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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 48 KB, 602x317, iRo9Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9051032 No.9051032 [Reply] [Original]

Do you even care when your parents catch you or know when you're masturbating anymore?

>> No.9051039

Funny that you mentioned it. My mom catched me today fapping to hardcore gay porn.

>> No.9051047
File: 240 KB, 870x1236, 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else know le feel?

>> No.9051041

I'm an adult male who spends most of my time in my room on my computer with the door locked. They know.

>> No.9051049


Go away and stop posting pictures of my waifu.

>> No.9051051

I live alone

>> No.9051055

I'm not that guy and I'm not saying its okay or justifiable, but "le" is kind of a joke now. More and more people here are using it, I believe to be ironic.

>> No.9051060


You want some kind of medal, fagster?

>> No.9051069

It's still shitposting, even if ironic

>> No.9051072

I do not disagree with you, as I said.

>> No.9051078

It's not funny ironic like other shitposting. It just makes you sound like some faggot from reddit.

>> No.9051088

I'm not saying it's a good thing, okay? I was just trying to give you the message. I don't agree with or use "le" ever.

>> No.9051086

Ironic shitposting is so overused and unfunny that I seriously believe that anyone doing it might be not ironic.

>> No.9051094

I've ascended beyond fleshly desires and hardly ever masturbate. Once a month at most.

>> No.9051101

oh my god i am so mad

>> No.9051103

Used google image search on that because I couldn't remember the volume number, and check out the little gem I found.


>> No.9051096

le reddit

>> No.9051099 [DELETED] 

My mom has thrown away two of my very old cumrags, has walked in on me around three times, and I spend all my time in bed in underwear anyways.

I just stopped caring.

>> No.9051129

If you didn't find what you were looking for, it's in chapter 17.

>> No.9051136
File: 103 KB, 640x640, disgaeaetnacute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time I've ever been "caught" was when my younger brother opened my door when it was locked. Yes, my door opens when it's locked, because the piece of shit doorknob can be physically twisted enough for the door to open and pull the mechanism back. So he came in while I was fapping Etna. I was 21 years old, a year ago, and I hadn't been caught before or since. It's not like he cared, he just said sorry and shut the door, and I told him I was fapping to Etna later and he said that was pretty cool.

Mom used to wash my cum-stained blankets once they got really crusty. She mentioned a few times that she washed my 'filthy blankets', which she thought was funny, and I thought was kind of funny too.

>> No.9051156

>I told him I was fapping to Etna later and he said that was pretty cool.

This made me happy for some reason.

>> No.9051169

I stopped caring, but started waiting for them to go away.
I don't care if they hear me or find me, it's just that it's more pleasurable without having to hide it.

>> No.9051172
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Who doesn't love Etna, after all? It was a pretty good fap, aside from my brother barging in and all.

>> No.9051176

>locked door
>fapped whenever

Maybe my parents were just less nosy?

>> No.9051179

>living with your parents
The mean age on /jp/ is above 20, not below like most other boards.

>> No.9051181

Now I want to fap to Etna.

Excuse me.

>> No.9051191

>what is living with your parents while you say that you're looking for a job when you post on /jp/ all day for $500

>> No.9051196 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 849x774, kuroki-tomoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is perfect in every way.

>> No.9051210

whch Tomoko wud u fuq.

>> No.9051216


What reason is there to live alone if you spend most time dicking around on a computer?

It's a lot better than paying rent to live in some squalid little apartment.

>> No.9051231

I'd like to live alone, but I don't do anything but dick around on my computer and not leave my house. So I feel it may be a bit of a waste of money to do that.

>> No.9051233

I still care if I get caught because I have a record to uphold. I've never once closed the door to my room and I have the computer monitor facing the door. I still fap even when my mother is awake in the other room. Been a few close calls but never been caught.

Once she wanted me to write an email to someone as I was playing Monster Girl Quest. Tried to right click the window in my task bar and close it, but it caused the window to pop up as Alice was sucking my dick or something. No clue how I hid the window so fast but she didn't react or anything.

