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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8992630 No.8992630 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8992634

Go away, whore. IHBT.

>> No.8992635


Stoned to death in the public square should be your fate.

>> No.8992651

Hey OP, I'm another girl and I just want to let you know that dating guys from /jp/ is a fucking nightmare. Both me and another friend have done it once and it's just AWFUL! Don't waste your time on this shit.

>> No.8992657

How much do you weigh please respond.

>> No.8992663

Same boat here; it's okay if they have some kind of a career plan but if they don't at least have some kind of dream for their future don't waste your time.

>> No.8992667

You'll have to try harder than that if you want to get started on your troll career.

>> No.8992671

i'm amazed you could find the rare jper that actually goes outside let alone talks to girls

>> No.8992677

I would take care of a /jp/sie provided he was reasonably attractive and brought in money somehow, even if it's autism bucks.

>> No.8992682

Too bad nobody but the most desperate shits from /v/ would be interested in that deal.

>> No.8992695


I would too. I already get autism bux myself so if I could meet a /jp/sie we could live quite comfortably.

>> No.8992703

You wouldn't be able to raise a family on autism bux alone, though. But if you don't intend to have children that could work out.

>> No.8992700

Why do we always have to find you?
Why can't you come find us?

>> No.8992709

I am in love with someone from /jp/ They are sort of a normalfag though. But oh god is he fucking amazing. I have devoted myself to him heart and soul for a few years even though we're not in a relationship. He knows my feelings for him, he's just a bit tsundere towards me. I'm waiting for him though, even if it's useless. Also, I spoilered this because I'm scared he will read it.

>> No.8992721

is it zunbar LOL

>> No.8992724

are you a trap?
do you dress up in frilly maid costumes?

i think that's what would tip me over the edge into normality. frilly maid costumes.

>> No.8992727

long answer; yes
short answer; no

>> No.8992735

I don't get autism money, but I do get a bit of other kind of disability money and shit. Where do I find a girl who will love me?

/cgl/ didn't work.

>> No.8992761


Are you fat? Do you consider yourself to be reasonably intelligent? Do you read philosophy, speak foreign languages, or compose music?

>> No.8992754

I am not a trap, sadly, and I have worn a frilly maid costume once or twice though, but strangely enough he wants me to dress him up in frilly maid costumes so he can be the little girl with me.

>> No.8992768

No to everything ;_;

>> No.8992788


You will never be loved.jpg

>> No.8992808


>> No.8992807


>implying it is the guy's fault for being horrible rather than the truth that he just dumped you because you were fat and ugly since you didn't meet his 2d kawaii imouto standards

Captcha: the Dogino

>> No.8992805

But zunbar, aren't you already spoken for? and besides, you don't want to dress in frilly meido for me right?

>> No.8992813

It's okay.
I love you.

>> No.8992820

Thank you, anon :>

>> No.8992822

"Come find me."
there it is again, that hopeful optimism
your soulmate is out there, right?

wrong. you will die alone, unloved, perhaps remembered negatively. you are not special.

>> No.8992832

You shall not be mourned....

>> No.8992836

What do you look like? Are you willing to put up with the constant rattling of a sewing machine? How do you feel about birds as pets?

>> No.8992850

>How do you feel about birds as pets?

Do they make a lot of noise?

>> No.8992853

>a new boyfriend

Fucking whore.

Women are so inconsiderate. Some other man stuck his smelly, hairy penis into them, ejaculated, and basically ruined the whole thing and now I'm expected to use it and possibly even lick it?

No thank you. I won't lick another man's shit off of a toilet seat, so why would I date a not virgin?

>> No.8992855

I consider myself to be extremely ugly. A sewing machine wouldn't bother me at all and I'd want to help with whatever you were doing if I could. I've had dogs, cats, fish and lizards, so a bird would be a new experience which would be fun.

>> No.8992868

nuke this entire fucking board already

>> No.8992877


>> No.8992888

what matters one's looks? better to be ugly on the outside than ugly on the inside.

>> No.8992882

What if they lost their virginity to being raped as a young child?

>> No.8992895

No, yes, yes, yes, no.

What now?

>> No.8992901

I'm ugly on the inside and outside.

>> No.8992905

I'm not even sure what you're asking there.

>> No.8992907


That doesn't count because it wasn't consensual. It's more like dating a girl covered in burns or scars then. She has been abused and now you can treat her nicely so it's cute.

>> No.8992910

Depending on the size. Larger parrots are extremely noisy, smaller parrots and pigeons are reasonable.

I currently own a problem galah who is very noisy but he's getting on in years.

Seems reasonable to me. I'd be happy to teach you how to sew.

>> No.8992926
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hi op i am responding srsly to u

i like dragon warrior, futa djs and shmups but not 2hu because the graphix r ugly

pls respond

>> No.8992919

Girl who's in love with a /jp/er here. I'm pretty sure looks don't matter. The guy I love isn't very attractive to most standards, he's kind of short and fat, but I really think he's attractive, mostly because I am attracted to his personality and so he's more attractive physically because of the emotional attraction So, looks aren't really a big deal to everyone.

>> No.8992936

>>But zunbar, aren't you already spoken for?

Nope. What makes you think that.

And I'd look pretty bad in frilly maid clothes sadly. I could do the old butler thing pretty well though (like the one who helps out Batman).

