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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8401281 No.8401281 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck happened to this board in this last year?

>> No.8401285

The same procedure as every year.

>> No.8401289 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 500x520, outtahere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess, you're from 4chan aren't you op? get out.

>> No.8401290

Nothing been the same since Satori died.

>> No.8401288

Shitposters came in and out weighed real posters.

>> No.8401294

Try to take over the world?

>> No.8401291
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took it too easy

>> No.8401306

Strange to say, but something bad happened to /d/ as well after summer of 2010. All of the good tripfriends left and it turned into a horrible repost board with drama, fights, trolling, and greentexting. I'm starting to just generally post less and less now. I'm starting to prefer lurking for some nice content here and there.

>> No.8401310
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Not quite.

>> No.8401311

I thought /jp/ was pretty nice right before Comiket.
As a whole, I haven't been here much during fall and summer, but winter has been really uneven. Right now it's really boring, contemplating going to bed.

>> No.8401318

I go to /d/ maybe once a week but it's generally fine until the "stop liking what I don't like" autistics start stirring up shit.
There's been a time it was pretty bad because of spam, but it's mostly okay now.

>> No.8401322

Nope it was really deteriorating before then. It just seemed a lot worse during Comiket because that's such a big thing here.

>> No.8401341

Not sure what you mean.
And with "right now" I meant right now, this very moment. And yes, the atmosphere got really unpleasant during and right after Comiket. Things seems to have calmed down a tad now, but that might just be a passing moment.

I remember coming here the very first day of Comiket and engaging in a few nice exchanges, but things went to shit really fast. It's really depressing when that happens.

>> No.8401346

>in this last year

I think that was about when /jp/ started to really go downhill as well, around the start of last year. There's still interesting posts and enjoyable discussions here, and there probably always will be, but at some point the spam/troll threads started to outnumber all the others ten-to-one.

It's probably reached the point where it's not worth doing more than keeping up with VNTS/convention threads via archive. That... makes me pretty sad, honestly.

>> No.8402882

The comiket threads were already going downhill for C79. The original /jp/ regulars were diluted by all the take-others-for-granted-attitude of the spoonfeed crowd that flocked here for our infrastructure. Of course, they were not polite enough to leave us alone and insisted on complaining. A number of them were fans from hell as well since they insisted the world revolved around their needs.

>> No.8402897

Spam and troll threads outnumber the rest because all the on-topic threads get shit for being "babby shit" or ignored so people can whine in the troll threads.

>> No.8402916

Let's all play an MMO. That will solve everything.

>> No.8402918


>> No.8402949

Its really because /jp/ needs moderation, the people that say that we don't are the same people that are using this board as a shitposting board. so fuck you. Also its become so crazy that we still dont really know if a group of people are really doing it together, steam group or irc or whatever its clear its sometimes a group because of how they act and the inside jokes. Im not saying it always them though.

>> No.8402953


Meido left.

>> No.8402958

Moot really needs to delete this board already.

>> No.8402960


>> No.8402964

Its because we don't have a super crazy janitor that protects us and has a set of laws and morals of what /jp/ is, its really that simple to figure out that without her the board was gonna just become like the rest of 4chan. /jp/ was like how it was because of the meido we had, thats all there was to it

>> No.8402967

No, he should merge it with /vp/ instead.

>> No.8402979

So do we even have that new shitty janitor anymore? what happen, he left? Why cant somebody just fill out a janitor form, can you still?

>> No.8402981

Whoever mod is banned me for a day because I complained about condition of /jp/ and reason was suck my cock dude.

>> No.8402982

Long past that, and I highly doubt moot cares to do /jp/ any favors.

>> No.8402985

its because janitor doesn't do his job and some of the good autists like /jp/ quality control left. Trolls, and idiots from other boards used to come here thinking they will troll the "japanese" users here. They used to either be scared off or just plain creeped out. Now people invite them practically, helping them and getting these normalfags to come here. When some normalfag makes a thread, we shouldn't help them, we should get them to fuck off. I don't like being a dick to people but 1. this is the internet, deal with it and 2. it is needed to be done to keep normalfags out.

