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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8485390 No.8485390 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread:

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer and bios. Plugins are automatically included. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

Note: Newer emulator downloads than what is in the lazy pack can be found here: http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php

AT2 Raki bug patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?bp8ydy03ml7r5xa
You shouldn't need this if you're using a new version (0.9.7+) of PCSX2. Thanks to anonymous for uploading this!

Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

Latest Toukousphere Translation can be found on the top of this page:
April Fools TKS:

AT Visual Book:
Atelier Official Chronicle:

AT2 Flash Cosmosphere:
Offline Version:

>> No.8485400
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Lossless albums:
Ar tonelico Music Collection Torrent: http://www.bakabt.com/153236-ar-tonelico-music-collection.html
All tracks are encoded in FLAC format and include scans of covers and booklets. Torrent does not include AT3's Drama and Hymmnos Musical discs.

Alternative set of torrents:
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040

CADENA ~Atelier Series Jazz Arrange Album Featuring Mami Horie Vol.1~

Istoria~Kalliope, Akiko Shikata's latest album:
http://ddl.comiket.me (Search for "VAGRANCY")


Mediafire Folder of Ar tonelico / Atelier goodies:

- AT1-3 OST, Hymmnos Concerts
- AT1-2 Drama CDs, Hymmnos Musicals
- Utau Oka ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ (Album)
- AT3 Artbook
- Offline AT2 Flash Cosmospheres
- AT3 Yokkora fan disc
- original /jp/ stuff

>> No.8485414
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New GUST series directed by TOTAL COMMAND: "Surge Concerto"
First installment on Vita: "Ciel no Surge"

Upcoming releases:

Hyperdimenson Neptunia Mk. II - Feb. 24th 2012

Atelier Meruru - May 2012

>> No.8486221
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It is with much effort that our Lady Harvestasya toils hard and undertakes great pain daily to ensure that our glorious Clustania remains a beautiful paradise free of the pestilence of those hateful, revolting humans who seek naught but ruin for us. Not a moment passes without Her Grace's kind love bringing nourishment to our lives and our wonderful land.

Why have you not worshipped Lady Harvestasya today?

>> No.8486288

>Why have you not worshipped Lady Harvestasya today?
What is worship without idolatry? And GUST didn't feel like releasing any AT figures besides those Luca/Cloche ones.

They've been phoning it in with Totori figs/nendos, so I don't understand why not. I'd kill a man for a good Harvy fig, or as someone previously suggested- a series of cast-off "purge" figs.

>> No.8486331

>cast-off "purge" figs.
Oh maaaaaan.
I'd also kill for an AT nendo. A Mir nendo, why is there not a Mir figure?

>> No.8486433
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>> No.8486679

You know what? fuck it, I'd buy that.

>> No.8487820

The game isn't being directed by "Total Command"
It's being directed by Akira Tsuchiya (director of Ar Tonelico.)

>> No.8487876
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>> No.8487882

Man, did you even play AT?

>> No.8488192
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>a series of cast-off "purge" figs
>mfw Soma cast-off fig

>> No.8488674

Yes, I did. All three of them. My failure, I thought he meant Tecmo Koei...

>> No.8488686

My apologies, I had no idea he called himself that. I thought you were referring to Tecmo Koei.

>> No.8488695

We need more AT cosplaying as Ateliers.

>> No.8488706

Your favorite hymmnos is not as good as my favorite hymmnos. Your favorite heroine is a whore and mine is perfection,

>> No.8488725


>Your favorite video game is not as good as my favorite video game. Your favorite waifu is a whore and mine is perfection.

/v/ and [a/ in a nutshell. Now go back to your board.


>> No.8488780
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>> No.8488787


>> No.8488824

To be honest, that description fits /jp/ a lot better.

>> No.8488854


>that description fits /jp/ a lot better.

Only the loud minority of trolls, retards and immigrants. Usually the /jp/ threads are pretty civil.

And do us a favor and don't try to derail our loved AT/GUST thread into a shitty metathread.

>> No.8488885
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Simple remix of That which overflows from AT2


>> No.8488902


>> No.8488975

Like who in which costume?

>> No.8488982

So i have at1 and at2 and im gonna burn them and play them on my ps2. Should i really play at1 first? how long is it?

>> No.8488985

Also is the magic system have good effects and is there a lot of characters.

>> No.8488989

Yes, you should generally play the first game in a series before the second and third. This isn't Mass Effect.

>> No.8489000

What? You should play Mass Effect 1 before 2.

>> No.8489043
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Some Ciel no Surge screens.

>> No.8489060

I'll take that winged cat girl wearing nothing but a red ribbon band, please.

Fuck you, GUST, for making me want to buy a Vita

>> No.8489063

It looks gorgeous, definitely the same background artist from AT. And those 3D models, why couldn't AT3 have that quality of models?
PSVita Preordered.

>> No.8489068

>Dive Gate

>> No.8489079

So there's a Dive system, pretty interesting.
Also the japanese looks pretty simple, I'll import unless the online aspects are JP only as always.

>> No.8489084

The seiyuu is surprisingly cute.

>> No.8489087

I'm glad they kept the BG artist from AT. Or so it seems.
Also, <dem chests>.
But it has barcode functionality, right? "Enjoy JP-only release", it will be.

>> No.8489093

I will fucking move to Japan for this game.

>> No.8489102

It's the awesome hair what does it for me.

>> No.8489104

I will hate if Gust decides to go the MMO direction.
Hoping this "online" thing will be just an event updater or something like that. Anything involving a friend list is automatically shit.

>> No.8489105
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If it gets released in North America, I will buy a Vita just for Ciel no Surge

>> No.8489108

The character models and backgrounds look typical, if not plain. Is there supposed to be something amazing about the game that you guys are gushing over?

>> No.8489118

From the screen it looks pretty single player with some online messaging aspects or something, not direct interaction.

>> No.8489129

Are those odd green things sticking out of the MCs head ears?

>> No.8489135

Yeah, but i can't help but fear after all those rumors about Gust wanting to get cash from those gree and mobage normalfags with a new Atelier SOCIAL GAME.
Will keep low expectations for now.

>> No.8489146

I trust GUST if Tsuchiya is in it.

>> No.8489147
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I just want to cook a delicious meal with Ion. I don't need online functionality for that.

>> No.8489190
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So, more languages.

>> No.8489208

Now with more hyphens!

>> No.8489223

Hey !!BvxJDVIR1kE, I still haven't understood what "Atelier Homu" is from the last thread. Mind explaining it to me?

>> No.8489252

Atelier Chimu but with Homura, what is there not to understand?

>> No.8489267


I mean was there some kind of a doujin game based on Atelier homu or something

>> No.8489280

It's just a name joke. The homunculus from Rorona shortens to homu.

>> No.8489304
File: 8 KB, 284x177, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so ive been playing alot of AT3 after finally ending the last 2 (ended up with luca in the end but regretted it after seeing jacqli)

AT3 is pretty fun and im enjoying the battle system more than 2

pic related..im aiming for finnels true end

>> No.8489329

Everyone goes for Finnel, you won't regret it.

