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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8815169 No.8815169 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ program anything?
/h/ has an amazing program called "fapgauntlet"

> Best programming language and way to learn it?

>> No.8815174

C, K&R.

>> No.8815175

Try /prog/ instead of /jp/. :)

>> No.8815185

KoG makes games, is that /jp/ related?.

>> No.8815182

> Best programming language and way to learn it?

This question is flawed. Programming languages are tools, some more fit for certain purposes than others.


As if /prog/ actually programs anything.

>> No.8815184
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Isn't /prog/ 2 of the 3 people of /jp/ anyway?

>> No.8815187

What have you programmed lately, /jp/? What are your goals?

>> No.8815193

program this
*whips out dick*

>> No.8815194


If I don't know shit about programming, can I just grab K&R and learn from it? Are there any pre-requisites? Will it alone suffice all my C programming needs?

>> No.8815199

You forgot about Thomas.
And Bill. Though I'm not sure if he still visits us, haven't seen him for a long time.

>> No.8815210


I've been meaning to program an improved dictionary program, but last time I tried the memory usage was so bad I got discouraged. I should try again.

>> No.8815213
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>>> Best programming language and way to learn it?

go read your SICP.

>> No.8815219

>amazing program called "fapgauntlet"
Amazing program that doesn't work on my computer no matter how much I try
/h/ a shit

>> No.8815222


your computer a shit

>> No.8815225

/h/ sure is superior
Only bad thing is that it's in python.
Perhaps someone could rewrite it in C

>> No.8815232

ur mom a shit, cockmaster of the homogayness

>> No.8815243

>>8815225 python

>> No.8815260


> Perhaps someone could rewrite it in C

>> No.8815261

I wrote an image viewer that jumps to random files in my fap folder.
No wait times, and no exclusion of fetishes moot happens to dislike.

>> No.8815266


Pretty nice.

>> No.8815267
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python is a goood girl
please don't bully

>> No.8815270

So, who's up to reprogram fapgauntlet in C, adding some features in the process?
I am not a master of C, but I should be of some help, if needed.
A better GUI could also be added, making it look more professional.

>> No.8815273

Please respond. >>8815194

>> No.8815284

Dowload (source available) : http://www.mediafire.com/?ss3n9bj77p42sbi

>> No.8815292
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K&R without either a decent understanding of programming or a teacher/professor won't end well. It's a bit of a condensed textbook.

If you think SICP is only referenced as a troll answer, go grab Java for Dummies, and learn babby's first programming language.
And if you find SICP to be too difficult, then you might need the babby's first approach anyhow.

>> No.8815298


I wanted to learn C, though. Nothing else.
How should I go then, if K&R is too difficult? So is SICP, isn't it?

>> No.8815319

I was just learning C the other day.
Tried to program the Tower of Hanoi without success.

>> No.8815323

Wasn't there an anime or something where there is a girl doing that in LISP?

>> No.8815337
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As far as languages go, C is a much harder starting point than either LISP or Java for learning how to program.

Since you only are looking at one language, K&R will work, but I'd recommend a few other textbooks or guides for C in addition. Google gives more than enough.

http://encyclopediadramatica.se/C may be a useful place to start, as well.

learn LISP from the pre-STRIKERS Nanoha girls.

>> No.8815340


That's nice! Thank you

>> No.8815366

Doesn't all languages end up having the same final result? Why people care in which language something is programmed?

>> No.8815388
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/h/ bro here, been programming this for an year now.
I studied java at school so ...

>> No.8815392


Looking ugly, but the idea is good!
> Java

>> No.8815399

Performance, portability, etc.

Toolkits are the worst. Even if you're an ultra-casual end-user, you can tell when something is Swing or MFC or GTK+, even if you don't know their names.

>> No.8815415

You should had gone hipster startup style and used Ruby on Rails or Django

>> No.8815416

I recently started to learn C, but that's about it.

>> No.8815417


Why don't they make a standard then? One that can provide maximum performance, and so, is adopted by every system, becoming ultra-portable.

>> No.8815418



>> No.8815421

I know, xkcd is shit, but it's relevant in this case


>> No.8815424

Make a new language, add it to the pile. That sort of aspiration is partially responsible for the variety of languages

>> No.8815425

I'm currently short on money, so I can't buy it.

>> No.8815426

Best way to learn C without any programming language? I was thinking of K&R too, but as they said it was difficult...

>> No.8815432

I wanted to make a program that would allow exhentai access without an account. It would just open the window and display the images without the need of an account, like this:

And the menu would be fetched directly from an idle account.

However, I failed miserably, since I have been learning LISP only for 3 months

>> No.8815439
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>Looking ugly
what would you change? I'm still developing this, i need constructive criticism

and i choose java because is more likely to be found in both windows and linux system rather than python/perl/ruby/whatever

>> No.8815460

Hi. I am an unstoppable web developper. I am specialized in reinventing the wheel and using buzzwords.

>> No.8815472

You're hired!

>> No.8815487

I'm trying to learn C++ but everything is so easy to do with Python so I find myself using it all the time :(

>> No.8815507
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Made in Japan too.

