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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 779 KB, 746x900, 1325230432141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8429720 No.8429720 [Reply] [Original]

[spoiler]Alright moot that it, change /jp/ back to japan/general. All the /a/ and /k/ kids will leave and the old userbase will come back, /jp/ will be nice and slow and have a elitist userbase and everything will be alright in the world. come moot, this nightmare has been going on long enough.. I want to wake up already and be at least happy with some people like me, i just cant take these people... they just aren't like who we were and its really uncomfortable.. We dont even talk about /jp/ related topics and dont feel like a family, everybody acts crazy and like a 5 year old and has no personalty at all.</spoiler>

>> No.8429728

[spoiler]Why not just take it off the board list? Or, even better, the userbase go take over Tohno-Chan or Channel4 or something? The real problem is lack of moderation.</spoiler>

>> No.8429730

[spoiler]It's funny because you know very well this thread is part of the problem yet you created it anyway and I'm making this response even though everyone makes these responses and you've heard it all already but it has to be posted anyway because we can't just ignore it without saying it so I'm saying it meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta</spoiler>

>> No.8429733

Metathreads are the best.</spoiler>

>> No.8429735

I mean /v/, not /k/.</spoiler>

>> No.8429742

>the userbase go take over Tohno-Chan

You do know they're just more of the same from /a/, right?</spoiler>

>> No.8429738

[spoiler]It's funny how many people complain, but I always seem to be the only one harassing mods in IRC (yes I know most people PRIVMSG them--I generally ask if I'm the first out of interest).</spoiler>

>> No.8429743
File: 17 KB, 441x359, 1303222641512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ users are the most awful , next to /b/

>> No.8429748

[spoiler]Metakopipe AND Tokiko in one thread? That's my lucky day!</spoiler>

>> No.8429749

Whats the irc?</spoiler>

>> No.8429750
File: 28 KB, 500x283, 1276218390798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes, meta.
I come to /jp/ for meta</spoiler>

>> No.8429759

[spoiler]Eh, I'll take end of the world the sky is falling down meta over shitposter general threads.

Not reported. This time.</spoiler>

>> No.8429761
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>> No.8429762

No, /v/ is actually even worse than /b/, because it takes itself seriously.
It's like comparing cat shit to dog shit, though.</spoiler>

>> No.8429766

[spoiler]No OP, you are the shitposter.

I find it hilarious people think the namechange changed /jp/. Go dig through the archives. Before it was suck my cock dude, it was Hiroshima everyday, that failipino tripfag spamming his face everywhere, UNCLE MUGEN, and 24/7 arguing about "it's board related because it's japanese"

The same as it ever was.</spoiler>

>> No.8429769

No, that was /b/. Now its the userbase.</spoiler>

>> No.8429774

#4chan on Rizon. You'll need to register a nick. If you can't figure out how to do anything with this information, you don't belong in it.

So what...? Tohno-Chan is the best imageboard for otaku out there. It's what /bun/ wishes it could be.</spoiler>

>> No.8429775

We are 1000x worse now, we are just as bad as /b/ and /soc/.</spoiler>

>> No.8429790 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 864x1024, KagoAi14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aibon gets close to anon
*kicks hes head*

>Anon is mad

>> No.8429786

[spoiler]Best name was NEET/Hikikomori General.
I know it was a tongue-in-cheek thing but I really think it should have been permanent.</spoiler>

>> No.8429794

>Tohno-Chan is the best imageboard for otaku out there. It's what /bun/ wishes it could be.

Oh, are you a mod there or something and just pegging some advertisements? Or are you just hoping shitposters will raid them? I can't tell with you.</spoiler>

>> No.8429811

Most likely the latter</spoiler>

>> No.8429825

[spoiler]I wish we at least had a janitor, even that shitty one from the steam group.</spoiler>

>> No.8429833

Again, IRC.
I think I just got king of /jp/ banned.</spoiler>

>> No.8429849

[spoiler]you won't be getting my support until you stop playing the strawman /a/b/v/ argument and actually blame real shitposting fucks from /co/g/k/cgl/lit/mu/ and every other similar board. people from /a/ don't go to /jp/ to discuss /a/ what the hell is wrong with you idiots. they got a fucking broad with 10 times more activity to talk about their series. it's people from /co/ who want to feel elitist towards /a/</spoiler>

>> No.8429853

Going on irc and sucking the moderation's cock is selling your soul.