>> No.9051238
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All of them.

>> No.9051247

You're really stupid if you think your mother hasn't found out. Or maybe you're not telling us about your mom's neurological conditions.

>> No.9051248

She is truly the ideal girl.

>> No.9051254
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I just used to do it when everyone was asleep. Sister walked in on me once beating it hard to 3dpd, funny enough I walked in on her a few months later, too bad I'm not attracted to her in anyway at all.

>> No.9051261

I was forced to leave my parents house in favor of a few months of clinic, and later, own flat, because they realized I was a hikki and thought this would be the best cure.
I was actually happy about that, just the way it was handled was retarded.
Needless to say the pay for my bills.

>> No.9051268

I know she knows. Every parent knows. But she's never actually caught me in the act. That's what I want to keep up.

>> No.9051272

Oh, I see. I misinterpreted your post. Sorry.

>> No.9051275

What did she masturbate to?

>> No.9051287


Lies, my son is pure and would never beat his meat. I even told him he would get hairy palm.

>> No.9051295


She was just lying on her back in her bed. Parents hadn't got her a computer yet.

>> No.9051298

So, is anyone else paranoid that their fap noises can be heard in the whole house?

>> No.9051302

Just play some music while fapping.

>> No.9051304

lemon key face

>> No.9051321

How old is she?

How old is he?

>> No.9051342


She was 14 at the time.

>> No.9051389

She wants to be normal, how is that ideal?

>> No.9051404

>surpressed normie
>owns Beats headphones
Who am I quoting?

>> No.9051424

So just because I'm a pathetic NEET, you think my ideal woman is as pathetic as me?

N-no thank you.

>> No.9051463
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>> No.9051474

She will give up eventually!

I don't have anything in common with normals, let alone normal females, so why would I want to be with one?

>> No.9051500

She is younger than most of us. I had not given up at her age, so I cannot fault her for it.

>> No.9051507

No, but just because you are a pathetic NEET doesn't means that you have to settle with some loser bitch who will dump you for some nigger with a 15 inch dick without thinking twice

>> No.9051513

She owns Beats headphones because she is obviously an audiophile with good taste.

>> No.9051531

When my parents find out they pretend they never seen anything a few seconds later and ask me to do a chore. This is only when they catch me watching porn though, never have caught me masturbating.

>> No.9051535

Why would you watch porn without masturbating?

>> No.9051544


>> No.9051548

I think it's cute that she has bad taste in headphones.

>> No.9051561

have you ever considered the possibility that the author of the manga just googled "headphones" and used one of the first few results as reference?

>> No.9051570

>I don't have anything in common with normals, let alone normal females, so why would I want to be with one?
Are you somehow implying that NEETs can only be pathetic, dirty and self-pitying fucks? She's a repressed normal anyway, you hypocrite.

Stop thinking in black and white.

>> No.9051574

He specifically drew the Beats logo, though. Could have left it out if he wanted to give her generic headphones.

>> No.9051580

Yes, that's what I'm implying.

>> No.9051584

Respond if you also love Spaghetti-chan.

I sure love her so I am going to reply to myself.

>> No.9051599


>> No.9051633

I like her.

>> No.9051639

I hope Tomoko never becomes normal. I am worried that she will eventually get better.

>> No.9051656

I hope she gets bullied and goes full Nevada-tan on the school with a cutter and everything. The author should just end it at its peak before it gets stale

>> No.9051664


lol le spaghetti-cha-- You know what, let's stop this right here.
I like Tomoko, too.

>> No.9051674

I've actually made it 27 years without being caught fapping though it's easier when you don't have to hold a dick or anything.

>> No.9051676

I don't want her to kill anyone but I would like it if the other students would start to bully her a lot.

>> No.9051677

She's nice.

I guess one might say she's epic.

>> No.9051678

I always leave the door open. It's reverse psychology. I'm such a genius.

>> No.9051682


What happened to it? Did someone rip it off?

