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>> No.7069201 [View]
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Mostly as a cover to post my opinion on communists, tbh.

>tfw none of the stereotypes are necessarily virgins
>tfw you're illiterate

That opinion is the real reason I posted all that nonsense. It's so transparent that all the communists I know dream of glory when the revolution comes.

>> No.7044295 [View]
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You know how in the posts you're quoting I rambled a bit about how much I resent it that nobody ever believes it when I try to tell people on 4chan about this stuff? If I wanted some sort of internet status from it I'd trip or use a name. I have absolutely nothing to gain by talking about this stuff. I'm seriously just answering a question because I like some of the discussion here and want to contribute, but instead all the replies are all from some loser who can't accept that he hasn't seen everything there is to see in the world. If it makes you feel good to imagine that everyone here is just like you or slightly worse, have at it.

I sincerely hope you live to be the kind of old man who won't leave the county he was born in because, "I ain't lost nothing over there."

>> No.6886824 [View]
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>video games
I see what you're trying to do, but they're different terms. Also there are definitely parts of the game that aren't on rails and have multiple valid approaches.

That's just, like, your opinion, man. The weapon selection was extremely well thought out. There's no good jack-of-all trades weapon, so that element alone forces you to constantly make decisions unless you're the kind of idiot who powers through everything with the SMG.

HL2 was fun but a lot of aspects of it were reddit-core. Plus it just didn't break the mold the way the original did.

>> No.6885003 [View]
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>If I take that bandanna off, will you die?

It would induce the howling fantods...

>That's a pretty big book.

w/r/t you

>> No.6778382 [View]
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Having a badass dad.

Nothing else comes close. Best you can do without a great father is to be a scum-sucking backstabber and at least make something of a name for yourself in the worst ways possible.

>> No.6753083 [View]
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I prefer to stay anon
Smart girls are good company and fun in and out of bed, but of course you don't form the same kind of bond you do with another man. That's not the same as being airheaded twats like the women everyone else here apparently deals with. When I do fuck girls like that (girls from state schools who come to town for internships, girls we meet on trips to conferences) it's just for release.
>no there aren't
Sorry you don't get to play in my pool.
This, tbh

>> No.6708141 [View]
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Rich families tend to educate their children better than poor people do, starting with reading at home, which raises the odds their children will actually like learning. I went to a private school but did a lot of activities with public school kids, and you can always tell the difference in their demeanor, attitude and speach. Rich kids are like another species; they're more organized, more socially aware, more eloquent in their everyday speach and overall more productive. It wasn't an elite private school either, just some hole in the wall in the South that was founded explicitly to get white kids out of integrated schools, but even the dumb ones read well above grade level compared to public school students.

Rich people are also more likely to be tall, good looking and have high IQs so this is probably the most Chad board on 4chan.

>> No.6646350 [View]
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Not an ivy, but went to a similarly ranked school and my girlfriend went to Brown.
>>6646243 isn't kidding about those downsides. A lot of people will be 4.0 chasing machines, especially in majors associated with certain careers, like Biology premeds and econ/quant-econ Wall Street hopefuls. At the same time, even a lot of the kids who seem dumb or boring are incredibly accomplished, and the wider your social network spreads the more unreal connections you'll make to the children of rulers, tycoons, artists and the rare individual who's going to make it big from nothing. When he says shitty frats, he's talking about super wealthy legacies and international students who do spend a lot of time socializing and dick waving but still shouldn't be underestimated intellectually. You WILL encounter tumblr tier /pol/-nightmare liberal nonsense, and for a while it'll shake you up and you'll think about it a lot but eventually you put it in perspective and realize that most people who pay it lip service just want to fit in so they can graduate and get a good job and have friends, and the ones who push it the most are mentally ill.

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