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>> No.22502924 [View]

more off-topic emotional abuse and projecttttttttion lol

Actually when I was a kid, if a cunt was talking nonsense shit and just refused to stop he would have his face smashed in. That's why you're here, the only place on the planet you can get away with talking to other people like this without being immediately busted up, pussy.

>> No.22502910 [View]

10th instance of a violation of US Law

>> No.22502894 [View]

>(way to project)
i'm not sniveling, i'm lording it over you in the judges chair, you poor confused little guy. you can't speak IRL at all, if you articulated your beliefs you'd be in prison; why are you trying to brainwash and bully younger people into adopting your positions?

again, in your fantasy from early 2010, i'm angry personally for being insulted in an argument; this isn't the case at all, you guys do this 24/7 to all anons. you should stop it.

yeah, what buzzword is next? did you get bored with schizo/nigger/faggot cos they weren't working? o you're going to 'success shame' me now, good tactic.

>> No.22502878 [View]

ah but we can't organize anything about anything if our attempts to discuss anything are raided by 'anons', did you consider that the left have been abusing 'anonymity' for a long time and more effectively than you by posing as racist rightwingers and attacking whoever?


you know what i mean

you're just a dummy with cheeto stains on your face who's using psych words all in error, it's 2023 and anyone can google these things to learn what these words actually mean.

this makes me think you're old people who've been at this for a decade or two, when people were a bit less informed.

>> No.22502862 [View]

i take this as a hella sweet compliment, if i could psychologically manage to talk you into not doing this shit i'd be very happy.

>> No.22502851 [View]

gayest phrase in the world, nice drop chadwick

>> No.22502841 [View]

that's not true, i'm 158 IQ, very well read, i write books and have d them published, and people love me IRL and I've had great feedback here half the time. If a minority of tarded american 'ethno-fascists' are telling me to "kill myself" for asking them to "stay on topic" why should I not go after them? they're harming 'my' ability to have fun conversations with smarter people by creating a toxic environment.

imagine unmasking you and seeing a fat face half-shaved raggedy andy with weird facial features, like every 4channer who gets outed. 6 yrs in jail or some shit, raped by your feared 'niggers' in a yankee prison, secret gay fetish fulfilled

yeah i know exactly what you are, pal, and you need to get a job and turn your life around before you fuck up more.

>> No.22502808 [View]

ah dumb fuck, real humans agree with me on this, that's why the laws are being enacted: 3/4 of young people in my country are in favor of this for having been subjected to abuse - from masked strangers - over the internet, in the exact same way you're doing here.

it's your fault, simply. the irony of championing free speech while abusing the fuck out of it.

>> No.22502798 [View]

>Those who argue against that were never in favour of it
if that was true we wouldn't be arguing or this, here's how it goes 100%of the time when I get into it with you mutts:

1) someone or myself says something
2) you appear, no argument, no case: immediate verbal abuse or death threats
3) it goes on until the person talking about the subject leaves in disgust and only you guys and me remain

i dislike this immensely.

you're copying the press in doing ad hom to shout people down, is really all it is, using 'free speech' as an excuse to target whoever. abusing free speech, in other words, until your actions result in you having significantly less of it.

>> No.22502785 [View]

you don't think you're doing anything really bad by entering into threads to tell people to kill themselves and doing psych abuse just cos you disagree with them? likkkke for real are you just numbed out or on anti-depressants?

if you're just looking to abuse children and bother news junkies you should really go back to /pol/, I don't like you guys being here disrupting threads. it's that simple. if you won't leave then i'm quite happy to screencap your criminal offences and forward them along as instances of 4chan domain providers being in violation.

sad it has to take this much effort to resolve this problem tho

>> No.22502757 [View]

whatever mutt, drink another beer, take another prozac and get ready to go to the dole office tomorrow, i'm sure as an ethno-fascist who can't speak IRL anywhere you're hella success.

>> No.22502744 [View]

You know, for the sake of the others, don't you find strange that 'you' doing 'this' is creating more and more advocacy to actually end "free speech" over the intewebzz - to handle the abuse and disruption posed by you?

