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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9092479 No.9092479[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm bored. I want to do something different like sleeping sitting up or going for a drive at 5 AM. Got any ideas?

Feel free to talk about whatever is on your mind at the moment.

>> No.9092514

Internet flamewars are a good way to kill time and blow off steam.

>> No.9092523

I just swapped my rolling tobacco with pipe tobacco. it's delicious.

>> No.9092525

I agree, nothing like pwning some nerds on internet to pass time.

>> No.9092606

But that's what I do every single day. I want to experience something new.

>> No.9092633
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Go on adventure!

>> No.9092644

Something new? Damn, I would probably pick up an outdoor hobby I could do while listening to music. Doing new things involves uncertainties, so you need to be prepared to take risks.

>> No.9092647

Painting my Warhammer Fantasy Battle Dwarf army. Well, what I have right now anyway.

>> No.9092649

my personal favorite thing to do is take psychedelic drugs then go for long walks in the middle of the night while listening to touhou music.

>> No.9092655

I envy those who can walk around at night without being at risk of being murdered/mugged/kidnapped/gangraped

>> No.9092657

Pick a broomstick and go outside.

You decided what to do afterwards.

>> No.9092666

i got a new smartphone as a gift, but no one to really text on it ;_;

>> No.9092674

All I have access to is DXM but I've only tried low dosages because I'm afraid of going crazy.

Maybe some day I'll harness the courage to try third plateau.

>> No.9092687


Same. Its only use is a music player when I wander around. If it's an android, you could try playing some games on it. Like madoka, yumecolle, etc, etc.

>> No.9092692

Google SMS: 466-453

>> No.9092693

What is on my mind at the moment?

Applying for work is scary.

(Captcha seems to agree; "true.")

>> No.9092695

I pretended to be a 16f on omegle and got fucked in the ass really hard by a guy. He was a faggot, trying to lick my pussy and being "nice", but I finally convinced him to violate me from behind. He even came deep inside my butt even though I told him not to.

>> No.9092700

learn to use tor and bitcoins, then you can get pretty much anything you want sent straight to your door. i wouldn't have access to anything particularly interesting without it

>> No.9092703

Eye feel eezy.
Somehow a thread like this was just what I was looking for. Playing BF3 while reading about stuff anons are doing. Feels good.

>> No.9092705

>Getting a new phone when iPhone 5 comes out in 3 months.

>> No.9092712

whats it like being a faggot?

>> No.9092714

hahaha oh wow

>> No.9092719
File: 8 KB, 249x203, Star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find partner
Learn how to use power of hypnos
Turn each other to nice anime chik
Enjoy your wonderful being

>> No.9092720

It's offensive to homosexuals to place them on the same level as Apple users.

Please don't do this.

>> No.9092723


Don't be afraid, cowboy. Higher plateaus are wondrous.

>> No.9092730

Any good tutorials? I've tried it in the past but I've failed on multiple occasions because of a lack of coherent instructions.

If possible, I'd like to mine them, because I don't have any money.

>> No.9092778

your best bet is to download the tor browser bundle and look through silkroad's forum for a guide on getting bitcoins wherever you live, and if you still don't understand there's people who know a lot more than me on there you can ask for help. mining isn't really worth it in my opinion unless you already have a powerful gpu

>> No.9092797

There's no other way for people with no money, though.

>> No.9092807

google hiddenwiki

>> No.9092820

nope, mining's the only way to get them for free, unless you can think of a way to scam people or something

>> No.9092837

Brows random japan.
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>> No.9092921

Why can't the government just appoint jobs to people? I'm willing to work but finding a job is pretty hard damn hard where I live. I don't want to go back to university either because I can't stand the people there.

>> No.9092928

I had a nightmare and self revelation around midnight. I realized that I am not a good judge of myself and my surroundings while I am awake.

In my dreams, I am a paranoid little freak that can hardly stand on my own two legs. Every magical power in my dreams, I can't use around people or it will fail every time. Imagine knowing how to cast a simple fireball and you tell your dream friends about it. The moment I show them that I can do it, my hands fizzle and nothing happens.

While I am awake, I shut myself off. I have a feeling that things will get better and that everything will work out, but in reality, I am quite screwed. I keep up with my destructive habits without giving a shit because 'Hey, the grass is greener on the other side, right?'.

I haven't slept for more than an hour after the revelation and have sustained myself on roughly 20 cups of coffee.

My next shrink appointment is on Friday, and I hope that I can talk to him about everything. I don't want to worry my Dad because I've already been enough trouble for him.

