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8840460 No.8840460 [Reply] [Original]

That feeling when you're tired but afraid to sleep.

>> No.8840462
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>> No.8840463

Why would you be afraid to sleep? idk that feel.

>> No.8840473

I don't know, whenever I'm on the verge of falling asleep I jolt awake in a panic.

It's like my body unconsciously doesn't want me to go to sleep for some reason and now I'm scared if I fall asleep I'll die. Fucking panic attacks and anxiety. Being a NEET is tough.

>> No.8840474

There's been a killing spree lately.
Someone targets shitposters during their sleeps.

>> No.8840483


>> No.8840490

Frig off, weeaboo.

>> No.8840494

post the "do you even lift" one

>> No.8840492

Well, about a month ago I would take a handful of pills to help me fall asleep. At first it worked nicely and I was able to sleep. Eventually tolerance built up and I was no longer getting tired and instead just got a pain in my chest as I laid in bed trying to sleep. Occasionally my heart would race and I would notice the veins in my arms showing much more than usual. Eventually I became afraid to sleep because I feared I would die in my sleep.

>> No.8840495

>whenever I'm on the verge of falling asleep I jolt awake in a panic.
I used to get up for work at 3AM every morning. I was like that, always afraid that I was going to sleep through my alarm. By the end of the night, I say end of the night instead of "when I woke up" because I was never asleep for more than an hour at a time due to this, I never got more than two or three hours of sleep at most. Shit was rough.

>> No.8840499

3:00-3:59 is devils time. I refuse to sleep within around this time.

>> No.8840505
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>> No.8840506

I always get up around 2 hours into my sleep and then again around 5 hours in.

>> No.8840517

I got very disappointed when I realised the girl in op was fat.

>> No.8840519



>> No.8840537

I swear.
She is the one who seriously needs to lift.

>> No.8840548
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I don't think the original was ever posted on /jp/

>> No.8840551

stop drinking caffeine
it worked for me
cut my paranoia and anxiety down a lot

>> No.8840558

She's very fat in the doujinshi she's from. It's disgusting.

>> No.8840589

My clone.

Did you figure out how to shake it?

>> No.8840616

I just try to fall asleep naturally. There are no pains this way, but I still occasionally get the rapid heart beat thing. If I can't sleep, then I stay up until I'm tired.
