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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 148 KB, 1000x748, fujoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7706947 No.7706947 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7706951

madoka a shit

>> No.7706954

>Devil May Cry 3
Fuck her the first and the fourth are the only good ones.

>> No.7706960


>> No.7706963

What's the point in making your bed? It just gets messed up again anyways.

>> No.7706965

It feels better to sleep in.

>> No.7706968

I make mine right before going to bed.

>> No.7706969

>Is a regular at /b/

>> No.7706973


>> No.7706976

i'd hit the HELL out of that xD

>> No.7706975
File: 61 KB, 430x351, marissa vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7706982

That doesn’t describe me at all. Why do weird girls try to be kawai, when they know they are already socially awkward? White girls aren't meant to be kawai and they can never be kawai .Only Japanese or Korean girls can be kawai. White dorky girls that like anime derp try to act like kawai anime characters and its annoying. We all have seen them /jp/ and my tolerance is wearing thin……just like for the one in the pic that this /jp/ hater posted

>> No.7706987

WTh-kun I'm sure you would hit any hole that presents itself to you.

>> No.7706989

>Is a regular at /b/
>Has a really shitty computer but can't be arsed to buy a new one


All of these save the curtains are false

>> No.7706990

Well, I've gotta admit I don't wear a bra very often.


>> No.7706991
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>2:03 AM

get out of here FAKER

>> No.7706998
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>> No.7707001
File: 2.56 MB, 3500x4095, Kokoro - Yelling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtH-kun , NO!

>> No.7707008

I just noticed she's barefoot. What a slut!

>> No.7707012

Gross yo. Those pics you posted don't show fat thighs, they show nice, thick, toned thighs. Mmmmmmmm soooo gooood: Nice, thick busty, toned thighs.
I know a lot of girls like that and have dated girls like that.

>> No.7707020
File: 292 KB, 514x514, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are not the attention whores that come here because we are nice and give them some. Trolls are the one who relate those attention whores with other boards and watch as /jp/ is fighting with other boards.
That means, haters are both the biggest and only trolls on /jp/. if you want to make /jp/ better, you don't need to filter tripfags- filter 'reported' and 'shitty'. if everyone will do so, they'll ventually go away and /jp/ can be as fun as it's soppused to be.

>> No.7707023

>>fat thighs

>> No.7707029

I'm sorry I don't have as much of an Asian fetish as you.

>> No.7707062

Man, I wish I was at least as good looking as that girl. Pity she wastes it with that ugly hair and putting metal in her face.

>> No.7707067
File: 232 KB, 513x511, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't blieve me? look around you. What threads get the 'reported' post? which ones are left alone?


>> No.7707070

I usually just report threads without mentioning it these days.

>> No.7707074

Meh Most of the
Or /jp/ meets up threads I don't mind. They are laughable. Its not like we take them seriously, but this one is poop; pure troll poop.
Riiighhht bro! Bro fist. Nice, thick, busy, toned thighs all the way.
Eh maybe I do have an Asian fetish, but to be honest I prefer white women. All I was saying, is that dorky girls that try to be kawai Japanese girls isn't right. Kawai is part of Japanese and Korean Culture and it doesn’t belong to white weird girls......It’s okay to be weird, but they try to be something that doesn’t match with the real world: White Girls trying to be like Kawai anime characters. The kawai life style belongs to Asian girls.

>> No.7707077

Piercings sure are unattractive as fuck, just like everything else in that image.

>> No.7707087 [DELETED] 

That is because you are not a hater.

>that is because
'that' refers to...?

>> No.7707091

Your not even my REAL DAD

>> No.7707092

oh and can you give the sauce for those douijion?

>> No.7707093

>>Kawai is part of Japanese and Korean Culture and it doesn’t belong to white weird girls
>>The kawai life style belongs to Asian girls.
No, that's fucking stupid. You're fucking stupid,

>> No.7707094

If only she were 2D.

>> No.7707111

Lot of femanons in this thread.

>> No.7707119

fuck you fake wtH-kun

>> No.7707124

7707074 here. I don't think I said
>that is because
any where. When refer to me referring to 'that', I never referred to a 'that'. I think you mixed me up with >>7707070
or somebody else the only comments I have made are
and then this post too.

>> No.7707129

That shit sounds from America's greatest ''Otaku''

>> No.7707131

Hahahaha, no. DMC3 is still the pinnacle of the combo-game genre.

