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8087580 No.8087580 [Reply] [Original]


My body is ready

>> No.8087592

I saw you guys commenting on these games (Atelier Kaguya's?) some weeks ago. What's what make them different from the rest of eroges?

>> No.8087601


>> No.8087629


Full or partial?

>> No.8087669

Why don't you just play one of their games?

>> No.8087684
File: 1.54 MB, 1401x2268, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare your bodies, I term this month the month of nukige.

>> No.8087688

I lost my boner as soon as I heard the brown girl's voice files.

>> No.8087690

Gaijin speech is the greatest.

>> No.8087692


It's faster to ask here.

>> No.8087693
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Jesus H Christ

Her voice sounds exactly like the Loli-ish personalities from Artificial Girl 3 and Artificial Academy.

Anyways uh,whats supposed to be so great about this game OP?

>> No.8087695

You and me both.

Fuck exaggerated gaijin accents. Are there really people that think this is arousing.

>> No.8087697

I'd play the two mahou shoujo games, Tentacle Code, and Love Gear. The others are pretty ho hum.

>> No.8087696



>> No.8087699

It's more the squeaky voice that is not appealing to me.

>> No.8087701

俺はツマキラー ~妻5人、娘5人、親娘丼おかわりっ!~

>> No.8087706

I fucking hate tentacles in my mahou shoujo games. it is especially bad since nowadays I seriously can't find one without it.

seriously, what's the deal? what's so appealing about fucking tentacles? it just detracts from the rape. feels like you're being NTR'd by an octopus.

>> No.8087707

what the hell is she supposed to be with broken japanese AND english

>> No.8087710

It's easier to understand by playing it, than whatever answer you'd get.
I do. I quite like her voice as a matter of fact.
I'm more disappointed in Mizuka's voice sounding too tame and boring.
I'm anticipating the trial.

>> No.8087711

they feel more disgusting and dirty than other men's penises, I guess?

>> No.8087717

Magical girls get raped by monsters. That's just how it works. I don't care about tentacles per se, but I care greatly about magical girls getting their clothes ripped off and raped, so I overlook it.

>> No.8087715


I look forward to the 3d stuff from Illusion and Teatime. I know they'll probably turn out to be disappointing tech-demos with no content, but hell, I'm still gonna play them.

>> No.8087718

but they don't. they just look rather comical. and disgusting in a purely non-sexual way.

>> No.8087722

I prefer my Mahou Shoujos raped by human-shaped monsters and innocent bystanders. while her kohai/yuri love interest watches.

>> No.8087730

All good stuff. But the tentacles add to the bondage aspect.

>> No.8087782

From left to right, top to bottom, what are these? As well as their release dates?

>> No.8087794

All this month, mostly on the 25th as is customary.


>> No.8087841

Sorry if this sounds retarded, but where can you find the list of upcoming nukige for each month? Does Getchu list those?

>> No.8087847

getchu lists all the game released each month

>> No.8087886

Too bad Kansen 5 was delayed until December. Would have been even better.

>> No.8087895
File: 110 KB, 320x460, c723900package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, December looks like a nice month too.

you've gotta pace yourself, mang.

>> No.8087898

Only Team Heartbeat is good. The other child companies of Atelier Kaguya are shit.

>> No.8087901

Except no.

>> No.8087902

Disappointed by that series to be honest.

The first one was awesome. The casts gets more and more stupid in the subsequent ones.

I like BerkshireYorkshire better.
It's no longer the same without chocochip though. ;_;

>> No.8087925

I'm highly interest by the upper left and bottom left.

>> No.8087929

do I see a breast milk one?

>> No.8087996

Yes, can't wait. A-Kaguya eroge are the only nukige I always actively look forward to. Nobody does hot oneesan-character sex better than these guys.

>> No.8088004

Actually Team Heartbeat made just a couple of really good games, the rest are pretty meh with the art being the only saving grace.

>> No.8088014
File: 110 KB, 600x550, ev01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henshin clone in, albeit with subpar art.

With a "protagonist" like that, writing from a netori perspective will still seem like NTR.

Holy shit. I came buckets. The art looks superb. Pic related.

>> No.8088021

>With a "protagonist" like that, writing from a netori perspective will still seem like NTR.

一河のあ's art has gotten even better. The protag I feel is drawn overly detailed, but I guess that's the point

>> No.8088026

For a "normal" game, art may not be as important. It doesn't matter how bad the art is as long as the story is good — due to the small, yet closely-knit vn community, word is bound to get around on the internet.
However, the art will be one of the main appeals of a nukige. Team Hearbeat's "saving grace" happens to be their greatest asset.

>> No.8088030

Well if you're talking strictly about art I found chocochip to be better. Shame he left.

>> No.8088067

I did some searching around on Getchu, and it seems like he left for Giga. Sucre's art was all right, I suppose.

>> No.8088063

Damn, that tanned grey-haired twintail girl looked kinda cute, but then I listened to her voice sample. I don't think I could keep my boner while listening to that. Are there seriously people who find that moe?

>> No.8088076

I hope it's not shocking, but there are other people preferring the art in games made by their other teams.
I for one personally never found M&M's art appealing. His heroine was the only one in that swimsuit fetishist collaboration game whose route I didn't bother with.
As I said some posts above, I find her arousing. I quite like gaijin heroines speaking like a gaijin (Maria in Artemis Blue for example).

>> No.8088097
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Also slightly related to Atelier Kaguya teams that Happoubi Jin's new game is scheduled for December too. http://www.omega-star.jp/biman/
For some reason he went back to Omega Star after Classy Cranberry's.
Regardless, December can't come soon enough.

>> No.8088096

No, I am aware that some people may not like the mature style adopted by M&M. However, most of us will find Heartbeat's art to be among the best the genre has to offer—if ratings haven't indicated otherwise.

