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>> No.22361113 [View]
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It's over for now. Maybe in the future things will swing back the other way, but until then white male novelists will have to band together and create a new literary scene. A literary scene that excludes those who exclude us.

>> No.21668915 [View]
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>books for x feel
>coombait posting
>shill threads
>Peterson/Tate threads
>aggro threads against various euros
>tranny books and lgbt234 replies
>constant Ted K posting

Then you have this, false flag threads where people who don't contribute pretend to be old grognards of the board and complain about a point of view that you want banned.

You lefty/JIDF/kike/tranny/gay/whatever fucks do this all over the place, on all communties. You are a cancer, you gain access, get a mod/jannie position and then silence the very things that make the community what it is.

You should all fucking hang. You make it look like a position is more popular than it is by shilling it in a cordinated effort. You do this in newspapers, forums, tv shows, movies, news reports any sphere the engages with a public.

>> No.21663117 [View]
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How? It is the truth and a critical component to a complete world-view. His omission of it is the same as Peterson'a refusal to touch it.

It is good to see the old (jewish) tactic of destruction and subversion is alive and well.

>> No.21633220 [View]
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I am Fascist anon, but i suspect you will counter with something like 'Fascists are the real liberals/leftists/socialists' because you can not refute an objectively correct take. Russians and Ukrainians are animals that can only understand the whip.

>> No.21632721 [View]
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Getting it wrong is the only way to ensure one has it right. Without effort in pursuit of an answer you have no framework with which to judge anything.

>> No.21631451 [View]
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It is not the average working class man who is doing this and you know it. It is the tech worker of above-average intelligence, further supporying my statement. They are gifted enough to reach higher in society but never developed the tools or skillset needed to achieve it, henxe they turn to supplicating actions and consumption. The poor, the rough and the laboring masses don't suffer nearly as much in this regard as they tend to have families. Hence why a nationalistic structure is needed to find these individuals and ensure they develope to their fullest potential, this is part of why TK ended up the way he did. He was incredibly gifted but was robbed of his potential by the experiments he was subjected to. It is this realization of unobtained potential, which can overlap some with the Power Process, as the cause of much of the syndrome people suffer from.

>> No.21550435 [View]
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Those was because they were Europeans anon, not Christians. Any unifiying force would of produced the same result. It was the inborn nature of Europeans being superior, be it due to geography or unintentional eugenics does not matter. Christianity is destined to history, it enjoyed its peak and now it is gradually crumbling. Your choices are be part of a new creed based on blood and soil or capitulate to Islam. The same was Christianity spread is the same way Islam is though they have no Frankish king to unify around they have commited acts of brutality that put Charles the Great to shame.

>> No.21545739 [View]
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Im not traditionalist, though a few years ago i probably would of said i was. But now, havint read far more, I now i want to make new values based on blood & soil, in the full meaning of that loaded phrase. Otherwise i am a normal man whom any veteran grandfather would be happy to wed in to his family. I was in the british army, im a mechanic. I own a home and am beginning a family with a beautiful woman to whom i am devoted and her to me.

There is nothing traditional about what i have done. But now i see the West, from Italy to Canada and i hate all of what i see and what allowed it to happen. Hence my want for something new and revolutionary.

>> No.21534895 [View]
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Perhaps there is enough interest to justify a natsoc gen. It would cut down on clutter and stop the jews kvetching and shit-posting them.

>> No.21525076 [View]
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Read a fucking book, National-Socialism was a working class anti-marxist nationalist movement that grew rejected common Socialist discourse for their own national devision of society instead of a class. Hitler rejected middle class members instead favoring his rough, working types that formed his beloved Stormtroopers. Only after they were established did he allow middle-class in.

You display all the hallmarks of the Middle-Class

>> No.21513214 [View]
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If you would like to discuss this, we can. There is no need to create another thread, friend. I was lurking.

>> No.21506552 [View]
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I am the lad you responded to. You said diversity in right-wing thought. I am coming to the conclusion that there can be no 'right-wing' thought in a democratic system. That to be right-wing, old-fashioned, traditional, etc one needs to be anti-democratic. If we are not democratic then the utmost thing is to organize society to a desired heiarchy, which i think is one of the few core values on the right. I think National Socialism accomplishes this.

Picrel >>21506214 here will outline a plan to establish a worthwhile aristocracy, it may be what >>21503406 was looking for too.

Im also finding Left - Right increasingly limited except in identify friend and foe.

>> No.21501878 [View]
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>beauty is simply skin deep physical attraction
Beauty and attraction are not synonamous. An old growth forest is beautiful, your newborn child is beautiful. Stars have a powerful beauty and even penmanship can be beautiful. Age, dignity, wisdom and family will be far more beautiful when you are a similar age.

Not for webvideos, no. Unless you are changing the language of what is being transcribed there is no money outside or official legal and civic proceedings.

>> No.21497356 [View]
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>makes me question if average rightoid is any smarter than average blue hair

They are not. They are both playing the same game in which Western Society and its native people lose.

