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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 156 KB, 800x600, mabinogi_012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9816842 No.9816842 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to the MMO Threads?

Anyway, who plays Mabinogi? Need help with G11.

>> No.9816867

I quit mabinogi because the community is full of assholes, and nobody did shit together.

level 2k+ character. Everybody hated me, Probably due to my crippling asperger's.

>> No.9816870

>community is full of assholes
Isn't that a world-wide phenomenon for MMOs by now?

>> No.9816881

I play on Ruairi, but too lazy to log on even if someone wanted to.

Also I don't do generations. I've only completed G10. out of all of them.

>> No.9816880
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mmos were deemed not otaku culture according to our /q/ mods and janitors.

>> No.9816885

Mabinogi has an entirely different breed of them. They're all insufferable.

>> No.9816886

Citation needed*

>> No.9816889

When was this? Sources?

>> No.9816893

Who needs a citation when the evidence of 2 MMO threads being deleted today is right in your face?

>> No.9816898

Don't take it the bad way but meido-chan has been deleting lots of relevants threads recently. I bet she's got a bit of malfunction but she'll fix herself after a good sleep.

>> No.9816906

From what I gathered MMO threads are still ok, they're just not supposed to be daily /vg/ generals.

>> No.9816909

and nexon hates its players

>> No.9816915

That doesn't make much sense.

The Threads that were posted before by some non-anon were all condensing MMO posts and safely prevented that issue. It was, without doubt, a strange case of deletion.

>> No.9816927

I'm pretty sure it was just a random deletion so the /v/ kids don't think they can come here and talk about any MMOG. It could have also been a mod. Who cares.

>> No.9816932

Well I don't think that was any random /v/ post because whoever was behind those Threads really did push them to the limits.

It was also a japanese MMO.

>> No.9816939

If you were the guy behind those threads, I'd recommend changing the title to "/jp/ MMOs" or something of the sort.

>> No.9816944

Agreed. Please don't use subhuman terminology such as "general" and "edition" because it sounds very subhuman.

>> No.9816948

Really? Just started playing a little over a week ago and streaming it. Probably the nicest mmo community I've seen, but maybe it's a server-to-server basis. (I'm on Mari.)

>> No.9816955
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Anybody want to play some GW2 pvp? Wait, can you even queue with your friends in regular matchmaking pvp? I never tried because I have no friends.

>> No.9816960

What's your character name? I need to throw away a lot of things from my bank.

>> No.9816972

Lendo, though I'm running pretty tight on inventory space right now too. Waiting for the last warp imp coupon tomorrow to get my free pet, maybe some extra space from that.

>> No.9816980

The first thread was deleted by the OP (the thread reappeared like a minute later with text and picture) and the second thread was probably deleted because OP was a fag and the janitor noticed.

I love playing MMOs with /jp/ but the last thing we need is a goddamn general. We already have like a VN and 2hu and drawfag and other shit generals, we don't need more.

>> No.9816984
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Is anyone playing Ultima Online?

>> No.9816986

>I love playing MMOs with /jp/

What mmo are you playing with /jp/ exactly?

>> No.9816994

> we don't need more.

How incredibly arbitrary. What the maximum limit you allow? 3? 4? 5? Backseat moderating is a bannable offense. If anything, they're better better they keep shit in one thread.

>> No.9816995

Isn't that the entire point of these Threads, including the whole VN affair?

It's like hating on the innocent foster child you just adopted. These Threads are needed to condense or else we would have 2000 posts dedicated to a MMO.

>> No.9817003

Torchlight 2. Just kidding, sort of, but I am playing it with such people.

But really, there's nothing to play right now that isn't stale or that I can't get into (EVE, Mabi). Guild Wars 2 PVP is terrible and the rest of the game is a joke, truly a free-to-play level game, except for the enormous entry fee.

Wizardry is coming eventually. Hoping I get an invite due to a SoE favorable status and not just an empty new account.

Played last year on In Por Ylem server, but not anymore. Do you play it?

>> No.9817017

I'm going to go ahead and assume that people like >>9816980 got frustrated with my thread and decided to report them dude, thus, confusing the Janitors and Mods and driving them to delete my threads.

I don't even know why are they here, they don't seem to like what we normally discuss without shitposting.

Do you guys really consider this attitude logical and reasonable? I don't think they're very sane or aware of what's needed...we should consult /q/ if this goes on.

>> No.9817026

I bet you use steam to play with your 500 "/jp/" friends and are a part of that "/jp/" group on steam. Disgusting.

>> No.9817038

It's really not arbitrary at all. The only use "generals" even have here is to help keep posts regarding less popular or untranslated VNs alive while the rest of the board moves on. "Generals" and the mindset they encourage are the worst thing possible for a board.