>> No.7707137

my bad. I still don't understand how >>7707074
relates to

>> No.7707150

I am more concerned about lots of bad grammar in this thread.
Fascinatingly enough, /jp/ might have the most polite approach to the gender issues of all boards. It's the same approach that we take to al the other issues. That is, nobody cares.

>> No.7707155

I disagree. Kawai was invented by the Japanese. Can you honestly say that you know white girls that "live" the kawai life style and pull it off and don't look and sound like ignorant fucks? Now just because I haven't meet a white that can pull it off doesn’t mean they don't exist you might say, but Kawai and flirty/cute are different. Kawai is fundamentally different from flirty/cute. When it comes right down to it, kawai is eastern and flirty/cute is western. I'm trying to understand terms here. What is your definition of Kawai? What are saying when you say white girls can be kawai? I have dated Asian girls strait out of Asia that have told me they are kawai and I have dated white girls that act cute. The two girls both acted cute, but the styles were different. Then I see white dorky girls that try to live like Kawai Japanese girls and it simply cannot be done because they themselves do not understand what it means to be an Asian (because they are white), so therefore they cannot understand Kawai.

>> No.7707156

I think he implied the femanons BECAUSE of the grammar.
I didn't say we don't have any visitors from other boards at all, and now that /new/ is gone some of the regulars there ended up here.

>> No.7707167

I think I just misunderstood what you were saying man. My bad too.

>> No.7707172


Japan didn't "invent" it. The concept of cuteness exists in all cultures on some level. It's only more prevalent in their pop culture than some others.

And people can live whatever fucking lifestyle they want and it's not inappropriate. Japan wouldn't even be a successful country without aping the West. Most of their subcultures related to "being cute" are mixed with loads of Western influence.

And on that point, for fucks sake can you stop using "kawaii" like that in the middle of an English sentence un-ironically? You know, there are times when I actually believe you can put that word into an English sentence. This isn't one of them.

Do you even know a damn fucking thing about Asian culture to be ascribing "cuteness" as especially of the Asian heritage and not some new pop cultural trend?

Jesus Haruhi Christ.

>> No.7707182


>> No.7707194

So, basically, white girls will never be kawaii moe, and are doomed to being American sluts?

>> No.7707208

You're apparently not aware of the actual meaning of the term weeaboo, so let me tell you this: When you misuse a Japanese word in an English sentence and someone tells you not to do it, he's not a weeaboo. You're the weeaboo, he's telling you to stop being one.

>> No.7707216

>fast food
So bourgeois. She must get paid a lot for sex.

>> No.7707223

He's protecting his precious Japanese master race because obviously it's number one race in the world above everyone else and their culture and goods are top notch and have no real competition from the western side.

You both go back to >>>/a/.

>> No.7707225

Unless they act like housewives from the 1940s.
They can still pull a childish/cute thing but it won't be kawai.

>> No.7707229

It's not "The Japanese language", its a shitty buzzword misappropriated from a Japanese word by Gaia users and people ironically imitating them.

>> No.7707249

Can't tell if delusional or just troll.

>> No.7707252

>Jesus Haruhi Christ

>> No.7707255

This thought crossed my mind a few hours ago: do you girls spend the day around the house topless or bottomless or whatever? It seems to me like the most sensible thing to do.

>> No.7707256

>by Gaia users

In other words, weeaboos. That's kind of the point.

...but it's irrelevant still, the person I replied to is just clinically retarded, apparently. It was dumb of me to try to find a coherent point in his babbling in the first place.

>> No.7707259

I spend my day bottomless, and I'm a guy.

>> No.7707263

>>exists in all cultures on some level.
>>Japan wouldn't even be a successful country without aping the West.
>>He's protecting his precious Japanese master race because obviously it's number one race in the world above everyone else and their culture and goods are top notch and have no real competition from the western side.
The fuck?

