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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 47 KB, 400x400, miku-love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9245682 No.9245682 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think about Miku also general Miku thread

>> No.9245699

lol get a load of this chump

>> No.9245697
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i think it's my wife and i love her.

>> No.9245704
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why did i sage.
i take it back.

>> No.9245702
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they like to sage her threads, i guess

>> No.9245705 [DELETED] 


>> No.9245717

Any opinions on her music?

>> No.9245734
File: 253 KB, 600x660, 5bb7aa8a1fdb97fdd0248e78f24d0d1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miku a slut

>> No.9245739

boring eyes fugg off :-DDD

>> No.9245744

ya your right

>> No.9245767

>her music
i have opinions on her voice and the specific producers, but not on "her" music, i mean... there's shittons of different Miku songs in different genres and stuff, i can't possibly have a single opinion on all of this mess.

>> No.9245770
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miku best 2hu

>> No.9245822
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>barely any replies

>> No.9245858

She's not my favorite vocaloid, though I do love her.
I think her music's great, but when her voice isn't "tuned" or arranged properly it's annoying.
Still, I love her♥

>> No.9245864

>walk into /jp/
>ask for a Hatsune Miku thread
>leeks slowly drips from my pockets
>oh god not again
>face gets red
>"Please give me a Hatsune Miku thread now."
>struggling to contain my embarrassment
>clenching asscheeks together to hold in my shit
>Meanwhile leeks are flowing from my pockets
>voice reduced to a mumble
>"have autism please Hatsune Miku give thread please Hatsune Miku"

>> No.9245872

She's alright but I prefer Gumi and Luka as far as vocaloids go.

>> No.9245885

who are you quoting

>> No.9245947

I've never really understood the obsession. I can see why people listen to vocaloid music(sometimes) but why they buy figures and crap like that alludes me.

>> No.9245978
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Can't wait for English Miku to come out.

>> No.9245982


>> No.9246043


I've always viewed it in the opposite light. I can understand why people get obsessed with a 2D character that essentially has no canon, as they can project whatever they want onto her.

What alludes me is people actually enjoying vocaloid. I like plenty of J-core and Japanese DJ's + electronic music but if there's any vocals I like they'll be from actual vocalists not cacophonous robots.

>> No.9246044

oh and I forgot to mention, they are also re-recording the appends for V3.

>> No.9246066

You do realize that all the vocaloids have no canon story so then producers create their own personalities right? With the exceptions of some V3's like Tone Rion.

>> No.9246082


So what?

>> No.9246122
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the fanserviest

>> No.9246124

but that's exactly his point? i think you may've misread the post or something.

>> No.9246422
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New challenger appears

>> No.9246427

Miku is the greatest thing to happen to music since the cord.

>> No.9246479

Miku threads are on Monday, make them then. Just for future reference.

>> No.9246497

/a/ posters go back to /a/. Just for future reference.

>> No.9246517

Only an /a/ poster would know about miku monday, your post is very ironic.

>> No.9246521 [SPOILER] 
File: 97 KB, 750x563, Miku (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to lewd this thread up. Don't mind me.

>> No.9246525

Yeah, lets both go back to /a/.

>> No.9246527
File: 280 KB, 425x638, 1297671965584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love miku

>> No.9246528

I wondered about this too, but after listening to so many songs and watching so many videos it's hard to not fall for MIku. Maybe it's only because I've seen her too much by now, but I know that I can't go back now.

>> No.9246529
File: 288 KB, 1920x1080, Miku (66).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9246538

I love Miku <3

>> No.9246616
File: 352 KB, 700x933, lol hatsune miku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku a slut

>> No.9246628

Miku/Vocaloid=My life

They are to what AKB are to fat otaku in Japan it's ashame we will never get to touch her hands at an event though.

>> No.9246639

Miku inspires men. There are many inventions and improvements that are attributed to her inspiration. Perhaps 30 years from now we will have a Miku android rather than a hologram dancing on stage, or even better, your living room.

>> No.9246642

Vocaloids are used by everyone, self-explanatory

>> No.9246648

Yes and no. Miku is what ever you want her to be. Obviously that guy likes sluts.

>> No.9246660

I wouldn't want her in my or anyone else's living room I want one unique android built for each Vocaloid and they would live in dorms created by YAMAHA company specifically for them (I they were intelligent).

>> No.9246675

>I they were intelligent
>Make one and suffer the cost vs
>Make a million and sell them for billions.

>> No.9246687

Why would they suffer?Idol life is better than being used and abused by dirty people.

>> No.9246717
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>> No.9246856

I like Miku soft better then general Miku
But I think Gumi is the best Vocaloid

>> No.9246871

I'll think you guys will like some of these confirmed English updates
Miku English (Strong accent)
Gumi English
SeeU English
Kaito English
Meiko English

>> No.9246876

Also Yamaha said English VY series but I don't know if they are updates for the originals or new ones all together.

The reason there are so many English updates is because there is NO hit vocaloid there and they are trying to introduce them to new producers.

>> No.9247272

She has plenty of nice lewd fanart and some of the MMD videos are funny. The live concert concept with vocaloids is interesting. I like her.

>> No.9248648

>Strong accent
Oh, boy.

>> No.9248896

My favourite Vocaloid in terms of her design and voice, it's just a shame about her fanbase (and the resultant influx of shitty songs and art).

>> No.9248904

Miku is a whore, she's sucked countless dicks. Also striped panties are terrible

>> No.9248982

I just think it's impressive how human she sounds. The whole vocaloid phenomenon is an important step in artificial humanoids...or whatever you want to call them.

>> No.9249999

She has over 1000 albums or so I've heard.
It is incredibly difficult to sift through the mediocre songs and try to find some good ones.

>> No.9250005

You take that back.

>> No.9250014

miku is a slut
and her music is shit

>> No.9250021

Dark Append is Miku's best voice bank. I experience varying degrees of interest in her other versions.

Gumi's the best, though.

>> No.9250047

Fujita Saki had no prior English experience when they recorded this but she managed to make it understandable (no Rs for Ls etc) I guess they though it would be cute (The intention behind Miku).SeeU,Kaito and Gumi will have almost perfect English because they all (The voice donors) all have experience with English.

Side note
I wish Crypton would finished Miku promotions this year so the can finally reveal CV04 (A male) and Project if (Kids voices that sound amazing) officially.

>> No.9250090

Am I the only one who doesn't care for albums?I usually just click a random vid on nico.

Also random fun fact
Vocaloid Lola was the first vocaloid to be used on nico and she sung a cover of Cirno's theme.

>> No.9250326

Miku have a fucking great charm. And don't know why my heart becomes warn when i see her. So soft, so slim ;_; i want be like her.

>> No.9250386

I love you let me suck your cock

>> No.9250405

worst voice
worst fans
worst appearance
worst vocaloid

>> No.9250553

Best Touhou

>> No.9250561

lol i upvoted

captcha: sage sage

>> No.9250604
File: 143 KB, 274x273, +_ad246ee67a83d315e773d5422ed2873f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tripfag cock is aaaaawwwwrirrrggghtttt