>> No.8815512


>> No.8815513
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>> No.8815517
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>> No.8815526
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I use python for science and math. I basically just use it like a free and open matlab that has full programing capabilities. It would be nice if it were a bit faster, but for my needs it is better than C or others where it would take longer to write and modify scripts. They should really start teaching python more widely since it is easy to use and could be applicable in a wide variety of professions even if you ignore the programming part of it.

>> No.8815530

Back to your gust thread, janitor scum.

>> No.8815533

"I'm new to programming and want to learn C!"

1. Read "Programming in C" by Stephen Kochan.
2. Read "The Practice of Programming" by Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike.
3. Read K&R.

If you get stuck on any math because you're retarded and/or didn't pay attention in school, just keep trying, don't give up, and, most of all: use Khan Academy!

Good luck.

>> No.8815539

>It would be nice if it were a bit faster
It's already pretty fast, especially with JIT compilation.

>> No.8815574

Yea, it is certainly usable and good, but I do things that have to repeat a loop of potentially complicated calculations and logic a few million times. Compared to the programs I get my data from that do a lot more work, it seems really slow. However, I'm also not a professional programmer, so my stuff may just be inefficient (had to look up JIT). I actually haven't really done any thing I would consider legitimate programming.

>> No.8815720

> Best programming language and way to learn it?

Haskell, http://learnyouahaskell.com/chapters

>> No.8815724

Why Haskell? Why not C?

>> No.8815725

The only thing that is stopping me from learning how to program is /jp/'s lack of consensus when deciding wich language is the best.

>> No.8815730

There's no ``best'' language you fagqueer.

>> No.8815731

/jp/ is what decides what I play, read and program. If there is no consensus I cannot do anything

>> No.8815738

Is Python worse than BBCode?
Yes, unquestionably.

If languages are worse than each other, then that >implies there must be a best.

>> No.8815748

It only >implies that there's a worst one.

>> No.8815752

That's only valid reasoning if "worse than" is a well-order relation. In rock-paper-scissors, for example, scissors is worse than rock, rock is worse than paper, and paper is worse than scissors, but there is no element in the set of rock, paper, and scissors which is worse than all other elements.

>> No.8815766

C beats FIOC.
Lisp beats C.
FIOC beats Lisp.

Deal w/ it, nerds.

>> No.8815781

What can Ruby beat?

>> No.8815787

Why would you learn C when you could learn C++? It's like wearing a sundial instead of a watch.

>> No.8815790

There's not playing the game...

>> No.8815793

Because it's good practice to start learning from the beginning, then move on to the meta-bullshite-hackery languages.

>> No.8815825



>> No.8815827

If you are a /jp/er it's a good idea to start your project in a language which isn't a total pain in the ass in order to actually get anything done.

>> No.8815830


Is C good?

>> No.8815833

Can PHP beat anything other than BBCode?

>> No.8815837

Start with a scripting language like Python or Ruby.

>> No.8815883
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Start off with Java or C# to understand the basics of how an object-orientated language works. Then move into something like C/C++ to understand pointers and memory management. Then you can move into books that cover algorithms and big-O notation, to get an understanding of how to program well. Finally, you'll need to spend some time going through the documentation for a few major APIs and such so you get a feel of how programs mesh with the system, and can then use your programming knowledge.

>> No.8815887

I wonder if the real Woxxy knows any "proper" programming languages. He's studying computer science or something, but now they just give a Java tutorial and teach you how to make a website. Dead serious.

>> No.8815889


But I wanted to learn C
Is it really a bad idea to start with it?

>> No.8815896


It's just useless, that's all. By all means learn it, but you could learn more useful things.

It's like deciding to study Early English from like the 5th century vs a more modern version.

>> No.8815906
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pic related.

>> No.8815909

Just go with C++ if you want to learn C. C++ is C With Classes and that is basically the only difference besides some different syntax.

>> No.8815910


You shouldn't go out of your way to learn a single language. Learn how to program, then you can use whatever language you want well just by understanding it's limitations.

>> No.8815911

Where's the source code you fucking homo? And why is the binary packed?

>> No.8815913

>>8815911 why is the binary packed

it isn't packed

and the source code is on my computer. thanks for asking. =)

>> No.8815915

C is very useful. There is a high demand for C programmers, particularly working with embedded systems. Higher-level/Web languages don't make that demand go away. Plus, even now, most operating systems and libraries are written in C. It's a very valuable language to learn, and it has stood the test of time for good reason. It was #2 on the TIOBE Index last time I checked.

Though I'll admit if you want something quicker, more fun, and with more immediate benefits, learn Python or Ruby or something. Make a trendy Web app and sell it to Google. Ask Y Combinator or someone for funding, lurk Hacker News to see the EXCITING WORLD OF STARTUPS (and some cool shit people found online). Now is a very good time to make yourself rich from your own basement.

>> No.8815917

Don't give out the source code.
You have every right to do this, and you shouldn't support the self-entitlement of, "WAHHH IT'S NOT OPEN SOURCE >___<" faggots who believe FSF propaganda.

>> No.8815919


If you are programming C++ as if it were C with classes, you are doing it very wrong.