>> No.7707281

I know that Kawai means cute. Let’s not insult each other here; it only makes things harder on both of us. We can discuss this calmly with reason. Yes “kawai” means cute, but it has transcended into something more. It has become a pop culture term and lifestyle.
> Japan didn't "invent" it
>. Most of their subcultures related to "being cute" are mixed with loads of Western influence.
It’s definitely true that America’s western ways have had great influence on the Japanese and brought them into the modern era, but the Japanese have taken those tendencies, ways, techniques, culture, but they have also taken those ideas and put their own defined twist on them. This goes for the word “kawai”. Cute has its own form in America and kawai has its own individual form now too. A good example of the Japanese putting their own twist on western culture and beliefs is Christianity. When Portuguese priests came to Japan they brought Catholicism, but when persecution started many Japanese Catholics had to hide their faiths and eventually lost contact with the Catholic Church and the end result was hidden Christaians……I’m not done yet but here is a link

>> No.7707309


That's disgusting. Get your shit together, /jp/.

>> No.7707317

>>Cute has its own form in America and kawai has its own individual form now too.
No, the terms have not become much different.

Japanese drawing often contains more neoteny than.. say... American drawing. For instance, in animation. America has some things like Ruby Gloom or the like, but there's a greater tendency towards "paedomorphic" features in Japanese drawing; in comics, in animation, in games, in advertising, than in the West.

And a lot of the greater portions of the influence of cute on Japanese pop culture is a part of the heavily stigmatized nerd subculture. I would say it is a bit pervasive outside it and has certainly leaked to other things, like talk shows or the pop music industry in general.

But it is not unique, Japanese pop culture in general is only so different. And most of it is heavily influenced by and taken from the West.

And honestly, this stuff about Asian women being able to be cute and white women not, just smacks of typical obnoxious 4chan racism. There aren't any races that are cuter than others.

Tell me, what possible thing could Asian women have that makes them naturally "cuter" than Western women? What "kawaii" unique thing? That very "unique" culture you apply to Japan in terms of cute adoration, seems to try to apply cuteness to it's fictional Western women as much as Asian women.

>> No.7707323
File: 222 KB, 600x600, 1570416_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that /jp/. We aren't 3d, we're all 2d cute girls.

>> No.7707328

When I first became a NEET I spent an entire year in my underwear. Now I simply spend the bulk of my time naked becuase my clothes are so filthy to make my break out in a rash, and I'd have to leave to clean them

>> No.7707329

Wow, that was one gigantic non sequitur.

America did not invent cute either. No one did, it's just inherent to humanity.

>> No.7707343

>what possible thing could Asian women have that makes them naturally "cuter" than Western women

It is possible to name them, but that's a dumb question in its very core. I thought it's common knowledge that East Asians are more neotenized than Caucasians in general.

>> No.7707345
File: 30 KB, 298x300, Yukio Mishima Salute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Do you even know a damn fucking thing about Asian culture to be ascribing "cuteness" as especially of the Asian heritage and not some new pop cultural trend?
Yes I am very familiar with many Cultural heritages that hail from Asia. In fact I make it a point in my life to try to see Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Tibetan, Mongolian and_____ history through each people’s eyes. In high school I was far from unpopular, but I found many friendships in the Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese international students. Today I almost hang out with my Asian foreign exchange friends as much as I do with my white American Friends. I am currently perusing a degree in Foreign/International Relations. I am studying multiple languages as well as the countries that the languages come from. Many of these countries are in Asia. If I am to work with the people of these countries I must understand their way of thinking and to do that I must understand their wide ranging history. So my friend to answer your question
> Do you even know a damn fucking thing about Asian culture to be ascribing "cuteness" as especially of the Asian heritage and not some new pop cultural trend?
Yes; Yes I do, extensively so. I even keep up on politics in Asia, mostly Japan though.

>> No.7707357


>Tell me, what possible thing could Asian women have that makes them naturally "cuter" than Western women?

Japanese girls raise their toes when walking barefoot indoors.

>> No.7707361

Brb going to Japan.

>> No.7707366

>Japan wouldn't even be a successful country without aping the West.
Oh really. Then why are some countries so backward even though they "ape" the West? Besides, some Western countries are fucking shitholes.
>Most of their subcultures related to "being cute" are mixed with loads of Western influence.

>> No.7707368

Then I would think you would know better than to treat kawaii as this super unique Japanese culture thing. Sounds like a nerdy version of nihonjinron to me.
You have me there, Asians as understood aesthetically by the label, would be more neotenous overall. Mostly for having shorter noses and rounder faces.

Though I don't see how means that only Asian women are suited for cute behavior. I don't see how such features prevent white or black women from being "cute" or "near as cute" as an Asian woman.