>> No.8489390
File: 65 KB, 300x400, 1488_6fbc6f7e023ab36298086fddea0620d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes perfection you just wanna hug her and tell her everything will be ok

>> No.8489409

>AT3 is pretty fun and im enjoying the battle system more than 2

You are mad sir, go see a specialist.
Also I agree Finnel is the best waifu, if anything because she's the only one who will survive the third tower shutting down

>> No.8489424
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Then tie her up and use her as a footstool.

>> No.8489474

god i heard that in her voice

>> No.8489478

Oh please, 2's copmbat system is either rageworthy or a fucking joke, tehre's no intermediate point.
Also has the auto win button called replekia if you don't give a shit.

>> No.8489484

I'm not saying that 2's gameplay is good, it's mediocre.
But 3's is a bad copy of Star Ocean/Tales' combat system, it's shit and worse than 2's.

>> No.8489498

Sorry to drag the discussion back, but
>cast-off "purge" fig
Is there anyone who can speak japanese who could email gust about this? I genuinely think this idea has merit and they might just consider it.

Back on topic though, yes Finnel edges out Tilia as being the best heroine in AT3. Akane > Finnel though.

>> No.8489514

It's a lot more enjoyable to play than two in my opinion.

>> No.8489529
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That scene where Aoto flirts with Akane is torture. I feel like Gust is taunting me, laughing at my shattered dreams.

>> No.8489591
File: 137 KB, 900x675, Ar_Tonelico3_Cocona_WP_1_by_finnel_harvestasya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have a little sister as awesome and as hot as cocoona

seriously does she return to metafalica later on? after promising croix she would?

>> No.8489613

Sorry for going off topic, but how do you do that?

>> No.8489739

I don't see why she shouldn't.
If it's about abadoning her new friends, I guess everyone will end up in one big city made from refugees from all the three towers, so they will be all together one way or another.

>> No.8489748

If you have a modded PS2, it's a simple matter of burning the iso onto a dvd and playing that. That's what I did, myself.

>> No.8489777

Thanks for replying. Mind telling me how can I get it modded?

>> No.8489786

I have hardware modding from over 9 years (PS2s are old, man), I don't think you can get those easily now, there's always softmodding.

>> No.8489787

How about you google it and stop being a mongoloidic moron?

>> No.8489791


buy a mod chip and fish out a soldering iron from your garage.

>> No.8489804

IF it's a slim, tape down some sensors and get a swapdisk. That's it.

>> No.8489806

All you need these days is a memory card and a flash drive.

>> No.8489808

There's no need to be butthurt. Calm down.

>> No.8489839

No, fuck you.

There is absolutely no reason this piece of shit cannot pop open google and do his own research.

>> No.8489866

Don't be so IPD infected, the guy's a lazy assfuck, sure, but no need to shit up the thread.

>> No.8489879

>Don't be so IPD infected


My apologies, I did not realize you were a retard. I'll let you be while I tell off this other thing. Please pipe down while I am doing so.

>> No.8489893

Don't AT games run better on the emulator?, why use the actual thing? At least they did for me.

>> No.8489924

Why so mad?
Looks like you got some serious anger issues.

>> No.8489941

Depends on the system you're running the emulator on. Emulators can avoid the problems such as Raki's memory dumping attack and such, but for most people without a strong computer the game will likely run with a bit of lag or graphical errors or the like.

>> No.8489943

I see what this is now.

At being outed as a moron of the highest caliber, you have instead chosen to retaliate with bad trolling. I'm on to you now. I see right through you.

Begone, foul troll! Never again shall you haunt our peaceful den with your odoriferous rank. You are banished.

>> No.8489950

If you don't feel like contributing to the thread, why bother posting? Insulting someone on the internet isn't going to totally change their life, you know.

>> No.8489952

Eh? What? What did I do now?

>> No.8489967

Get on your knees and suck my cock dude. :3

>> No.8489971


> everyone will end up in one big city made from refugees from all the three towers

Sorry to ruin your dream, but:

βs don't function away from the range of their tower - that's why Mir sent Cocona rather than just getting shit done herself. I don't know about γs and Origins offhand but since their creation is essentially like the β's I'd assume they have the same issues.

Only 3rd gens can travel freely, and I think even then unless they're IPDs they can't use song magic at foreign towers.

>> No.8489978

Last I saw, this thread stopped being peaceful the moment you dropped >>8489787

>> No.8489986

Sasha develops a relay system after AT3 that allows Tyria to visit the other towers etc.

>> No.8489988

Sorry, but how did Mir get to Metafalss then? I know Mir sent Cocona to Sol=Cluster for that reason, but I'm wondering that since I seem to have missed it.

>> No.8489991

Sol Marta is a relay satellite for Ar Tonelico.

>> No.8490000

Only because the spoonfeeding defense force came out in full coalition. If any of you had taken the proper measure of simply reporting and/or calling him a retard, this extended argument would not have happened.

Now you know. I expect you to do the right thing, next time.

>> No.8490009

I don't approve of spoonfeeding, but if someone goes and does it, I'm not going to shit up the thread in order to show my opinion.

>> No.8490021

You are the problem.

You are the silent majority who simply does nothing whenever crimes are committed, letting the shitstains know that it's okay to act like a retard whenever the fuck they want.

And why not; nobody is going to stop them, or say anything, right? In fact, whenever someone does, they'll know that some sniveling little shit like you will tell them off, cause they are obviously "shitting up the thread".

You can either fuck off with that guy, or you can shut the fuck up and let people who still care do their thing for the betterment of /jp/.

>> No.8490043

>for the betterment of /jp/.
More like, you are the reason why the rest of this board has devolved into a massive shitposting circlejerk. I'm sorry, but a stagnant board with stagnant discussion, save Gust and /fig/ threads, is not my cup of tea.

>> No.8490049


That's fantastic news! Don't let the door hit you on the way out, trash.

>> No.8490058

Oh, you guys.

>> No.8490062

At least /jp/ does serve one purpose well; that is, catching all the shitposters in one big shitpost general the board so discussion can be had elsewhere.

>> No.8490193


Oh, durr. I keep forgetting that.

Reyvateil parties for all! \o/

>> No.8490459

Anyone else in "glorious" America having difficulties finding a reasonably-priced copy of AT3?
Looking in all the places I normally would for video games, I can't find it for less than $70 here, but from UK Amazon, I can get it for ~$50 (including shipping), I just have to wait a month for it.

This is true suffering.

>> No.8490497

Not from America, but still buy everything from there through Amazon. Got it for $80 back then.

>> No.8490514

Anyone got the Piano Sheets for the Kalliope Piano concert?

>> No.8490650

PS3 game prices don't seem to really drop much. I remember half a year ago, Valkyria Chronicles was still selling for $50 everywhere I looked, despite it being 3 years old.

>> No.8490709

Here you go friend.

