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9025520 No.9025520 [Reply] [Original]

How did you learn kana?

I have a flashcard app on my phone but it's a very slow process for me. Maybe I'm just too old.

In b4 learned it all in 12 hours.

>> No.9025526

I learned it all in 12 minutes.

>> No.9025534

I downloaded a chart and whenever I found an image that had hiragana or katakana in it I would just reference the chart until I had each symbol memorized

>> No.9025528

>In b4 learned it all in 12 hours.

Yeah. Just use realkana.com

>> No.9025529

You write them over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again for months until you can read words in kana like you can read English.

>> No.9025531

Learned it in 12 hours before the test in college.

>> No.9025536

There's now "how", you just do it.
And no excuses like "I'm too old" you lazy fucker, effort is all it needs.

>> No.9025540

Wrote down each character 50 times while saying it out loud in my head.


>> No.9025550

Also, why do you write every character down? It's enough being able to recognize them.

You wont have any use of written characters anyways. unless you're one of those fags that want to migrate to japan

>> No.9025553

I went to Japanese classes with this guy, he was in the "retarded group" but in my group we all managed to learn the syllabaries in less than 3 minutes.

>> No.9025565

Learned it in 4 hours, seriously, just do it in anki, I'm a complete idiot but even I picked it up quickly.

>> No.9025575


I doubt you were able to fluently read random paragraphs written in full katakana after only 4 hours of studying it.


>> No.9025579

It really isn't that hard to learn. Just a few at a time until you can visualize and remember it in your head and then move onto more.

>> No.9025591

I made my own flashcards op, it took me about a week. Just go a line at a time. A bit like cocaine.

>> No.9025599

I learned it all in 8 hours.

All you need is a pen, paper and dedication.

Stop being a pussy and learn to grind, make good use of what you've learned playing MMO.

>> No.9025598

How did you learn kanji?

I have a flashcard app on my phone but it's a very slow process for me. Maybe I'm just too old.

In b4 learned it all in 2 months.

>> No.9025612

200 kanji per day.

learned it all in 10 days, 6 hours a day.

I wish I did, might give it a try tomorrow.

>> No.9025615

I fucking hate writting, what do I do? I've memorized a few of them in one day, but still, I don't really get how Anki works , so I can't do anything.

>> No.9025620

So the fuck what? You hate writing? Do it anyways, it's just like 15 minutes. And learn how to use Anki, retard.

>> No.9025624

>I fucking hate writting
If your method was any good, you would have the luxury to choose.

JAsensei is a decent apps for your phone.

>I don't really get how Anki works
Are you a 10 year old, or a 50 year old ?

>> No.9025639

200 kanji a day? what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.9025641

Paper flashcards are better than Anki. Even though I like Anki I make my own flashcards. Only down side I have with them are they get dirty if you don't take care of them.

>> No.9025648

Problem is, I hold the pencil in a way that my hand hurts a lot when I write. If not, I would love to write. Now, for how Anki works, I understand that I can review cards, but how do I "see" the new cards? Do I need to see them prior to using Anki, so I can review them?

>> No.9025654

>my hand hurts a lot when
same here, stop being a pussy.

>> No.9025655


>My hand hurts to much when I write


>> No.9025659

Nama fucking sensei

>> No.9025660



>> No.9025664

I just grinded them 5 at a time flashcard style, had them all down within a week. No writing bullshit.

>> No.9025667

>No writing bullshit.
>a week
Sure, no writing, but 7 times slower.

>> No.9025671

>I hold the pencil in a way that my hand hurts a lot when I write.
Hold it differently, then. I used to grab that shit with all my fingers, and I have a red bubble of dead skin on my ring finger that will never go away. But I still wrote hours every day. And this is when I was like, 9.

You pussy.

>> No.9025672

I have no problem remembering what kanji mean. How to say them is the difficult part.

>> No.9025676

I have photographic memory so I learned almost all kanji in a few hours. Reading things is a pretty slow process but at least I can do it without a dictionary.

>> No.9025678

Even if you're only interested in reading, you learn better if you try producing it yourself. If I wanted to teach someone how to understand source code, for example, I'd teach them how to make a few programs.

>> No.9025677

>How to say them is the difficult part.
Probably because Japanese has so many readings for every character.

>> No.9025684

I always feel bad when people say how they learned in only a day or so. I took two weeks to learn. Not because I'm slow, but because I just chose to take it easy. I would learn between 5-15 a day. I didn't see a reason to rush it.

>> No.9025699

Same here but just a week and a half.

