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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9524336 No.9524336 [Reply] [Original]

Of all the thousands of different circles you could have attached your interests and time to, why Touhou?

At it's core all it encompasses is a series of shooters made by a one-man team, why did you choose to immerse yourself in the culture, canon and fanon, behind it all?

>> No.9524341

The little girls and the music.

>> No.9524342

Jokes on you I never played a touhou game in my life.

I still like the all the fan-art though.

>> No.9524346
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Touhou is a game?

I thought it was a series of wiki articles and booru pics

>> No.9524348

Are the games even any fun?

>> No.9524352

The other fans that lured me into it are awesome people and fun to be around.

>> No.9524355

Like all danmaku games, you love them or you hate them.

>> No.9524366
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>The other fans that lured me into it are awesome people and fun to be around.

Oh god he actually believes this!

>> No.9524368
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>> No.9524374
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The fan art drew me in, but the arranges made me stay.

Cute girls too.

>> No.9524378

Hataters gonna hatate.
Having friends that share your interests is a wonderful thing, /jp/.

>> No.9524382

no, you also can be moderately interested in them.

>> No.9524387

I don't like 2hu but the combination of /jp/ shitposting and various 2hu images makes me laugh like nothing else. It's also really, really cute when someone from /jp/ shows a 2hu affection, it makes me giggle happily.

>> No.9524389

>2hu affection
a what?

>> No.9524391

It's only one interest in a big pool of interests.

>> No.9524396 [DELETED] 

I don't even know.It's fucking magic. I came here one day from /b/ and never left. I didn't even know what otaku is.

>> No.9524423


This is a REALLY good thread

>> No.9524439

A+++ porn

>> No.9524455

Don't sexualize touhous.

>> No.9524457

i saw this, but I have never seen "2hu affection" used.

>> No.9524478
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Because Orin is mai waifu.

>> No.9524499
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I guess I wouldn't say I've gone that far. Really my interests are more for the games and the related music (original and remixes alike). The artwork is enticing occasionally as well, certainly are some highly talented people within the community.

>> No.9524511

"a 2hu" was the indirect object, and "affection" was the direct object; he also could have said "shows affection to a 2hu".

>> No.9524514
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Don't listen to him.

>> No.9524516

But she's been my waifu from summer 2008 to 2012!

>> No.9524528

1. It's popular
2. It has cool gameplay
3. A lot of unique characters
4. It was made by one-man-army
But most of all...
5. It has beautiful music

Now that you know it OP you won't ask stupid questions anymore

>> No.9524535

It has a big Japanese community. It has good hentai. There is nothing better out there.

>> No.9524559
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B-but there can only be one! W-what are y-you going to do about it?

>> No.9524569

I see no other choice. We must engage in mortal combat. Dunno which she will appreciate more, loser or winner.

>> No.9524908

Because Gensokyo is in my eyes a perfect world

>> No.9525325
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Came for the spin-off fighting game friend introduced me to.

Stayed for the realization I have a particular soft spot for bunny girl(s).

>> No.9525349

Cutest girls

>> No.9525382

the music

>> No.9525398

Marisa's feet.

>> No.9525478
File: 2.53 MB, 1920x1200, 010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not really into touhou. Nothing against tuhu...

I can dig the fanart but I feel its lacking in something like a plot or something . Played the games, feel the same way. maybe if i read the doujins? are there doujins ?

>> No.9525490

Because games become better in my mind when the cast is comprised entirely of little magical girls.

It's something about my psychology that I do not fully understand.

>> No.9525518
File: 2.81 MB, 2645x3637, 071da2c36fab7f46e5ab8a8c9d3b05be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I discovered this wonderful angel right here, and had to know where she came from. Ever since I've immersed myself in everything related to her, including SA.

>> No.9525595
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I saw /jp/ and knew this was the board for me.

>> No.9525608

The music is good. I don't actually attach myself to touhou, though.

>> No.9525918

Because what else is there to follow?