I think there is a substantial difference between "generals" and a random MMO thread for random MMO discussion, such as this.

But anyways, back to MMOs.

>> No.9817046

Are you going to keep posting these Threads?

I don't normally have that much time or attention to do so, this was an exception.

>> No.9817058

I'm glad you decided to make two incorrect presumptions about me instead of posting anything useful or related.

What are you playing, any MMOs? How do you talk to your /jp/ friends if you don't use Steam? And stop putting quotes around "/jp/", you dork.

>> No.9817061

>The only use "generals" even have here is to help keep posts regarding less popular or untranslated VNs

>I think there is a substantial difference between "generals" and a random MMO thread for random MMO discussion, such as this.

I posted them with that intention and that's what generals are for. I don't know what the fuck are you referring to because that's the average general thread we have in /jp/.

Also, OP's general is totally similar to the old one. Are you just sore because something happened last time?

I'll try.

>> No.9817069

Your thread was fine, don't worry about it. Just use "/jp/ MMOs" like an anon suggested from now on.

>> No.9817074

I say "/jp/" because you're probably one of those homosexuals from Hotglue. Point proven.

It doesn't matter how much you try, you don't belong in here and aren't relevant to this board.

>> No.9817078

The problem with "generals" is that it makes it sound like any MMO discussion is welcome on /jp/, when in fact that is not true. The board has been experiencing an incredible amount of growth as to its userbase this year, and we don't want to be overrun by kids from other boards who happened to stumble upon this place and the MMO general thread. Please understand.

>> No.9817085

Who War Thunder here?

>> No.9817086

I'm not sore about anything, I'd just like you to stop trying to force constant "MMO generals" before you get the /q/ids angry and get MMOs officially banned on /jp/ for the first time ever. You could convince me I'm wrong pretty easily though by explaining the value of the threads constant presence instead of an occasional presence.

What part of an MMO general thread would be useful to the board and isn't a "My MMO blog thread"? You've already told us Wizardry has a beta signup, and there aren't even cute little girls in that game. I don't really see a lot left except pointless blogging, random people showing up and posting anime screencaps, others showing up and whining about Hotglue, and others like me showing up and telling you to fuck off with your generals.

But maybe there's some super fun MMO I'm missing that we could be playing and would validate a thread's presence. I'd love to play something instead of having nothing better to do. I mean, I'm trying to ask what people are playing, but no one ever says anything or just spews shit like >>9817026 in response.

>> No.9817100

So, are you just here to not post about anything?

>> No.9817105

I understand...I've personally never left /jp/ ever since /a/ split except for a time when I believed everything was lost due to shitposters, I love you guys even when you suffer mood swings and start chasing people.

I've been through that, It's ironic that the majority of people from shit Clans like neo-Hotglue came from other boards post-split and decided to fuck with us. I hate new people who come to our board like that and stop by to spam some shitty posts that don't even belong in here.

Anyway, starting from today I plan to have a normal MMO Thread with decent posts and none of this drama shit. I don't get why it's so hard for some people to accept VNs, MMO, 2hu and other collective Threads that are condensed together to avoid further flooding of pages.

>> No.9817114

This thread isn't getting deleted so the problem really was the "general" title.

>> No.9817124
File: 70 KB, 534x719, 1317927618005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to make an RO server but I don't want to do it alone and I haven't touched any emulators since the days of Yare. Anybody know anything about making and running a server?

>> No.9817130
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>> No.9817137

> any MMO discussion is welcome on /jp/

But MMO -IS- otaku culture AND /jp/ culture. Has been and always will be. We have never in the past had any trouble. Now that /vg/ exists, the risk is even lower. Do you seriously not remember the myriad of successful MMO threads? We even used to have numbered generals for a single mmo.

I seriously cannot sympathize with your point of view at all.

>> No.9817145

I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.9817151

Maybe it's because you've never seen a Thread where people start posting about doujins, games, VNs or something, but the point of these is NOT to form a fucking blog, it's to have a decent Thread where people post what they are playing and what they need.

I totally do not approve blog tier posts where people just start to show up with anime screencaps trying to post what they have been doing in MMOs all day like King of /jp/ and company.

Those Threads had a lot of activity even if it was subpar compared to others, there's been a dedicated presence of MMOs such as Mabinogi, TERA, GW2, WoW...it's always there to help people in need of parties or friends who normally can't get them.

>there aren't even cute little girls in that game

Somehow I doubt you read those Threads closely enough.

And I don't think that kind of backseat moderation is reasonable, I think it's obnoxious.

>> No.9817159
File: 205 KB, 660x933, 22424499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can start by giving up then

>> No.9817162
File: 118 KB, 701x600, 1332013368803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's mean but I won't give up.