>> No.9051692

Nope never. I do it when everyone is asleep or away

>> No.9051712

I do, because masturbating is something I must have a certain atmosphere in order to do, and it's impossible if my parents are nearby

besides, things I fap too are too beautiful for them to see

>> No.9051714

I think I like you now.

>> No.9051741

no retarded family to brag to you about anything
freedom of movement

>> No.9051751

>freedom of movement

It sucks not being able to go into parts of the house sometimes because someone is there.

>> No.9051754

not to mention doing other things, like walking with your dick out cause you feel like it

>> No.9051761

Edgy poseurNEET /v/irgin detected.

>> No.9051808

I hope she gets a happy ending, but stays herself.
She just needs a little confidence

>> No.9051827

She needs to get severely bullied until she becomes hikikomori.

>> No.9051870
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>> No.9051883

except he's right
a little drauma is positive

>> No.9051885

You wouldn't want to read about other students beating her up and insulting her?

>> No.9051906


It made me really sad seeing that happen to Sanae in Heartthrobbing Koishi

>> No.9051911

no, because we like her

>> No.9051915

But the drama derived from her own personal blunders and mistakes. Technically speaking, comedy is drama, such not in the common connotative sense.
Not really, I enjoy the manga because it is about her social awkwardness, and how she usually ends up getting herself in the situations because she either tries to hard, or to little.

>> No.9051941

shit, I meant "trauma"
traumatic events would work in her advantage, on the longer run

>> No.9051945
File: 44 KB, 800x600, 1246581569671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you guys didn't like this either

>> No.9051970

I'm pretty sure she's gone through social trauma though, like using panties as a handkerchief on accident, or her Mom catching her in the middle of her perverted fantasies with the voice actor.
Haven't seen it

I just like the manga for what it is, and how it is progressing so far. Honestly, from first impressions of the picture, it just seems like something that trying to be dark and overly grim. It's not that it sickens me, I just feel nothing for it.

>> No.9051981

If you haven't played Yume Miru Kusuri you should probably leave /jp/.

>> No.9052010

that's not why he should leave, I didn't play it either

he should leave because he thought it's anime

>> No.9052012

YMK is a good game, you should try it. It just gets a lot of hate because it was the first VN for a lot of people in /v/, back in 2008. The route of the bullied girl is very sad, and the music is great.

>> No.9052013

Fair enough.

>> No.9052024

I could easily tell it was a visual novel, art alone was a big hint.
It just doesn't look like something I would enjoy.
Hearing someone willing to give me an honest overview of the game, I may look into it.

>> No.9052033

It's tricky to summarize this one in a way that doesn't make it sound much better or much worse than it is, but here goes: three stories about helping someone overcome their personal demons and learn to lead a happy life, with you of course.

Each of the three troubled girls is unique and convincingly human. Hence the routes are very different from each other on the surface but share much of the same themes and overall structure. Also, the protagonist and heroines both grow immensely by the (true) end of the routes, leaving all of them with satisfying (true) endings.

Unfortunately, there is a persistent strain on suspension of disbelief for large parts of the game. While never impossible to ignore, it takes effort (or perhaps a really shitty adolescence) to not let it get in the way of empathizing with the characters and their problems. This is mitigated by the fact that a lot of time is spent effectively killing time with slice of life. But I felt that fit the game's relaxed atmosphere, and gave the characterization and (good) comedy plenty of time to do their things.

Score: 7/10

Polarization: High (+2/-3)

Some people will literally laugh at the implausibility of some parts of the stories, while some others will find at least one of the endings deeply moving. Personal experience may be a factor.

Routes/Endings Played: All 3 routes, good and bad endings. - Ixrec-sama

>> No.9052037


I haven't played a single damn touhou game or VN in my life

>> No.9052043

Why aren't there links to TVTropes?

>> No.9052057

okay, YOU should leave

>> No.9052069

an made bor

>> No.9052082

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.9052073

I remember back when I was 13 or so and was masturbating in my bed. Now at that time I still slept with my door open but my kid logic made me think that if I was in the dark then no one else could see me. I just happened to see my sister staring quizzically at the end of the hallway. When we locked eyes she quickly ran away, but it was a strange experience. It's never come up between us but I always wonder if she remembers.

