to an extent, the lake also seems a bit devoid of fish, but I havent seen all of it.

Its also disappointing that they cut down the starter items even further, before they at least gave you a dream to relocate your hearthfire, but now you've actually do some work to level up foraging to find string to make a dreamcatcher.

>> No.7629035

I never played FO, but I followed plenty of the threads. It sounded like it was a pain in the ass, but if I remember correctly /v/ eventually got the upper hand against those bastards.

Russians were a pain in Eve Online too, but I never had too much interaction with them because I spent most of my days cowering in highsec doing level 4s all day like the pussy I was.

>> No.7629055

Alright guys, rule number fucking one of making villages, NEVER build near a river. If you can build 3 screens or more AWAY from villages, rivers, dwellings, or whatever if possible.

I'm not sure what they did with the mine system but they used to be rare as fuck and fought over by the wild russian tribals. Contrary to popular belief russians are actually the hunted ones that are feared by a majority of the community and never trusted so they are defensive in turn. They are not all homicidal. But they generally don't take shit from you and if you're threatening, or you look like a nice bit of LP gain without challenge they might end you. Every action has a consequence though and with the Ranger skill you can find people who murdered another and track them across the world. If you access their hearthfire you can KILL them when they're offline. Generally they are protected by walls, walls are hard as fuck to destroy at first. So murder isn't always wise because it can lead people to your home. Thievery is the same way. Unless you're a wanderer without a Hearth Fire anyways, which is dangerous because a HF can save your ass.
Long story short, this game is pretty amazing but there's a huge learning curve. HOURS, DAYS, or even MONTHS of hard work can be lost within an instant. But depending on your choices you can reincarnate with some of your learning points back. There's also an offering to your ancestors to gain all of your previous characters fighting ability for a day. It's hard to obtain, though.

Long rant, etc, etc but are we doing this?

>> No.7629061

Am I the only one who's had okay experiences with Russians?

In HnH, only russians I ever met showed me to a red-clay deposit he no longer used, and another pretty much payed me in deer corpses (rather valuable) to go run off from his land.

and in EVE, a Russian though part of a corp, regularly silently let me salvage his various missions, I made quite a bit off of him.

>> No.7629068

I dont get this game at all. I just saw a guy on a boat by the river and he stopped, I said hi and somehow I took a container from him.
Then he stopped and took it back and left.
I keep thinking I could have been killed at the spot.

>> No.7629071

I'd be up for it.

>> No.7629081

Yeah, I played that for a while. with /v/ as well. Going to the right board for games, what a bizarre concept!

This game is like a hard-mode UO, really. At least you turn into a ghost in UO, and your houses are somewhat safe.

>> No.7629083

Sounds fun, just how do I use the Ender client? I downloaded it and nothing in it runs so I'm guessing I put it in some folder. This is where I'm lost since the thread for it said nothing about installing.

>> No.7629084

If you didn't care to read my wall of text above, it actually takes quite a while before you're even allowed to hurt someone, first its tresspass, then Rage which allows you to initiate unconsented combat, and even then you still need the huge LP pool to enable murder.

By the time someone has that much going for them, they're cautious about encounters anyways, since one bad move and they lose all of that work

There are still people who do just rove about killing people randomly, but not too many.

The game is meant to be the sort you have to worry about constantly, one of the devs even outwardly expresses his dislike of people who try to stay far away from other settlements and avoid all conflict (carebears, i suppose).

>> No.7629090

Deer are easy as hell to hunt later. You simply abuse pathfinding AI, Boats, and the Marksmanship skill. You kill deers after foxes and boars. I was able to kill bears with roughly 60 marksmanship skill and a quality 20 bow. I made arrows from all the boars bones so my arrows were high quality.

>> No.7629091

Mind, you need to get the correct version for your version of java, 32 and 64-bit, etc

and you use the run.bat to run it.

>> No.7629099

>easy as hell to hunt later.

but for quite a while you're going to have problems even with fox, so that's a bit of a ways off for someone who hadn't even gotten past a few mined bars of copper before the wipe.

>> No.7629101

You absolutely need a modified client with hotkeys to be proficient in pvp.

>> No.7629105

Listen, two people with 20-40 MM and a decent bow can kill deer. They have low hp but they have a HEAL ability. You simply need to isolate one from the rest of the herd as they heal each other. You also need to abuse boat mechanics. That little MM is VERY easy to obtain.