>> No.9092934

I hope for a society where the government regulated every job and you could just apply and get something guaranteed. The same for everything else.
That's why I'm a communist. I just want to take it easy.

>> No.9092986
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Get some proper sleep baka.

>> No.9092994


are you me?

I also live with my father, you just described what I have also realized, I stay awake until I literally have to pass out or my mind races faster than I can keep up with, it just seems to go out of control conjuring dozens of images I have never seen all within seconds. Although I'm not depressed I just sit here in a frozen state giggling every now and then at something funny. Oh you I also drink a shitload of coffee for the endorphin's.

I've let my father down too many times, I have one more chance and I'm probably screwed.

>> No.9093212

When was the last time you watched anime or read a VN?

I haven't done either of those in months. Heck, I haven't even played any video games lately.

>> No.9093247
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>> No.9093260

Thanks, but I was more looking for a tutorial on bitcoins. I mean, I already have Tor from a long, long time ago.

>> No.9093276

Nice pic op.

>> No.9093317

I'm heading out to italy. No computer or internet for the next month. I can't speak the language so at least I won't be yelled at for not socializing.

I hate vacations.

>> No.9093356

i'm going to peru, at least you're going to the first world

>> No.9093358

Why are you going? Where are you going to stay?

>> No.9093368

>First world

Think again.

>> No.9093394


Too bad we were born in a capitalist society heh...

>> No.9093404


Sicily, my parents have an apartment there. I have no choice in the matter of me going or not.

It's not TOO BAD, there's just not a lot to do besides 1. go to the beach 2. Walk up mountains.

>> No.9093538

Age before more /r9k/ threads spring up.

>> No.9093607

I just got $56 bucks for recycling a year's worth of cans. In total I had like 35 pounds of aluminum. I would use it to buy figs, but I have more pressing matters to attend to, like buying medication.

>> No.9093654

What kind of meds do you take? I'm on venlafaxine at the moment and it's working surprisingly well (at least better than the previous one). I'm more energetic than before and I actually feel happy once in a while.

I kind of wish they would prescribe me benzodiazepines but I have a history of abusing them so there's no chance of it happening any time soon.

>> No.9093698

I don't know about you guys but I really want to go fishing lately. Haven't gone since I was a kid but it's a nice NEET thing to do, just sit quietly and watch the water waiting for a bite.

Alas I don't have a pole or remember where any of the good ponds were around here.

>> No.9093745

I tried watching Madoka a couple weeks ago. I couldn't watch it for more than 5 minutes. I'll get back to it eventually. I used to play vidya all the time, but even that has lost it's flavor and I spend my days laying in my bed just browsing the chans and doing nothing. I'm on food stamps but mostly what I eat is microwave canned soups and ramen. I don't even cook for myself anymore. I think it's a sign that my depression is getting worse and I don't find anything enjoyable any more. I'm just content with lurking /jp/ and drinking a moderate amount.

>> No.9093793


I would fish with you anon, sitting on a river bank or in a small boat for some hours would be really relaxing.

>> No.9093814



I stopped fapping after I started Risperidone. I haven't fapped like, once in the past two months. I feel pure.

>> No.9093909


I would go fishing but in California a fishing license is $60 or something for a year. Then take into account the gas money and tackle and it really starts to add up. I would just buy some fish from the supermarket like a good NEET hikki and stay inside.

>> No.9093945

Thanks for reminding me of fishing. Finland is full of small lakes so finding a good spot shouldn't be hard.

Too bad fly fishing requires a license.

>> No.9093968

Fuck, I want to go fishing too.
I have fond memories of fishing trouts in the mountains, then eating them after. Fresh fish tastes the best.

>> No.9093983

My record is 3 months and 1 week. You feel so fucking pure I almost thought I was rejuvenating.

>> No.9093984
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Camping is pretty fun.

>> No.9093990

I'm going camping with my father next month.

>> No.9094019

What?! camping sucks, boring as hell...

Oh wait... you mean that thing that people do outside in the countryside?

>> No.9094030

In NC a fishing license is only required if you use artificial bait. You can buy a cheap pole from walmart and a tub of nightcrawlers at a nearby gas station and drive for the nearest river or small lake.

Then when it gets dark we can set up a tent comfort eachother with stories as we wait for the charcoal to do it's job...

>> No.9094034

What's the matter, can't handle my SCORE you complete BEGINNER ?

>> No.9094033

I can't think of an instance of camping I've found fun after sleeping the first night.