>> No.9052077

I like it how those two faggots from the first few scenes of YMK go away the moment you associate yourself with the bullied girl. They don't say anything, not even goodbye, they just vanish. Dunno if the author did that intentionally or if he just forgot about those characters, but it was very realistic.

>> No.9052102

My mother once found my onahole while it was drying. She dried it with a towel then placed it on my dresser.

>> No.9052108

I think it was intentional. You were now associating with the loser, so it would look bad for them to continue talking to you. Remember in the bad end, when she tries to kill herself and leaves the school, the class turns on you and stars bullying you in her place.

>> No.9052112

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.9052133

It was actually a spoiler, though. Multiple people in this thread haven't played the g-

Oh wait, you're just trolling.

>> No.9052195 [DELETED] 

I was once fapping in my grandmas house, second floor. There was a preview of the howard stern show and it was rated TV-MA, so I thought I would get to see some tits there and jack off that day.
I had previously just printed out dogpile or google images search for tits or naked women.
It turned out better than expected, it had a girl riding a sybian, and three other girls catching meatballs thrown at their asscheeks.
Just a few seconds after I finished cumming to looking at my first undrawn, and uncensored vagina my sister walked into the room, as I had left the door just slightly ajar. At that moment I had to make a very quick call in just a few miliseconds, and I decided to hop towards the cablebox and turn it off while at the same time pulling my pants above my penis and wiping some of the cum on my hand on the inside of my jeans.
This knocked over the cablebox around the same time I did a side roll to aim my crotch away from the doorway from where my sister stood. It took some in-air maneuvering and bodily contortion but I managed to completely avoid her looking at my penis or my semen on the carpet which I smudged with my hip.
I then sat on my chair and she began to question what I was doing while my pants were half done. I think it was obvious enough but I kept my mouth shut and she left. Avoided that bullet.

>> No.9052266
File: 58 KB, 591x672, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mother always thinks I'm masturbating. I don't even fap.

>> No.9053710

My mother masturbates to my cum-stained panties.

>> No.9053759

I don't even fap anymore.

>> No.9053857

It's the finns

>> No.9053862

I stopped fapping like a month ago. I tried forcing myself last night, but there was nothing there. I almost managed to cum...but then the feels vanished and I gave up.

I don't even notice anymore, so it's okay.

>> No.9053867

Finns don't make such shitpost about "le" and reddit, go away retard.

>> No.9053871

finns area disease, they adapt to their environment

>> No.9053880

Finns don't adapt to their environment, their surrounding adapt to them. That's why people now post spurdo, dolan, and will soon be posting that chair just as much. Only unfunny nerds from /v/ care about reddit and make shitty "le" jokes.

>> No.9053944


finns are responsible for 90% of bad posts
wake up

>> No.9053987
File: 11 KB, 318x277, 1337001713741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fug u beoble

>> No.9053993
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>> No.9053999

fug :----DDDDDDD

>> No.9054005

There is no real difference between ironic and non-ironic shitposting.

>> No.9054018

Oh yeah. My masturbation rituals are hella elaborate, usually involving sound dampening technology and taking place in the middle of the night.

It's kinda a good thing my libido is waning, because it would be a real pain in the ass to go through this more than once a day.

>> No.9054037

I masturbate buck naked with my door wide open with IKUUU blasting from my speakers, and when I'm done I'll leave the cumrag just sitting out there in the open because I don't give a fuck unlike you betas.

It's also because I live alone.

>> No.9054081
File: 17 KB, 220x236, 1316817365558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents never caught me masturbating when I was living with them. but thanks to my decoy porn, they thought i'm as normal as can be and that I only like random asian 3d sluts.

I recommend everyone to have a decoy porn collection especially you...yes you reading this right now. What are you waiting for? it doesn't matter what as long as it says "yeah, I fap to normal hot chicks".

Once you hit 14. every parent for sure knows their child has at least masturbated. The question that gets them looking for your stuff is "to what?"