As for the fake gaijin accents... Sometimes I wonder if the producers are being subtly racist.

>> No.8088102

which games had that artist?

>> No.8088113

both November and December seems to be very heavy months in terms of game content.

...and I'm running out of disk space.

...and new HDDs are expensive due to Thailand flood faggotry.


>> No.8088120

My point was most of their games have only the art going for them, while their actually good games complete the art with interesting story/characters.
Maybe it's just me but I like my nukige to be at least a bit interesting to read too.

>> No.8088118

If you are aware, then be so kind and please try to avoid posting stuff like "The other child companies of Atelier Kaguya are shit."
Anejiru, Nurse ni Omakase, Prima Stella etc.

>> No.8088150

>swimsuit fetishist collaboration game
was it shitty school swimsuits or actual sexy ones?

>> No.8088209


>> No.8088870

Atelier Kaguya nukige get me excited, but I never fap to them much as on the first night I play it, I break my penis to them and can't fap for a week, and then sort of forget about them.

>> No.8088951

dude their nukige, unless the seiyuus are complete garbage the art is the only asset that matters, especially when it comes to vanilla, I mean how many ways is there a way to setup an ero scene

>> No.8088970

I play plenty of nukige that don't bore me to death and some that instead do, so I'm sure the art is not the only asset that matters.
If you ctrl skip all the text till sex scenes why do you bother with narrative games at all?

>> No.8088999

I mean for example, Please Rape Me, is a fucking terrible Nukige based solely on the story, in fact several of the routes just feel like the author isn't trying and you have to suspend your disbelief just to make the writing plausible, but you damn well will bet that i will be archiving it due to the art, that's my point, the story was pretty bad but I liked the art.

>> No.8089007

Art is important but if they don't get the set up right for the scenes that I just end up skipping through the scenes and uninstalling the game. They're equally significant, imo.

I mean, I'm sure there are more superficial people out there that just don't give a shit but whatever.

>> No.8089016

>I mean how many ways is there a way to setup an ero scene
I don't give a shit about the set-up, the scene itself is important, many nukige fail because the writing is not hot enough.
There are plenty of moege with very nice art and unfappable sex scenes for example. When a meek "ah ah ah" is the only thing that comes out of her mouth it's a boring and worthless sex-scene. Walküre Romanze is pretty low-tier fap material despite the godly art. Lewd talk from the heroine and hot descriptive text make a good vanilla-nukige, not the art alone.

>> No.8089044

That's just you liking the art, which is perfectly ok, but don't tell me the art is the only thing that matters.
Plenty of nukige with good art are so boring it makes you want to drop them and plenty of games with average art but engaging writing/premise make people cum buckets (see monmusu quest for a popular example).

>> No.8089225

What's the pic from the game? Really liked it..

>> No.8092119


>> No.8092272

Whatever happened to Tinklebell? Did that company die?

>> No.8093788

>Lewd talk from the heroine and hot descriptive text make a good vanilla-nukige, not the art alone.

Well, I was under the impression that vanilla-nukige by it's definition limited lewd talk.

It's too much to think a Walkure Romanze heroine would go like an Autobahn heroine, "Oh yes, yes, yeshuuu! Drive your big yarichinpo into my guchogucho mesu buta b*chi eromanko! Ooooohuhuwaaaaaa!" The characterizations and even the art don't fit that.

Though, I think you're ideal is a game like Rapapuru's Haregaku http://gyutto.com/i/item60026/af-786, but I don't think even that fits the Walkure Romanze universe

>> No.8093855

I was really disappointed by Haregaku myself. All those sideheroines with so few lousy scenes.

>> No.8094002

So has we found a new place to dl/torrent new stuff after Hongfire "died".

>> No.8094005


>> No.8094023

Wasn't PD cracked?

>> No.8094029

Any Torrent place outside of google?

>> No.8094689

does this mean "spear dick" or something else?

>> No.8094693

Yes, but it doesn't matter if you're outside Japan anyway.

>> No.8095822

Busty Bump

>> No.8095852


This. I would rather see moemoe~ magical girls raped by orc-likes, black skin tight underlings, and human bystanders than fucking tentacles. What a waste of potential

>> No.8095862


To add on, tentacles feel like an artifact of the least century; it doesn't have ntr feeling of getting raped by human and humanoids and yet doesn't have the feeling of disgrace and humiliation of getting raped by animals and beasts. It's just a waste of a potential scene with someone/thing else.

>> No.8095869

Favorite voice actors for ero anyone?

I recently learned of 北条明日香 and she instantly entered my top 3. Her OL / Older sister voice fucking blows me away. Unfortunately it looks like she stopped doing ero voice work? (Need to research more and confirm) Which makes me really sad.

My top 3


>> No.8095868

Tentacles are awful. If anything they are turn off for me.

>> No.8095876

So, you're desensitized from long exposure, I gather.
Personally, I hate it when humanoid monsters spout tentacles or have tentacle tongues. That seems like a copout to me.

>> No.8096194


yarichin (guy who sleeps around a.k.a manslut) + chinpo = yarichin

>> No.8096367


I'm a pretty much a flat out lolicon only, but for some reason, I don't mind cow udders when there's actual milk leaking out of them.

>> No.8096411
File: 58 KB, 454x454, 1272433934295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand how people can get hyped up for porn.

Unless it's 4D it'll just be another fap that you could've gotten from any typical doujin.

>> No.8096419

Then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.8096420

As if a female could understand.

>> No.8096422


Other people have different tastes and interests than you? Where's my monocle.jpg

>> No.8096430

....how in the fuck did you know I was female?

>> No.8096469

Dude shut up she'll check for cameras now.