>> No.8402994


This, and increasing amounts of /a/ coming here now that the real posters are a minority.

>> No.8403001

>Trolls, and idiots from other boards used to come here thinking they will troll the "japanese" users here.
They used to, yeah, but they're a lot rarer these days.

>> No.8403008

What should we do? This was my last safe-haven from places like a/v/b.

>> No.8403014

This. I'm starting to get scared. Are we going to die here?

>> No.8403015

or rather specifically
>. When some normalfag makes a thread, we shouldn't help them, we should get them to fuck off. I don't like being a dick to people but 1. this is the internet, deal with it and 2. it is needed to be done to keep normalfags out.

Or we could try to contact moot again about getting a new janitor.

>> No.8403020

>Or we could try to contact moot again about getting a new janitor.
As we all know, he doesn't give a shit about /jp/. We hate him and he hates us.

>> No.8403017

Keep whining in shitty threads like this away from the general populace.

>> No.8403019

Where do you sign up to be a janitor, if we spam it maybe moot or a mod will choose one.

>> No.8403023

The same thing you've done every day.

Absolutely nothing.

You don't.

>> No.8403021

IRC time? At least with IRC it is easy to get rid of idiots via bans.

>> No.8403025

If we spam him, maybe he will just give in.
Will you guys spam moot with email with me?

>> No.8403024

Go away to suck shitposter dick.

>> No.8403026

If you mean #/jp/ it sucks balls, it's full of retards from /a/ who don't even come to /jp/.

>> No.8403027

Somebody please get mods to range, name and tripban users like Sudo, Liberty-kun and that guy with the really stupid anti-bully name that isn't even fucking funny.

>> No.8403028

Try asking your /b/rothers

>> No.8403036

The problem is actually choosing a janitor. Is there someone in /jp/ who would do a good job?

>> No.8403040

Nice try, Subo.

>> No.8403041


I know. I feel so lonely. I also feel like I'm the only one.


That doesn't work though. The normalfag /a/ people out-number us now, so when normalfag threads are made or a kid comes asking for his first VN after Katawa Shoujo they get bumped endlessly.


Yes #/jp/ is terrible. I used to lurk it, but I quit permanently. The regulars there greentext in IRC CHAT and spam /v/ memes.

>> No.8403044

/jp/ sucks because all the good posters left. There's not much you can do to recover from that.

>> No.8403045

come on.. Im kinda serious, i want this place to be better again and away from the retards. All we need to do is just get a fucking decent jaintor from /jp/, why is it so fucking hard?

>> No.8403046

Life truly is endless suffering.

>> No.8403047

Spamming isn't a good idea, but maybe we should all try sending him a polite e-mail. Maybe he'll read them if it's more than one.

>> No.8403048

Shut the fuck up, you melodramatic faggot hypocrites.

And no, I'm not some newcomer.

>> No.8403055

Fast forwards two months and moot has all these emails about how he needs to do something about the shitty janitor in his inbox.

>> No.8403051

no, I mean like creating our own IRC chatroom(s)

>> No.8403052

In before redirect spam.

>> No.8403053


This isn't a normal board; a poor trolling attempt like that won't work on us.

>> No.8403054 [DELETED] 


Problem is you can't just open applications without getting a ton of applications from shitposters anyways.

Plus opening applications for just one board that isn't /a/ or /b/ is just silly.

>> No.8403058

I would love to see /jp/ being slow and only having 3 pages of decent threads again instead of /a/ spam and inside jokes. Is there a irc with mods for 4chan?

>> No.8403060


Yes. Where do 4chan mods hang out at?


I wouldn't mind a channel as long as we keep shitposters and /a/ out.

>> No.8403064

i think its about time you closed the /jp/ chapter in your life and move the fuck on.

>> No.8403067

Yeah, the probability of moot choosing a shitty janitor or a shitposter is just too high.

>> No.8403062

... how the fuck do you not know this?

Also, you need to go to moot, because moderators cannot appoint new moderators or janitors.