>> No.8992948
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OP here. Seriously.

>> No.8992959

im neat tho and icky too

i srsly dont hav a job and spend all day arguin power levels on /m/ im a horrible person and ur not the real op i can tell by your id.

>> No.8992960


Exchange emails/skypes/phone numbers and STFU already


>> No.8992963

No, YOU get out of /jp/

>> No.8992969


Whats your Skype/Email/Phone number? You sound cute.

>> No.8992973
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>I will never be loved

>> No.8992984

what does it mean to be loved? is it to have someone reaffirm your existence?

you need not another person for that.

>> No.8992994

I don't even know what what is or what it's meant to be, but I just expect it to be something amazing and will fill me with joy all the time. I know I'm probably a fool, but I can't help the feelings that I have towards wanting to feel loved by someone.

>> No.8993004


I sound cute?

Aww, *blush*

Okay, I'll give you my e-mail, e-mail me okay?


I'm waiting okay? Please don't disappoint me.

>> No.8993014

A lot of people would shun you off and call you a normalfag for that.
But I don't know, I've been a hikikimori for 3 years and I still desire "love".
I don't even have any friends online or off.

>> No.8993006


It's an awful feeling. It's stressful, you constantly are afraid they're going to leave you, and some times you become sleep deprived from how stressed it can making you.

Love is horrible.

>> No.8993010

To be loved is simply to be accepted and tolerated by another individual. They share your feelings and have empathy towards you. They smile because you are smiling and they are sad because you are crying. It has nothing to do with reaffirming your existence, quite the opposite actually. Loving and being loved makes you feel even farther from reality. It is both beautiful and scary.

>> No.8993029


I feel this way too. It's kind of shitty because I don't ever want to socialize with people. Fuck them all.

>> No.8993025

It's simply what you make it. It has the potential to be amazing for you, while it is dreadful for someone like >>8993006

>> No.8993032

I've been a NEET for 5, coming up to around 6 years now. It's what I still desire and as time as gone on, these feelings have only gotten worse.

I think I can safely say that I am a fool then, because even with that knowledge, I still feel that I'd need to see if that's true by experiencing it myself, and maybe having a much better experience than that.

>> No.8993038

I fell in love once and realized how nice it feels, but got overwhelmed and ran away.

>> No.8993060

Love is extremely volatile. You either feel incredible or you feel absolutely fucking terrible and it switches between the two extremes depending on what she does.

There's never a calm period with love. It's either euphoria or misery. You can't take it easy like that.

>> No.8993074

My life is dedicated to taking it easy. Any leftover money I have after bills and such goes towards figures or games. I enjoy 2hu but I can only 1cc on easy, my favourite is tied for Yuugi or Remilia. I am devoted and my greatest joy is taking care of others.

Am I good enough for you, /jp/?

>> No.8993082

I'd go out with a /jp/ as long as they were intelligent and thought a lot.

>> No.8993094 [DELETED] 

thinking a lot can be a bad thinking. the mind constructs spectres in the shadows to strike at.

>> No.8993106

Fuck, I wish I was smart. It feels bad being stupid, not attractive, no redeeming skills or anything. All I have going for me is that I get like $900 each month from the government.

>> No.8993124

thinking a lot can be a bad thinking. the mind constructs spectres in the shadows to strike at.

>> No.8993127

This is now /jp/ dating thread.
Post your picture, and the description of the partner you would like to find.

>> No.8993131


>> No.8993135
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this is me

>> No.8993169
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>> No.8993198

What is this, /jp/ matchmaking? You aren't supposed to come looking for a relationship here. Is my initial thought. However, after thinking it through I suppose you might find someone you love here. /jp/, while usually not physically attractive or manly is filled with some really kind people.

>> No.8993209

Beware the girls on /jp/. They're evil and crazy.

>> No.8993215

I'd give them a chance, no matter what, the only thing I ask is that they would give me a chance.

>> No.8993287
File: 76 KB, 657x416, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ dating thread

>> No.8993309

Females aren't real. They're a hallucination or delusion brought on by weakness.

>> No.8993333

I'd date a seagull. I think we'd get along.

Up until the point where she starts trying to do couples cosplay.

>> No.8993339


You would date someone who bases their whole life around a hobby that is just blatant attention whoring?

Even some girl from /soc/ would be better.

>> No.8993345

People on /soc/ glorify cheating and encourage it. Attention whoring would at least be a better step than cheating.

>> No.8993353


crazy white people

>> No.8993354

Why yes, I would.

>> No.8993701

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8993759

Hey, every time I think I see one of you on okcupid or anonidate you don't respond.

And for the record, I don't want to date ugly or retarded girls. I'd only date an autist if they weren't disabled and active in some way (musician, working normally, etc).

>> No.8993777

If you’re a “nice guy” to a girl up until you realize she doesn’t want to date you, then go on about how she’s a cold shrew that friendzoned you and how no girls date nice guys, like, nah mate, girls do date nice guys. You just aren’t a nice guy. You’re a passive aggressive beta with internalized misogyny and a serious victim complex.

>> No.8993793

Don't you think it would be cute to be Tomoya and Nagisa together? You would both be ugly and fat it would be hazukashii, but in your hearts, you would be kawaii.

>> No.8993792