>> No.7629122

So from the way things kind of look, if we are to set up a village, that means each of us would have tasks and roles that we would build our character around, right?

and Voile, just set up a meet point or something, you've been the only one to mention finding anything so far, maybe other experienced players can look at it and give their own opinions on the area.

>> No.7629129

Well I wasn't the combat-oriented one of the group, so I know next to nill on the mechanics and nuances.

Fine, let me log back in, figure out how to direct you guys to the area I'm talking about and set a hearth secret

>> No.7629131

There's a modified client that maps areas for you in HTML format. There's also a global map you can check to find dwellers around you.The key is clearing an area and ensuring your area is relatively secure, or any villages within 10 screens aren't hostile.

>> No.7629134

Why are you guys going to play a game where survival is even more difficult than it would be in the wild?

Deer don't heal each other in the wild.

You don't have to grind experience to wield a pickaxe.

This sounds as monotonous as survival... except made artificially more difficult. This is truly the most autistic thing I've ever heard of.

>> No.7629140

I'm up for joining any of you. In game name is Sappi. Just started playing

>> No.7629148

Because of the lack of fear in a virtual world, permadeath with a time investment is the best way to make people actually be concerned about the actions of their characters as they actually carry consequences.

>> No.7629158
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Ah, I'm not so sure, of course the area I'm talking about is across the mountains from there and they may not be hostile, but we're potentially sharing a lake there.

>> No.7629161

You all may have to remake characters when a hearth secret is created in a potential village location as that is the way you spawn together. Alternatively you may have to travel for a few hours in real time to get to the same area. You can decide what's more time efficient for you.

>> No.7629163

We've already had that. It was called Hardcore Mode.

It made you hate everything, and you lived in permanent fear of certain random modifiers.

>> No.7629185

Well for anyone interested in checking the region I'm looking at, the hearth secret is TesuTo56

as for getting there, you'll spawn on the right edge of mountain terrain, either navigate under the mountain or wind through going left until you see a lake, the area above that seems kind of good, I haven't checked for people beyond >>7629158

>> No.7629189

You're arguing something relative to the individual. Then again you're using that tripcode. I reformatted so I need to redo my filter list, thanks.

>> No.7629195

Spawning there is fine as you can all caravan supplies later via boat to another location.

>> No.7629206

Its near a lake with a river going out of it, don't know how far the river goes though.

I also found string and was able to make a dreamcatcher, I'll see about relocating my hearthfire in 15 minutes or so to the location in question so no one has to waste 5 minutes getting to it with my crap directions

>> No.7629231

How petty. I was making specific points.

Oh well, using a filter is tier 1 idiocy, anyway.

>> No.7629233

We should party up so we can see where the others are.

>> No.7629243

Was meaning to do that when you passed by, but I was too busy watching my dreamcatcher.

>> No.7629257

Okay, relocated my hearthfire to the area i speak of, hearth secret is still the same.

>> No.7629262

I am with another /jp/er near a dream catcher. They are the only other soul around.

>> No.7629302

Went around the area, north of the lake right? I found two people, one of them a Thingsandstuff. After asking where the sacred land lies and not getting a response, I headed further north. There I came upon Ravenholm.

I am so lost.

>> No.7629312

I'm Thingsandstuff, sorry.

>> No.7629349


>> No.7629361

No thanks, not up for the grind again, i joined /v/ when they played this in world 3 and i ended up alone after 2 days and had to play hermit until i quit.

>> No.7629381

Also, don't name your first character with a name you really like, as odds are they are going to die within one hour to three days.

>> No.7629446

I've heard terrible things about this game from /v/ a while back when there was a thread on it.

>> No.7629542

is there any way to get names to show up properly instead of everyone being called "???"

>> No.7629555

Have to add them as friends I think. My in game name is PrinnyD

>> No.7629623

Funny how I've not done much yet everyone's names show up fine.

Maybe its a feature of Ender's client

>> No.7629736

Meiling here.

Finished gathering the materials for one of the boats and built it. Cleaned up a few of the loose items before logging off. There's still about 2-3 more /jp/ers hanging around the site.

Just thought you'd want to know.

>> No.7630307

How do you travel to someone else's hearth fire? I can't seem to find a way to travel to Voile's hearth fire...does the player need to be online to do that? If so, can someone currently online share their hearth secret?