Seems like an awfully weak argument to say things like "white women will never be as cute as Japanese women". Even if you're the most raging Asian fetishist ever, that's an unreasonable statement.

>> No.7707370

But the races are not equal, they all have certain strengths and weaknesses. Nigger women could probably kill you and any threat to you. White women make excellent emergency food sources. Mexican women will try to save your soul. And Japanese women are very cute.

Obviously these are stereotypes and will not apply to every individual.

>> No.7707369

No, No, No I am not saying one is cuter then the other friend. I am just saying that the two cultures, do, have different styles of cuteness. Yes there are many similarities, but there are differences. I am speaking out of experience here. I have dated Asian girls and then I have dated white girls. It's not a matter of race, just culture. The reason I get upset when dorky white girls try to act like Asian girls/anime girl characters is simply because they cannot be "Kawai", because they were not born in the lands where the "kawai" or different cuteness form exists. I am not racist.

>> No.7707374

Still need that saurce bro

>> No.7707373
File: 270 KB, 800x600, 1310702682359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a really shitty computer but can't be arsed to buy a new one.
True. I honestly don't see the point when my old one works fine. In before butthurt techfags.

>curtains constantly pulled down

>too lazy to shave
Somewhat true.

>lives off raw ramen, fastfood, and cola
False. I eat well and healthy.

>wants white hair, brown roots

>worn out cheap sweater

>sometimes sleeps in the couch

>never makes the bed

>never wears a bra
When I'm home alone, who needs to?

>fat thighs
I'm too self-conscious to let myself get fat.

>likes chocolate a little too much
I fucking hate chocolate.

>undefined chin and cheekbones

>rarely wears make-up
When I'm on my own at home, never.

>is a true video game nerd
The only games I play are vns and Touhou.

>> No.7707375 [DELETED] 

>Though I don't see how means that only Asian women are suited for cute behavior.

It doesn't, I'm agreeing with what you say overall, just correcting your mistake in that particular part.

>> No.7707378

I agree, but each culture has their own way of expressing it. That is what I'm trying to say.

>> No.7707380

The typical "anime" style. The "moe" one users here like so much. Is a descendant of things like Betty Boop and Disney toons. The style wouldn't even exist if it weren't for this stuff.

Jpop, like all pop, is heavily derived from American pop music. That means your "idol pop" groups are essentially mimicking the West. Also, there isn't any behavior idols do when not singing that doesn't have a Western component or that a Westerner could not do.

A lot of the "cute Japanese fashions" people talk about that are popular with the Japanese kids, are almost entirely Western in origin. For instance, the "Gothic Lolita" stuff. It's just Victorian fashion.

There isn't a pop culture in the world that isn't intensely Western in origin.

>> No.7707386

>>Racial stereotypes

>> No.7707385

Shrine maiden.

>> No.7707391

Is it really 2011 already?

Time really flies.

>> No.7707395

>Though I don't see how means that only Asian women are suited for cute behavior.

It doesn't, I'm agreeing with what you say overall, just correcting your mistake in that particular part.

Hell, this is basically the sole best way to explain the prevalence of cute in Japan without resorting to making up inexistent cultural and semantic differences. It's hard to not emphasize cuteness if you're, well, naturally cute.

>> No.7707399

Gosh no, no, no I'm not saying they aren't as cute or more cute. Not at all. I'm saying each country has its own way of cuteness okay. And because a white woman is not born in that country, she will never be able to attain that certain cuteness (I'm not saying they are less cute or inferior) or fully understand what it means to be Asian.

>> No.7707398

>too lazy to shave.
Meh. Sometimes.

>likes chocolate
it's alright, not my favorite sweet though.

>shitty computer
not really... I'd say it's rather mediocre, not shitty.

>/b/ regular
I don't think I'd go there if you paid me... well, I guess that would depend on how much.

>raw ramen, fast food, cola
Not even close. I eat fairly healthily, I think.

I live in a basement.

>white hair
Are there really any /jp/ers that go to the trouble of dying their hair?

>undefined chin...
Again, not really. Bit of acne, sometimes. Never wear makeup.

>sleeps on couch...
I don't even have a couch... and I always make my bed.

>Wears cheap sweater.
No. Usually naked or wearing boxers.

>Fat thighs.
No. I'm actually underweight.

>Videogame nerd
Probably yeah.

Overall, I seriously doubt this describes the average /jp/er.