>> No.8403063 [DELETED] 

Only because you get retards who spam it after their shit thread and the subsequent 20 threads bitching about the original deletion

>> No.8403068

At least some of us should email him about getting a new janitor.

>> No.8403070

Yeah, let's just ban all the retards, then /jp/ will be perfect. I don't see any flaws in this plan.

>> No.8403071

How about you fucking leave.

>> No.8403080

Incoming thread ban

>> No.8403075

It's rare that a collection of non-shitposters/non-normalfags are in one thread. We should make a channel so we can communicate. Otherwise we'll get lost in the sea and picked off alone.

>> No.8403077

Yeah, but move on *where*? We don't have a lot of places to go next.

>> No.8403078 [DELETED] 

janitors can't ban

I didn't even mention banning, since it does fuck all

>> No.8403081

No one will be around to post. Including you and OP.

>> No.8403083

>Yes. Where do 4chan mods hang out at?
You aren't going to be able to talk with them if thats what you are hinting at.

>I wouldn't mind a channel as long as we keep shitposters and /a/ out.
I'd be fine with this. Wouldn't it be possible to have it hosted on the rizon network with just our own channels? Who would be admins though...

>> No.8403088

I know that. I was pointing out that any problem caused by the fact that there are retards in /jp/ is not something that can be fixed, same as the sun coming up.

>> No.8403091

I sometimes go to /bun/ (the site, not the IRC) and it reminds me of the older days of /jp/. I honestly think it's a nice place, but it seems the perspective from /jp/ was ruined by the IRC drama and spammers.

>> No.8403089

So all two of them.

>> No.8403090

We really need to do something, i think the janitor we have only fucking comes here like once a month.

>> No.8403093


>You aren't going to be able to talk with them if thats what you are hinting at.

Why not?

>I'd be fine with this. Wouldn't it be possible to have it hosted on the rizon network with just our own channels? Who would be admins though...

Yes, and whoever. As long as we have a couple ones who adhere to our principles we're fine.

>> No.8403097

You go be the admin of your very own satellite group. Carve a little slice out of /jp/ for your very own. The world is yours.

>> No.8403102

_ _ _ _ _ _ _
__| | ___ __ _| | __ _(_) |_| |__ (_) |_
/ _` |/ _ \/ _` | | \ \ /\ / / | __| '_ \ | | __|
| (_| | __/ (_| | | \ V V /| | |_| | | | | | |_
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_ _ __ _ _ _
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|_| \__,_|\__, |\__, |\___/ \__|
|___/ |___/

>> No.8403103

Instead of an IRC channel, why not a wakaba board?
IRC inevitably ends up in circlejerk.

>> No.8403104

Spam Railgun and keep being autistic and angry at every thread conceivable. That should scare them off.

>> No.8403100

Because shitposters aren't going to join the channel too? The channel will die quickly or get overtaken by unrelated crap like the original #/jp/

>> No.8403107

Permaban everyone in this thread. That is the best and only correct solution.

>> No.8403110
File: 207 KB, 307x371, idontknowwhattocallthisface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8403111

Then the whining would crank up to eleven.

>> No.8403113

>The community is great, and posts are all well thought-out.
Excuse me while I throw up.

>> No.8403108

because we need another one of those, right?

>> No.8403109


Nope. We're going to establish channel mods now, and moderation is key. Have you ever been to Teamliquid? Talk with stupid memes = ban. Make an shitty post = ban. Don't contribute = ban. The result? The community is great, and posts are all well thought-out.

>> No.8403114

#chilly @ Rizon

>> No.8403115

Sounds like prison. The internet is for relaxing.

>> No.8403116

They can be banned with ease. They should however be kicked as warning first I suppose, for fairness sake.

>> No.8403118

Add things like ">implying" to autokick.

>> No.8403122

I only know of Poolshmer, which is Touhou only, and /bun/ which image was ruined by spam and drama.

If you keep the anonimity and avoid that kind of stuff you can end up with a nice place. Kind of like Futaba; nobody knows who the kanrinin is, so there isn't stupid drama.