>> No.8490911

That's very strange. For once Ausfags are getting the better deal.

Can you order from here?

>> No.8490938

Damn, I wish.
Looks like you have to sign up for an account, and the only countries on the list on Australia and New Zealand.
I'll probably just settle with buying it from the UK and waiting a month. Wish I had thought of this sooner...

>> No.8491040

I've been looking everywhere for Valkyria Chronicles. Then I found the last copy in my local game store for 20 euros.

One of the best days of my life.

>> No.8491168

That's because it's not the Premium edition.

>> No.8491206

Maybe GUST should work on improving their graphics engine for Ciel nosurge. Honestly, it still looks like a PSP game. Ion is cute but, uh...

>> No.8491212

Living in buttfuck nowhere in the midwest. Went to the PX not long ago and they just had 3 copies of the premium sitting there. Saw it at the local game store too.

Look harder, it shouldn't be difficult to find.

>> No.8491307

Are we looking at the same screenshots?

It looks nice... to me at least.

>> No.8491335

Have you ever seen a PSP game?
I mean, it looks better than AT3 in detail.

>> No.8491584

I understand, but I could've been better. It is the Vita after all.

>> No.8491618

It's GUST after all.

>> No.8491694

>It is the Vita after all.

You know, actually, Vita games don't look as good as you might think. I mean, look at Uncharted and the likes. Certainly not a "portable PS3".

>> No.8491723

They're still launch titles, I mean fuck, I still remember how shitty PS3/PSP launch titles looked. Always happens, devs learn who to take the most out of the system over time. That said, PSVita is no Portable PS3, but still pretty close.

>> No.8491739

Official site is now open.

Follow Ciel nosirge on Twitter: @SurgeConcertoPR

I didn't imply that the Vita is a portable PS3 -- it's not, I just think that the graphics engine they used for the game could've been better. I agree, it's beautiful as it is now, but it could've been better.

>> No.8492174

I just ordered it online. I've checked a few game stores in the area (though admittedly not as many). I was more concerned about the price though. Even if I did find it in a gamestore somewhere, it seems to be easily $70-80. Britfags get it for $40 ;_;

>> No.8492263

Britfags don't get Premium.

>> No.8492399
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I like the convenient have / have not wall. Keeping class warfare simple.

>> No.8492437

So does Ciel nosurge take place on Ar Ciel? I've noticed Hymmnos but I'm not sure.

>> No.8492449

I don't even know anymore, but I bet on "No".

>> No.8492527

Most likely a spiritual successor that happens to bring over a bunch of familiar elements as fanservice but has no canon connection.

>> No.8492536

I'm still hoping that this game will have a battle system.

>> No.8492566

I don't see who you would fight in here. Looks more like AT with only the Dive system and character interactions.

>> No.8492584

Don't bet on it. It's SoniComi for Vita.

>> No.8492732

Why haven't I played that?

>> No.8493511


The lower classes can go their entire lives without ever seeing the City of Emerald Vibrators

>> No.8493541
File: 244 KB, 595x842, ciel1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Gust.
Now i only need a release date, already got a PSVita in preorder on amazon.

>> No.8493812

I wonder what title would NISA slap into this in the absolutely unlikely event that this gets translated. "Ciel's surge[sic]: Living in [world's name]"? "Ciel's Life: Knights of [world's name]"?

>> No.8493982


so what does /jp/ think,
Is there a chance that this game will get a western release?

I mean, didn't gust release all their games of recent years here, too?

>> No.8494021

But this will have barcode functionality, right? Is that localizable without a (very relatively) huge amount of effort/reprogramming?

>> No.8494576
File: 832 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20120130_190639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got enough shelf space I can do something other than stack my games as efficiently as possible, so I made a little GUST shrine in one of them.

>> No.8494718

I guess it's time to start up a Surge Concerto folder in my GUST image library.

>> No.8494991


Not bad. Wish I had the space to do something like that but, alas, I have too much rubbish crowding my shelves as is. So much so I even store books in my kitchen. Also, why do you have two copies of Neptunia, or is that just the box it came in or something?

>> No.8494996

Me in the top right.

>> No.8495042


That's just the big box vs. the actual game case since we're playing the game now, trying to finish it before the second one comes out.

There are two copies of a game in that shot, but I'm too embarassed to say which one it is.

>> No.8495177


what's the ds game in the top left corner?

>> No.8495183

Atelier Annie, duh.

>> No.8495201


soo is CIEL the title which was teased some weeks ago?
or is gust working on another project?


>> No.8495313


Barcodes are barcodes - you can scan them on any camera. It's not clear exactly how they're integrated into the game yet - if they're on, say, train stations, yeah good luck getting that outside of Japan. But if it's like, scan any barcode and it becomes something in the game world, or scan barcodes that other players generated by doing something - that should work just fine.

I don't think we'll see it just because Vita sales are so crappy right now, and none of the smaller publishers in America right can / want to take risks. Localized publishing is also going to be up to the Japanese side of T-K for the first time, and they'll probably fuck it up somehow..

>> No.8495353


> I mean, didn't gust release all their games of recent years here, too?

Only for a very literal definition of "all their games." Ateliers Lise and Lina were never released in English. Although their development was outsourced, GUST still designed and produced them.

The Gramnad series (Viorate and Judie) got a PSP remake, which Sony refused to allow into the US under their "no ports" policy.

>> No.8495354

Cross Edge?

>> No.8495364



You're probably the person whose fault it is there's two copies anyway...

>> No.8495435
File: 88 KB, 460x637, ion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's the game they've been teasing us with.


>> No.8495458

Barcodes are barcodes, yes. But does all the world use the same... number range, for example? Yes, I don't even know how barcode scanners work for games. What barcodes are you supposed to scan, after all? But I just... imagine there would be serious "compatibility" issues.

>> No.8495479


> number range

No. Nothing you're saying makes sense.

The only way it doesn't work is if the game design requires the barcodes to be physically distributed in a way that only works in Japan, or if the barcodes themselves contain Japanese text rather than some kind of IDs (which doesn't make it impossible, but does increase the translation burden - on the other hand, it's cheaper than running a real online network.)

>> No.8495553
File: 278 KB, 1000x750, kanojo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know whether this would be the same technology,
but I had this japanese iphone app once,
called "barcode kanojo";

The idea was that you scan some random barcode and a "virtual girl" is created on the basis of the code

(it wasn't possible to create a girl twice, because it was checked via internet connection.
for example there was only one kanojo which was created by scanning the iphone 4 barcode)

long story short.
I scanned many different objects, (most of them just european everyday stuff)
german sweets for example, and it worked fine with this japanese software.

soo I don't know,
I guess it should also be possible for Ciel to work
as long as they don't use some very special barcodes as some other anon guessed.

