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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22502310 [View]

>Just a tip, if you see a person replying in bad faith then stop replying to them.
i know this and i enjoy doing it lol, it's an exercise in logic and rhetoric for me - and it helps to fuck up their /pol/ efforts.

>I dislike that the book presents the individual as a completely reasonable individual who is attacked by external ideological power that is too stupid and illogical to be believed. When in reality ideology masks itself as reason and infects the minds of the masses,
Ah, but by the time orwell was writing we'd already had mass psychology of fascism and eichmann in jerusalem come out and widely read; orwells line is a step back from this understanding of the fucked up psychology of totalitarianism in and of itself.

The "bad boss" is called Napoleon, for instance, anchoring him to the proto-hitler propaganda image of a "foreign dictator" who is "evil for no reason," reinforcing that British Propaganda trope - which hasn't ever really changed in centuries.

Voltaires "absurdism (in belief) leading to atrocity (in actions)," even centuries earlier, was closer to the mark in what you describe.

>> No.22502268 [View]

sadly there's no treatment for being able to spot obvious psychopaths in their lo IQ game efforts, humans developed this ability to hunt and kill the predators over tens of thousands of years.

>> No.22502265 [View]

>, it presupposes 'order' without is impossible to act against,
i mean: it presupposes total order which is impossible to act against

>> No.22502257 [View]

sure but that's david icke tier, it presupposes 'order' without is impossible to act against, when the reality is 'chaos' which shatters the illusion of resistance being futile.

>> No.22502248 [View]

it's not even that, you were trolling with non-seq and verbal abuse to disrupt the thread and when called out you reverted to gas-lighting about the people calling you out being "schizo",

as the other guy said, you're offering nothing of substance and are only here to disrupt, mr. basket weaving forum dude.

come up with something better if you want to steer the 12yr old crowd away from these topics you target.

>> No.22502224 [View]
File: 3.38 MB, 4032x3024, 20230805_142654 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man, change the script, you were /pol/trolling for le ethno-state in a thread and you got called out. i'm bored now.

returning to on topic
disagree with none this except that the theme of the totalitarianism is portrayed as coming from "a leader" which is the hallmark of western propaganda; 84 is far from an accurate portrayal of the chaos and genocide perpetuated by leaderless anarchic democracies - and the psych going on in their peer conformity.

this was the only point i was trying to raise in this thread. BNW comes a bit closer in that the genocide and chaos goes on in the background rather than so overtly under martial dictatorship, but fails to portray the reality by comparison to an earlier work, see img.

>> No.22502191 [View]

>common phrase
that's what you said the last time you gas-lit with this chain of responses, samefag :p

and i said i've never seen it said except as part of this script, did u forget?

>> No.22502182 [View]

that's what you said the last time you gas-lit with this chain of responses, samefag :p

high IQ isn't schizophrenia btw, schizoprenia is when your brain is so rotted out that you can't notice simple contradictions in things, for one instance of it,
>>a self-described ethno-fascist praising orwell who is a propagandist against fascism

>> No.22502178 [View]

> since you don't understand why 1984 is a critique of totalitarian politics,
and you as an etho-fascist who craves 'racial' cohesion ....... like this book? doesn't add up, white nigger dude, you're a /pol/ actor doing /pol/.

>> No.22502173 [View]

>(the basket weaving forum variation remark)
Oh it's you again, hi stalker-troll, am I supposed to notice this so you can accuse me of being crazy?

>> No.22502165 [View]

telling me i'm dumb and keeping on responding with ad hom and literal non-seq is no refutation, cunt.

a self-described ethno-fascist praising orwell who is a propagandist against fascism is an example of abject idiocy, for instance.

gas-lighting me for highlighting this is suspicious. what human wouldn't laugh at that guy?

>> No.22502149 [View]

> (accuses of schizo)
o that means i'm right, that's a special word in the gas-lighting toolbox

>> No.22502142 [View]

holy fucking shit, 60 posts and 1000 insults later you actually return to the topic - slow as fuck

I said that the 84 is 'used' to destroy group cohesion by XYZ,
>, hating stalin and hitler means we shoud have no leaders according to your retarded take
you do have no leaders, serf, 84 and BNW demonize the concept of group cohesion.

which you think is only possible if you're in an etho-state, which is prison-tier.