>> No.8403120

Alright. Someone make the channel. I have to reinstall IRC, so if it's not made by then (shouldn't take long) I'll make it.

>> No.8403126

see >>8403114

>> No.8403123

Yes, please kindly fuck off.

>> No.8403124

">" is already on autokick on #/jp/, and it does nothing to stop the habitual greentexters

>> No.8403132

Instead of those ideas, we should try taking over e(x)-hentai, because Shadow Weaver and other people with influence there are retarded. While people like Blurk/altereggo, who actually contribute a lot to our love for 2D loli, are shat on by their autistic mods.

>> No.8403134

Every site even tangentially related to imageboards is all the same shit, no matter how much some people like to pretend it's not the case.

I'm sure whatever you're all attempting to do will fail like the Challenger disaster, but not nearly in as exciting a manner.

>> No.8403148

And how would we do that?

>> No.8403158

because anonamous is clearly legion, we can't do anything.

>> No.8403166

Unless the channel is for some specific project, I guarantee it will go silent with a few discussions about anime and maybe dakimakura.

>> No.8403176

People are talking about messageboard scripts right now.

>> No.8403172

We grind out levels in hentaiverse. It's not like we don't have the time to do it. Levels there incur on your base power (+x on your posts, and your power when adding tags/voting on them). If enough of us get enough power, there won't be any shitty Shadow Weaver to force us to accept some old hags as being loli, just because he has the power and influence to upvote/downvote any tag he wants in whatever gallery he wants.

>> No.8403181

Why would we need another message/imageboard?

Go ahead though, I'm not stopping you.

>> No.8403184


We don't.

>> No.8403185

Lets just make a reddit sub-board.

>> No.8403192

This could actually work.

>> No.8403187

Well, I'm sure there are at least a few people on here with high power levels. If we're organized we could do anything.

>> No.8403188

get out.

>> No.8403189

get out reddit devs

>> No.8403194

>Go to /vp/
>See almost exact same thread

>> No.8403198

You just crossed the line here, anon.
Please, humbly depart to Gensokyo.

>> No.8403203

I think a guild for /jp/ers playing hentaiverse might actually work.

>> No.8403210


I have +13 base power, and I'd like to think I'm one of the lowbies around here. What is your current power?

We could really stop their autistic tagging if we organize every once in a blue moon, when they decide to pull their shit off and tag flat-chested mature girls as being loli.

>> No.8403229

The people who are in irc are gonna make us a new board.

>> No.8403235

27. I'm always ready to fight against stupidity.

>> No.8403254

Where do you see your power rating on exhentai? I kinda never bothered with this stuff.

>> No.8403257

everybody go here, we are talking about making /jp/- japan/general MK II

>> No.8403259

Just upvote a tag or post in a gallery. Fastest way to know.

http://ehwiki.org/wiki/Karma#Power - More about it here.

>> No.8403272

I see, I see.
7 here then.

>> No.8403274

An irc channel you might like is #tohno-chan

>> No.8403285

So, we currently have 47 effective power.

>> No.8403286

I do what I can with reporting and hiding thread and not give the op of said thread the satisfaction of a reply in them.

As something what bob marley said. The enemy never gets a day off, why should I? Or something to that effect.

>> No.8403294

Don't quote Bob Marley on /jp/.


>> No.8403300

but we relaxed and took thing too easy, and things went shit

lets make a prison, but that's a prison of joy and happiness

>> No.8403308

4 here, I suppose I could actually do something to raise it...

>> No.8403600


Announcement: our new channel is #true/jp/

>> No.8403747


Bumping this. Don't join without reading the thread.

>> No.8403780
File: 11 KB, 399x262, ceiling cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't very bright, are you?

>> No.8403792


>> No.8403839


If it's true it probably confirms that the janitor is in on the shitposting.

>> No.8403845

rule 8, do you know it?

there is no janitor, its just a mod that passes by a few times a day.

>> No.8403855

How long have you been here? We have had a number of janitors. One of them was anonymous of canada, check the ghost board for his posts.