My hearth secret is Lemuria, I just died and reincarnated, am currently in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.7630314


You can only do it when making a new character.
Give the hearth secret to the guy in the top left of the room.

>> No.7630318

Oh, you've got to be kidding me. Any way to find you guys after entering the world?

>> No.7630319

>61 Russian Federation

No thanks.

>> No.7630331
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Sorry friend, I'm as lost as you are
Seeing a worrying amount of corpses along this river.

>> No.7630334

Now committing suicide.

>> No.7630338

That isn't a z.
That is russian.
A warning.

>> No.7630343


I thought it might be.
I'm so glad I have a boat, this is like heart of darkness or something.

>> No.7630355

Just started and have no idea what i am doing.. think i skipped the learning thing, got people talking german around me

>> No.7630368

I can't even exit from the character creation screen...
besides, I'm only concerned about something: it's possible to just running in the wilds killing things? it's my fetish.

>> No.7630406

Right-click on the guy there and when he asks you for the hearth secret, enter TesuTo56. A set of stairs leading down will appear in the corner, right-click it to go to where we are.

>> No.7630440

Looks like Travian, but worse

>> No.7630825

There's a serious lack of acre clay everywhere in the surrounding region. Does anybody know a place where the deposits aren't exhausted yet?

>> No.7630842

...but you didn't answer me. how much can I kill?

>> No.7630860

Is this that game where there are angry russians everywhere?

>> No.7630934

I can list at least 4 games that have "Angry Russians everywhere" but yes, this is one of those games.

>> No.7630981
File: 341 KB, 446x516, clay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to say I found some clay, although its very far away.
There might be another clay deposit near the river, but im not sure since i dont have a boat.

>> No.7631283

Where do I go to find string at our village?

>> No.7631293


There are some roots in one of the chests. You can use them as string.

>> No.7631298
File: 163 KB, 276x368, 1310928012136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found a new clay site and an abandoned kiln.

>> No.7631311

How do you get food anyways? The only edible things I've found are apples, but there aren't very many of them.

>> No.7631318


Apples, berries, nuts and if your lucky some rabbit.

>> No.7632765


We can't let this thread die just because everybody's too busy playing to post.

>> No.7632793

How do i find /jp/ers in this.

>> No.7632804

At character creation, talk to the guy in the corner. He asks you for a Hearth Secret, enter 'TesuTo56' or 'Lemuria' there and a set of stairs to the /jp/ village appears.

>> No.7632862

I see a skeleton, who left that there.

>> No.7632878

What should i first do in this game, im digging and getting money, i think.

>> No.7633184


>> No.7633197

lol, just got off, went south and found a LOT of apple tree full, i bought back what i could. we need more boats also!


>> No.7633417

Yes, below the mountain there are is that forest, there are also mulberry trees, which are useful for silk production when that comes along.

>> No.7633441
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Ahahaha there's no way I'm going back to this.
Fucking russians.

>> No.7633468

Is this game still a massive timesink? like 12 hours to dry a pelt which can be stolen at any time?

and don't fucking tell me to get yeomanry

>> No.7633475

I'm kind of thinking for now that each person does their own land claiming, it'd be freaking insane to try and claim all the land to contain all the houses under one claim, especially with this cursed LP system we have now.

As for village claim, that will have to, when we get to that, if ever.

>> No.7633504

Dodging the question, does it still take 12 hours to dry a pelt, and 16? was it hours to dry seeds without a table.

Because i'd like to get killed by a wild bear then a bored asshat again. but not if it still takes that long to do anything.

>> No.7633649

As far as I know it still does takes time to do things.

>> No.7633681
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hows that war you waged on toyota???

>> No.7633711

Requiring Yeomanry to build cabinets seems so arbitrary, not to mention frustrating. Might as well start on that path then.

>> No.7633725

what are people using for LP gain.. mine seems to have slowed down, no ants and i walked the whole island

>> No.7633729

I've been using cone cows and the 2 ant soldiers I found in a hill, perhaps with that clay deposit nearby you can make clay chariots, I think it requires wheel-making though.

>> No.7633732

there's also just keeping a constant supply of cone cows around I suppose, they add up after a while.

