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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7359077 [View]

That is novella and far an opus. Also not written in the first person and definitely not YA.

Stay mad my man.

>> No.7359070 [DELETED]  [View]

That is novella and far an opus. Also not written in the first person and definitely not YA.

Stay my man.

>> No.7358983 [View]

>getting upset at a post I made when I was 15 years old

You're pathetic.

>> No.7358205 [View]

And you didn't post proof for earlier claims.

>I did, and you seem to post here an awful lot for this to not be considered your readers. Or for you to not care or whatever.


>> No.7358200 [View]

I mean hell.

The fact that there are people in here who blatantly lie in order to make me look bad truly shows what type of people are posting here. It is pathetic.

>> No.7358195 [View]

Oh I'm not mad at all.

I just find it funny that not even a year has gone by and this place has altered its standards for what is good in this post modern nightmare.

>> No.7358183 [View]

It's not even a page worth of a story. A story used to fiddle around with a first person perspective.

You act as if the caricature is an insult.

>> No.7358175 [View]

The number of posters stayed at 11 with this new post.

Top kek stay salty.

>> No.7358168 [View]

>I did, and you seem to post here an awful lot for this to not be considered your readers. Or for you to not care or whatever.


>> No.7358147 [View]

I imagined them as being miserable pricks and wrote it that way.

Look it up in the 4chan archive. Just look for my name.

>> No.7358133 [View]

I'll stop writing my readers tell me to.

You're not my reader. You're just a /lit/kike. You're a thermometer of how terrible the literary world is in this moment.

>> No.7358129 [View]

6 months ago you idiots loved it

I don't write shit like this. Every once and a while I'll experiment with the first person narrator and make stupid short stories like the ones I've posted.

>> No.7358119 [View]

>every narrator needs to be likable


Not everyone is a sexually ambiguous social justice warrior. Some people are old men with squandered lives and disgusting wives.

>> No.7358114 [View]

I stop in every once and a while to test the waters.

To see what type of asshole reigns here for the time being.

>> No.7358102 [View]

Here's another you idiots loved half a year ago but will hate today.

The fiendish smile. That fucking smile. I hate it. I loathe it just as much as I loathe you. Fucking prick. You sniveling weasel. You pompous waste of life. Fake ass smile for a fake person. I'm sure on some planet they would hail you as a god for being an insurance salesman but here on earth nobody gives a fuck. I hope you get hit by a thousand tractor trailers until all that is left of you is a long red smear on the highway.

“How's it going George! Long time no see!”

“Oh you know same ole same ole.”

“That's life huh? Oh shit is that Jeff over there? I heard he came here in a Bentley! I got to say hi. Nice talking to you George.”

God I hate that fucking prick. Why even bother asking me that same fucking standard question you ask all those other people you don't give two shits about. Go fuck yourself is what I should of said. Go fuck yourself and go fuck your mother and your father. But no I had to respond with the same standard dipshit response. I can only imagine what his face would have been if I were to say hows it going? It's going terrible I just fucked your wife and she didn't even fucking swallow that filthy cunt. God how the look of shock and confusion on his dumpy face would have been priceless. I don't know if his shriveled brain could even compartmentalize that I didn't respond with the typical dipshit answer.

“Enjoying yourself hunny?”

“Yeah it's great to see all my old friends.”

“You sure? You look a bit tense.”

Oh fuck off you fat cow I said I’m having a fucking bang up time. Why don't you go back to your gaggle of other fat cows and complain about your husbands some more.

“I have bit of a headache is all. It's been over a decade since I've seen these guys it's wonderful.”

“Good I'm glad.”

Alright wife now go back to grazing in the pasture and leave me be with my best friend the bar tender. For the love of god are you hiding another pregnancy or did you just lie about using that fucking treadmill that you just needed to have for Christmas.

“Oh my god is that Carroll Sweeney? Look at how fat she's gotten!”

You shallow cunt your life just brightens up whenever you see someone else not being as beautiful fucking ten years ago. As if you look like a goddamn sparkling princess of seduction right now you hippo. I should have listened to bud about marrying you. Now look at him. He's not married. He's got no idiot little runts pissing away all my dreams that you didn't kill. And he's got a hunting camp and a boat and a goddamn challenger. You magnificent bastard why didn't I listen to you.

“I'm going to go talk to her alright?”

“I won't hold you back.”

Thank you Jesus. Thank you for giving me another few moments to enjoy my whiskey before she realizes that I'm drinking whiskey.

“Hey barkeep can I get a double please?”


I like that guy.

>> No.7358098 [View]


>> No.7358081 [View]

>I see nothing wrong with the rum diary part,

That's because you're an idiot and it only adds to the reputation that this place has.

>> No.7358079 [View]

>Either your memory is very selective, or you were trolled.

Nope you people are just schizos. This is the worst place any budding writer can go to get advice.

>> No.7358073 [View]

Wrote it and posted it here about six months ago. You fags loved it.

Now you hate it. It's hilarious.

It reminds me of the time when I was posting excerpts of the rum diary and everyone here was telling me I should quit writing.

>> No.7358067 [View]
File: 175 KB, 850x1285, 1434177121996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's hilarious is that you schizos were masturbating over it about six months ago.

I guess now I'm shit.