>> No.8815923

No source code. Distributed through /rs/ only. Binary is packed. IE based bloatware.

This shit only flies on /b/ and other subhuman boards.

>> No.8815928

smart people don't trust unknown binaries, so I don't blame them for wanting the source. but most people wrongly assume they'll be able to compile and understand 250,000+ lines of spaghetti code. it would be so easy to hide something bad in the code and no one would be able spot it, so having the code wouldn't make them any more secure anyway.

>> No.8815933

>>8815923 packed

I don't think you know what that word means. The exe is not compressed or encrypted in any way.

>> No.8815940


I'd love to get your IP and poke around, I bet you have a gazillion holes in your system with that attitude.

If you can't see the code, don't trust it.

>> No.8815944

>so having the code wouldn't make them any more secure anyway.
It's about good will and trust. Especially on 4chan.
You can't just throw in a executable on some russian file hosting site and call it a day.

>> No.8815945

Very interesting article on this:

Even if you read and compile it yourself, who's to say your compiler isn't inserting malicious code? And even if you compile the compiler yourself, who's to say it isn't inserting malicious code so that compiler will insert malicious code and self-replicate?

>> No.8815952

Is it me, or PEP8 is raped like a loli thrown in /jp/ in that source?

>> No.8815960

>smart people don't trust unknown binaries
That's why the best format for programs of questionable trustworthiness, like porn games, is Flash. Or anything sandboxed, in a virtual machine, or something.

>> No.8815963

oh, but I can. and people still run it. maybe more people would use it if they had the code, but idc about them.

yes, and it's very easy to obfuscate code. it would take months for someone to try and ensure the code is clean.

>> No.8815973

>and people still run it
Retards run anything they find on 4chan.

>> No.8815999

I recommend C++.
I made a Touhou game engine using it the language. It's pretty neat, actually.
If you want to program closer to the machine, learn C (though, I wouldn't recommend it, as the two are about just as fast).
Or, if your're a real masochist but want the full power of your processor, learn assembly. Just remember, assembly language isn't really portable.

>> No.8816036

I've made six games in three different programming languages.

They're all kinda decent.

>> No.8816133

Which was the easiest?

>> No.8816155

Processing was probably the easiest to get up and running, but it's not the best language for games. C# is probably the best balance between easiness and utility, and XNA is pretty sweet.

>> No.8816170
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I'm probably just going to get laughed at for this, but is Prolog useful for anything? It seems like an interesting language.

>> No.8816214

I know these are scripting languages, but which language should I go with if I were to write a simple bulletin board system: Python, PHP or Perl?

What I heard from long ago was that Python was a CPU hog, PHP a memory hog, and Perl was alright. Is this correct?

>> No.8816229
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Will we ever get this?.

>> No.8816239

C# if you want to get something big done quickly
Java if you want it to work on Linux too, but get laughed at anyway
C++ if you want to get something done
C if you want to get hired

>> No.8816240

Perl. It has the most utility and the quick reg ex hacks are going to be very useful

Python is FIOC and PHP is lolphp

>> No.8816247

>Is this correct?
No. Python is fine. PHP is fine. Perl is fine. Ruby is fine too.
Use the language your webhost supports.

>> No.8816283

>PHP is lolphp
stop bully pls

>> No.8816303

>I'm probably just going to get laughed at for this, but is Prolog useful for anything?


Prolog was basically a fad language for a fad which has long since died out. That doesn't mean that it's not interesting, but it really isn't useful for any practical purpose.

If Prolog interests you, you should really look into Erlang. Erlang is based in some ways on Prolog, but with very different goals (ie, use in telecom systems rather than French academia).

Japan/general - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_generation_computer - Prolog was the base language for Japan's failed 'fifth generation computing' system

>> No.8816474

I was thinking of learning Haskell or LISP when i have the time

>> No.8816491

>I'd love to get your IP and poke around, I bet you have a gazillion holes in your system
is this ironic

>> No.8816495

What music do you listen to while programming, /jp/?

I listen to keygen music.


>> No.8816503
File: 19 KB, 295x295, gogopher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough Go ITT.

Designed by one of the original C designers and the Plan 9/Bell Labs team. Was officially released just over a week ago. It's basically C 2.0.


>> No.8816507

Whats fapgauntlet?

>> No.8816506


>> No.8816512

A botnet, like everything 4chan ``devs'' produce.

>> No.8816511
File: 12 KB, 256x256, Save-icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keygen music
This is almost as bad as "save icon".

Download this, read, educate yourself.

>> No.8816516

A dungeon crawling game where you have to fight off monster girls and resist fapping.

>> No.8816651


Is it associated with google? If so, I'm out.

>> No.8816668


Readme: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=TTJcrKsz

Downlad: http://www.mediafire.com/?ss3n9bj77p42sbi

>> No.8816677

Look--Google just sponsored it, okay? Rob Pike and Ken Thompson had COMPLETE control over the design and implementation process. Probably.

>> No.8816682
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Fuck /prog/.

>> No.8816686


Good. Do you recommend it as a first language?

>> No.8816749

Why is it in Japanese?