>> No.9817163

Why? You prefer hipster emulators or something?

>> No.9817166

My goodness.

Do you not even realize how hilariously backwards it is to state "blah blah Hotglue is killing /jp/" and "I hate these off-boarder scum who ruin everything" then stating "I'm going to make constant video game generals on /jp/"?

You have to be doing this on purpose. Are you trying to get MMO threads banned on /jp/? Did you report the World of Tanks thread because it wasn't in your "General"?

>> No.9817167

No, just a bit clueless. Please don't bully me any more I have a lot to read.

>> No.9817175

So if a lot of somewhat weeaboo kids from /b/ and /v/ migrated over here to discuss popular mainstream Western MMOs they play, just because they prefer this board to /vg/, it would be alright?

>> No.9817179

Hotglue is on a whole fucking different level to the average /jp/ user. THOSE are blog tier posters who keep trying to troll people out there, such as infamous member Kritzinger.
Offboarders such as Hotglue need to fuck off and go back to their own gathering centers.

Don't know where you got the idea that I reported anything though, I saw some thread that looked relevant to World of Tanks but never paid attention to it because I wasn't sure if it was or not. I did tell the Captain Tsubasa guy to post in my Threads instead without having to report him. You can ask a mod if you want.

>> No.9817180

That would never happen since they would realize that /jp/ is shit.

>> No.9817187

Sounds like that already happened to me.

Why the fuck would anyone still be interested in RuneScape?

>> No.9817195

If anything, I'd think the risk is higher with /vg/'s existence.

Not only for getting them banned from /jp/, but also for attracting people who are comforted by a "generals" presence. Would there be anything more attractive than a video game thread, and a video game thread titled "MMO general, super cool daily edition of my blog" at that, to a /v/-goer? To a /vg/ user? What about the huge amount of people that open /jp/ once a week and might see a constant thread.

At least with the VN general, /vg/ has one that is entirely about translated and popular VNs to keep them from favoring this board's version. Are there "MMO generals" on /vg/? Maybe it wouldn't be so likely to attract off-boarders if so.

>> No.9817201

This board would seem like a paradise to them, when compared to /b/ and /v/.

>> No.9817206

There are more singular MMO Threads in /vg/ than there ever was in /jp/.

Condensing our Threads and keeping them to the maximum relevance possible is what we do and should keep doing.

>> No.9817210

And when I mean singular, I also meant multiple ones for specific MMOs, such as GW2.

>> No.9817217
File: 38 KB, 241x300, 1348132094300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Person who wanted to make an RO server here.

I found a step by step guide which I should have done in the first place, but anyway it looks pretty easy setting one up. Now the big question I need to ask you.

What are you looking for in an RO private server? What would keep you playing for a long time? What would make you interested in playing one in the first place? I intend to make it a renewal server since there's more than enough classic private servers doing very well and not enough renewal pservers that aren't corrupt, greedy as all hell or just have stupid features like max level 255 and your favorite naruto wingbands.

>> No.9817223

Why are you afraid of it?

None of the trolls and shitposters actually got anything out of it, they realized who were shitty and who weren't, everyone wanted to fix /jp/ and even those who didn't ironically helped out.

If a discussion on MMOs was started on /q/, it would probably lead to a favorable outcome.

>> No.9817241

You clearly have no idea what the userbase of /jp/ is like and are obsessed with relegating all blame to the make-believe "off-boarders" while directing none of it internally, where it almost entirely belongs.

/jp/ is not a closed environment, and I would bet the vast majority of people you like to blame are as much "from /jp/" as anyone.

>> No.9817245

RO private servers are so 2003, nobody gives a shit about them anymore. You're wasting your time and money.

>> No.9817253

What are you going to do with the 10 people playing on your server? Shit will be boring.

>> No.9817250

>If a discussion on MMOs was started on /q/, it would probably lead to a favorable outcome.
Only in the sense that people would engage in yet another two hundred post shitfest and then all the moderators, janitors, and admins would ignore it. MMOs have fuck-all to do with anything on-topic.

>> No.9817252

I don't think people like Kuroko and Accel spammer are make believe anon, they've been everywhere.

We've had our fair share of shit people who even play MMOs to know who actually belongs in here and who doesn't.

>> No.9817265

BTW guys, I'm going to delete this thread soon it's served the purpose that was intended.

I've heard enough drama and resolves to let it go because it doesn't seem to be going the direction it was intended thanks to some anons's inquisitive hate on MMO Threads or something. Thanks for the replies though.

Hope MMO anon makes a new one.

>> No.9817266

Nothing I guess. I guess I'm really late. I'll just give up here then.
