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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4416812 [View]

looks like i struck someone's ego

Just because there are tons of literature that revolve around the subject without any decisive empiric conclusions, doesnt mean it take just as much to understand it

Just like understanding buddhist philosophy without being a buddhist

>> No.4416735 [View]
File: 43 KB, 499x382, i understand your butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English isnt my first language, bite me

>> No.4416705 [View]

>cherry picking grammar
Whatever makes you feel comfy, anon

>moving pictures on a screen, complete with accounts payable, hollywood deadlines, ninety minute runtimes, hundreds of egos, million dollar investments, market research, target audiences etc. are better

1)They are.

>spending weeks intimately getting to know characters, places, feelings

Haha, yeah sure. Tell me when you'll see characters described in a perfect, not too boring, not too dry manner, im really curious

Protip: You wont

>> No.4416661 [View]

I can relate to the exact feeling

Books are boring in the sense that they dont get you involved..you cant really feel the characters, whereas in movies you can see each and every expression and muscle the character changes

Books are boring in the sense that it narates as if "It just happens to be that way"

You cant really feel when a character is dying, or suffering, you're just being told "He's suffering" "He's dying"

But if you dare to brake the rule, you'll be accused of making it too boring with "unecessary description"

While in the movie you can see the real thing + action

Movies are still better in my opinion, books are suppouse to provide source material for scripts, thats all they should be meant for

>> No.4416654 [View]

Free will exists

In limited quantities depending on the sentient being, but it exists

Anything else is just piss poor "philosophy"

>> No.4416613 [View]

Reading this i could observe a big similarity with Ender's game:

Humanity must be united through a war

Both sides are autistic and cant talk to each other, being the motive the war started

But then again this might be the case for all Military Sci-Fi, havent read that much yet

>> No.4413416 [View]

Just a friendly reminder that the bible was written by various jewish and greek authors and is nothing more but a rehash of sumerian literature

>> No.4281398 [View]


Thank you for the advice, anons

>> No.4281351 [View]

Hmm, you gave me a good idea actually. I think i'll make the narrator some sort of galactic historian that's writting about the story of the planet in which the action is taking place, but does this format appeal to readers? im not familiar with what people expect from a Sci-Fi in the first place, so if i dont meet their expectations, it'll be a left start

Maybe they're just meant to be bad, and trying to improve them would make it worse

>> No.4281306 [View]

>I take it you're familiar with the technical aspects of writing?

If you're reffering to setting the mood and atmosphere in a story like you exampled earlier, then yes, i grasp those kinds of concepts, like what the character needs to feel,act,interact with other, how it interacts with other, character building and so on

Things that i dont seem to grasp is, for example, the emphasis and importance of the first chapter, or even the first 5 pages that publishers read and judge the whole book after, or how the first chapter should start, throwing you immediatly in the action or not, how exacly to make it thrilling and make you read more and more with description, but at the same time not too much description to bore the reader, and so on. I think this is where prose is suppouse to kick in and make its magic.

Ohh i see, well, ill be completely honest i've only read Dune and Ender's game, but i cant say im leaning towards any of the authors, is it good if i take each book's flaws or down sides and improve them in my own creation?

>> No.4281275 [View]

>Subconsciously ape the most recent writer you read

what exactly do you mean by that?

Science Fiction

No, no, my prose really does suck, probably because its the first time ever doing it, i agree its subjective to say whats makes good... good, but i can atleast find things that tell what does NOT make good prose. But also techniques or some tips on how to improve would be nice

>> No.4281257 [View]

Well, its a weird archeological site called "Arkaim" built with some ancient tech that people at the time couldnt even get a hold of, without even human interaction

Its offers a mystical kind of feel, gives me inspiration personally, so i though attaching it

>> No.4281239 [View]
File: 1.25 MB, 903x559, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /lit/

i have a question

What exercises/methods are there to improve one's prose?

I have some ideas, but i've been told my prose sucks and its mediocre

pic unrelated

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