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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1365215 [View]

>What is your age and occupation?
27, Office Manager.

>How many books do you read on average each month?
5 - 6.

>What books have you read so far this month?
Richard Matheson - I am Legend.
Pitacus Lore - I am Number Four.
Michael Connelly - Chasing The Dime.
Raymond Chandler - The Big Sleep
Dennis Lehane - A Drink Before The War.
Kevin Dean Anderson - Night of the Living Trekkies.

[All on a Kindle 3]

>About how many books have you read this year?

>Best book you've read this year?
Michael Chabon - The Amazing Adventures Of Kavalier And Clay.

>Worst book you've read this year?
Pittacus Lore - 'I am Number Four'. Wasn't expcting anything spectaculr, but lord almighty this is one shit book.

>Did you read any books that came out this year?

>How many books do you hope to read next year
I like to read at least 60 books a year.

>> No.1365183 [DELETED]  [View]

[X ] Forever alone.

>> No.1364900 [View]

Kindle 3 handsdown. Kindle + Public Domain books / Pirated Content + Calibre = Awesome.

>> No.1364748 [View]


Aint that the damn truth.

>> No.1364588 [View]

Love, Love, LOVE the book. Picked it up almost two years ago, on the recommendation of a friend, and absolutely adored it. I really like the (original) film as well.

>> No.1362292 [View]


>implying you can't zoom on a Kindle.

>> No.1362077 [View]

Nineteen Seventy Four, by David Peace. It's the first in the 'Red Riding' series that was adapted for TV over here in the UK (then repackaged as a film for the US, I think), co-staring Sean Bean, Paddy Constantine, and Andrew Garfield.

>> No.1361915 [View]


He needs to get his holy DILF ass into gear, and write the bloody follow-up to that book. It was supposed to come out back in September 2009.

>> No.1361911 [View]


I've torrented a shit tonne of e-books since getting my Kindle, but I still pay for books from my favourite authors. Two faced, to put it mildly perhaps, but there we go.

I actually use mine more as a library service - if someone recommends a book, I'll go track down a torrent, but if I end up liking that book, I'll "go out" and purchase a copy - either the e-book format via Amazon, or sometimes the physical book (mostly if I know someone who I think would also like it).

>> No.1361892 [View]


You planning on getting 'legit' books, say via Amazon, or pirated content?

>> No.1361884 [View]

That's a decent selection - I'd recommend the Camus, Hammett, Spillane, McCarthy and Gaiman, to pretty much anyone.

inb4 the pretentious folks.

>> No.1361843 [View]

Cool, huh?

>> No.1361837 [View]


Ahh - now that's interesting. I coulda swore I read somewhere that the 3G connection was always on. It makes sense that you can switch it off - like you said, battery drain much?

>> No.1361815 [View]


Not sure if troll, but whatever. Have you tried reading, for 'sustained periods' - say 6hrs+ on a Kindle, vs a laptop screen? Aint no comparison, on the laptop it'll strain your eyes, on the Kindle it's fine.


The price difference between physical books, and e-books, isn't always that great - I read an interesting take on the issue, over on <the site that hipsters love> a few days ago. Written by a brit, it turns out some books are MORE expensive, in e-format, than the physical books.

>> No.1361806 [View]


On the 3G unit, which is always connected, it's quite easy for them to remove it. With the Wi-fi only version - I assume it'd happen when you sync the device.

While I can understand the 'wider picture' outrage, and concern, on a personal level, this really shouldn't affect people. It's quite easy to only deal with Amazon to purchase the unit - after that, you needn't deal with them again.

Public Doman books / Pirated books + Calibre = No need for Amazon.

>> No.1361791 [View]

Ehh, why not - could do with something 'interesting' to watch tonight.

>> No.1361642 [DELETED]  [View]


>implying every book ever written is availble in 'e-format'.

We're not quite there - yet ;)

>> No.1361616 [View]

Nah dude, it's all about the tea.

>> No.1361615 [View]

The town nearest to me, as well as the town I have to travel through to get to work, is full of 'charity shops'. Most of 'em are full of Dan Brown and Katie Price books, but you can find the occasional gem. Sadly, I haven't been in one since buying a Kindle.

>> No.1361606 [View]

Guess it's just a case of different strokes, for different folks. I tried out both the Sony e-reader, and the Kindle, before buying. Found the Sony one to be slower, and more akward.

That's something I've thought about - I used to regularly borrow books from the library - mostly ones I wasn't sure if it was worth paying for. Now I just torrent them. Haven't stepped foot in a library, for months.

Some libraries do offer books in an 'e-format', for borrowing, but for the life of me, I can't remeber what format. (i.e. .mobi / .epub / .somethingelse)

>> No.1361595 [View]

Not in my lifetime. ebooks are good - I'm a Kindle fag, but they're far from going 'mainstream' and replacing printed books.

>> No.1359566 [View]


Oh sweet mother of fuck, THIS. Aspergers, though an 'official' condition, is nothing more than something devised by the medical industry, to categorise people, and push drug sales. I worked in Further Education, and as part of my induction, had a psych evaulation. I was told I 'had Aspergers'. I also worked with a member of teaching staff, putting together a 'learning resource' for staff, to spot students with Aspergers', who told me I'd got it.

Why? Because, being somewhat obsessive with certain things, having an ability to work on something for hours at a time, being irritated by peoples' inane bullshit conversations, and not having any social skills, apparantely isn't just 'how I am'. Instead, it's a 'disability' that can be 'helped' by ingesting a metric fuck tonne of drugs.

People jump on the 'Geek Syndrome' tag, because it praises the good parts of a persons personality (intellect, focus, etc, etc), whilst attempting to explain away, the negatives.

tl;dr -> Just 'cause you're smart, and somewhat of a social fuckwit, doesn't mean you've got 'Aspergers Syndrome'. It means you're smart, and somwehat of a social fuckwit.

>> No.1358478 [View]



>> No.1358466 [View]

There really should be a 'pinned' thread for e-book readers. Seems the question pops up a couple of times a day, either from trolls, or from people who are actually interested.

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