>> No.8495577
File: 25 KB, 320x480, the-reyvateils-themselves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The story of Surge Concerto begins with a solar system with a swelling sun. La Ciel’s residents have two plans to deal with this impending crisis. A group (loosely translated as) the Astronomers are developing a plan to teleport residents to another planet. Meanwhile, a Terrestrial group wants to save the solar system by harnessing the power of song magic.
Well, it seems Total Command hasn't lost his touch. I'll give up and watch a "Let's Play" or something as soon as somebody does one.

>> No.8495605
File: 255 KB, 724x720, 1327863593315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by harnessing the power of song magic
>the power of song magic
>song magic

dear god,


let a western release happen

>> No.8495633

I'll be content if they bring Shikata Akiko. That's all I'm asking for.

>> No.8495663

I am considered with Stats Ion might have. And interactins that changes them.
I want... an Ar Tonelico Princess Maker. I want this to be it...

>> No.8495827

>The Reyvateils Themselves
Mah nigga!

>> No.8495842

Western release around 2015+

>> No.8495894

I'm kinda depressed by the fact that there won't be more AT stuff.

>> No.8495900


that's why I'm so hyped by the link to "song magic" in CIEL

>> No.8495930

But it's like an spiritual successor, AT but not AT. Songs without hymmos, Diving without Reyvateils.

>> No.8496016

I'm willing to bet it's on the same universe created by the EXA PICO. I mean, why the fuck not if there's song magic?

>> No.8496041


can't we somehow push for a us release for the game?

I want to play it, now!

in b4 play the jap. version

>> No.8496061


>> No.8496080


did that ever work for a game?

well maybe nis america isn't as reluctant as other publishers

>> No.8496090

I don't think so, but it wouldn't hurt to try, maybe.

>> No.8496780

That would be really fucking awesome.

>> No.8496803
File: 1.45 MB, 2000x1579, 1327862528262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wondering... what would /jp/'s cosmosphere look like? How fucking horrifying would it be? I don't think any of the characters in the games are as scarred, jaded and traumatized as some people in this board.

Pic related?

>> No.8496937

But we're not Reyvateils...

>> No.8497001 [SPOILER] 
File: 52 KB, 1600x1200, inner_world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8497018

It would have little girls everywhere.

>> No.8497081

Something akin to Elona, probably.

>> No.8497093

You can't really capure the feeling with only a picture. Sounds and smells are necessary to properly express the horror.

LV1: Real world. Anon is absolutely apathetic. You can see the corrosion on the world is getting worse by the minute, but Anon just sits in his room, answering any comment with depressing half-funny remarks. You have to show him somebody honestly cares about him to take him out of his apathy.
LV2: School life. Anon goes to school everyday, but something doesn't feel right. No matter how many days pass, all he does when coming back home is playing his eroge and listening to Japanese music. Why doesn't he go out with his friends from school? Maybe he...
LV3: RPG spoof. Anon turned into... the Dark Lord? He sits in his throne, commanding evil armies, attacking villages and enjoying the pleasures from every female he puts his eye on. How did that kind Anon become such a despicable individual, and moreover, why is he destroying his own world?
LV4: Sadism. Blood. Glitches. Can you even call this a "world"?
BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fgp2MgD1ayk
LV5: Would make Lovecraft's stories look sane in comparison. Cue Karma: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkvQte7JWpw).). As soon as you enter, you find yourself in an infinite void. You feel an overwhelming, absolute wave of nostalgia and regret before being enveloped by... something...
Unavoidable BAD END. Diver suffers a mental breakdown she never recovers from.

>> No.8497113

Mine would be a brick maze, with the tops of lilac bushes visible beyond the wall. There would be a central fountain-plaza, with nine paths leading off, each of which branch off immediately into a path perpendicular to the initial.
Instead of intersecting with any of the other paths, though, each branch goes on for miles, before it is revealed that the two paths off each nine gates are the same path - a total of nine circular paths (that appear to be straight when traveled on) encircling the center.
When the wall is climbed over, the entire thing falls down, crumbling into bricks and loose dirt, until it splashes into a cold, shallow, unlit pool that extends in all directions, vision obscured by the dim light and fog.

This setup mirrors my thoughts, going off in one direction and ending where I started, with no progress made. The continual returning to the dry fountain represent my search for meaning that is made futile by the "fountain of youth" (creativity, happiness) having "run dry" long ago. When everything collapses, it represents a paradigm shift, as I begin to think of everything in purely rational terms, and arrive at (the chill pool) the uncomfortable realization that my life is aimless wandering without a goal.

>> No.8497114

You forgot the lone girl, with golden hair, and a pure, white dress, smiling and giggling, walking to and fro, disappearing and reappearing as she steps through nothingness...
this being the last image the diver sees before "waking up" and going insane.

>> No.8497294

There needs to be a sewers level. No /jp/ user's mind is free of a sewer full of the dripping filth of perversion and debauchery. On the surface of the muddy sewage flowing through the complex tunnel network, one can catch the reflections of 2D girls in lewd poses, the putrid smell of semen and body odor fills the air in place of the wastewater odor. Used dakimakura covers of every 2D girl Anon has masturbated to and then forgotten about flow along the maze, gnawed on by dog-sized rats, and cockroaches larger than one's fist scutter around in search of new memories to feed on.

The guardian is modeled after the first girl Anonymous ever fell in love with, now lost in the depths of the ocean of filth that consumes his twisted mind. Not even Anon knows what has become of her, but once in a while, an enormous tentacle surges forward from the putrid waste and drags a new figure or dakimakura in an act of apparent jealousy.

>> No.8498325

Let's see. Eurofag here. Neptunia MKII release date is approaching, so I'm evaluating my options.
A)preorder from Amazon.it. Ships on 22nd of February,probably, arrives 1 day later. 45.98€(60.3$), no shipping expenses. European version so no limited at all, and European DLC(which tend to cost more).
B)preorder from NISA, 80,47$ with cheapest shipping, Limited edition, US version, so US DLC(probably a bit cheaper), probably ships around the 24th, arrives ???, might be blocked by customs, unless that's actually why there are shipping expenses at all.

Actually, it's mainly the customs thing that worries me. Anyone got any experience wth deliveries from NISA to Europe? As for delivery time, eh. It's not like it will be spoiled on /jp/, even tho I would probably play it now since I already platinum'd the first one.

>> No.8498358


I live in Germany; every package NISA sent me has gotten stopped by customs (except for Prinny 2, maybe because it was so small). Not sure how customs works in Italy, but here in Germany you have to go to the office, open the package to show them it is what it says it is, and sometimes show them a (second) receipt.

NISA doesn't lie on their invoices so you shouldn't have any problems if you bring your receipt and some cash to pay VAT with you.

The actual shipping doesn't take too long - a little less than two weeks is the worst I had.

>> No.8498454

How it works here is basically the same except the office would be about 1000km from where I am, so they'd send me a letter, I'd have to pay for that letter, for a 20% tax, and then wait another 2 weeks as I send them the letter back and they send the package to me with the slowest package possible. So normal edition it, I guess. Amazon.com is a bit simpler, since they charge you for import taxes so it doesn't get blocked, and they give the money back in the odd chance it doesn't get actually blocked.

