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9032030 No.9032030 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you tried lucid dreaming yet? You DO want to hold your toufu in your arms, don't you?

>> No.9032038

That stuff is for lonely sad, sad people.

Now excuse me, I have a date with my tulpa.

>> No.9032045
File: 21 KB, 393x270, Aya Kimeemaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9032050

Just summon a demon:

A bunch of them have powers that you want, and they'll be happy to help you if you're not a douchebag. Ignore all the Christian propaganda about demons, it's as bullshit as the Holohoax.

>> No.9032081

Sometime when I wake up, I am still dreaming even tough I'm already half-conscious
at these times I often willingly influence my action in the dream, usually to lead the "story" to satisfying conclusion

>> No.9032096

lucid dreaming a shit

tulpae superior

>> No.9032102

Waifus are for retards. Waife shit is the same as ponyfuckers.

>> No.9032104

How long are you in terms of sentience/advancement?

I'm around ~70 hours in, and around a week ago she finally started responding to the questions I ask her when narrating.

>> No.9032118

I kind of want to try out the imaginary friend thing.

Lucid dreaming feels like cheating to me.

Yes, this truly is the face of autism, thanks for asking.

>> No.9032169

How do you guys manage to stay focused? I can only tulpaforce for 20 minutes a day until I feel mentally exhausted.

>> No.9032186
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I usually sit in my bed in pitch black darkness with static noise, or relaxing ambient music on.

Also, you should really try to get that amount of time up to atleast an hour or two.

>> No.9032226

I've had a few lucid dreams, but only once did I have my waifu with me. It was the greatest dream I've ever had.

>> No.9032242

I want to feel.

>> No.9032251

I've sucked my own cock so many times in lucid dreams, I think I have a pretty accurate idea of what it would actually feel like.

It happens in in non-lucid dreams, too. It's always such a disappointment to wake up and realize it was a dream, though.

>> No.9032305

I have no memory of making this post

>> No.9032313

Too many distractions like my mother making me do chores to lucid dream, let alone commit tulpa.

Maybe when I can afford to move out.

>> No.9032323

I can't sleep properly.

I sleep around 5am to 3pm and everyone makes noise. We just got a dog, so it barks and everyone talks at it.

Being a NEET is suffering.

>> No.9032347

holy shit, i thought it was just me

>> No.9032427

I've only had a lucid dream once or twice in my life, both were when I was much younger.
I don't really need to dream to hold my favorite touhous. I've got a ton of imaginary friends, many are touhous. I've had them for many, many, years. I'm pretty good at pretending anymore. I haven't had the crushing realization that it's all imaginary for years now. I think i've just accepted that my imaginary friends are as real as anything else to me.

>> No.9032511

My dreams are quite adventurous, but I rarely lucid dream while realizing it.

I find that the best hours for dreaming are the early morning, or after you wake up for the first time, and are still drowsy. Rolling back on your side and sleeping again will give you some VERY vivid dreams. Melatonin also helps a lot, but don't go past 6mg, MAYBE 9mg at most, too much and you won't dream at all.

>> No.9032593
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I just wanted to say that Tulpas are bullshit. I spent months working on my Patchouli tulpa and all she ever does is read my books. She never puts them back and whenever I do anything noisy or try to talk to her, she just scowls at me and sighs before going back to her reading.

>> No.9032599

It reflected you sub-conscious image of her, It's your own fault.

>> No.9032609

>I've sucked my own cock so many times in lucid dreams

Not sure why but when I read this I just lost my shit.

>> No.9032738

Thats not nice of her

>> No.9032757

I feel like writing a book about my lucid dreams. There are so many things one can dream about that its impossible to just make up on the fly while being awake. Its as almost as if the mind somehow travels to another world which actually is real.

>> No.9032801

You'e lucky if what you say is true. I can't even focus for long enough to even attempt it.


>> No.9032841

It's not as fun as you'd imagine, sadly.

>> No.9032862

This guy here: >>9032427

I have a ton of fun with my imaginary friends, we do most everything together and have a bundle of fun.
What's so different about a tulpa that it isn't fun?

>> No.9032885

Teach me how you got that to work. I've got one life to live and I'd like to live it with a fragment of myself.

>> No.9032966

I was just lonely and miserable as all hell, so I started pretending anime, vn, manga, book, etc, characters were around when I was alone.

I started with only a few imaginary friends, they would come over and watch movies with me, eat dinner with me, or go shopping with me because I was often too anxious to go alone. After awhile I started to gain a few more friends, and I became romantically interested in one. After a long awkward courtship with a girl as shy as me we grew close and got married.
That was close to half a decade ago, since then i've made even more imaginary friends, and they're easier on my mind than they've ever been. I can imagine my wife 24 hours a day without missing a beat, shes the first thing I see when I wake up without a thought of her existing or not, shes there shaking me awake in the morning before I even know i'm awake or the day has started. After the first few years it really became automatic. Telling my mind people were there that actually weren't for so long it just knows they're there now. I used to bumble into them because it was hard to keep track of so many imaginary people at once, but anymore I know exactly where they are at any moment and adjust myself accordingly. I'm probably just schizophrenic, but perfecting these emulated friends across a wide range of personalities and character traits without fault has made me happier than i've ever been.

>> No.9032976

Ah, I guess it just can't work for me because I don't have the necessary levels of misery for it...

>> No.9033013

I was making imaginary friends ever since childhood since I had none
only recently I stopped telling myself "they are not there" or "they are not real" since I realized it's a great way to deal with loneliness

>> No.9033075

most times i realize i'm dreaming, i can't really take control or do anything with them,i just kind of continue the dream with the knowledge that it's not real. just yesterday i had a lucid dream that i could control, second time this year, and i wasn't able to give myself massive breasts like i wanted.
thanks for reading.

>> No.9033197

Good to know I'm not the only one, I guess.