Someone's got to do it, and it does make a difference, but you can never go back.</spoiler>

>> No.8429856

what are we /b/?</spoiler>

>> No.8429867

These days? It sure seems that way.</spoiler>

>> No.8429885


>> No.8429880
File: 6 KB, 192x256, 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure did bro</spoiler>

>> No.8429884


Let's take a look at one of the quality threads of 08.


My personal favorite part is the taiko image spamming. Sudo before sudo even existed.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing. Hell, /jp/ has actually gotten slightly better, as back then you'd have taiko shitting up three threads, ISM and athens holding their own endless trollfests, and a random hiroshima/argument/meta-thread.

Nowadays only half the frontpage is shitposting.</spoiler>

>> No.8429886

It took you that long to reset your router?</spoiler>

>> No.8429889
File: 7 KB, 259x194, dfsdfsfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't feel to stand up</spoiler>

>> No.8429893

>Sudo before sudo even existed.
Sudo was here in 2008, no?</spoiler>

>> No.8429895

Things where a little shitty when we first arrived. But after we settled down things improved drastically. And really what more can you expect during the first months of a board like this?

Things were a lot better in all ways in early 09 than they are now. We're essenitally /b/ at this point, so drone on about how great we are now if you must, but know that you're wrong.</spoiler>

>> No.8429901


>> No.8429912


Vintage sudo.</spoiler>

>> No.8429910


Right, the quality threads of 09. Those were good times. Baawwwson all day every day, taiko scriptspamming his face, and GET threads. Truly the good times.


>> No.8429921

Yeah go on and pretend any board doesn't have some amount of shit on it. Go on and dig for any little thing to complain about.

I would gladly take a return to 09 quality levels over what we have now.</spoiler>

>> No.8429926
File: 784 KB, 1280x720, [Ayako]_Ikoku_Meiro_no_Croisée_-_05_[H264][720p][43A611D4].mkv_snapshot_02.26_[2011.07.31_20.57.19].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So embarrassing~</spoiler>

>> No.8429931


You've come a long way, that's for damn sure.</spoiler>

>> No.8429941

Me too.

This honestly doesn't even feel like /jp/ anymore. The strange thing about this is we always had metathreads say how shitty /jp/, but now it really is terrible and the userbase feels like they are totally different people.</spoiler>

>> No.8429947


And you can keep those rose tinted glasses on. You know how hard I had to "dig"? I simply kept jumping a thousand pages until I reached 08, and there was the first thread. A simple same image check for something from 09 for the second.

You can go back and look yourself. /jp/ has always been as shitty as it is. And if you believe otherwise, you're deluding yourself.

I remember 08 and 09. I remember times when /jp/ was so shitty it was unusable, and I had to stop to go do something else. Nowadays, if nothing else there's the VN general for me to hang out in.</spoiler>

>> No.8429949

[spoiler]We need to create a new imageboard. If somebody tells me how, I could do it.</spoiler>

>> No.8429950

That is nothing compared to how you feel when you see the way you act now.

Remember when you were just a disability pension tripfriend who had a tenga?</spoiler>

>> No.8429954

That you're okay with how things are now says all that anyone will ever care to know about you.</spoiler>

>> No.8429958
File: 24 KB, 500x283, standards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except we already have like fifty options. Many of which are doing exactly what you're trying to do. Your board would not be any better, faster, or more populated than any of the existing ones that have had a head start of a few years.


>> No.8429963

Hah. Good luck.</spoiler>

>> No.8429965

Install some version of Linux and web server software. Then, set up Wakaba or Kareha X. Make sure your ISP lets you host sights. You can also rent a shell somewhere if you have the money. If you need more help, send me a mail.

