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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15109053 [View]

i studied personally under Bhikkhu Bodhi (his monastery is in my town) so i learned Pali from him
it's a good language, you should learn it

>> No.15109033 [View]
File: 258 KB, 828x368, willow trap 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a pic of me from a while ago
my social media is all @wjllowo , so if you wanna see my face go there i guess

>> No.15109002 [View]

it'll be interesting to see where my life goes i guess
i like attention, and since transition my dysphoria is basically gone
i have another 2 years in my degree left
once that's finished, i guess i'll decide whether to do porn or to do a phd
right now i'll continue as i have been i guess

>> No.15108914 [View]

part of me wants to not be a whore and a camgirl and all the other degenerate stuff i am, but society is set up in a way such that these things are rewarded and my only real passion (germanic philology) will never earn me a real living
i think if i were born as a cis girl in a more conservative country or time i would've been quite happy to just marry a man and have kids
even if there were a society where trannies could do that, i'd probably want to do that
but the world we live in is too far gone

>> No.15108890 [View]

overcoming any form of material desire is admirable anon
good on you :3

>> No.15108865 [View]

Turner Diaries is like that, but i thought OP was asking for literature from the nazi era in germany

>> No.15108827 [View]

i'm not angry either anon i'm just posting lol
i don't really care that people don't like trannies, which i guess is a little strange seeing as most trans people freak out over that stuff constantly
i guess i'm just comfortable with how i look and my existence
it's chill lol

>> No.15108810 [View]

Goebbels' novel "Michael", however part II is missing for some reason
Also "Volk Ohne Raum"
not a nazi btw, just know a good bit about nazi literature

>> No.15108784 [View]

i will live to see you buried, and my chad husband and i will come to ur funeral anon

>> No.15108755 [View]

>>>/sci/ if you want bugman labcoat nonsense

>> No.15108743 [View]

blah blah blah blah
if i'm fated to die in my 30s of suicide that means i have another 11 years at least of being able to suck dick a bunch!

>> No.15108713 [View]

did you just become gay or??? what happened here anon????

>> No.15108690 [View]


>> No.15108676 [View]

someone posted a thread there once larping as me, but i don't plan on going back unless i wanna talk about exercise
rn my regimen is pretty good so no reason to go there

>> No.15108669 [View]

oh fuck lol

>> No.15108660 [View]

i'm on hrt and klinefelters so the chances of me aging like anything other than any other nordic woman is unlikely
sexual liberation was probably kinda dumb, i wish i just had a strong husband who would let me cook and clean for him

>> No.15108647 [View]

i post sometimes on /r9k/ but my friends tell me to stay away
i usually post on /lgbt/, but the jannies banned me because i'm pretty and they're ugly and mannish
anyways irl i mainly just read books and study, which is why i post here
maybe i'll start a youtube channel or something idk

>> No.15108619 [View]

psychology is a lie
only psychoanalysis and chemical psychiatry have anything to offer

>> No.15108604 [View]

i would be terrified of her ability to snap my body in half
she'd do it too, out of jealousy and hatred

>> No.15108575 [View]

well yeah i use a trip so i can attentionwhore

>> No.15108565 [View]

zizek is the only man hear with a brain
also contra is such a nightmare i can only imagine how embarrassing it must be for her when people meet her irl and realize she's 6'4" and has massive shoulders

>> No.15108542 [View]

soviet stuff is really cool
obviously there were problems with the USSR but the fact that they didn't succumb to decadence like the west left their cultural works purer in a way

>> No.15108528 [View]

histrionic personality disorder made me do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
male attention is like opium and i am a cantonese peasant

>> No.15108513 [View]

i always love soviet stuff
soviet communism makes modern day twitter anarcho communists seethe
anyways, i think i'll probably reread my bilingual reader soon, because i wanna read war and peace sometime next year in russian

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