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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1400180 [View]
File: 53 KB, 700x581, CloudTrees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here's my list. Feel free to look upon it with scorn/ignore it.

(Clubs- Classic/High School Lit)
(2) Death in Venice- Thomas Mann
(3) The Metamorphosis- Franz Kafka
(4) Night- Eli Wiesel
(5) A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
(6) Nine Stories- J.D. Salinger
(7) Lord of the Flies- William Golding
(8) The Crying of Lot 49- Thomas Pynchon
(9) Steppenwolf- Hermann Hesse
(10) The Bell Jar- Sylvia Plath
(Jack) The Trial- Franz Kafka
(Queen) Lolita- Vladimir Nabokov
(King) Dubliners- James Joyce

(Hearts- Genre stuff)
(2) Harrison Bergeron- Kurt Vonnegut
(3) Flatland- Edwin Abbott Abbott
(4) Fahrenheit 451- Ray Bradbury
(5) The Golden Compass- Philip Pullman
(6) The Gunslinger- Stephen King
(7) I, Robot- Issac Asimov
(8) The Atrocity Archives- Charles Stross
(9) World War Z- Max Brooks
(10) Pattern Recognition- William Gibson
(Jack) Snow Crash- Neal Stephenson
(Queen) The Left Hand of Darkness- Ursula K. LeGuin
(King) Stranger in a Strange Land

>> No.1394118 [View]

The Ass Vagina of Lucifer Niggerbastard

>> No.1389418 [View]

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I need some clarification. The point would be to draw a random card at the beginning of each week, right? Or do you have to read them in some sort of order?

>> No.1389300 [View]

OP, it seriously isn't a big deal. Listen to some audioooks. If it works for you, great. If not, fuck it. Nobody who matters is going to judge you for listening to audiobooks.

Anyway, I use both formats. I like them equally, though for different reasons. Audiobooks are great for when I'm driving, for example, and paper books are great for when I have down time.

>> No.1389289 [View]

So apparently Jesus didn't influence Aquinas. Um... what?

>> No.1388396 [View]

Taxi Driver and There Will Be Blood are the two most brilliant and powerful character studies I've ever seen, in any medium.

>> No.1388391 [View]

These movies have no rhyme or reason. It's basically just a random selection of blockbusters and cult hits from the last 60 years. Time to throw my hat into the ring!

(I'm going to go with some more obscure films, since I'm sure everybody else beat me to the punch with Fight Club, etc.)
-We Own The Night
-Man Bites Dog
-Waking Life
-The Score
-Children of Men (not that uncommon, but couldn't leave it off my list)
-Smilla's Sense of Snow

>> No.1387439 [View]

Two friends meet after an incredibly long time apart. They are both very old, and at least one of them is terminally ill. They start to discuss their boyhood pact to die together...

>> No.1387410 [View]

Or, a world where information can be passed through any physical means would be interesting. I like the idea of liquid information, which is a (admittedly dumb) idea I came up with one day when I saw rain dripping off of telephone wires.

In the brain eating story, that could be really interesting if that was the only way to learn. The species would have had to start with some massively intelligent father, and then each generation eat the previous generation. The total amount of information in the species is always the same, but it's divided between more and more individuals.

Anyway, maybe that's stupid. I'll throw in a few more good ideas when I think of them.

>> No.1387396 [View]


Yeah, you don't want the shit off the top of my head.

>> No.1380474 [View]

Life of Pi, though I think it's a little overrated.

>> No.1380417 [View]
File: 55 KB, 250x346, bradbury_ray-010304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t believe in colleges and universities
>[The Internet] is meaningless; it’s not real. It’s in the air somewhere.
>I remember being born. I remember being in the womb, I remember being inside. Coming out was great.


Your face when you realized that your beloved literary hero is batshit insane.

>> No.1359452 [View]

J.G. Ballard's Crystal World is supposed to be pretty surrealist.

>> No.1358237 [View]

OP, if you liked Phillip K. Dick, I can recommend no book more highly than "Chronic City," by Jonathan Lethem. The similarities to Dick's work are subtle, but the book is a a great trip, and almost perfectly written at that.

>> No.1353110 [View]

Last book I read: Chronic City, by Jonathan Lethem

Last movie I watched: The Backup Plan, with Jennifer Lopez (Don't. It was my girlfriend's choice).

This is one of the few situations where Chase Insteadman and Perkus Tooth would win.

>> No.1353107 [View]

Well, you know how do write very pretty prose. The problem is that you labor over the same description over and over again. Your descriptions come across as overwrought and yes, angsty.

Or maybe it sounds angsty because you seem to automatically gravitate towards the most loaded words you can think of. Actually, I think that's closer to the mark.

At any rate, it's not bad writing. I especially like the second paragraph. Not excellent, but you'd keep me hooked for another paragraph or two. Just make sure you start making things real concrete plot-wise right after this.

>> No.1313807 [View]

Mein Kampf. Think about it.

>> No.1313793 [View]

Most of the things by China Mieville.

>> No.1313780 [View]

The last line needs moar syllables.


>> No.1313776 [View]

Dead Poet's Society, ftw. He's not dead, by the way, it's a reference to the movie.

>> No.1313773 [View]

I literally did not make it past the first sentence. Sorry.

>> No.1311200 [View]

Bumping for the hell of it.

>> No.1308363 [View]

I the either of the bottom two would be pretty good.

>> No.1308358 [View]

Harry Potter.

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