>> No.8498457

I live in the Netherlands and never was a NISA parcel stopped by customs for me.

Even very large things (my mother bought Pots and Pans from America) and it arrived without problems.

But all my figurines were stopped for 3 weeks.

>> No.8498479


In Germany it seems to depend entirely on whether the proper paperwork is out on the outside of the package, or the inside. Amazon and Play-Asia know what to put so they don't get stopped, usually. NISA seems more of a crapshoot based on what packaging they end up using.

>> No.8498559


UK here, Northern Ireland to be precise. I've ordered Neptunia, Rorona, Totori and AT3 from the NISA store and I've had zero issues regarding customs. The packages usually arrive around a week after the shipping notification. The EU 'limited edition' items tend to be rather bad in quality so paying a little extra (£10 at most) for the extras is worth it, if you like that kind of thing. Also remember that the EU PSN store is pretty slow regarding the DLC.

>> No.8498743
File: 191 KB, 850x1181, 1314174901833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The DLC's speed for those title has been... acceptable. I'm beginning to suspect that customs have something to do with the people there being a dick or not. And from what I've heard... they're quite a dick here.

>> No.8499476
File: 131 KB, 398x641, 1327273915450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I wrote an email to NIS America yesterday,
and got the expected answer

>Hello XXXX,
>Thank you for showing an interest in Gust's latest >title! Unfortunately at
>this time we have no plans to localize Ciel no
>Surge, but we recommend
>signing up for our Prinny Bomb newsletter so you
>can be the first to know of
>any game or anime-related announcements we

guessed as much.

so /jp/ any plans?

>> No.8499479


>> No.8499485


"We have no plans" is what they're going to say until they make an official announcement no matter what.

I'd imagine that whether NISA goes for it will depend on what Vita sales look like through this year. Because of that if it happens it'll probably be a slightly longer time to localization than NISA's usual year+

>> No.8499488

They already announced there will be a MH this year for Vita, plus, Ragnarok seems like it will provide good sells.

>> No.8499858

Pretty much this.
As sad as it is, GUST stuff is pretty much niche still (except for maybe Disgaea?) so publishers like NISA will be very careful with their decisions on which games to localize.
It's gonna be a different story once the game is released and did sufficiently well, until then you shouldn't expect anything.

>> No.8500023


> GUST stuff is pretty much niche still (except for maybe Disgaea?)

I thought this thread used to be full of smart people.

>> No.8500063

disgaea is developed by NIS, not Gust
though NISA does the publishing work für Gust and NIS (who would have guessed) in the west

>> No.8500102

My bad, I lumped them together due to the NISA publishing and since I didn't know better due to the lack of interest in the series.

Doesn't change the fact though that GUST games are niche(*) and publishers, especially small ones like NISA, need to be careful about what to bring over to the west.

(*) If you don't like the term niche, replace it with "doesn't have hundreds of thousands of fans who blindly buy their shit, even if it sucks"

>> No.8501509

So I'm preordering a PSVita, but should I buy games with it or spend on a 32GB mem card, since the games cheaper on PSN.

>> No.8501516


Launch lineup looks kind of lame and even Uncharted: GG has been getting really mixed reviews. I say go for the memory stick since it will be more useful in the long run.

>> No.8501532

I'll take heed of this.

>> No.8501539

Only Gravity Daze is interesting.

>> No.8501577

I know, really hyped after its Famitsu review, but it's not a launch title.

>> No.8501619

Buy two 16gb cards.

One for you Store
One for Japan Store.

>> No.8501634

So one card per PSN account? That's too much of a rip-pff. I don't understand why would Sony do this.

>> No.8501661

But I can't really buy JP PSN cards, I only use the JP account on my PS3 to download trailers and the occasional free stuff.

>> No.8502367

I'm pretty sure they went and said that unless you reformat your Vita, you can only have one account related to it. Even more being European is suffering.

>> No.8502416

>Atelier Totori
>Just doing shit as usual
>Peter asks me to get 8 girls for Fishing Festival
>4 in village including Totori
>Need to go to the city for the rest
>Peter shuts down his carriage service
>Doing the math by days, a trip back and forth starting with the current save would be one day late.
You know what, fuck you Peter.

>> No.8502472

You haven't made a warp gate already?

>> No.8503083


>> No.8503203
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, 1323696590486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Warp gate

So many pylons around me... I want them all.jpg

>> No.8503290


Ah I completely forgot about it.


Yeah, that sucks but thankfully Sony kept it region free. I might import it.

>> No.8503454

Well now that I have a non shit computer, I can emu AT2.
The only problem is, button input lags and as a result, it's near impossible to defend the girls.
Anyways, good game so far.

>> No.8503468

Fuck around with the emu settings, should be alright.

>> No.8503581

Play on easy modo. You're not in for the battles anyway, believe me.

>> No.8503635

But being reprimanded by Cloche for missing a guard is one of the joys of the game.

>> No.8503715

Even if they put the proper value's on the outside, If the value is higher than 22 euro's you are to pay sales tax over the goods if its from outside the EU. Thus you package gets halted.

Keep in mind that shipping costs also count towards the 22 euro limit and you will also have to pay sales tax over the shipping costs.

My guess is that amazon slips through allot without having to pay is because its mostly books and cd's, thus not interesting and worth the effort to inspect/tax most of the time.

>> No.8503720

Replaying the original AT on emulator. Currently at phase 2, Misya route. It's quite interesting that what surprises me the most is how I did not realize how much of a faggot Lyner was six years ago. I also found Misya quite amazing that she can endure some thickskull douchbag who emotionally hurts her for every two lines.

Well, half a decade does change one's mind.

>> No.8503735

>how much of a faggot Lyner was

That statement is simply wrong. Lyner may be one dense motherfucker, but he genuinely means well in whatever he intends. He is certainly better than the other two heros.

>> No.8503814


well the protag of AT2 wasn't that bad,
although a little too quite at times.

I mean he even learned some hymmnos...
that's pretty cool for a 'normal' dude

>> No.8503903

From my personal experience with German customs, it pretty much boils down to how much of an ass the person who's checking your shipment wants to be. That being said, I wonder how long I'll have to wait once NISA ships my copy of Neptunia.

>> No.8504296

Has there been any progress with the AT2 relocalization project? Or has it been scrapped entirely?

>> No.8504397

err...it seems I was timing it wrong entirely. Guarding is quite easy, actually.

>> No.8505227
File: 179 KB, 1110x1600, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personality i like aoto the best out of the main 2

he wasent obvilious to the fact the girls wanted his cock and he always made fun of them like calling out sakis titties or staring at finnel change

croix was not as obvilious as lyner was but kinda obvilious to the fact luca was using him

>> No.8505317

It's ironic because he's Shirou.

>> No.8505545

I believe it was dropped.

>> No.8505655

>croix was not as obvilious as lyner was but kinda obvilious to the fact luca was using him

Until she told him (and everyone else), how the hell would he have ever known?
Oh right, croix had a delorean to go and see her childhood with.