>> No.7707406

Thank you for applying the image to yourself. Everyone really cares about you, you know.

>> No.7707409

Well, I already knew that, but thanks for the reassurance.

>> No.7707432
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Ladies_Versus_Butlers!_04_(1920x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[d067206e].mkv_snapshot_06.26_[2010.12.16_07.25.52].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I do agree that earliest anime art used to have a hint of Disney influence and vice versa, it's already evolved to a point where your average Western cartoon viewer finds it repulsive, thus making it inherently a characteristic of Japanese animation art, i.e. the "moe" we value nowadays, and not the artstyle back in the 50-60s. Unless you consider having big eyes "Western".

Also, Betty Boop was more of a sex symbol than anything, she doesn't even look cute, she looks like a slut.

>That means your "idol pop" groups are essentially mimicking the West. Also, there isn't any behavior idols do when not singing that doesn't have a Western component or that a Westerner could not do.
American and Japanese idol groups are nothing alike.

>A lot of the "cute Japanese fashions" people talk about that are popular with the Japanese kids. For instance, the "Gothic Lolita" stuff. It's just Victorian fashion.
People find that cute? More like emo.

>There isn't a pop culture in the world that isn't intensely Western in origin.
Disagreed. There's lots of Japanese pop culture that is of Japanese in origin.

>> No.7707435 [DELETED] 

One of the hardest things to learn about a culture is language. Which after many years a person can learn, but it is exceedingly difficult to learn a language with true fluency unless you were fully immersed in it at an early age and then keep up with the study.

And any possible nuances of cute in Japanese culture would be very, very minor in comparison to language.

Not only that, I have no reason to believe that cuteness varies greatly from culture to culture.
>>understand what it means to be Asian.
You don't need to. We're talking about cuteness here. Cuteness isn't just some tiny, itty bitty, miniscule difference in cultures at best. And says nothing of what it means to "be Asian".

Being raised in Asian culture means being brought up speaking a language that is Sino-Tibetan or Altaic. And being raised in a society influenced by Confucian values or the like. Not cuteness.

Your contention of words here just seems like pointless exotification and nihonjinron.

>> No.7707439

One of the hardest things to learn about a culture is language. Which after many years a person can learn, but it is exceedingly difficult to learn a language with true fluency unless you were fully immersed in it at an early age and then keep up with the study.

And any possible nuances of cute in Japanese culture would be very, very minor in comparison to language.

Not only that, I have no reason to believe that cuteness varies greatly from culture to culture.
>>understand what it means to be Asian.
You don't need to. We're talking about cuteness here. Cuteness is just some tiny, itty bitty, miniscule difference in cultures at best. And says nothing of what it means to "be Asian".

Being raised in Asian culture means being brought up speaking a language that is Sino-Tibetan or Altaic. And being raised in a society influenced by Confucian values or the like. Not cuteness.

Your contention of words here just seems like pointless exotification and nihonjinron.

>> No.7707442
File: 329 KB, 200x200, 1312005854078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7707462

>There isn't a pop culture in the world that isn't intensely Western in origin.

I don't even know where to start...

That music you hear on the radio? African in origin, all of it.

>> No.7707471

but they have their own twists to pop culture like other things. Listen We could go on and on about this for qute a bit of time, but we are going in circles. It looks like most of us here agree on some aspects of what we ech are saying. Some of you don't think there is a difference between the cuteness or that there is nothing holding white girls back from being just like Japanese/Asian girls, but I disagree. I think that there are absolutes and everything can be meseared through absolutes, so maybe I'm wrong but I'm still sticking to my idea. I'm young and maybe I will think differently somday. I'm just trying to stress culture....................Now that I think about it if I am able to see ideas and thoughts through the eyes of the people I know love, meet and will work with one day than what is stoping white girls from understanding "Kawai" or Asian cuteness............In the end I think what I was trying to say is that there are some poser girls that will never understand the Asian "kawai" life style........Can we all agree to disagree?

>> No.7707478


there is nothing holding white girls back from being just like Japanese/Asian girls, but I disagree. I think that there are absolutes and everything can be measured through absolutes, so maybe I'm wrong but I'm still sticking to my idea. I'm young and maybe I will think differently someday. I'm just trying to stress culture....................Now that I think about it if I am able to see ideas and thoughts through the eyes of the people I know love, meet and will work with one day than what is stopping white girls from understanding "Kawai" or Asian cuteness............In the end I think what I was trying to say is that there are some poser girls that will never understand the Asian "kawai" life style........Can we all agree to disagree?