>> No.7356197 [View]
File: 77 KB, 546x720, 1434171724976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trod on every day along the meandering river edge trying to reach the coast. All day I trudge through the leaf litter and the mud. All day I trek through sun then rain then sun then rain and the river just keeps on going and going. Then the unforgiving sun sets and the horror continues. Blast the nights to hell. There is no chance to defend yourself from the mosquitoes but that is nothing to fret about I've long since have had malaria I'm sure of it. I hear strange noises at night. I hear whispers of men who are more than dead. I hear cackling of demons. I see red eyes and the night sky is full of swirling stars. The trees uproot and lumber about and white spirits dance across the river's surface and sing siren songs. The jungle shows me her secrets because she knows that I am never going to leave it. I'm never going to make it out alive. I weep through the nights and try to keep my eyes closed and wait for my death. But it won't come. This morning I vomited and the only contents was a black liquid that had the texture of ink. The taste of filth stained my entire mouth. I've run out of fresh water but I have been resilient in not drinking from the river. I quenched my thirst earlier today by beheading a low hanging slow monkey with lichen in its fur and I drank its blood. Hunger took me as well and I tore into its flesh without making a fire to sear the meat.
The moon is the color of blood tonight and the jungle is silent. Not even the hellish mosquitos bother me. On a ridge about a mile away there is a fire. Not just a fire but a blaze for the flames licked higher than the tree tops and I feel myself traversing towards it. My shoes fell apart in my sleep a night ago but I fashioned a set of slippers out of mud and leaves and slow monkey hide. I feel hungry. I feel thirsty. I eat ratty fucking monkeys and sun bathing snakes all day. Why am I so hungry? Why am I so thirsty? I must have a goddamn tape worm. I'll shit that bastard out once I find my way out of this nightmare. I hear drums. Oh my fucking christ maybe some rescuers are at the fire. Maybe some food. Maybe some drink. Maybe some fuckable women. Perhaps god hasn't forsaken me. I'm crazy. There's no way in hell that there's fuckable women. Rescuers? Where is my mind going. I'm the only man in this world. Savages aren't rescuers. They aren't people. Fuck it. Blast it all to hell. I can't wait to die.

>> No.7356196 [View]
File: 360 KB, 2114x1631, 1258389711024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I good yet?

God I hate this fucking place. Even Satan would think this place is fucked. Holy hell. Too many fucking insects too much fucking sun too much fucking rain too many fucking savages too much goddamn mud. When god made the earth why in the hell did he make this this sweltering asshole of Terra? Clearly the lord above forgot to fucking wipe. Everything here fucking kills you even the fucking frogs and fish murder you. Even the goddamn fish. For fuck's sake there's was a fish that swam up one of my soldier's piss stream and lodged itself into his cock. Into his fucking cock. Evolution didn't create that. Some drunken asshole of a demon made that thing to create misery for any man who tread this cursed jungle. No wonder the savages eat each other clearly it is safer than fishing. I don't know why I'm here, fuck the queen and her holy journey. They said there would be gold and women and the fountain of youth and utopia and all we got was fucking death and disease. The mongoloids didn't have a speck of gold or fuckable women all they had were blue rocks and toothless dried up whores not even worth pilfering. I want to go home. I want to get out. I need to the find a way out of here but it goes on forever. It's been two days since the priest died. He was the last of my men and he shit himself to death and prayed to christ the whole time. I dragged him to the river's edge to cast him into the slow moving water in the off chance his body could make it out of this nightmare but I had to take a shit and I didn't want to drop trough in front of the deceased padre so I did my business behind a tree the size of a cathedral and when I came back I found out that I hadn't purged everything from my bowels and I shit myself as I watched a giant serpent swallowing the priest whole. It was halfway through the deed and I watched it with astonishment for a moment. It was truly a sight to behold. But through the strength of god I snapped out of it and grabbed a large rock and bashed that serpents brains in. I ate well that night. But now it's just me talking to myself and cursing this horrid jungle as I hack at the undergrowth in my path. I've long since abandoned my armor and rifle and I'm beginning to look more and more like a savage than an explorer as the mud sinks into my skin. Every so often I feel the tickle in the back of my skull and know that something is watching me. I saw a hellcat eating a crocodile yesterday morning. A fucking crocodile. I hope the monstrous feline isn't hunting me now. I just want to go home. Sometimes I see eyes and faces in the leaves and when I stop to look at them they disappear. I'm going crazy.

>> No.7354981 [View]
File: 482 KB, 1772x1374, this is what retards believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The suite is too humid. Apparently the technology for air conditioning didn't reach this far south. The bell hops looked like they were banditos when the sun went down. The other night I went down to the hotel bar and the women that sat on the rusty stools had asses injected with silicon. Some had adam's apples and the others looked as if they popped penicillin like tic tacs. Two nights ago I accidentally left a window open and the entire fucking suite was infested with mosquitoes. They had to transfer me to this stuffy room. There's a brown stain on the carpet and the tired old hag of a cleaning lady won't tell me how it got there. I told her that I knew she was taking the change out of my pockets but she said it was some other girl. Another guest told me that there was a snake in their toilet and one the bell hops killed it right then and there in the bathroom. Fucking savages probably went home and fed it to their runts. Every day and every night there is gunshots and filthy children kicking chaffed and beaten leather balls into tipped over garbage cans. Everyone here is either a goddamn corrupt undercover extortionist cop or a fucking thief. Go to South America they said. It will be a fun experience they said. Get out and see the world they said. Screw their shitty culture and their worthless historical relevance and fuck the fucking jungle this place is hell. I can't wait to go home. Fuck Brazil.

>> No.7118308 [View]

Just out of curiosity do you believe that maybe writing scripts would be a better fit for me seeing as I do spend a lot of time watching movies?

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