>> No.8506070

Hey guys, I'm playing Qoga for the first time and I've got some questions. I've dropped 2 heart points into Finnel and now I've come upon the last heart point. I want to do Finnel's route at 3 HP but I also want to do Tyria's route. Should I make an extra save to go back later and do Tyria's route? I've heard something or other about NG+ letting you start in different phases...is this true? How does it decide HP and equipment/synth stuff? Also, for the 2/1 HP split, how far along in the CS do you have to be before it locks a route?

>> No.8506105

For NG+ you retain your level, money and DP, but everything else reverts to what you had the time of the checkpoint. I don't remember exactly when the checkpoints are, but I'd make a save just before the third heart point to be sure.

You get locked into a route when the Reyvateil confesses to you and you accept. I think it's level 8, but don't >quote me on that.

>> No.8506124

Alright, thanks man. I was just a bit worried since in AT2 you get locked in at level 5 and I'm at level 6 with Finnel right now. Figured having 2 saves would be the safest thing but wanted to make sure I wasn't already too far with Finnel to get Tyria in the other save.

>> No.8506743

I think CS in AT3 straightout goes "Well, if you go deeper than this you'll have to commit your life to this girl. Do you accept? Yes/No"
If you try to say yes when some other girl has already confessed to you will make the CS go "nope, you already have girl x, now get out and come back when you're on this route"

>> No.8507416 [SPOILER] 
File: 255 KB, 560x420, IT0000151028p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have this?

>> No.8507959


The AT2 version is really nice, it's a shame the AT3 version hasn't popped up yet. Here's a link to buy it if someone wants to get it:



>> No.8507980

Is there one for AT1?

>> No.8508534

What's the name of the BGM that plays in the Lymph Duct in AT3? I can't seem to find it on the OST...

>> No.8508550

I can't really remember the exact zone names, but if it's not on the OST it's probably the broken version of EXEC_REBIRTHIA=PROTOCOL. You'll find that on the AT3 Hymnos Concert Side Blue.

>> No.8508579

It's strictly a sample of REBIRTHIA=PROTOCOL, you won't find the cut version on the OST.

>> No.8508653

Is there any implied romance/crush between totori and any boy in the game?

>> No.8508664

Gino, in the festival.

>> No.8508686
File: 401 KB, 1350x2220, PBVxt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's the Sterk end for Totori.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.8508773
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Nah only lesbianism

>> No.8508799

Ah okay. Thank you. I must have skipped over that too quickly then because I swear I listened to all of them.

>> No.8509078

Oh wow, I just realized that artist bookmarked me on Pixiv.

>> No.8510952


Unfortunately not.

>> No.8512814 [SPOILER] 
File: 469 KB, 900x1200, 201201252358039b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lack of activity in this thread has been noted. In order to combat this your daughter has resorted to whoring herself out. I hope you're proud.

>> No.8512898

Please don't bully Ionasol.

>> No.8512917

I knew she was a lewd woman from the time I first laid my eyes upon her, so this is not a surprise in the least. She's probably enjoying it, too...

Nonetheless, thank you, Ion. Your actions shall revive our precious GUST thread, and probably the world! Because that's how the plot goes, most likely.

>> No.8513203 [SPOILER] 
File: 195 KB, 750x1000, 24757728_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You call this bullying? She looks pretty happy to me.. ;_;

>> No.8513252

The fuck is wrong with people drawing this stuff?

>> No.8513999

>>Ciel no Surge porns

Feels good man.

Hopefully a doujinshi or two will come out before the game does as well. Like with the Vanillaware fanbase and Dragon's Crown.

>> No.8514176

A relative saw me playing Totori. Mimi and Melvia were talking about massages and boobs.

She politely asked me if I was playing a game for girls. I didn't know how to respond.

>> No.8514185 [DELETED] 

Remember when these threads were the cancer of the board?

>> No.8514201

Doesn't ring a bell.

>> No.8514202

I never played Ar Tonelico so I don't even know what people talk about here. It's a japanese fighter right? Then I think it;s okey, I guess.

>> No.8514203


I'm not sure if you're saying that in nostalgia, or in contempt of the OP.

These general threads have an informative OP, and the discussions are usually of good quality. I don't see anything particularly wrong or un-/jp/ about this thread.

>> No.8514220 [DELETED] 

Really? It was quite a big thing. Sift through some of the old /ghost/ drama if you're bored:

It's a Japanese RPG that people decided belongs in /jp/ instead of /v/. It has an even weaker case than Vocaloids, so I don't understand your position.

> I'm not sure if you're saying that in nostalgia, or in contempt of the OP.

> I don't see anything particularly wrong or un-/jp/ about this thread.
It's a sign of the times that we're allowing /v/ bullshit in /jp/.

>> No.8514253


For the record, I don't even know what Ar Tonelico is, other than the fact that it's a /v/-material franchise.

>It's a sign of the times that we're allowing /v/ bullshit in /jp/.

See, now this is just being irrationally stubborn. Like how Republicans are anti-abortion on principle, and therefore push pro-life laws regardless of unintended consequences like back-alley abortions.

Take a look at the entire thread. It is 99% on-topic, containing far less shitposting than normal /jp/ threads, even the VN generals. The people posting in here seem to be having fun. The only post in here that's shitposter quality is your's.

People are having fun in this thread. Sure it may seem to be /v/ material, but let's be honest. An Ar Tonelico thread on /v/ would be bombarded with WEEABOO, PEDO, and other low quality, off topic posts.

It's not like this thread is contaminating other /jp/ threads. I don't see why you're so upset other than the fact that it's not a /jp/ native thread.

>> No.8514273 [DELETED] 

While I'm happy for these people, they need to realize this topic does not belong here. These threads have been deleted before. When they first became popular, /v/irgins flocked to /jp/ en masse and made threads about Persona and Final Fantasy and all manner of games. Many of them were banned (search /ghost/).

If you don't see a problem with having console video game threads on /jp/--as nice as they may be--then you're either stubbornly naive or very, very new.

>> No.8514274


>old /ghost/ drama

The only thing /ghost/ is good for is when the boards are down. Other than that, the majority of /ghost/chatters are autistic.

>> No.8514280

It's a bit late to be complaining about Gust threads when they've been going on for years, isn't it?

>> No.8514291


>/v/irgins flocked to /jp/ en masse

I can also argue that having STG threads in here encourage /v/ friends to come over and shit up this board too.

>Persona and Final Fantasy

They're much more controversial and mainstream than Gust.

>search /ghost/

This a FOUNDING FATHERS-level rhetoric. AT generals have been around for a while (at least over a year), and plenty of /jp/ regulars post in this thread. It's part of /jp/ culture.

>Many of them were banned

/jp/ moderation hasn't exactly been consistent since its inception, not sure what you're trying to get at.

>> No.8514318 [DELETED] 

And for when off-topic threads are deleted.

