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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8119625 No.8119625[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do some women place their hand on the top of their breast, versus cupping the bottom?

Don't their nipples get cold when they do that?

>> No.8119635

>Why do some women place their hand on the top of their breast
I've never seen this happen.

>> No.8119636

Well, well. It looks like found a fine ass thread to report today.

>> No.8119638

I don't even know where to begin with you

>> No.8119640

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>> No.8119642

You can relax your hand on top of them. If you cup it from the bottom, you have to hold your hand there with tense muscles. And why would your nipples get cold? That makes no sense.

>> No.8119648

Reported for not saging.

>> No.8119660

It's supposed to be a post sex tradition in Japan or something. When you get pregnant, your breasts swell up, start producing milk and turn slightly downwards (duh), so women place their hands on top of their breasts wishing that they turn down, which is a sign that they're pregnant.

Or, something like that. Don't quote me on it.

>> No.8119665 [DELETED] 

It's a nokosage, you silly thing.

>> No.8119666

I don't think breasts work that way.

>> No.8119676

It turns me on when /jp/ talks about breasts and nipples.

>> No.8119688
File: 18 KB, 200x376, 200px-Venus_von_Willendorf_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's supposed to be a post sex tradition in Japan

It's seen in the Venus of Willendorf, which I'm pretty sure isn't from Japan even though she's a figurine and kind of cute.

>> No.8119696

I've never been driven to sage before. And yet here we are.

This thread, 0/10

>> No.8119698

You expect the janitors to take you seriously with that kind of grammar?

Geez, it's almost like you sat in class and did nothing all throughout second grade.