I would never be thinking this was necessary if not for having experienced people like you doing this. Fucking strange that you probably think telling strangers to kill themselves at ransom is you being all freedom and sheetz, defending muh freedumbs frum da tyrannie.

>> No.22502718 [View]

and then at least you'll only be stuck psychologically doing-down the people in your own nationality, rather than being able to brainwash and deform real thinking humans into conforming to your cum-mouthed level.

>> No.22502699 [View]

I'd rather wait a while longer until the law is passed in my country that would put you in prison for saying that to total strangers, and have non-compliant domain providers blocked from the territory.

>> No.22502596 [View]

>thats ridiculous, force literally never solved anything
haha well i am compelled to say that i agree, kind of, but why 'aren't' they doing that is the question? are people just too enlightened, do you think, to kill themselves rather than killing themselves 'and' the CEO or politician who drove them to suicide? pretty enlightened world we live in that case.

>It all comes down to voluntary behavioral change. That's what political radicals don't understand.
I agree with this for real. The problem is still the same though; it's the distraction from actual real world improvement, people seeking excuses for doing nothing. Conservatism is... no threat whatsoever to the apple cart but it does serve as a function to heavily demoralize the citizenry and have them playing losing games, so they don't do anything productive 'or' destructive.

>> No.22502558 [View]

i agree and some, losers looking for escapism to distract from focusing on improving the real world will not only win in the end but are the constant cause of decline of civics in the real world.

not to sound like an FBI agent or advocating anything at all but it'd only take 5 guys and a few long-range firearms to change things in any county. ask why this just doesn't happen.

>> No.22502530 [View]

>cries about "verbal abuse" when they get BTFO
Fucking malding cunt, I'm standing up to you minority /pol/ cunts who do this to everyone on this site on a daily basis,

>>enters thread, scans for person saying something that doesn't align with their /pol/
>>kill yourself!
>>heheee based!
>>you showed him!

You target a subject to disrupt normal people from talking about the subject, 'anon', that's why you're asked to "stick to the topic," if you had "arguments" you would have made them ages ago, you actor.

>> No.22502504 [View]

>>he described most right wingers as embittered losers looking for escapism and for politically correct entertainment,
politically *incorrect entertainment

heeehehee trompy said the based
ohhh dem blacks at it again heeeheee

>> No.22502498 [View]

William Pierce is probably the coolest self-described right winger, he described most right wingers as embittered losers looking for escapism and for politically correct entertainment, and advised his people to have nothing to do with them, considering them as poison who turned away the potential members of intelligence and capacity who were actually useful.

read pierce.

I mean, I'm not right wing or racist or jew-blaming, so i'd disagree with him on that minor shit ... but really "conservatism" is exactly as is described; losers reading the news to get their blood pumping, nothing follows and they never leave the news reading and complaining. Same behavior as the left, only the target and excuse for their laziness is some other group else.

>> No.22502468 [View]

you started with ad hominem in the beginning when i said something you disagreed with; you weren't able to stay on-topic and went to ad hominem, and have made 5 posts since insisting that you're a unique person.

go back to /pol/ whee you can bully small children who will be afraid of you and impressed by simple gang posting tactics.

then stop disrupting discussion subjects with gas-lighting and emotional abuse, dumb dumb.

make a username and let's recognize all your posts and see what you contribute other than disruption and abuse, 'anon'.

>> No.22502394 [View]

actually to put it even another way, when you disrupt threads and do psych abuse to thousands of people, you're actually justified in doing this because everyones a potential hitler,

nice job leftypol xd

>> No.22502331 [View]

ik, you're right to be attacking me, is my point. obviously i'm lumping all valid critique into a simple easily identified and already marginalized group.

>> No.22502324 [View]

>(dunning-kruger in full effect)
i can tell you're really sincerely interested in discussing the subject and not totally just here to disrupt

>> No.22502318 [View]

>you're retarded and schizophrenic
>.you think I'm the same person
i wouldnt feel bad for me, i'd be suspicious i was laying the groundwork for a morally justified bloodbath against my ideological opponents. this is what's really going on, probably.

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