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8816751 No.8816751 [Reply] [Original]

Between AssemBly, C and C++, which one should I learn first?
Explain your response.

>> No.8816761
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what in the flying fuck

would possess you

to learn that

>> No.8816767

Try brainfuck. Since you're apparently already fluent in faggot you should have no problems with it.

>> No.8816769

Java, so you can get a job.

>> No.8816772

visual basic is all what you need

>> No.8816775

Assembly, it's the most basic, if you know how it works you will easily learn any other language.

>> No.8816779

and make games like a boss

>> No.8816785

Assembly isn't the most basic at all.

I think you meant low-level.

>> No.8816795

Good shitposters know when to stop.

Are you a good shitposter?

>> No.8816805


Hehe... assembly the most 'basic'.

>> No.8816807

C then C++. No one codes in Assembly unless wanting to prove that they can. C is less OO than CCP, which can be useful for older languages like ADA or COBOL that are still in use and gives you a better framework to tackle C++. You can go from C++ to C but why make it harder?

>> No.8816814
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>> No.8816831
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What are your goals?

Hacking games - Assembly
Making games - C++
Making other software - C

>> No.8816860

In the book that teaches Assembly it's written that knowing Assembly makes you write a better C code.
Also, Assembly is the language with the best performance.

>> No.8816862

I think C looks cleaner than C++, and it does the same thing. So, C.

>> No.8816867


>> No.8816876

Waiting warmly for OP to link all his threads and complain that the janitor isn't doing his job.

>> No.8816907


Maybe, but C isn't difficult enough to waste time with Assembly as I can't think of anything that requires Assembly only knowledge in this day and age.


OOP has its benefits, but not enough to insinuate that I jizz myself whenever I think about it.