>> No.7633733

oh, so still the low basic stuff, i stoped making cone cows as we seem to have quite a bit less trees (i helped, but love my house)

>> No.7633765

I've got a dandelion if you care to have it.

>> No.7633965

The chariots only require pottery, but they can only be constructed from Acre Clay, not Ball Clay.

>> No.7634187

I guess this is kind of a cheat, but you are around 80x 59y on ttp://www.algeralith.info/HavenMap/

>> No.7634222

or http://algeralith.info/HavenMap/?x=81.66&y=59.02&zoom=9
If you don't want to look for it, we're below that town you see on the map, and since the map is user-updated, our settlement doesn't show up there yet.

We need a few more boats, we've only got 1 or two currently, perhaps 2 more would do (this is to anyone who has boat building.

>> No.7634228

By the way, does anyone know if our neighbors up in Ravenholm are friendly?

>> No.7634243

thanks.. ive bee looking for ages for us

>> No.7634253

I travel to 90-28 and gathered up a few leaches.. all while trying to plot us on the map... i traveled so far, lol

-Freya (sleep ingame(house), going to sleep IRL)

>> No.7634256

Ok, I'm in, what secret do I use to join you guys?

>> No.7634261


>> No.7634277

I remember this game! Just logged on and apparently the village I was apart of disbanded.

You can find it at 'glacier' if you want.

>> No.7634304

I don't want to sound pushy since its you giving things, but do you have any vague coordinates?

>> No.7634343

93, -91 I think, it's by a U turn in the river.

>> No.7634349

That's quite the long way, perhaps you can set a hearth secret and I create a temp character to go there?

>> No.7634359

HnH has been lagging like hell ever since loftar fucked up parts of the map.

>> No.7634411


>> No.7634451

I have a character with 150 ua and murder, but i stoped playing because beeing part of one of the major towns was kind of boring. If you get near http://algeralith.info/HavenMap/?x=45.6&y=-34.52&zoom=9 im willing to help you out. My village probably developed enough to have extra merchant robes, and silver and gold.

>> No.7634464

Well, I just started playing and am going to attempt to wander around until I hit something.

>> No.7634503

Not likely as we're pretty far from the location, thanks for the offer though

>> No.7634793

Why does full screen not work.., it goes to a black screen

>> No.7634873

I had the same issue, I'm sticking to windowed mode for now.

>> No.7635018
File: 361 KB, 800x600, 1311018522533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found an acre clay deposit that hasn't been exhausted yet!

>> No.7635074


Will someone kindly tell me the sauce for this? I remember seeing a bunch of pics with these two as cumbuckets. I've tried saucenao and IQDB and I still can't find this VN/nukige.

>> No.7635199

Started a character and what the hell, you need 13-15 levels of exploration to get seeds?

>> No.7635359

What the fuck should i do first in this game, i got the sticks, how do i "ready" them. and the magic stuff to make a fire?

>> No.7635435

The game is fun but the village life was getting overly complicated for my liking so my char commit suicide.
I'll keep playing but on my own now, so feel free to take anything I had since I wont be needing it anyways.

>> No.7635458

Where do i get a beautiful dream, to make a fire?

>> No.7635544

From Dreamcatchers, or from random containers in the village (sometimes I harvest one and put it in a container). To harvest from Dreamcatchers, you need the Hearth Magic skill.

>> No.7635763

How many /jp/ers are playing this? I want to have fun with others not play alone.

>> No.7635917

I would say that 10+ haven't made kin with everybody yet

>> No.7635983
File: 600 KB, 1600x856, 1311037829194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its actually getting quite busy it seems like now.

>> No.7636023


Will you guys get mad at me, if I'm too autistic too play?

>> No.7636027

What's that supposed to mean?

Honestly though, you might find it hard to play right now, the resources closest have been sapped up, your best choice would to be to wander a tad north for trees

>> No.7636041

I guess ill start playing it.... any advice on what I should do (other than join the village)

>> No.7636056

Figure out a skill path and spec on it

Soon here with the place getting large we need to do 2 procjects.

Building a wall of some kind, which is going to be a major undertaking considering the area of the town.

and figure out administration or the like for when we formalize it as a village/town.

>> No.7636211

Temporarily changing my hearth secret, any newcomers use "Lemuria" for the time being

>> No.7636249

if my pc/lappie is super old, will i still be able to play this game without much lag?