... not that making MORE /jp/ offshoots will make the internet any better. Sending more users to places with very few are what we need...</spoiler>

>> No.8429970


>> No.8429967


I'm sorry for preferring a board that isn't being raided 24/7 in addition to being full of shitposters. Now it's just full of shitposters.</spoiler>

>> No.8429966

He didn't say he was okay with it, he's just [spoiler][/spoiler]>implying[spoiler][/spoiler] that the people who say, "Oh the average quality of /jp/ in [year] was so much better!" are completely misguided. Which they are.
But it's okay. That's human nature. Confirmation bias and such.</spoiler>

>> No.8429973

It was a different type of shitty.
People would report everything and say it. Suigin spammed threads. Daily doses and that always sucked.

Now there are flanfly banners. Suck my cock, acting like 5 year old retards, good threads getting derailed by Sudo avatarfagging, the rest of the shitheads circlejerking or just getting derailed by stupid kids. I don't see how you can possibly think it isn't worse unless you enjoy this bullshit.</spoiler>

>> No.8429977

[spoiler]The reason /jp/ is bad isn't because of the shitposters or some Steam group or Tokiko or even a lack of moderation.
/jp/ is bad because both you and I enjoy meta threads more than on-topic discussion. That's why these threads get so many replies. We love complaining about shitposting and such more than actually talking about otaku culture, because we got bored of that years ago. Why do you think so many posters would rather ironically spam catchphrases or dump kopipe in an off-topic thread than simply ignore things and bump relevant, on-topic threads instead?</spoiler>

>> No.8429981


It's the same shit.

In 09 it was Taiko avatar fagging. "Are you frustrated?", and Japanese Bird Cooking Spaghetti every night.

There is no difference.</spoiler>

>> No.8429983

This is what he's talking about when he mentioned the nostalgia factor. Remember that back then there was absolutely no moderation? And that on a slow board like /jp/, that means a shitty thread would stay on the frontpage the whole fucking day. And no, we didn't use to ignore them.</spoiler>

>> No.8429987

They do. As a matter of fact, anyone defending how things are now are probably some of the very people who spam and shitpost here.

Back then things might have been shitty, but I could live with the amount of shit we had to put up with. Now it's just ridiculous.</spoiler>

>> No.8429988
File: 53 KB, 480x493, 35c44a2b_1300607497757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]I am just missing the idol threads</spoiler>

>> No.8429990

Oh ok, I just wanted to help. I don't even post that much here, I mostly lurk everyday, from before the split. But it never occurred to me to leave /jp/ until now.</spoiler>

>> No.8429998

Good luck sailor. The reason anyone is still even here is becuase there isn't a good alternative yet.

Not a single one of the many attempts to make a new home have managed to come out with more pros than cons.</spoiler>

>> No.8430000

> there isn't a good alternative yet.
There are tons. Notably text boards.
Any image boards you make will carry a certain stigma with them after so long.</spoiler>

>> No.8430007
File: 491 KB, 240x180, revolving frustration.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way I see it, it's more like
a)people find imageboard about cool stuff
b)they discuss the shit out of it, forming friendships in the process
c)they exhaust discussion
d)now they have nothing to do, so they spam dumb shit as inside jokes and e-winks to each other

The last part would be cute if they didn't use the board to do it. /jp/ is our board, we love it and we would rather everything we want to say with the people we love, rather than with strangers. However, this sort of backfires after a while.</spoiler>

>> No.8430009
File: 64 KB, 640x480, dawson-crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]I honestly love shitposting because it makes you faggots so upset. I've been doing it for years. Look at all this drama, I really can't get enough of it. I bet some of you are literally grinding your teeth and screwing your hands into legs because of all the meta drama.
Why the HELL would I stop?</spoiler>

>> No.8430012

I tried to visit /bun/ and tohno back in the day, but didn't really like it, and /jp/ wasn't that bad before. If we move to a new imageboard, we need to have some sort of consensus.</spoiler>

>> No.8430018
File: 12 KB, 404x236, 1303223008867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you cant expect to have the same userbase all the time, things change.
Japanese Bird Cooking Spaghetti
10/10 thread</spoiler>

>> No.8430022

Plenty of good textboards out there, I agree. And I use them.

