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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.2871419 [View]

I'm a girl

>> No.2775776 [View]

>Uncle Mugen

>> No.2775751 [View]

Oh hi guys.

>> No.2649240 [View]

Ponpo-kun is the manliest.

>> No.2646564 [View]

Durr hurr, girls aren't allowed to have any sexual thoughts, otherwise they're sluts.

>> No.2646554 [DELETED]  [View]

Durr hurr, girls aren't allowed to have any sexual thoughts, otherwise they're sluts.

>> No.2646532 [View]

Rape fantasies are pretty common. Of course, "rape" usually means "this unknown perfect guy that I would do in a heartbeat just came out of nowhere and is forcing me to do embarrassing things, oh no!"

Fantasies and real life are always completely different.

>> No.2646377 [View]

The ones who don't want to die with cancer?

>> No.2646356 [View]

You guys do realize gynecologists exist, right?

Doctors already saw your waifu's "naughty" area several times, even if she never gave birth.

>> No.2590595,14 [INTERNAL]  [View]

I'm sorry I was so harsh, but I actually liked the female anon in AND.

>> No.2590595,7 [INTERNAL]  [View]

>For the game. That whole route is pointless if I can't get it right.
It's shit. The last time I checked, the female anon in AND was not a friggin attention whore. "So flat ;_;?" Please, that's worse than my worst posts, and that's saying a lot.

Will you stop riding on the coattails of AND already? It was a cute short fanfic you wrote a long time ago. Please stop pretending you won the Nobel Prize in Literature for it. Either deliver or stop talking about it, the whole "Je suis un artiste" deal is just obnoxious.

Seriously, you know you're doing something very wrong when you're being accused of attention whoring by a person with "(Girl)" in the name field.

>> No.2590894 [View]

That's Korean.

>> No.2588879 [View]

I always wanted to be Kimberly when we played Power Rangers in Elementary School. Good times!

>> No.2165482,2 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Found the post for the other guy. It wasn't babysitting, it was a generic thread about dealing with children, so no wonder he couldn't find it.

I remember posting in this thread, but it turns out no one asked her directly. I also remember asking her a personal question way before I got this trip, I guess I was confusing it with something else.

>> No.2588567,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

If this is a joke, it's more creepy than funny now. If not, you SERIOUSLY need to take a break from /jp/.

>> No.2588423,3 [INTERNAL]  [View]

>I think it was a thread where you were talking about babysitting? Do you remember?
I remember that thread, I was the one who asked her about her gender, but I don't remember when it was. I'm sure I also mentioned that one post in "Anonymous (Girl)'s infamous thread" too.

>> No.2586783,36 [INTERNAL]  [View]

It wasn't about the blogging, it was about the communities. And the drama around flocks and leaking flocked entries. Good times.

I just don't understand, if you don't know what you want, why can't you make a decision before you act on it? Why would anyone want to have two people at the same time when it will only lead to losing both?

>> No.2586783,33 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Oh God, I haven't seen that word since I was 13 and hanged out a lot on LJ. Ugh, the silly stuff teenagers post on the Internet.

>> No.2586783,30 [INTERNAL]  [View]

In all seriousness, cheating is one of the worst forms of betrayal. I don't know why would anyone do such a thing.

>> No.2586783,28 [INTERNAL]  [View]

I wouldn't cheat on you! ;_;

Only if the wedding was called off, obviously.

>> No.2586783,26 [INTERNAL]  [View]

If you turned out to be a guy pretending to be a girl, I'd feel so cheated by men in general I would just go out and have lesbian sex with Remi.

>> No.2586783,23 [INTERNAL]  [View]

What's this crap about Pygmalion being a guy though?

>> No.2586783,20 [INTERNAL]  [View]

This thread is going places.

>> No.2585842 [View]

But Umineko uses ONScripter.

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