>> No.7707485

I hope OP has a static ip and gets permabanned.

>> No.7707580

If not for the yaoi stuff, she would be ok

>> No.7707582

>has a really shitty computer but can't be arsed to buy a new one.

>curtains constantly pulled down

>too lazy to shave
Just when I'm at home.

>lives off raw ramen, fastfood, and cola
False. I hate that shit.

>wants white hair, brown roots

>worn out cheap sweater

>sometimes sleeps in the couch

>never makes the bed
True. It just gets messed up anyways. Who the fuck cares.

>never wears a bra
Ew. The only time I take my bras off is for showers and changing. My boobs are very perky because I take care of them.

>fat thighs
I'm too afraid of getting fat. If I believe I am gaining weight or fat, I work it off in a gym easily.

>likes chocolate a little too much
I'm okay with it. I binge on hershey kisses once a month or so...

>undefined chin and cheekbones

>rarely wears make-up
I'm very self-conscious, and have been doing my make-up since I was 11... Sad I know.

>is a true video game nerd
I usually only play Nintendo games. Preferably the classics.

>> No.7707585

Thank you for participating in the survey.

>> No.7707590


post a pic, vapid whore. make this threat descend into the deepest bowels of hell.

>> No.7707622

I have a theory that uterii (uteruses) are made out of chocolate. Every month or so, the chocolate starts to go bad, so they eject it from their bodies much like cruise ships eject shitpods overboard. Have you seen leaked period "blood" from your sister's panties? They clearly look like chocolate stains! Anyway, afterwards, they need to replace it, so they start devouring all of the chocolate in their reach. Their "cramp pains" are really the pains of chocolate withdrawal.

I would expect a young touhou like Cirno to taste like white or milk chocolate, while older and more refined touhous would taste like dark chocolate.

>> No.7707623
File: 65 KB, 419x480, Snapshot_20110704_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7707625

Farewell, /jp/.
I can't take it easy when a thread like this gets close to 100 posts.

>> No.7707627

So when was the first time you've ever bought a bra? How old were you? What happened? How did it go?

My first time was a year ago. I'm 18 now, btw. I walked into Victoria Secrets and I was a little embarrassed because it was my first time to go bra shopping and my mom wasn't around to help me. I felt self conscious even knowing that the hundreds of eyes that stared at me were just a result of my imagination. After standing around looking clueless for what felt like 3 hours, someone came and finally helped me. They got my measurements and I came home with 3 new bras. They were so pretty, but I accidentally left the bag in the living room where my father walked in and found it. He came into my room, slapped me and told me, "I have no son".

tl;dr - Bra shopping stories~

I bought three 32AAA bras. I still have them. I picked them up after he threw them out in the garbage.

>> No.7707641

Kawai is a piano.

>> No.7707644

Male fallen into water” is what they send me at first and I’m on the radio as I drive, asking if we’ve scrambled the coastguard or lifeboat or a towel.

I ain’t going swimming.

I don’t have my trunks.
“Reports coming in say its a quarry, calls coming from the firm’s office.”
Well now, that changes things.
Jobs in heavy industrial areas are never good news, they’re always difficult to find, and if they don’t involve trying to extricate someone from the belly of a ship, or up a ladder or in the mechanics of some horrible machine, they’re at the least places where very bad things can happen to the staff.

Some years ago I went to a construction worker who’d seen a concrete pipe rolling off a stack and towards him. Without thinking about the fact that it would weigh the same as a family car, he put his foot out to try and stop it.

>> No.7707645

I am confused

>> No.7707650

It rolled up his leg to the level of his knee before coming to rest on top of him.

A security van is waiting for me just inside the quarry’s gate, its amber light blinking at me and the driver raises his hand in greeting before taking off down an track. He’s moving pretty fast and I’m thankful for the four wheel drive on the RRU as our wheels spit and sputter over loose gravel and sand that litters the ground, the road twisting and turning down, down, down.

We pull up at a ledge above a pool and monstrous looking machine, all spiked cogs and conveyor belts and I’m met by a worried looking guy in a vest, he holds a radio at his mouth as I step out of the car.

“Hold tight, lads, paramedic’s here.”

