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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.7877927 [View]

I have a merzbox if thats any clear indicator

>> No.7877871 [View]

I run the server, DJ, do the art proofs for allkore stuff. allKore is more like a collective of friends though than some company

>> No.7877780 [View]

x label is just a wannabe y label

welcome to the age old label argument

>> No.7877749 [View]

Cancel OHR when M-Project already prepared to play and everything, virtual gig or not thats not something you do to your MAIN headliner.

USAO is interesting, a bit misguided but hes plenty talented I just wouldn't agree with his path hes taking genre wise. m1dy number one japanese speedcore motherfucker hell yeah. Technorch's inclusion is exciting as hes probably one of the most unique and greatest talents on board.

REDALiCE is a great producer but it is in my opinion that touhou arrangements hold him back. I absolutely love his tracks on Hardcore Syndrome and other various labels. Touhou arrangements were interesting the first 2 rounds of large comiket releases but afterwards it just got very bland. I've hemorrhaged over 60 CDs of touhou music out of my collection since I truly do not enjoy it anymore.

>> No.7877711 [View]

considering Barry is given COMPLETE creative freedom over his project hes barely associated with us, but ok whatever you say =3=. I haven't done a single thing for NoKore so its all good.

my memory is fuzzy but I think having him sublabel to us was so he could appear bigger and contacting artists for tracks would be easier, but I might be wrong on that so don't quote me on it

>> No.7877673 [View]

I think if you observe closely OHR and ARK share a lot of the same talent

It's not a factor of hatred towards each other but more that Shingo has pissed off a lot of people, key important people like M-Project. If Shingo ever wanted to do another OHR, I'd support him but hes not a very competent organizer these days. Even outside of this immediate scene I have or had mutual friends that Shingo burned the bridge to by being intolerable. OHR is dead until Shingo decides to bring it back and try to rebuild his friendships.

thats an interesting opinion you have about me, but I've said the same thing many times before like when the doujin scene was busy churning out unsiftable amounts of key arrangements (and I like key stuff).

>> No.7877638 [View]

go bug barry until he gets the motivation to do it

>> No.7877627 [View]

hey I don't do the tracklists for the CDs, thats Ian's call, I just do the artwork and technical details

>> No.7877623 [View]

LOLI RIPE was a pretty hilarious producer as much as I loathe the term, at the time when I first came across his stuff was when I was operating /b/radio years ago and dropping in a LOLI RIPE track was comedy gold earrape

>> No.7877602 [View]

I think the only person affiliated with allkore that people think is "lolicore" is clonepa due to his involvement with DQN CDs

but I don't even know what genre to call clonepa other than symphonic

>> No.7877585 [View]

The way I see it was a bunch of kids (yes some of them are kids I talk to one of them and hes literally like 14 years old) found styles of electronic music that weren't house/trance and couldn't find a name for it and decided since they discovered it through anime found it a good idea to call it "lolicore"

Funny story though it has its origins from the music DQN produced but misterCQNZR that operates the whole show HATES that term. I remember there was a torrent in /t/ with a DQN album and I posted anon saying "I FUCKING LOVE LOLICORE" and he messaged me on MSN almost having an aneurism

>> No.7877555 [View]

Not sure if you've been following USAO's recent stuff but Gensou does the same tired thing shingo did and that was making the same tired touhou hardstyle arrangements. Sure if touhou is your thing thats great for you but some of us loathe touhou.

As someone thats been in the electronic music game for close to 17 years now, "japanese hardstyle" will never survive if it pigeonholes itself into video game arrangements.

>> No.7877513 [View]

please do not group us with lolicore, thats not even a real genre anyway

and for the record none of us make these threads, someone makes them and links us and people ask us questions so we reply, if anything blame each other

>> No.7877503 [View]

at allKore everything goes back to the artists, the only profits made are put right back into other productions and projects, nothing is pocketed

I'm not sure for other labels but breaking even is not very common with smaller labels, HARDCORE TANO*C and MOB SQUAD TOKYO do break even and make money.

>> No.7877491 [View]

simple, very few people enjoyed it and shingodj is a hard person to deal with

consider it an abandoned ship for the most part as it is mostly absent from doujin music and japanese underground

>> No.7877469 [View]

all upto the artists really, I don't require anyone to include setlists

I can provide some of them after the event on the website if the artist did include it with what they sent me.

>> No.7877453 [View]

It's essentially the same event except without the bad hardstyle :)

Also I operated the server for OHR and share all the same connections to people so its not like its all the much different.

>> No.7877442 [View]

you'd be surprised to find that all of our performers are at least 20+ and some of them established musicians that do make a nice living off of their music but you're a troll so you probably don't care

if you want a bunch of children go play with doujinstyle :)

>> No.7877407 [View]

sometimes our sets will contain our own songs or unreleased copies of songs from our friends that are set for their own release

there has been an issue in the past of people ripping tracks from sets

but again, it's not like we can stop you. some of the DJs do offer their sets for download after the event is done but I myself cannot give you the master files

>> No.7877366 [View]

we'd like it if you didn't rip and upload the sets but we can't really stop you

basically, we don't officially condone it but again, there's no way to stop you.

>> No.7052580 [View]

We had hurafura VJ some, he is a very skilled Japanese VJ. Slightly forgot to promote his VJ feed as we were all very busy setting things up....

>> No.7052567 [View]

Considered, I am slightly reluctant to have him back since he isn't very timely with being ready to broadcast...

Technorch has expressed an interest in participating in future events! We will try to have him again!

>> No.7052542 [View]

We are currently considering a automated replay system that will play all the music again once completed so you can catch the second play through!

Any artists you have in mind?

Haha as much as I would love this as well, I'm not sure if JAKAZiD would be down for playing that long! But we definitely will have him back for the next one!

>> No.7052518 [View]
File: 827 KB, 1686x1081, ark03flyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the event is finished, I would like to hear your thoughts, suggestions, and opinions! What would you like to hear next time?

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