But they are not a good replacement for /jp/, at least not any that I have found.</spoiler>

>> No.8430034

They're fine if you can accept slower discussion.
Which, to be honest, I prefer a lot more. /jp/ moves too fast. Not that that's inherently a bad thing--I just wish every person, before hitting submit, would think, "Is this really want I want to say? Should I post this? Is there anything more I can add?" but I guess that's asking too much of a 4chan board.</spoiler>

>> No.8430035

There will never be any consensus, see >>8429958's autistic, yet correct image.

I'd rather have all of us stay on /jp/. Also, it would be much better if everyone from /bun/ and Tohno moved back here permanently. I've come to the conclusion that this would at least kill some of the board drama.</spoiler>

>> No.8430036

You're right, it was a livable amount of shit. And /jp/ still felt like it was /jp/. Sometimes it didn't even feel like part of 4chan.

I honestly don't see how people can think the quality is the same. Even though the shit still existed it was on a different scale. We had threads that weren't derailed with spam/memes.</spoiler>

>> No.8430049

Funny, I've caught both myself and other saying this very thing a long ago. And we meant it. I guess ZUNbar was right and it's all about adaptability.</spoiler>

>> No.8430066

It is on a totally different scale now and you know it. And it really doesn't feel the same way.</spoiler>

>> No.8430077

They also, frankly, work better for discussion. Sage and user IDs function well with each other, too.</spoiler>

>> No.8430089

[spoiler]What's wrong with Tohno-chan?</spoiler>

>> No.8430090
File: 276 KB, 800x800, 1268859990026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's what I said long ago as well.

Now I'll post this image I use in metathreads and play oracle. After quite some time in the future, I will look back at all the shitposts of today and get a nostalgic or at least bittersweet feeling. I will see people reminiscing of them with glee and comparing them to future shitposts. One of them will finally say "even back in the days of flanfly and sudospam, /jp/ still felt like /jp/". This will remind me of that post and I will go back to the archive and search for it. And I will show that guy this post. And we will laugh and we will cry and we will report each other and /jp/ will go on.</spoiler>

>> No.8430093

I agree on both counts.

But you don't use a fork for soup. And you can't replace an imageboard with them, at least not one as media focused as this one should be.</spoiler>

>> No.8430103

Are you really asking or just stirring up shit?

You do know it was made by people on /a/, who act like people on /a/, and put all their energy into pretending like they're people from /jp/, right?

Going there to avoid kids from /a/, would be like setting yourself on fire to deal with being hot.</spoiler>

>> No.8430113

[spoiler]DISP_ID should be enabled on /jp/. I mean it's already a part of Futaba/Futallaby so it's not like moot would need to do anything.
Plus plenty of other boards have board-specific features, so this could kind of be explained as making /jp/ more like 2ch.</spoiler>

>> No.8430125

I'm not seeing it, though the only board I visit on Tohno is /an/.</spoiler>

>> No.8430128

Yeah, and they'll be gloating how they've been here since 2011. It's not a matter of acceptance. It's that the entire userbase is being replaced.</spoiler>

>> No.8430131

If you like it there, more power to you.</spoiler>

>> No.8430132

But that's because /a/ doesn't discuss anime
AM I RIGHT GUYS??</spoiler>

>> No.8430134

It'd encourage more people to sage... but why not go to some place like 4-ch if you want User IDs?

I don't see that. It's moderated, so who cares if they're kids from /a/ if they don't ... seem like kids? Think about that.</spoiler>

>> No.8430140

Alright well you can do that. But to me it doesn't change much. I remember how shitty it could be a few years ago, and honestly it is hard for me to argue against what you're saying as it is possible I am deluding myself but still. Things are different.

Anyway, where did the idol people go? They seemed to disappear.</spoiler>

>> No.8430150


You act like it matters, since most of the people in here going about the good old days in 09 came here in 09.

