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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8302183 No.8302183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Prepare your anus for a massive influx of cancer (for a few days), /jp/, /a/ just received a cancerous new mod who is trying to ban loli and loli related threads on there.

>> No.8302192
File: 23 KB, 251x252, and ruin nice things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cancer here, what's up bros?

>> No.8302195


Sieg Kaiser Reinhardo!

Sieg neue reichi!

>> No.8302196

Can we send the cancer to deschan? those perverts look lonely...

>> No.8302203

And then no one noticed.

>> No.8302205

Please link to some threads. I'm in the mood for a shitstorm.

>> No.8302201

Isnt that like trying to bad football from /sp/?

>> No.8302208


What is worse, the autocratic government of a mod or the chaotic disarrange of democratic shitposting?

>> No.8302209

People have gotten banned for SFW loli here too, its pretty random.

>> No.8302213

It's not like that mod would come to /jp/ anyways.

>> No.8302216

What the fuck?
Banning loli on a board for anime?

Faggot wont last a fucking week. If moot thought accelspammer was bad, he'll have something else coming now.

>> No.8302226

It's true, the mod just deleted the thread complaining about it. I barely go on /a/ anymore, but things like these piss me of.

>> No.8302230

Just email moot about it.

>> No.8302233

Threads about the Yotsuba manga have just been deleted there.

>> No.8302235


we r leejun

>> No.8302246

Go home, this our shiting place, buttface.

>> No.8302251

Yeah. Faget deleted a Kodomo no Jikan thread.

Don't ask me what the fuck they could possibly be discussing about that anime after so much time, but still... isn't that where anime is to be discussed?

>> No.8302255



>> No.8302257

You can post loli here, /a/. It's always welcome and the mod only comes once a day.

>> No.8302263 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 328x374, 1320615209174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't even make sense, there's another right now anyways.

The last one opened with loud complaint in the OP, it would be best you didn't site complaints until further down.

>> No.8302262

new chapter

>> No.8302265

If the mod cant see them, whats the point of posting them?

>> No.8302281

>new mod who is trying to ban loli and loli related threads

Why would he do this? That's just... wrong. The mod, not the loli posters.

>> No.8302290

Die Kaiser Reinhardo!

Viva Democracy!

>> No.8302305

>Prepare your anus for a massive influx of cancer (for a few days), /jp/

I'm certain they won't be as shitty as that one guy who posts images of LotGH.

>> No.8302314


But LotGH is awesome, I'd love to have some discussion about it. /a/ is too full of faggots to discuss anything.

>> No.8302326
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>> No.8302333

I wonder what goes through moots head when he promotes moderators.
First he gets incompetent assholes to enable every board to become /b/, and now he brings in the ``no fun allowed" crew in as well.

>> No.8302339

Problem with LotGH is that it doesnt catch the eye. In fact being a sausage fest sort of makes it depressing.

I propose Japan remasters it and moves all the men from it and replaces them with lolis while retaining all the story and politics.

>> No.8302336
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>> No.8302340

Who cares? Mods are faggots anyway and there is absolutely no reason to respect a bunch of faggots who will delete threads they don't like in 5 minutes but let CP stay for an hour. Just make a new thread, or get behind a proxy and taunt them.

>> No.8302345

I'd watch it.

>> No.8302350


Fund this.

>> No.8302352

Ah, I see. That explains why I was banned from /a/ for 3 days when I posted surprise Shota fellatio.

>> No.8302368

Mod/janitor vendettas are just a sign that they don't have enough to do. Start shitposting (or in this case, loliposting) 24/7 until he either gives up or goes crazy AoC style and leaves 5 threads on page 0. Then moot will fire him.

>> No.8302384

What if it's like, reverse psychology? He bans loli to incite the spammers, who will start spamming hardcore loli, bringing back discussions and scaring off normalfags at the same time.

>> No.8302413
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All loli is banned. I can't believe that I thought that moot was starting to be cool again. Fuck him and his fucking mods.

>> No.8302425

It doesn't matter, mods are powerless.
Ban a poster, he gets angry and evades, then posts even more loli than normal out of spite.
They should look to AoC as an example.

>> No.8302426

>For fuck's sake.
>fuck's sake

Flamboyant rage initiated. Fuck his grammar, he needs to die.

>> No.8302429

Its more than likely that its a single idiot mod. Report him to moot via email. moot@4chan.org

>> No.8302436
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/jp/ probably holds the 4chan record for the most mindbroken janitors/mods.

>> No.8302437

MY Precious child porn! this can't go unpunished!

>> No.8302447
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_12[1280x720][AAC][7B4E7B02].mkv_snapshot_18.47_[2011.09.25_22.52.59].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, /jp/ does whatever it wants usually, regardless of what mods want.
