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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.200448 [View]


As far as I know, this was the original. Well, a copy of the original posted on youtube.


And the original song. It's lame compared to the speedycake remix.


>> No.190235 [View]

Six. ;_;

But I don't like Morning Musume.

>> No.190217 [View]


Kill it. Kill it now. Why do people like that even exist? Whenever I see people like that, I literally get an unexplainable urge to strangle something.

>> No.189936 [View]

You're okay if you carve your name into a cucumber and throw it into a river. Then you're safe from the kappas.

I'm safe from kappas.

>> No.189887 [View]

Np, I know what it was like right before I left. If you want to contact me my e-mail is fugacious_ukiyo@yahoo.com (my spam e-mail, so don't get too overzealous, 4chan.) Out of curiosity, do you know whereabouts you're going to be going in Japan? I know some current Rotary kids pretty much everywhere in Japan and I can always ask them about their clubs and stuff.

The deal with the rules is that is depends A LOT on the host family. The joke is that the "fifth D" is "Don't get caught". Some host families are really strict, others will realize that you're 18 and don't need to be treated like a 15 year old kid. It's just sort of luck of the draw. If you're a boy, it's a lot better. But over all Rotary is a great program. It can be tough for kids already out of high school because it is a program designed for high school kids, but hopefully you'll get a good host family. Rotary will treat you well, especially in Japan where Rotary is synonymous with Rich Businessman's club.

>> No.187156 [View]

They wear the same kind of swimsuits as everybody else does. They don't actually really wear the uniform swimsuits like in anime.

>> No.187113 [View]

I'm currently doing the exchange student thing in Japan right now (and your program sounds sort of like Rotary International Exchange, although I most certainly could be wrong, is it?)

Just try your best at everything and you'll be fine. If you're 18 and a student, most people will love you and want to speak english with you. There is the xenophobic side, but it is the exception. Most people you meet will be incredibly nice and helpful, sometimes to an annoying extent. (For example, I asked directions in a grocery store this past weekend to a home center and had like three people explaining and one guy went and printed off a map and marked everything on it. Probably because I am foreign, but still nice, I guess.)

Don't worry too much about culture stuff, they don't expect you to know anything at all if you're foreign. They will compliment you on your chopstick skills, even after you have a conversation with them completely in Japanese and tell them you've been living in Japan for a year. It's cute at first, then it gets reaaaaaly annoying.

As a foreigner, even though you're underage in Japan, no one will ask you for ID for alcohol or cigarettes unless it's a bar that gets a shit ton of foreigners. So have fun with that.

Most useful phrases are "sumimasen" (excuse me/sorry/also kind of like thank you) and of course "arigatou gozaimasu". Learn casual as soon as you can because if you talk in formal japanese with your classmates, they will think you are a tool and probably laugh at you.

It will suck at some points. I guarantee it. Japanese high school sucks even more than north american school, especially if you've already graduated. If you like reading, bring english books with because they are expensive in Japan (then again, what isn't). Really, just try your best and say thank you and do nice things for friends/teachers/host family and you'll be fine. You''l be more than sick of being told about Japanese culture soon enough.

>> No.186979 [View]

There was a very small earthquake in Kanto like two nights ago. Third one I think in the last six months.

Scares the shit out of me to suddenly have what is the most stable thing in the human sphere be suddenly shaking.

>> No.186960 [View]

This is the way human life has always been and always will be. Humanity isn't going to shit, it's just doing the same old thing it always does. The only difference is now all us social retards, weeaboos, hikkikomori, dropouts and the like have a means of communication that is conveniently un-intrusive and un-judgmental.

That said, I definitely fit the OP's description. Didn't give a shit in high school and yet managed a 3.6 GPA. Junior year of high school, I was late to school literally every day to the point where my first hour teacher threatened to take away my credit in her class. (Luckily my principal saw the logic that it was stupid to take away my credit for tardiness if I was late every day and still managed an 98% in the class.) Never did homework or studied. Got a 31 composite on my ACT.

Always been labeled as quiet because I'm not constantly chattering inanely about television and popular music. Have previously rationalized away my social phobias with elitism, although recently I've come to realize I have extreme social anxiety. I never know what the hell to talk about with people. I haven't done anything recently they have, and I am not interested in anything they do, and vice versa. Last time I went to a party and was not abhorrently drunk, I ended up slipping out and taking a walk by myself in the dark because I couldn't take all the people anymore.