Having been here a while doesn't make it on-topic or rule-abiding. Otherwise shitposting would be acceptable.
Look, Naruto threads going back to 2008:
Guess Naruto is fine, huh?

>> No.8514344
File: 280 KB, 1112x2349, 1318959803872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Having been here a while doesn't make it on-topic or rule-abiding.

AT threads have integrated well. I honestly haven't seen a single person complain about Gust as much as you in like, months.

>Guess Naruto is fine, huh?

Why are you being so dense?

What I'm trying to say, in a nutshell:

Naruto is not fine because it does not integrate well into /jp/ culture and is not tolerated by the community. Gust is fine because it does integrate well into /jp/ culture and is tolerated by the majority of /jp/.

Also, please tell me why STG threads are allowed. Non-Touhou STG are /v/, and you might even argue that Touhou gameplay threads are /v/, since the only Touhou related thing that cluttered up /a/ were the imagedumps and non-gameplay related lore discussion.

pic related: you if you were on /tg/

>> No.8514353

They've been here long enough and consistently enough that they're basically board culture, now, though. It's gonna be pretty hard for you to change anyone's minds on that.

>> No.8514414

Retard seems to be forgetting the games are along the lines of 80% VN and 20% gameplay, hell most places list the games as a visual novel foremost.

>> No.8514423


He probably has never even played an AT game and first knew of its existence from watching a Youtube purge scene compilation.

>> No.8514441

best place to buy artbooks?


>> No.8514455


Like with all things.

Amazon only if you're ordering lots of books (15-20 books).

eBay if it's from a legit seller.

CDJapan/BK1 for smaller purchases.

Mandarake if not in production anymore.

>> No.8514478

I haven't seen a retard try to argue these threads off the board in the while.

>> No.8514521

The problem with vocaloid is not the it's /jp/ related or not, it's that vocaloid has a bigger fanbase than Touhou, And that fanbase is made of adolescent girls, animefans, cosplayers, retards, etc (outside japan). Vocaloid threads would attract that kind of people. And they could overtake /jp/ and replace Touhou.
Ar Tonelico's fanbase is small and inofensive so I don't see any problem if they have a couple threads. And they could be included with the VN crowd.
At least it's not 3D, like the idolfags, and thank god they seem to be gone.

>> No.8514548

There's two standard responses to that.
"It's a game full of lesbians and implied lesbian sex. Do you really think it's made for GIRLS? Or lesbians for that matter?"
"What, too DEEP for you, little girl?"

>> No.8514570 [DELETED] 

I think I'm going to start spamming off-topic shit until it becomes ``board culture''.
The fact that faggots are defending this now is so hilariously unbelievable it borders on parody.

>> No.8514572

Well, step to it. These shitposts aren't going to post themselves, you know.

>> No.8514578 [DELETED] 

Just look sate/sion girls, homunity, suck my dick, portal and etc. They are all part of /jp/ now.
I think of the homuhomu bro said it best, it is like stockholm syndrome.

>> No.8514582

Just look at the usual saten/sion girls, homunity, suck my dick, portal and etc threads. They are all part of /jp/ now.
I think one of the homuhomu bro said it best, it is like stockholm syndrome.

>> No.8514603

>I think I'm going to start spamming off-topic shit until it becomes ``board culture''.

>> No.8514614

>fanbase is made of adolescent girls

If you really think that's a problem, get the fuck out of /jp/, now.

>> No.8514899


This. Many times this.


No, you've been given sound reasons as to why these threads are tolerated on /jp/ by multiple posters taking the time to reply to your shitposting in a calm, rational manner. Seems like you're the only here trying stir up some shit for no good reason.

>> No.8514937 [SPOILER] 
File: 347 KB, 1134x1153, No fun allowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got my books off Amazon personally. I had no issue whatsoever.


I'm curious to know where you come up with such things. I'm the guy who originally started these threads and there was nothing like that. The only butthurt we had was from /jp/ users who couldn't get their own way with other threads. Sion in particular was quite pained at these threads, often attempting to make a Persona thread and/or bombing the topic with images because he couldn't get his own way.

Now I think you'll find that we can all accept that these games are /v/. However you're forgetting one important thing here.. look at the board name. Otaku culture. These niche video games are a part of that specific culture whether you like it or not. If you've never played these games to understood why then that's your problem. The janitor(s)/moderator(s) have been kind enough to leave our threads most of the time and we keep to ourselves. Surely one thread amongst 160 threads is not a big deal, especially with the increase in 'shitposting'.

/v/ is also too fast for any decent discussion and their standard user base leaves a lot to be desired, even by /jp/ standards. We just want to discuss being the little girl with our fellow /jp/ Anons, is that too much to ask? If you still have a problem with it then please minimize the thread, report it and move on, we aren't forcing you to be here.

>> No.8514954

The legitimacy of GUST threads on /jp/ is one that is purely academic, and only serves as a subject in meta-discussions of the board.

There is no real application for such arguments. THE SHIP HAS LONG SAILED.The best analogy would be white nationalism-- deportation of all non-white Americans and the re-establishment of America as a new white-only country. It's politically and economically unsound, not to mention logistically impossible.

If you're so concerned about the welfare of the board, just keep continuing to report real shitposting such as these (going back to the analogy, you're going to be a good citizen and reporting black crimes to the authorities):


instead of complaining about traditionally non-/jp/ threads such as these (which would be like complaining about Jews to the FBI for simply being Jews, and not for any specific, legitimate reason):

>this thread

>> No.8515018

I actually agree 100% with what you're saying, but...

>traditionally non-/jp/

>doujin game

I really hope you're joking there, nigga.

>> No.8515099


>No fun allowed

Oh no look at the en masse migration of /v/irgins! /jp/ is doooomed!

>Otaku culture

That means ronrey threads are okay right? huehuehuehue

Just kidding, in case you think I'm being serious

>> No.8515339

anyone here have the premium arland art book?

debating if i should buy it or not. will cost about $90 after shipping/other fees

>> No.8515896

Would anyone happen to have the scores that came with limited edition Totori soundtrack?

I downloaded like 6 different rips off PD/Share but all of them only had the normal booklet.

>> No.8516298 [DELETED] 

Man, you guys get wound up so easily.
Before you play the, "Hurr I was just pretending to troll," card, I'll happily make you aware that I will do this in *every* future Ar Tonelico thread and you will respond exactly the same way.

>> No.8516417

Do what?
What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.8516474

Well, we could use a new copypasta. Everyone seems to have gotten sick of the Luca one.

>> No.8516551


Yep, the Luca one is getting stale.

Do continue anon

>> No.8517004


>Man, you guys get wound up so easily.

Try again. You were the only one here getting visibly upset. Everybody else was refuting your arguments in a calm, rational manner.

>> No.8517054
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The random cute things you find on pixiv.

>> No.8517079

Act like a retard and get called out on it in every future Ar Tonelico thread, or until he gets bored of acting like a retard or people get bored of calling him a retard, whichever comes first.