>> No.9525986

I saw the shitposting and touhous on /jp/ and thought I want to be part of that. This a place where a Finn can take it easy!

>> No.9526004
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Touhou isn't my favorite STG, but it is a fun one.

I care about the gameplay more than the other shit.

>> No.9527622

Don't worry, he's not talking about you.

>> No.9528918

I dunno, /jp/ doesn't shut up about it so I found out what it was.

>> No.9528962

Is /jp/ really just secondaries?

>> No.9528993
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>> No.9529001

No, I just don't waste my time replying to shit threads like this for the millionth time.

>> No.9529082

The games are fun. The characters are interesting. The official content is great. The fan content is amazing and there's a lot of it. It's something that brings me more enjoyment overall than any other series.

>> No.9529093


It's a great fantasy world that's well crafted, much better than say LoTR, Final Fantasy games, or even Star Wars and better than those franchises in general.

There really isn't anything not to love, also no men, so the eye candy is always there.

The music blows every other media out of the water.

>> No.9529231


>It's a great fantasy world that's well crafted, much better than say LoTR
>better than LoTR

I don't agree with this.

>also no men, so the eye candy is always there.

This however definitely agreeable and better than most fantasy worlds.

>> No.9533012

The music really. ZUN's stuff is great enough as it is, but the constant stream of really good doujin albums is what sells it to me. At least 3 times a year, we get releases because of Comiket Winter, Comiket Summer, and Reitaisai.

The mountain load (~25% of danbooru) of fan art is just icing. I draw in my free time (read: During boring classes, Math major) and I love studying all the different and unique styles artists, even mediocre ones, post.

>> No.9533032

I don't like
I don't like the phrase "eye candy" and I don't like the fact you called touhous something like that

>> No.9533082

>boring classes blablabla
Yeah we get it, now go away.

Go to another board, please.

>> No.9533384

You've never read the Silmarillion have you?

>> No.9533410


There are official manga, guidebooks, etc.

They're mostly worthwhile and do a good job of expanding the world.

I particularly like Curiosities of Lotus Asia. Zun writes good slice of life.

>> No.9533424
File: 720 KB, 1024x768, EMPEROR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got your superior lore fantasy universe right here.

>> No.9533436


Didn't the camp that made 40k cool get stamped out along with all the other fun GW stuff 10+ years ago?

>> No.9533443



>> No.9533458

It's still alive and well. There's a bit of a resurgence on 4chan right now, it's great but frustrating at the same time because of people who don't know much about it just going around yelling "FOR THE EMPEROR" "DIE HERETIC", when in reality all the Emperor wanted was to save mankind from its own ignorance.

>> No.9533473

Point me to another STG with fairy lolis and I'll play it.

>> No.9533476


Gundemonium and eXceed kind of fit the bill?

>> No.9533488
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Trouble Witches.

Though it's really not subtle about ripping Touhou off.

>> No.9533550

who the fuck compares Touhou with lord of the rings

they are trying to do completely different things with a completely different atmosphere

on topic: fuck arranges, the original soundtrack is simply god tier. I never get tired of listening to it as I play.

>> No.9533582

Do I need a reason other than "because I like it"?

>> No.9534104

Started with the music which I would listen to despite not knowing anything about 2hu, then I started coming to /jp/, leading me to be exposed to the characters, finally I caved in and downloaded two of the games.

After that, I became a Touhou fan.

>> No.9534939

I just got caught up in it really. I've never been much of an active member of the touhou fandom but it was a decent game with a decent amount of music, characters, fanart, doujinshi and merchandise surrounding it. Most importantly, there hasn't really been an anime or anything big enough and interesting enough to get me quite involved. We've seen big and overrated and small with not enough content. Touhou is just the most worthwhile thing at the moment.

>> No.9535241

I always liked the STG genre, and I discovered Touhou thanks a U-gen Remix of Necrofantasia, so I downloaded the games and they resulted to be pretty good.

Then, magical girls, remixes, manga, Remiria, etc...