>> No.9094041

>as we wait for the charcoal to do it's job

Why was the first thing that came to mind carbon monoxide posioning suicide? Damn it /jp/ you've destroyed me.

>> No.9094113

/jp/, what is causing you to stay indoors, harming yourself with copious amounts of anime and prescription depressants?

Were you bullied badly at work and school? Were your parents abusive to each other and you?

I just want to understand...

>> No.9094122

i was gangraped by my father, uncle, grandfather, older brother, my neighboor and his dog when I was 5, since then I never again lived like a normal person.

>> No.9094136

I don't take any medication, I was never abused, I was never bullied severely. I just want to live a peaceful life with an excess of free time for me to partake in my interests.

>> No.9094147

Please, sir, I am trying to have a serious debate with fellow NEETs and what you are doing is not helping towards keeping this conversation on track.

Kind regards.

>> No.9094172
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>Were you bullied badly at work and school? Were your parents abusive to each other and you?
All of these.

>> No.9094170

I've been wearing nothing but a towel for about 4 hours now.

>> No.9094186

/jp/ - Blog Culture

>> No.9094184

I wish I knew. I was bullied in junior high but that alone doesn't explain why I'm such a fuckup. My dad drank a lot but in the end he did his job pretty well.

I guess I was born a loser.

>> No.9094192


What's so great about outside? There are too many people out there.

>> No.9094203

The fact that I hadn't seen other kids until I was 7 might also have relevance.

>> No.9094214

Towels are great. Funny thing about pants: if you don't wear them for a year, your crotch is going to hate you when you finally put some on.

>> No.9094224

Going nopan helps.

>> No.9094228


I experienced something similar after not wearing shoes for a few months

>> No.9094236

I wonder what it'd be like living as a nudist and just never wearing clothes.

>> No.9094244

Last time I left my apartment a bunch of cops started questioning me about a broken window. I know it was 4 AM and my explanation about "going for a drive" must have seemed somewhat shady but they still had no fucking right to suspect me. Luckily the the real culprit showed up after 10 minutes and they let me go.

I know they were just doing their job but I still can't help hating them.

>> No.9094270
File: 67 KB, 600x690, 560281_312148728867398_100002168210467_716712_1408347705_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The First World is such a peaceful place where nothing bad ever happens and where life is so good people actually have to come up with things to complain about.


>> No.9094277

calm down spic

>> No.9094284


I live in England and I would be worried about being mugged or attacked or something by drunks.

I also would prefer not to be stabbed by some Chav during a walk in the early hours of the morning.

>> No.9094289

Yeah, well, here I have to be wary of random shootings breaking out in broad daylight in the middle of the street.

>> No.9094291

Puto marica. Por eso el país está como está, por cobardes como tú.

>> No.9094299

Y yo que pensaba que era por el narco y los vicios del primer mundo. Gracias por hacernos la correcion.

>> No.9094304

That's because you subhumans can't run a civilized society. That's all there is to it.

>> No.9094305

Yo ya dije, no puedo seguir viviendo en este país violento. Tengo que irme a otro lugar. No puedo arriesgarme a recibir una bala perdida nomás por querer quedarme aquí. No por nada en Estados Unidos existe toda una comunidad de migrantes mexicanos: porque no se puede vivir aquí.

>> No.9094307

You limey spics don't know the terror of living in a city that has a majority black population

I can't wait to go back to the country

>> No.9094308

Y sí, hace unos años ibas a Gaia Online y nomás veías como medio mundo proclamaba lo mafufo que estaba. Y 420chan es un sitio activo y vivo...

>> No.9094310

Shut up or speak english. And stop blaming other countries for our own problems.

>> No.9094312

So how many people were killed in your city last year?

>> No.9094318

Por qué les temes tanto, putito?

>> No.9094327
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Not bullied just "dwarfed" I guess you could say, nobody went out of there way to make me feel bad. Parents split up when I was 12 causing me and my father to move overseas, I went to roughly 14 different schools before dropping out in the last year because I was sick of making new friends/having to build a new reputation and I had to commute very far to even reach school. Since dropping out I've detached myself from every social contact I had besides my family, now I waste away my days doing absolutely nothing.

While it is for the most part plain and boring I enjoy the peace that comes with being alone after dealing with so much for so many years.

>> No.9094338

There are no official numbers for 2011, but in 2010 there was like 888 killings, and 959 between January and October 2011.

>> No.9094406

Mexicans deserve their drug controlled shithole, too lazy to start a revolution, so they just shit up proper countries.

>> No.9094423

Oh, the irony. The shit is coming your way.