>> No.182993 [View]

Perhaps "main" was the incorrect word. Most popular (read: well known), most seen on variety show TV, or most imitated, perhaps then. Hard gay certainly was very popular in Japan a few years ago, undeniably, and I would go as far as to say the most popular.

>> No.182970 [View]

To make a sweeping generalization, all Japanese comedians are gimmicks in some way. Some with their outfits, some with their catch phrases, and some with pure bizarreness. Some with all three.

I.e. Yoshio Kojima. Who is not funny at all and unfortunately has replaced Hard Gay as the main Japanese comedian.

>> No.182943 [View]

But that's the problem. 90% of girls into anime and other nerdy things are annoying, weird, or ugly. And a lot of the time a combination of the three.

That's assuming males into anime and manga are even socially capable of wooing a girl in the first place.

>> No.182931 [View]

Ugh. I know people do it to try and start a conversation, but it's annoying as all hell to me. Then again, I don't see where people are going with comments like, "So, you like books/manga?" ("Uh, yes? That would be why I was previously reading one before you interrupted me.")

I must look constantly angry or unapproachable or something, because it's fairly rare for me to be approached even if I'm doing something pretty blatant. Like say, translating loli futanari porn. Yeah, no one even makes eye contact.

>> No.182831 [View]

On the rare occasion I've had people ask what I'm reading when I'm reading manga in public, I find it best to make it obvious I don't want to talk about it or to them by means of elitism. I mean, when someone's reading a book, you don't interrupt them in the middle of reading and go "zOMG, what's that?!11!" ("I'm reading manga, what the fuck does it look like?")

Usually I don't try to hide power levels, but I try to talk about weeabooness like it was a normal hobby and not a life-consuming plague.

Obnoxious weeaboos make me want to shoot myself in the face.

>> No.182765 [View]

Hard Gay.

>> No.161799 [View]

Small "tsu" just repeats the sound that follows it.

yatta = やった which is different than yata = やた,which is something else entirely.

>> No.161777 [View]

There are countless numbers of sub-cultures in America. Shit-tons, really.

There are a lot of bored people in America.

And how can you be "mainstream" for alternative culture?

>> No.161086 [View]

The out in the open lolicon figurine gatcha-gatchas are superior. But lolicon doujinshi out in the open is still win too, even if I'm not into that.

Fuck yes.

>> No.161061 [View]

Push you over and run away.

>> No.147207 [View]

Maybe because pizza in Japan isn't the usual, cheese and pepperoni/sausage affair like it is in other countries? It's like...mayo and corn and shrimp with nori strips and lots of other things that just don't belong on a pizza. Pizza is a lot more...high class, I guess? Or maybe just higher quality.

>> No.144028 [View]

OP is deluded. Japan in reality, isn't that different from the US. Japanese people deep down are just people too with the same complexes, stupidity, and such as everyone else on the planet. But instead of being annoying and obsessed with japanese culture, they'll just be annoying and obsessed with american culture. You find interesting people to talk to in english, of course you'll find interesting people to talk to in japanese, too, but most Japanese people are normal people and don't really know anything about any anime that hasn't been shoved down their throats (see: evangelion). You're just as bad as the rest of the weeaboos, just more elitist.

>> No.143982 [View]
File: 126 KB, 600x811, 1204685428112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course there's the occasional good thread, which will inevitably have porn posted in it at least once or flooded, but the majority is usually new shitty memes, porn, camwhores (which is just a subset of porn), or copy pasta threads.

Just making a point that the majority of the internet doesn't give a shit about culture or "intelligent" conversation and /jp/ is no different in that. Sure, its "intelligent" conversation to mindless or reposted shit is higher than /b/, but it's not surprising that we're not discussing the nuances of Japanese cinema. I'm not complaining though. Bring on the touhou and anime shit.

>> No.143893 [View]

Try some Slime Forest.
The free version is just fine for learning kana, and while the "game" part of it is pretty horrible, it works well for kana and basic kanji memorization.

>> No.143844 [View]

Think about /b/. It's a board for discussing anything you can think of, philosophy, religion, politics, art, love, movies, anything.

And practically the entire board is just porn and shitty memes.

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