>> No.9054094

Why would I need a decoy porns collection? Explain more.

>> No.9054114

Because roommates/parents/siblings are nosy as all fuck...especially if you're introverted.

A stash of 3DPD in an easy to find hiding spot should sate them...I put mine in shoe boxes when I lived with my parents.

>> No.9054134

This is literally the most paranoid thing ever. I refuse to believe that you're not trying to play out the /jp/ autism thing.

>> No.9054138

my pop walked in once while I was and casually asked what kind of soda i want cuz he was goin shoppin

i wonder if he even noticed, because I had it in my hand the hole time

>> No.9054146


dont underestimate jaypees autism

>> No.9054153

my da walked in once while I was and casually asked what kind of pop i want cuz he was goin shoppin

i wonder if he even noticed, because I had it in my hand the hole time

>> No.9054156

I don't think my relatives would be able to navigate their way around my system at all.

>> No.9054158

my father walked in once while I was and casually asked what kind of pop i want cuz he was goin shoppin

i wonder if he even noticed, because I had it in my hand the hole time

>> No.9054160
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As someone with Lolicon, toddlercon, shota, futa, furry, beastiality, gore etc.
You bet your ass I was running paranoid.

>> No.9054164 [DELETED] 

fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.9054176

ditto. also nice to see another with tomoko as their waifu. she's perfect


I'm sure a lot of you faggots want to be normal and relate to her in many ways. just scared to be called a normal.

>> No.9054179

>As someone with Lolicon, toddlercon, shota, futa, furry, beastiality, gore etc.

you don't know what these mean and don't forget do your homework

>> No.9054194
File: 65 KB, 409x497, 1317880930213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't know what these mean

I'm lost...
How don't I?

>> No.9054202


I don't want to be normal so much as I want to be not depressed.

>> No.9054208


>> No.9054209

>dicking around on a computer
>dicking around

>> No.9054229

he is probably wanting "lolicon" to only refer to someone who likes loli, not loli itself.

however, even if he's being anal like that, your sentence can be read as
"As someone with a lolita complex, a toddler complex, shota, futa, furry, beastiality, gore etc"
and makes sense, even by his strict definitions, even if the phrasing is rather stilted

>> No.9054245


>> No.9054365

I got caught once when I was young. They took me to a priest to confess my sin. I've haven't masturbated since

>> No.9054484

Don't be a fool like me and fap in the afternoon with your door wide open. If you can't see your door from your desk, be sure to get up and check before you whip it out.

>> No.9054496


Even though I have all the porn I can eat on my PC, I got a couple of mags to hide my weed under.

When they snooped and looked in my drawers, they saw porn and presumably didnt bother looking around in the draw since I never got busted for weed.

>> No.9054509

How the fuck old are you?

>> No.9054512

They know.

>> No.9054513

I'm sorry not everybody can be as old as you.

>> No.9054539

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.9054542

They know.

>> No.9054546

Fuck in with your spoilers.

>> No.9054552

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.9054554

This one time my mother used my computer while I was away, because our laptop was broken or something, she searched history and found out what I was fapping to, thank god it was normal 3dpd porn.

>> No.9054555

What will you do if I don't?

>> No.9054556

That's not funny, you're not funny. Please stop.

>> No.9054558

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.9054561

Please answer the question. Are you just going to post the same thing every day until we like it?

>> No.9054562 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9054564

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.9054566

I'll even ask you without spoilers, then.

What will you do if we don't?

Are you just going to post the same thing every day until we like it?

>> No.9054568


>> No.9054569

It's the next big meme, fag.

>> No.9054571

See you next year, then.

>> No.9054578
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>> No.9054580

Top right, would suck

>> No.9054592
File: 496 KB, 900x1200, xr1ccaset32t112r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, no dirty hair and the cock is straight with a soft wet head perfect for sucking on.

Looks delicious.
Would suck tier.

>> No.9055166


>> No.9055237

wow, what a superficial faggot. why even bother if the only dicks you like are the shitty porn star grade ones?

with those kinds of standards might as well not suck any dicks at all. ever.