>> No.8517199
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I really don't understand why talking about Japanese videogames catering to a Japanese audience played on a Japanese console, that are either 'play virtual dates with fantasy singers' or 'be the little alchemist girl' wouldn't be /jp/ material by any definition ever.

Also, I don't see any rule violation in this thread, when /jp/ rules are so simple, it's actually one single rule:

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

1. All things otaku welcome!

Or how can someone be butthurt about a general thread that occupies 1/150th of /jp/ at most, since it's all kept in a single thread, that only gets remade once in a, say, 10 days, and is very easy to hide. I could see being mad at stupid threads being made all over the place, but even if this was cancer, it would be a pinky finger cancer with no metastasis ability.

Alas, I guess some people just have to find excuses to stay mad.

>> No.8517222

>I really don't understand why
You have already answered yourself. See
>/jp/ - Otaku Culture
>1. All things otaku welcome!

This is why. It's because General threads, no matter how infrequent or well-intentioned, will draw in pieces of shit like you. People who have no idea what /jp/ is about, or what it is like.

>> No.8517291

Both of you fucking morons.
Fucking enjoy the thread or leave, I don't even care if you think it belongs or not (even if it's fucking obvious it does, it's GUST for fucks sake), meido in the past determined it was allowed, deal with it. I don't care if you see these thread like those awful Idol threads, just be glad all of us pieces of shit are kept in a single thread and not spread on the whole board.

>> No.8517292 [DELETED] 

Rules as written is fucking retarded. There's no rule explicitly stating I can't post about my dickcheese here either. I could easily shoehorn that bullshit under "otaku culture".

>> No.8517299
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Thing is, it isn't for you to decide what is to be discussed on the board. And it's obvious that this thread is both rule abiding, and well integrated with the community, and you're only being butthurt because you think it isn't in theme with your little 'secret club'.

Reality check: whoever could be interested in a Gust thread will most probably fit in with /jp/ with no problem at all. They only make games catering to the average /jp/ goer.

>> No.8517303 [DELETED] 

Here's a spoiler for you:
I'm not upset. I don't care if you don't believe me.
Here's another:
I don't care if you "don't care". I'm a selfish person. I get much more of a kick out of your in-depth responses than I would had you just flamed me.

Welcome to the internet, faggot.

>> No.8517320

>Welcome to the internet, faggot.
>>>/b/ is that way, attention whore.

>> No.8517326 [DELETED] 

> Thing is, it isn't for you to decide what is to be discussed on the board.
1. The community initially (and apparently still does) reject your off-topic threads.
2. The staff have deleted these threads plenty of times in the past. AoC even said he detested them.

I could make a thread about circumcision. It would get plenty of replies because people get defensive about it. I could even argue that it's otaku culture because sexuality and body image issues are important to otaku. If I stick "general" on there somewhere and post it every day for years, it doesn't automatically become okay. The community not wanting to argue with such an autistic and stubborn person does not mean that circumcision threads are allowed on /jp/.

Seriously, just fuck off to /v/. This is a Japanese role playing game and Japanese role playing games belong there. If you want to argue that it's "like a visual novel", then keep it in the VN general threads.

>> No.8517329


I see. You have shown me the light.

I must assume that you actually think General threads are in any way, shape, or form, "acceptable" since that quoted bit of text was from your transparent and pathetic attempts at belittling me.

I will reiterate. This is why these threads are awful and should be terminated. It's not because it's "against the rules" (though it is), nor is it because I mistakenly believe this doesn't belong in "my /jp/." It is because these threads draw in the vermin of the internet. The people who think that because they played some "obscure and weird Japanese" game that they suddenly belong.

They do not. You do not. Kindly remove yourself from the premises, or die.

>> No.8517339

> AoC even said he detested them.
He even played AT3 and liked it. He realized they belonged on /jp/ and allowed the threads to stay.
You ignorant fool.

>> No.8517394

I guess the newest of the new and the most retarded of the retarded always appear in these kinds of threads during the weekends.

I mean, meta doesn't plague this thread during the weekdays.

I couldn't care less if GUST 'isn't /jp/-related', as long as there are no retards here and everyone is talking about GUST in a tolerable manner. Now I think I will just believe that those who complain about any thread on the board being not-related are new.

>> No.8517417

Go look at any 2009-2010 GUST thread.
Five or six replies of, "Get out", ">>>/v/" etc. followed by the thread being deleted.

This is nothing new.

>> No.8517446

Are you having fun yet?

>> No.8517454

You sure are helping us stay on topic.
And seriously, don't go with the "new" excuse, There are so few people in these threads that's pretty much impossible.

>> No.8517513

At least you can't be NTRd by Aoto.

>> No.8517558

okay so what is the problem of the troll - or is he actually serious?

I mean, it's Gust for god's sake!
If they kick out Gust of /jp/ then Touhou should also move to /v/ amirite?

- bullshit

now, fuck off and leave us alone
hide this thread if it does disturb you
and let us discuss our 'weird little unrelated japanese /v/ games' in this 'board killing cancer general thread'

>> No.8517625

(・∀・) Grandpa, what was /jp/ like before all the /v/irgins came?

>> No.8517697

What's worse than a troll is being provoked into responding to one. For all your good intentions, guys, you'll accomplish nothing trying to fight with reason against an unreasonable person. It also contributes to the number of off-topic posts in the thread, rather than constructive discussion, which is precisely what they want.

Just stop replying, and if he makes it a habit in every future thread treat it just like another "luca is a slut" post; that is, chuckle and move on. It's not like the presence of the post is enough to destroy all discussion, and it certainly won't go that route if you start seriously replying and forcing discussion down that path.

>> No.8517740

>If they kick out Gust of /jp/ then Touhou should also move to /v/ amirite?

No, you piece of shit. You're absolutely fucking wrong.

/jp/ was created almost solely for the purpose of booting Touhou off of the other boards. You display an astonishing lack of knowledge regarding the history of our board. It's clear to all sapient beings that a thread such as this will only draw in trash and should be abolished.

>> No.8517762

The purpose of a board is static and cannot change over time.

>> No.8517773


Agreed. The next time this happens on the nextd GUST thread, just link the archived post and hopefully everybody will read it.

>> No.8517775

I really don't want to know what sort of sad life you must be living if you don't do things because something bad may happen.

>> No.8517807

Pointless. Just as pointless as trying to argue with someone who invades your thread to tell you that you shouldn't be here. As someone else has aleady said, reason or whatever doesn't matter, and the worst thing you can do is actually giving them attention.

Next time you see that happen, report / ignore / hide those posts.

>> No.8517886

Someone is really mad that Ar Tonelico has more acceptance here than Vocaloid.

>> No.8517942

And just for the record, that statement is most likely wrong (in both possible ways), and not the way to go, either.

>> No.8518012

New thread

>> No.8519908
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>If they kick out Gust of /jp/ then Touhou should also move to /v/ amirite?

sarcasm isn't your strength sapient troll of the day
