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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.22787851 [View]

I think I will stop using my name on DJT at least for now
I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do with my life and what direction I should take things
and posting on DJT is not something I want to make something so big out of
I still enjoy helping people from time to time and dropping a funpost but people talking about me specifically every thread is something that is keeping me in here more than I would like to and therefore I will take the first step towards becoming an anonymous poster again with everything that comes with it
this is my last post with this name for now, thank you

>> No.22787707 [DELETED]  [View]

I'll be honest, politically, I have been saying a lot of things I don't really mean. I am at a weird point in life, in my early teens I was a brainwashed lefty almost a commie and agreed with all the cuck policies going on, evil cooperations etc., hard atheism , in my late teens I thought of myself as more nationalistic and right wing but free economy and that religion is indeed important to people in their lives and that tradition is important too and it's a position which kind of stems from the idea that we humans indeed are not made to understand the world around us and that a scientific deconstruction of the world mostly (not only) brings misery which is kind of the position I still talk from but in my inner most self I have kind of stopped believing anything because I just don't feel like I know anything, like every idea has gained a level of complexity where I don't care to explore it and simply give up having a position, I wonder if that really makes sense, I don't legitimate hate anyone of any belief or religion or despise anyone having committed any kind of deed like right now I am at a point of maximum open mindedness and well almost aloofness and maybe it's arrogance maybe it's just being sick of everything I don't really know, I want to start exploring the philosophy of everything again and really find something I can believe in but I lack the will and motivation, which is kind of a reoccurring theme in my life and it's been eating me up

>> No.22787263 [DELETED]  [View]

All these terms don't really mean anything though imo
unless you specifically talk about what ideas people have on what topics it's hard to get an idea of what they think

>> No.22787236 [View]

I consider myself center-right

>> No.22787160 [View]

ciaran had been doing 100 words a day for over a month one time recently though and I believe recently also did 100 new cards again but I am not entirely sure about his stats he can post them

What are you trying to say?

>> No.22786967 [View]
File: 30 KB, 941x129, 359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22786941 [View]

Whoever feels talked to

>> No.22786809 [View]

Damn I just checked my nipple hair and I have one mutant hair that is the length of a finger this shit is crazy

>> No.22786665 [View]

is the hat an edit? if it's not it's sad knowing George is just wearing it ironically because he is a total degenerate lefty

>> No.22786560 [View]

Well I remember a few anime characters who use it but probably not in major roles so probably not worth starting to watch a show for it

>> No.22786269 [View]

Just open the transcript and you can copy and paste, look up or whatever
it's explained in detail in my site in the Youtube section

>> No.22785779 [View]

Yeah natives definitely have a higher passive vocabulary still, but I know quite a few things natives don’t
and I’m filling those gaps as well soon I will have a higher passive vocab than natives just watch

>> No.22785749 [View]

I know 20000+ words

>> No.22785746 [View]

Anime is easier is the point dumbass

>> No.22785741 [View]

Well if you are still a noob when you are way beyond N1 level and can read a least as many kanji as a native (or even more) and understand all media without any real problems then you should give up ever graduating from being a noob

>> No.22785707 [View]

Do some anime mining on anime and return when you aren’t a complete noob

>> No.22785494 [View]

How about axes?

>> No.22782166 [View]

I'm not a narc

>> No.22782056 [View]
File: 60 KB, 716x332, 1602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you even talking about
I think 20 new cards is a good number if you want to learn new words at a solid pace
but I not a cultist about it and just mine what I encounter as I consume and have fun. Here is my added cards as a reference

>> No.22781974 [View]

turn off the Japanese when you are shitposting here you dork and that was kind of bad

>> No.22781914 [View]

The ん sound in Japanese is highly adaptive (it has like 5 variations depending on the phonological environment), in this case it is pronounced in the same place as the following r
just listen to the audio

>> No.22781762 [View]


>> No.22781567 [View]

Went to the gym today. Also read another 150k like 3rd day in a row

>> No.22781530 [View]

Araragi is faithful to one girl throughout the entire show

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