Nowadays it's probably some Sion friend.

>> No.8403863

I meant currently. Trying to guess who the janitor is or is affiliated with is just retarded, or better yet some shitposter trying to force their shit again.

>> No.8403896


Why? There's some evidence that the janitor is a part of the stream group apparently.

>> No.8403904

I'll say it again

Stop trying to force that shit again.

>> No.8403911


I'm not trying to force anything.

>> No.8403916

Reported for metathread

>> No.8403952


Last bump before this thread dies. Again don't join without reading the thread.

>> No.8404020

We could always try to dig deep and bump the good and related threads and ignore the spam.I tried it during a spamstorm but doing it alone was pretty hopeless

>> No.8404031

A good thing to do when doing that is to not acknowledge the spam. At all. Just... Just don't.
Don't say 'bump to counter the spam' or shit like that. Just proceed with the discussion or imagedump as normal.

>> No.8404081

Ya that's what I did.
What I also always liked about /jp/ is that people somehow turned shitty troll threads around and had interesting discussions about whatever topic in them

>> No.8404177
File: 89 KB, 170x170, 3630288.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's super obvious, just check the archives if you have time.

Once AoC left, the board was doomed. Self moderation doesn't mean shit, when the mods/janitors don't respond to reports asap.

>> No.8404283
File: 46 KB, 300x300, 13044.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These gifs are the best.

>> No.8404292

Nice bump, OP

>> No.8404322

Any news from the irc crowd?

I'd check myself, but I'm not getting involved with irc again.

>> No.8404332

We're making plans, though it's on hold for now since a few of us went to sleep.

>> No.8404337

Bumping this thread is only detrimental to anything you can hope to accomplish.

Have you talk to any of the people who have done just this already, by the way? There are a few already existing /jp/ refuges, and even if you don't want to use them learning why they didn't work would be valuable.

>> No.8404346

I use nokosage when posting so the thread wasn't bumped.

I've learned from a previous endeavor that these projects usually fail due to drama and/or a lack of users. But you raise a good point. I'm unaware of any refugees outside of /bun/, are there more?

>> No.8404365 [DELETED] 

Ah, sorry about that. I didn't actually check to see if the thread was bumped or not.

>I've learned from a previous endeavor that these projects usually fail due to drama and/or a lack of users.

Yeah likewise. But weak willed leadership, poor implementation, or clueless moderation are also pretty common pitholes. Expect the guy who does whatever coding the site uses, to run the site regardless of whoever is actually "in charge".

I don't consider /bun/ to be a /jp/ refugee, myself. Then again I never actually gave it a try due to who is running the site.

As I was saying, there are a handful of them out there. Some that still see themselves that way, others that fancy themselves something else now. I don't feel right naming them on 4chan (hurr hurr sekrit kloob), but I did see and take part in four myself, and assisted in the moderation of one.

Due to the dramatic nature of irc, I'm not sure how frank people would be willingly to be with you anyway, but if you find any of the refuges (they're not hard to find) just lurk their irc and ask about their history.

Sorry for being so wordy, I've wanted something like this to work out for a while now, and still do. Seriously, good luck. Learn why the others failed, don't make the same fuck ups.

>> No.8404394

It's better to be too wordy than not enough, I think.
Thanks for the input, I really do appreciate it. Not sure how far we'll get, but I'll keep it in mind through the course of this project. Hopefully we can get their opinion on the matter if/when we find them.

>> No.8404681

Discussion over? am I late?

>> No.8404699

They're all dead.

Or busy shitposting, I guess. We've been had.

>> No.8404711

Don't expect anything to come of this. It's been done before. This group will turn into a circlejerk, they'll shitout a half thought out imageboard which is be mostly about the irc circlejerk drama, just like every other group.

>> No.8404758

I hope not. It'd be nice if someone finally becomes the exception to the rule.

>> No.8404775

I would think anyone level headed and capable enough to at least stand a chance has long since left this shitfest.

>> No.8405418

bump so that mod sees this and bans everyone who posted in it.