You sicken me.

>> No.9055409

But he's not a porn star, he's a cross dressing avatarfag. I can just appreciate a fine cock.

>> No.9055442

But there are plenty of other fine cocks as well but you wont allow yourself to accept anything else.

>> No.9055452

Top left: Cut
Top middle: Needs a better picture, might be cute though
Top right: Nice penis head, but too big for me.
Middle left: cut
Middle: cut
Middle right: (Can't tell if cut) Too thin for it's length, would be nicer if it was shorter.
Bottom left: cut and too hairy, it if was uncut and less hairy it would be the best.
Bottom middle: cut
Bottom right: cut or phimosis? Still too big though.

>> No.9055468

It's better to have high standards, because that makes it so much more humiliating when you're forced to suck off guys way below your standards.

>> No.9055475

My faith started to decline the very day I learned that "masturbation is a sin".

Anyway forget about your parents knowing that you masturbate, if they aren't idiots they should assume that you most probably do even without proof.

The real question here is... have you ever been caught while masturbating to your fetish? Or do you think they learned? For example did they find your vibrator? Have you been caught wearing your mother's or sister's clothes? Or did they realize you've been "using" them?

>> No.9055477

I'd suck all of those cocks :3

>> No.9055507

What a slut, I wouldn't let you near mine.

>> No.9055617

>but too big for me
No such thing!

>> No.9055634

Not after I'm done with him.

>> No.9057749 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9057760

I purposely fap with my door open hoping my sister walks by and sees. One time she walked in and asked me something and acted like she didn't notice anything was wrong, even though I had my cock in my hand.

She's pretty hot, only a year younger than me.

>> No.9057761

my sister caught me masturbating once :(

>> No.9057765

how the hell does that happen

>> No.9057772

>She's pretty hot, only a year younger than me.

your post is fine until this point

>> No.9057775

Can thou not appreciate fine displays of cock jan?

>> No.9057778

OP here, made this thread in "response" to

Can't believe people (plus meido) took it seriously xD

>> No.9057780

I'm not happy about it either, but I have to make due with what I have available.

>> No.9057790

leave /jp/

>> No.9057794
File: 133 KB, 1279x717, 1336783561427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see you say that to my face, nerd.

>> No.9057797

>1. Create a text board for RP threads. They don't require pictures, and are more suited to the long-term discussion dis.4chan.org offers. This would allow for centralized/ongoing threads with a limit of 1,000 replies. ~moot

I wonder if /rp/ will ever happen.

>> No.9057802

Do you start masturbating once you type e-hentai.org, retard? Do you masturbate to the front page?

It takes at least 2 minutes to get a raging boner.

>> No.9057815

I have learned long ago to masturbate and ejaculate even if my dick is not hard at all

>> No.9057835
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I like this guy

>> No.9058005

Someone's still getting sad panda

>> No.9059486 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9059494

I don't like sucking big ones.
Maybe I wouldn't mind them for anal though.

>> No.9060207

hahaha! bumop!!!!

>> No.9060215

Threads like this make me feel old.

>> No.9062930 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9062940

My housemaster once walked in on me masturbating once at boarding school. Fortunately, I was in bed at the time and while he was a very erudite and intelligent man, I think we both managed to get through that encounter with some sense of respect intact.

>> No.9062987

>masturbate to mother
>call out "oh mom"
>she happens to be walking by and hears this
>she comes into the room to find out why she's being called just in time to see cum flying across the room toward the door

>> No.9064595 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9064596

why is that guy's ass so open?

>> No.9064599

He has been trained to be a cumslut so his ketsumanko is all loose and open to welcome cocks

>> No.9064658

I've been jacking my dick with my door wide open ever since I first found out what it was and as far as I know no one's ever caught me or if they have they've never said shit about it

>> No.9064663 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?.

>> No.9064686 [DELETED] 
File: 642 KB, 2528x1456, IMG_0615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll still love you NSJ

>> No.9065444
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