>> No.9025703
File: 89 KB, 500x366, draw-imagination-lsd-rainbow-spongebob-Favim.com-121857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I learned almost all the kanji in a few hours.

That's some wild imagination you got there.

>> No.9025700

Am I the only one that grinds kunyomi and onyomi readings for kanji?
inb4 hurrdur why are you learning onyomi, learn words instead fagget. for the record my vocab is vast enough for me to understand 80% of all the shit i hear because im a neckbeard faggot that have 292 days of anime watched

>> No.9025714

What's that you're saying? You're jealous? It's understandable, I'd be jealous too.

>> No.9025736

>that's some wild autism you got there.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.9025749

>Maybe I'm just too old.
Probably just too dumb. There are what, all of 100 characters you have to remember? And most of them are easily distinguishable from each other? A 10 year old kid could probably memorise 100 different Pokemon in a day, you as a grown as man should be able to handle 100 characters.

>Am I the only one that grinds kunyomi and onyomi readings for kanji?
I would recommend that way over just memorising meanings. But preferably you should memorise both meaning and reading at the same time.

>> No.9025758

That's what I meant. By meaning I assume you mean the keyword of the kanji?

>> No.9025768


>And most of them are easily distinguishable from each other


>> No.9025770

Rote, really. And try to use it, too. Like try to read sound effects or some shit. It didn't take me long because I do have autism memory.

>> No.9025790

I meant what the specific kanji actually means in English, for example 桃 means peach, but according to some website, the 'keyword' is fruit. I'm not sure knowing the keyword would help you if you didn't know the kanji meant peach.

>> No.9025791



Listen to this guy if you want to learn kanji the retarded way and not by just learning words.

>> No.9025843
File: 12 KB, 220x29, ss+%282012-05-18+at+12.21.43%29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The word "keyword" is used as the english equivalent of what the kanji means. You would know this if you do grinds through kanjidamage.

Also, what the fuck were you thinking when I first posted? It wouldn't even be possible to grind kanji by not learning the meaning in english aswell.

>> No.9025882

You must be blind if you can't tell the difference between れ, わ and ね or ツ and シ.

>> No.9025892

>The word "keyword" is used as the english equivalent of what the kanji means.
I didn't know what you meant by 'keyword' so I googled it and I got sites like this http://www.webdico.com:8080/kanji/keykanj?dbname=kanjig&keyword=fruit
>if you do grinds through kanjidamage.
I don't.

>what the fuck were you thinking when I first posted?
In the post I originally replied to, you said, "Am I the only one that grinds kunyomi and onyomi readings" followed by "inb4 why are you learning onyomi, learn words instead" I understood the 'words' to be what the kanji mean in English. So when I read it, I was thinking you were grinding readings, but not what the kanji meant (and would instead rely on your already established vocab) If I was wrong, I apologise.

>> No.9025894

I can distinguish those, but ソ and ン confuse me.

>> No.9025937

By "words" I meant jukugo, when you learn onyomi you can read most of the compounds that follow the same pattern, while for others they just appear as kanji with keywords on them and nothing else until they memorize that set of kanji that make the word up for how it's pronounced.

But this doesn't mean you can understand the shit you actually read, but since I have a well established vocab, I barely have to memorize jukugo in the same manner as other people would, because when I read it out phonetically I instantly understand what it means, thus my reasoning to memorizing it in the first place.

Sorry for being unclear.

>> No.9025981

>I can distinguish those, but ソ and ン confuse me.
ソ -> one-eyed smiley looking at you
ン -> one eyed smiley looking to the right
same with shi and tsu but 2 eyed

>> No.9026172

That is shit.
You want to know the sound associated.
Just train yourself to look at the shape and repeat the sound as you see it.

There is some severe autism in this thread if people are seriously have problems with Hiragana or Katakana, fucking but some effort in you lazy retards.

You can have it all memorised very quickly, If you can't then fucking give up, you will never be able to learn japanese if you are too fucking retarded for the basics.

>> No.9026180

Kana? Nigga you best concern yourself about kanji.

>> No.9026210

I consider myself a normalfag that really shouldn't be in /jp/, but I seriously believe that anyone can learn the kana's in one day. Took me about 3 hours from the first kana I wrote in my life till I "mastered" hiragana, and a bit more for katakana. While that does require some amount of dedication, I don't see how anyone can't casually learn the kana's in like three days or so. I just looked up random japanese song lyrics and wrote that shit in kana's.

>> No.9026338

Biggest problem people have is Katakana and how everything looks the fucking same, and how retarded and useless that one extra alphabet is.