>> No.22502125 [View]

i'm responding to people who are not even reading what's being said to them

i think it's not real, desu, bunch of racist /pol/actors trying to influence the imaginary audience at the expense of discussing the subject
>> not even a long string of responses can be considered 'truly' to be coming from more than a single person who is "fishing" to convince another single person by an employ of an illusion of popularity or enmity to (whatsoever they wish), understanding that the low IQ slob they wish to recruit will struggle to initially comprehend the effort of the deception being employed to hook him or her.

>> No.22502112 [View]

it's suspicious that you can't understand what's being said to you and keep changing the subject.

> 1984 is a post-war indictment of stalin and to a lesser extent, hitler
wow that's really interesting

how many more canned responses have you got?

>> No.22502095 [View]

>(accuses of being pleb whilst denying he is pseudo-elistist)

that's what happens when your brain can't follow a conclusion that proves you wrong, you "literal fascist" spastic.

>> No.22502087 [View]

>(still can't read)
>(then racialism)
why do you keep reading this as "totalitarian leaders"? how can you be an ethno-fascist and then reject leadership from among your own kind?

>(racially cohesive removes the need for leadership)
no such thing, religion demonstrates this.

>> No.22502068 [View]

>cool adjectives and opinions
>both 1984 are brave new world are good and extremely apropo for the world we live in today
>i'm sorry u got filtered, tankie
this is entry level revelation we all have when we're 14 years old

low iq society bad education system, regressive stagnancy by smarmy pseudo-elites

>> No.22502055 [View]

you couldn't read what i said and used the word midwit twice

i said,
>>"84 is just taught in schools to destroy group cohesion by making the proles suspicious of their own kind and their natural leaders, more or less."

you interpreted this as "accept totalitarian leaders" when i said it DESTROYS COHESION BY MAKING YOU SUSPICIOUS OF THE NATURAL LEADER FROM AMONG THEIR OWN KIND

as you and every sicko cuck obstructionist demonstrates all the time lol

>Orwell wrote deeply on a handful of things, he was correct on almost all of them.
>. I, a literal Fascist,
that's funny, you've been brainwashed by liberalism into just acting the opposite, simple reverse psychology, whilst agreeing with their propaganda against you by praising their own fucking authors

holy shit you guys are dead fuck corpse tier dumb

>> No.22502013 [View]

"wow, good post" *sips champagne*

you people need death ASAP

>> No.22502010 [View]

>(calls midwit)
>(can't read what was said)

thanks for proving my point dipshit, this is why you're being ruled by other people already.

>> No.22501983 [View]

84 is just taught in schools to destroy group cohesion by making the proles suspicious of their own kind and their natural leaders, more or less.

it also describes fuck all of how the democracies operate in chaos and perpetual losing-war; we're taught to equate war with dictatorships when the opposite is true.

watership down for university students who read marx


cartoon animals

>> No.22501959 [View]

>All he did was take the ideas of fascism, crank it to 200,
Not really.

He didn't display much of a grasp of the basic psychology of fascism; the pig character was not a sexual pervert in deep denial, for example, the pig was just "the boss" who is "evil for no reason", which is hardly anything intelligent.

And, as he and huxley both shared, as wells pointed out, their actual notion of utopia still perpetuated the status quo that they began from: that of the boss/slave dynamic, making both novellas a kind of armchair entertainment with no reality going on.

wow, that's petty insightful. did you come to that conclusion on your own or did you sponge it, like, from the local entertainment media?

>> No.22501354 [View]

it also doesn't help that instances of rule-breaking and criminal statutes are routinely ignored by the moderators to enable this.

for example
>>22501058 this is a criminal offense under US Law, this is "racism outside of /b/", this is also "off-topic" ...

It seems like a lot of bother to screencap these criminal law breaches and send to the authorities, but I can't think of an other way to actually begin to get 4chan resolved. It's sad the owners are too stupid to realize the consequences of forcing people to go to these lengths.

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