He points down into the pit in front of us, its walls at least fifty feet high from
top to bottom, split into narrow terraces that step down into dark, damp shadows.

“He’s down there..”

>> No.7707652

‘Down there’ is at the bottom of a frightening set of slippery crude steps where I can see a little huddle of men crouching on the floor.

Scummy water lapping at their boots.

I’m not a strong swimmer, water freaks me out in honesty, but nobody seems to be wearing flotation devices.

The foreman sees me hesitate.

“The water’s only about a foot deep, you want a hand with your gear?”

“That would be great, thanks.”

Everyone else is hi vis and helmets, so I grab my PPE from my turn-out bag, and unshackle the defib from its cradle, passing it to a worker and pulling the response bag tight across my shoulders.

>> No.7707656

And down we go into the shadows cast by the stone walls and machinery.

The steps are lethal and I’m pleased to have both my hands free to navigate the staircase.

Concentrating on placing each foot securely on the damp stone before I shift my weight.

Down at the patient the workers step aside and let me into him.

Conscious, sitting up, pale, sweating and breathing eighty times a minute, he greets me as I meet his eye.

“How you doing, big guy?”

“Was going to ask you the same thing.”

“Not so good, eh…can’t…breathe.”

>> No.7707659

I’m already pulling the oxygen mask onto his face and addressing the crowd as I work, thinking of one thing, talking about something else doing a third.

This is what we do.

“Anybody see what happened?”

“Billy did…”

Billy is sat next to the patient, one hand awkwardly on his shoulder.

“Mark dropped his hat and reached over the railing for it…he just slipped.”

“Which railing?”

“That one.”

He points up.

“The one at the SURFACE?”

A nod.

>> No.7707661

I count, rapidly. The terrace beside me is about four feet tall and there are ….. sixteen of them from surface to floor….sixtyfour feet…shit.

“He hit some of them on the way down, smacked his head proper on one…” he gestures to the colossal lump thats bursting from the back of the patient’s head,

“and then he hit the floor flat on his chest.”

I peer down at the floor, shallow water over rough stone with little stubs of metal rebar protruding.

“I know you’re not meant to shift folk, I’m first aid, eh? But he was out cold.”

“He was unconscious when he hit the water?”

“Aye…and face down…we had to pull him out.”

>> No.7707664

And here his voice cracks as he justifies his instinct against his training.

“He would’ve drowned, eh?”

How can I possibly argue with that?

“You’ve done the right thing, pal. Good job.”

One of the other workers gives me a look.

“Maybe Billy could get a cup of tea?”

“Sounds good. Go on, Billy, go get a seat, you’ve had a hell of a shock.”

He starts to object but I cut him off.

“You’ve done your bit, mate. I’ll look after your pal, ok?”

>> No.7707667

While this is going on I’ve hit the Priority button on my radio, I’m going to need specialist help to get Mark out of here.

I’d love to put him on a spinal board and hoist him out of here on helpful shoulders but with the hypoxia his breathing problems will surely give him I’m not sure he’ll be cooperative enough to lie still while we lift him out.

I’m also unhappy with the idea of him squirming or seizing halfway up those bloody steps. We’ll need a high line team to get him out of here…and probably a flying squad medical team to anaesthetise him first.

My radio bleeps and I call my order in.

Medic One trauma team, please, and a rope rescue crew – either the fire brigade or our SORT crew, whoever can get here first.

>> No.7707668

I’m hauling equipment out and slapping it onto Mark’s body at a blur, O2 mask over his face, BP, ECG, SPO2.

My shears slash his sleeves to his shoulders, his overalls get split up the front so I can examine his legs and abdomen.

I pull a tourniquet around one bicep and let his veins distend while I’m working, he’s muscular and slim, an easy IV when the time comes.

Training isn’t there for rational thought, training is there to act as instincts when you’ve got too much to think about already.

Paramedic trauma training is all done by rote and in the class room can seem prosaic and overly prescriptive, but here, in the slime and the wet, I’m thrilled to find my brain making me a tick list to refer to.

>> No.7707671

I didn't realize this was going to be so goddamned long.

Oh well, maybe some other time. Not like you can't find it yourself if you want to know how it ends.

>> No.7707673

>He came into my room, slapped me and told me, "I have no son".

You're terrible at story telling.

>> No.7707688

>responding to kopipe
