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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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876185 No.876185 [Reply] [Original]

Report this reportfag.

>> No.876190

The Lake, he hungers

>> No.876191

The reportfag is a janitor in disguise.

>> No.876196

I don't know who you're talking to or what you're talking about exactly, but okay, I'll report it for you.

>> No.876200

Then i report so that i cant gets promotions!

>> No.876240

You feel something wet slide down your hands as you hear a hacking cough, and you can feel more on your arm. "Nice one... Kid..." You can't help but force your eyes open to see the scene before you.
In Keine's kitchen, you both stand before the doorway, still as statues. Blood drips slowly onto the floor at a steady rate, from the stab wound between Mokou's ribs where your knife found soft tissue to slice right into instead of bone, onto your arm and where it drips off at your elbow, slightly bent. Mokou's face is smiling, but the pain is evident as it is like a chilling rictus. Horrfied, you pull away with a start, and once your knife pulls out the blood pulses out in earnest, and you can, with a sickening realization, that you stabbed her through the lung, and slashed out a motor muscle as she falls back with a horrible noise, and more blood pools to the floor as her skull cracked where you weakened it by pulling at the hair. You feel like you want to vomit as you nearly slip in a small amount of blood when you try to move away.
[ ] Get the hell out of there
[ ] "Keine? KEINE!"
[ ] "CIRNO!"
[ ] Look for anything to take with you before running
[ ] Attempt to figure out how to get her liver

>> No.876254
File: 247 KB, 1536x1152, 1214230658830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.876255

Please do not

>> No.876256

Should have posted one of NGM's stories.

>> No.876257

[x] "Keine? KEINE!"

>> No.876259


>> No.876266
File: 289 KB, 1024x768, 1214230981691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Behold! The Technology of Peace!"

>> No.876272


>> No.876291


I lol'd