Kanji must be full of this same bullshit too, like you can write the same word in three different ways with different readings.
I can't force my brain to learn something when I think whoever invented it was just complicating things for the sake of being difficult.

ALSO, you may THINK you learned in 3 hours, but try it again a couple days later and realize you don't remember jack. Happens a lot with foreign languages, if you don't practice it's as good as remembering a random phone number, don't use it and your brain will forget it forever.

>> No.9026397


Katakana genuinely makes reading much smoother when you get used to it. As for Kanji's, well, let's not go in to that.

As for the forgetting part, I never got to see if I could really remember them a few days after or not, I had to instanly jump into the language and never had the chance to forget them after the first hardcore session. I started with an intensive university course.

>> No.9026407

You can learn them in three hours, but not on a deep level. I learned the kana in a day, but it didn't turn into long term memory until I started using them everyday (studying kanji).

>> No.9026430

>Katakana genuinely makes reading much smoother when you get used to it. As for Kanji's, well, let's not go in to that.

Wait what? I'm not very far yet into learning japanese but Kanji seem a LOT easier and smoother to read/write compared to kana only sentences.

>> No.9026439

I wrote down the characters on little pieces of paper, memorized a set, then shuffled the papers on the table and picked them up one by one, repeated until I got all of them right, memorized and added another set.

Got hiragana down in a day, katakana the next day, practiced them for the rest of the week to make sure. Reading them all is easy and automatic, but I occasionally get blackouts with some romaji-to-kana. Doesn't really matter too much, I rarely have to write Japanese with a pen.

>> No.9026442


Have fun.

>> No.9026459

Could be worse, all of those should be clear in the context they're given. You're not likely to confuse a cow with midday.

>> No.9026469

You aren't living if you've never been in a situation where you could mistake a cow for noon.

>> No.9026486

I spend my time on /jp/, "not living" is a sort of redundant accusation.

>> No.9026508

Less than a day, same with hiragana. Just read a lot of text which has these characters in it, and look up ones you can't remember. Try not to do this too often after a while though.

>> No.9026521

I don't understand that. Aren't kana only sentences much worse because a lot of words will have multiple meanings? That seems a lot more disruptive to the flow of the reading than a bunch of similar kanji.

>> No.9026534

They are much, much worse. I hate kana.

That guy was just making that point that if you are complaining about telling katakana apart, kanji will destroy you.

>> No.9026542

Apart from the fact that he wont be able to discern between different contexts when you're in the process of grinding kanji. Since you'll have to be doing fuckton of vocab afterwards aswell to even being able to read sentences, unless you're >>9025937 that is.

The point is though that he'll be banging his head against the wall whilst encountering these type of kanji that look the same/have one or two radicals that match other kanji, whilst reciting the meaning and failing over and over.

>> No.9026562


Step it up, nigga.


Heisig/Kanjidicks champions eat kanji like these for breakfast.

>> No.9026575

I fucking HATE ツシノメソン but I dont have THAT much trouble telling them apart. Just takes a half second. Doesnt mean the person who concieved them doesnt deserve some sort of public humiliation though.

>> No.9026583

>What is context?
Also these are clearly distinguishable.
Gaijin complain too much.

>> No.9026643

You are all retarded, that's why I study by myself.

>> No.9026672

I learned kana with that (otherwise utterly worthless) Japanese Coach DS game.

>> No.9028007

fuck youuuuuuuuuu

I haven't done anki in 4 days and I have 140 of these fuckers to review today.

see you in 2 hours /jp/

>> No.9028233

I have that game. I wish it would have jumped straight into kana and not try to teach you dumb shit in between.

>> No.9029821

>Maybe I'm just too old.

No, your attitude just sucks. You're most likely distracted when you learn, especially with a mobile phone. So forget that. Download DreamKana for your PC, close every other window and do nothing but kana reps. It's all a matter of effort and eagerness.

>> No.9029869

Kana reps? I suppose if you need to, it works, but if you need flash cards for kana, you probably should stop trying.

>> No.9030605

Eh, I needed flashcards at first, but now I can read them almost as fast as English.

>> No.9031776

Learn the kanas for common japanese words such as "hello", "thanks" and "sorry". Then if you see any kana, you could just look back and think if the same kana's in any of the words you've learned.

I was too lazy, so I didn't do it, but I guess that's about the way Iearned the greece alphabet.

>> No.9031828


>> No.9031926

Katakana, I learned them by watching Digimon Adventure when I was a kid and paying attention to the correspondence between syllables and the Japanese letters.

Hiragana was with a little book on Japanese my brother bought one day.
