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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4458163 [View]

well i dunno, i havent read Asimov, but i asked what the LOTR of the Sci-Fi universe is

>> No.4458034 [View]

I mean a universe that vast and rich in details ..you know..like in the Lord of the Rings series

>> No.4458014 [DELETED]  [View]
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/lit/ help me

What is, objectivly speaking, but also your opinion, the Lord of the Rings of the Sci-Fi genre?

>> No.4424637 [View]

What the fuck is "post-modernist"?

If it represents the same things as it does in Architecture then its shit and no longer relevant

>> No.4422148 [View]
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wtf, thats not the image i wanted to upload

moot you faggot

>> No.4422140 [View]
File: 538 KB, 265x322, 398.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a tripfag isn't normal

>> No.4422086 [View]

Why dont you just meditate and realise the outcome of what you're about to do with your life, and the life of others around you?

Being transgender isnt really normal, and im not trying to sound mean, but you should get back on track with your natural life


>> No.4421912 [View]

>And? Why should that matter? Just because the man who came up with ideas was one way does not mean the one using it should follow the same creed. No one denies that science was nurtured by religion, it would be idiotic too. However, this does not somehow magically prove god's existence.

Hah, yet you are still missing the point. It was because we wanted to make the path to reach god that we discovered innovation and technological advancement.

Studying god you are studying reality and all its misteries, because knowlege is infinite and so is god.

If its not for the "Why" rather than the "How" science stagnates and no longer becomes useful to humanity

Nice strawman. Tho in my opinion religion is present when there is a society based on fear and ego rather than nurture and growth. When people will evolve consciously, we will get rid of religion accordingly.

For that however, we must each experience god in our own ways, so not to be pray of other system's dogmas

>> No.4421883 [View]

Nice way to disregard the fact that most of scientifical knowledge obtained during history of manking was with the help and motivation religious people. May i remind you the first man to come up with the Big Bang Theory(That people today hold on to so much) was a priest?

Yeah, let that sink it

Without religion and philosphy, science is nothing.

>> No.4421861 [View]
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>scientific method

Which was too founded by highly religious people in the attempt to find god

Face it, the moment you wanted to be edgy and superior to religion, the moment human kind's advancement came to a halt

>> No.4421842 [View]

>implying science itself didnt began with nothing but philosophical postulating

oh you stemfags, whats wrong, got bored of /sci/ and now you have to annoy someone else?

>> No.4421835 [View]

Just a friendly reminder that the bible is a rehash of sumerian literature

Just dont build up expectations, my bible may differ from your bible

>> No.4420874 [View]

prove it isnt

protip: You cant

>> No.4418247 [View]

Thats because the notion of being a responsible citizen that participates in the society he lives and interacts has been stripped down by the
nation-states that was based more on hierarchical pride rather than trying to improve the environment future generations could live and thrive

It all goes back to sumer, the greek polis, the ethruscan city federation

All of what we culturally achieved as a species was thanks to city-states, art and architecture, democracy, inventions from soap to hydraulics to mathmatics, the renaissance in venice and so on

But then it all changed when the barbarians attacked

>> No.4418206 [View]
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Yes, if you have a little plot of land you can instal doms, or if you live in apartaments in crowded cities vertical farming could be a potential option

With the increasing research in nano technology and nano architecture, city-states could be the most pragmatic way to solve day to day problems while still having a somewhat ideological metanarrative limited to a city and its population

>> No.4418162 [View]

Benjamin Barber makes some good points about local governing and the problem nation-state democracy faces

Listen :


>> No.4418148 [View]

No, not the economical scarcity you're thinking of, i mean it in the literal sense.

You dont need to be subjected to nature's bidding to grow a tomato or a cucumber.

Now you have technology that allows you to grow pretty much anything you want in any decent enough environment

>> No.4418114 [View]
File: 1.71 MB, 1957x1233, The_ancient_city_of_Mari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Interesting political philosophical thread

>hijacked by idiots arguing about rights

That being said, the nation-state can no longer survive because resource are not scare and hard to get anymore. We have technology to help us at that chapter, and we're pretty much evolved constantly to reach this state

Local power is much, much more efficient than a centralised socialist dictatorship

All hail the city-state

>> No.4416875 [View]

Feel free to filter me

I want to see how much of this "Free will doesnt exist lol u so silly" gets poured itt

>> No.4416862 [View]
File: 26 KB, 690x730, arm_chair faggots like you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I doubt anyone questions that.

Nah you still have euphoric pseudo-intellectual armchair "philosophers" like



But in this case its free will

>> No.4416847 [View]
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Spare your ego to another one of your pseudo-intellectual friends

>> No.4416839 [View]

yup, just like i said in my first post

>Anything else is just piss poor "philosophy"

But please, do go on and explain to me the REALLL DEEEEPNESS of free will, im geniuly curious


>> No.4416831 [View]

You just replied to my post, when you could also have ignored it

>inb4 shit tone of 2deep4u wall of text that's suppouse to mean something

>> No.4416820 [View]

prove what exactly?

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