The board will always be shitty, and always has been.

From shitposting in 09 of bawson and japanese bird that eventually got accepted as legitimate after enough new people came, all the way back to /a/ before the split with RPfaggotry and kagamisip.

It's the circle of life.

Remember when /jp/ was good?
Me either.</spoiler>

>> No.8430157

But I see me and I see you and I see others as well. You forget it used to be just us. And it's just us doing all this damage. You can tell all these in-jokes (tlnote: that means shitposts) are obviously coming from people well-versed in /jp/ "culture"

It's up to you to adapt to all this. I'm not telling you to stop complaining or that everything is fine, just not to consider dumb things.</spoiler>

>> No.8430158

As I said. You're someone who accepts things the way they are. And that says everything anyone needs to know about you and your opinions.

Quality had dropped. It's not debatable.</spoiler>

>> No.8430165

> it's people from /co/ who want to feel elitist towards /a/

Why would they come to /jp/ for that when they do that on their own board or on /a/, /a/fag? /jp/ is more hated on /a/ is.</spoiler>

>> No.8430163
File: 3 KB, 120x90, 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was more fun back then.
not that i am complaining now , but there is a difference</spoiler>

>> No.8430172

Suck my cock dude, madoka a shit etc are people well versed in /jp/ culture?</spoiler>

>> No.8430195


And you are blind to blatant nostalgia.

But go ahead, whine about how shitty /jp/ is. It will accomplish the same thing people whining about how shitty /jp/ was in 09 did.

Nothing beyond people who can't have the decency to sage bumping the thread and filling the frontpage with yet another shitty thread.</spoiler>

>> No.8430202

Yes. Look at the form, not the content.</spoiler>

>> No.8430254

The form? The way it is spammed everywhere like a kid on his first day on /b/?

We've always had our share of problems, and we've always had metathreads. But legit threads got derailed far less. Anyway, this is going to be an endless argument for a change. The userbase has changed, the place seems like /b/ and the quality is objectively worse.</spoiler>

>> No.8430291

You're whole argument is just becuase I've got the same complaint someone else had in 09, that what I'm saying is completely invalid and only nostalgia.

Let's talk quality standards.I'll be good-old-days kun here for a minute. Could it be that in 09 people had higher standards, and complained just as loudly over things that weren't as bad as they are now?
(I know you think we should just adapt and keep adapting as things continue to get worse, so whatever)

Here's an example of what I'm talking about. A few months back I had to get a new coat becuase my old one bit the dust. My jacket was some shitty old military surplus, it smelled like it was used to store dead bodies when I first got it, and already was pretty beat up. I've had that coat for about 14 years now. It finally got too raggedy to wear in polite company so I bought a new one. Well, a new old one. I bought the same model coat, made to the same specifications. Same design, same color.

The coat I got was a complete piece of shit, it couldn't keep out a light draft, never mind pull duty as a winter coat (when I wear a liner with it). Where sturdy seams held tough canvas, now thin thread holds together some synthetic industrial waste from china, and cheap cotton. The zipper works, but it's worlds apart from the heavy brass on my old one. Now you can argue I'm just unreasonably attached to my old coat, I had it for a long time and that'd be a good argument. But despite all sentiment on the matter, the new coat just wasn't held to the same standards as the older one was when it was made. GIs probably have the same complaints as the ones who were issued to one from the era mine came from. But ultimately one product does not measure up to the other.

This is my argument over the level of shitposting now, as compared to then.</spoiler>

>> No.8430299

As things continue to get worse people will be willing to put up with worse. But they shouldn't have to, and I see no reason to keep lowering your standards when something else can still be done about it. And yeah I know, meta threads won't fix it, and /bun/ won't fix it, but that doesn't mean we have to all devolve into shitposters ourselves.</spoiler>

>> No.8430779


>> No.8430821


>> No.8430846

Your words could be said about many things people inexcusably tolerate in life.</spoiler>

>> No.8431037

[spoiler]LOL I can't believe this thread's still here</spoiler>

>> No.8432484

[spoiler]good thread</spoiler>