What has the Conservative movement achieved since its inception?
>Defended Marriage?
Nope, marriage rates are in free fall, also men can mow marry each other, there is no marriage anymore. It is a business deal, reduced to getting better tax deals. Many now break up in the USA to prevent medical bills being passed on to a spouse when they die. Conplementing this is the fact over half of marriages end in divorce. A limp-dick protest of saying marriage is between a man and a woman did nothing to defend it.

The national economy is the pride of the Right Wing, that has always been their main point. They were the ones who said they can fix the economy, yet they never do. Debt increases, currency devalues and those in power get richer. Job creation means nothing if i still cant buy a house. They further intergrare the nation into globol financial insitutions and hasten the end. They for the economy what the left does for society. Rape it for profit.

>Traditional Values
There are no traditional values, these are nebulous and can mean anything that is appropriate. What is acceptable and what is not is entirely dependent on how people react. Miscegenation, primacy of the man in the household, the want to engage in violence and hate and the domesticity of women are not considered traditional now because they are unpallatable. The views that are considered traditional are simply generic values that are universal, hard-work, stiff upper lip, etc. When you stand by and watch drag queen story hour in every city in America you can safely conclude that the trad values are toothless larps.

>Strong Military
The military includes women, why? You have them at all critical points now, from supply chain to general staff. The only place they are not present is the front line, but thats only a matter of time. You have trannies there too, our military is in shambles, the navies are barely able to navigate out or harbors without damaging things. They are up to date on progressive ideology thoughy. The military used to be the stronghold of conservative men, now it is dead and will gradually crumble until the wheels fall off at a critical moment.

The Right is a fucking joke. What have they preserved, what have they saved in all their decades of work? The Left have accomplished all sorts of things, Civil Rights, Men are now able to be Women, niggers and pakis and literal human scum infest every city in the West. Yet the Right still thinks it has something worthwhile to add to the conversation? Bullshit.

National-Socialism is the only way to get the society normal people envision. Everything else is simply globalisation and liberalism.

>> No.21487975 [View]
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There is nothing about being poor that can prevent this. Poor people have the most to gain from adopting that mindset.

>> No.21461611 [View]
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>> No.21423675 [View]
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>If you try to call them out, you get called a tranny, a redditor, a Jew, a negro-minded cuck, etc

Every board has slurs for having opinions that go against board culture.

The real issue is that one side of the political spectrun is waxing while the other is waning. One side does not like that, you can easily guess which with the reddit style group pledge post OP made.

They are mad their politics are not dominant so they want the place free of counter opinions. This place has always been like this, only it is no longer as slow as it once was.

It is greatly amusing to watch their reactions. There are still great threads here, on all topics. Hope you all have a merry christmas and a happy new year. And those lucky enough to attend one, a roaring Hogmany.

>> No.21419110 [View]
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>Good point. Kaczynski actually doesn't care about maximizing pleasure or happiness; his intent in destroying the industrial system. He believes that everything that industrial society does together makes it an intractable evil. If you care more about pleasuremaxxing than the idealistic conception of a ungranted freedom then you have a value misalignment with Kaczynski. You're not wrong, you just don't see Kaczynski's ideal good as a good thing and vice versa.

In no way did i suggest pleasure maxxing or comfort. Ted's work has no values beyond destruction. But he correctly identifies many problems but offers no solution for them. His ideal good is simply localism without electricity. Darre expands on a system wherein all the issues Ted highlights are addressed without tossing the baby out with the bath water.

Hope for a good convo, anonn

>> No.21418568 [View]
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Reject the four walls of the Abrahamic House.

>> No.21224823 [View]
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>You are both degenerate filth and lying scum. Shitpost all you want, you know your own worthlessness in your cores
This sort of angry response only pushes lurkers and casual viewers towards National-Socialism. It shows the very real hate you have for whites/europeans and their unity.

Times are a-changing, kike. We may not loudly proclaim our support of National-Socialism but we can now openly discuss it and agree with it.

You allowed that, by calling everybody a nazi or a Fascist. Well done.

>> No.21211808 [View]
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>With more money you can buy healthier food
You can grow food for pennies

>top tier personal gym
Literal rocks do the same thing, as does running.

>whatever else you desire for you lifestyle.
What people desire is community, brotherhood and interaction. Despite what you say, you are a consumerist/conservative.

>I'm not even concerned with money myself but any retard should understand it's considerably more important and beneficial than some woman whore.
Neither of these are important. Whores and money are pursued only by those who don't know what happiness is. It is not some piety in a Godhead, or a big house. It is a healthy family in a home. Surrounded by people in the same position. That is all.

>> No.21199957 [View]
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I want anger in my elected official, i want hate for what threatens us and to see it attacked and removed from society. No political message will stop what we are seeing, when they get in to power next they will undo any damage inflicted. Only violence can change the course we are on. None of the people on political schene are in our favor. Trump may as well be the first Jewish president and DeDantis is simply business as usual.

>> No.18307496 [View]
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Philosophy is gay and everyone who reads philosophy is gay. I understand that puzzles can be fun, but maybe you shouldn't base your entire persona on the literary equivalent of detangling Christmas lights.

>> No.16359122 [View]
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>we need to stop publishing white authors

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