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>> No.9792015 [View]

I offered you a handjob, not some gravy photo session. Close your eyes and suck it up, nerd.

>> No.9791965 [DELETED]  [View]

Are you content with the pleasure you're getting out of stroking your own penis our would you want me to do it for you? I have a great technique.

>> No.9571491 [View]

Sure girl I'll fuk u good. Where do you want it? I only know two speeds, hard and harder. I don't mind if you're ugly or fat as long as you got working genitals btw.

>> No.9454250 [View]
File: 34 KB, 503x516, srs bsns taiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We might be a shithole, but we're a shithole full of old dog poop, the kind that is white, like us.

>> No.9454228 [View]

I don't think girls would browse this shithole bro. Not even if they were hardcore otakues.

>> No.9453763 [View]
File: 10 KB, 226x219, 1245756844507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tried that once in the shower.

You don't piss in the shower every time? What the fuck are you doing with your life?

>> No.9337592 [View]
File: 143 KB, 1275x718, le oreo gender confused face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the mood for some generic romance, but Oreo was a bit underwhelming.
I think I'm gonna try hatsukoi next.

>> No.9274864 [View]

Still in the Dark, or Conclusion from the original game.

>> No.9274806 [View]

Guilty Gear is the game that made fighting games relevant in aspects other than the gameplay, like the music and the plot. In fact the first fighting game to offer a plot that didn't revolve around a tournament was Guilty Gear X.
Since then there has been official material such as novels and drama cds that expand on the Guilty Gear Universe.
Don't put Guilty Gear on the same level as street fighting by saying stuff like "only the gameplay matters". that's insulting and goes against everything this franchise stands for >:

>> No.9274767 [View]

But why shouldn't I follow the plot when it's better than touhous and uminekos?

>> No.9274741 [View]
File: 59 KB, 1024x576, 1244034149818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure, nerd. Go backpedal more

You made an assumption on your own sweetie. That isn't really backpedalling, it's you being unable to follow a simple internet argument >:

>> No.9274702 [View]

I don't know if you noticed, but the whole fucking thread right from the OP is about fighting game plots.
Your talk about gameplay came right out of nowhere.

>> No.9274653 [View]


Plotwise, nerds.

>> No.9274645 [View]

>also, there's no timeline reset for what I know.

Drama cd. Originally Ky dies. Justice dies too, Dizzy leads the Gears 10 years later and fucks all mankind. I-No finds Thatman in Dizzy's basement and he goes all "it wasn't supposed to be like this >:", then she goes back in time and saves Ky, which results in the timeline the games take place on.

>> No.9274590 [View]

>>Dizzy gets fucked by Ky

Guilty Gear 2 isn't canon bro. Ky only wants Sol's dick. There's no way he'd fuck a female.

>> No.9274597 [View]

Too bad Jam is basically joke character tier ;_;

>> No.9274557 [View]

Now, my Gearism may be a bit rusty. It's been lots of years since I looked into this whole thing, but as far as I remember, Gears aren't anywhere near to being robots. They're magical constructs.
The main plot also happens in the second timeline after I-No goes back in time and changes things for the lulz.

>> No.9274429 [View]
File: 146 KB, 1595x1066, le fast wheels face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I've been following GG for like almost 15 years"
>Sol is a robot

Did you even play the games?

>> No.9248194 [View]

I don't think tulpas can get pregnant, and having a family is very important for me.

>> No.9248142 [View]

I'm considering making a tulpa but I'm worried that once I get a girlfriend my tulpa may not get along with her and my girlfriend may not like me having a friend only I can see because she can't control what I talk about with her or if she's sucking my dick under the table while we have dinner.

>> No.9007989 [View]

It's literally too deep for you.
If all your motivation to read Little Busters was Kurugaya and you don't care about anyone else then you might as well stop reading. The story isn't about her.

>> No.9001002 [View]

Explain to me why you are unable t
o develop emotional attatchment t
o people you interact with on the
Or are you saying that because you aren-t seeing them in the real world they-re somehow less human and not worthy of your feelings?
I never understood this.

>> No.8996308 [View]

No, it doesn't. there was no need for her to mention the rape.
It almost sounds like she intended people to give attention to her for it.

>> No.8996227 [View]


She's the one that openly goes around saying she got raped like it was nothing.
I don't see why I should show more delicacy than she does.

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