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>> No.15844521 [View]
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How do I stop being a larper? I spend more time on here than I do reading.

>> No.12356071 [View]
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>> No.12314285 [View]
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>When you get so desperate about the state of your life that you actually believe not touching your dick will change anything.
Sexual activity is the most important goal as far as evolution is concerned, which is why it provokes immense pleasure; behind that pleasure a cocktail of neurochemical, hormonal, and physiological changes occurring behind the scenes, affecting the body and mind more profoundly than any other "natural" action. Arousal itself affects working memory; sexual activity squanders limited dopaminergic pathways to be obsessed with something that is never satisfied beyond 30 minutes, and in fact, often is reinforced, until most people are but worthless dicks for brains; after the act is completed, there is a rebound of prolactin, which remains substantially elevated for 16+ hours following release, where it continues to adversely affects dopaminergic neurotransmission in prefrontal cortex long after the refractory period has subsided.

You are a fool to think that nothing happens and that sexual activity can be engaged in with impunity. Not touching it, and eschewing all sexual activity, is a life-changer.

Quitting this has been the biggest burden lifted in my entire life. The benefits of sexual abstinence are more profound than CNS stimulants.
Before, I had dozens of books that wanted to read but didn't. Sure, I got through life just fine but I accomplished very little beyond what I had to do, and whatever I did do required mostly discipline. With resolute sexual abstinence, I do not need discipline. I have boundless motivation and energy. I can write, I can read. I listen to courses. I do many things. When I'm not abstinent, I do very little, my entire life is a frustration that gets in the way of momentary release. You have never experienced the immense benefits it provides and are left bewildered. You are a carnal bugman who cannot even begin to contemplate why anyone would want to give this up, or how it possibly can make a difference.

>> No.12305743 [View]
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>Why shouldn't lust be a habit?
It creates a fundamental heteronomy of the will and places one in subjection to a lower instinct that does and creates absolutely nothing (especially when divorced from procreation) and in doing so causes an individual to lose autonomy over self. Soon their dreams, ambitions and long term planning takes a side seat to the more evolutionarily pressing concern of getting off.

>Lust is natural, lust is healthy, lust is strong.
Appeal to nature.
You also are mistaken, just because you read a blip in Men's Health or other pop-source saying "its healthy" does not make it so; often, the experts quoted in saying this are parroting sexologists, who themselves are illiterate of medicine, much less basic anatomy. Some experts
Continued sexual indulgence has been shown to measurably decrease grey matter in the right caudate. It is a well known phenomonon that reproductive activity is inversely associated with lifespan in both fruit flies and rats. There is no reason to presuppose that sexual excesses are in any way healthy. In fact, even looking at it through the lens of this fallacy (NATURAL = GOOD), you will find that the artificial and sedentary lifestyle of modern man, bombarded constantly by an almost limitless variety of sexual stimuli, give rise to a greater frequency than we see in any other mammal.

As to it being "strong", the point of this entire thread was that it becomes STRONGER with repeated indulgence, until you are but a worthless dick for a brain. The libido as some mysterious force that happens to vary between individuals without explanation is an obsolete notion; nay, it is subject to behavioral input and habituation. Sexual activity induces ΔFosB, a major driver of habitual behavior. This is the reason why many individuals in this licentious era have noted that their sex drives have only increased since puberty. What may have been once a week as a early teen grew to every other day by mid teens to daily by late, and bidaily (if not more frequent!) by the 20s. Some may point to the hormonal hypothesis, which does play a role but this is a reductionist viewpoint. The only hormone that relates with sexual frequency is DHT, which may be elevated upon indulgence, leading to feedback-loop of sorts.

The idea that human sexuality is a free lunch able to be indulged in with impunity is a recent phenomenon, and an absurd notion if you study the complex physiology that occurs behind the scenes.


>> No.12181601 [View]
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I've had the flu the past week and nothing better to do. The only reason I've been posting at all since about April here is because I got in a car accident, and admittedly, it helps me stay steadfast in my resolve.
It's something that nobody talks about, something that nobody even wishes to discuss. There is no other venue I could bring this up on without others being endless downvoting or wanting to ban me. I can't even discuss in it person for fear of reprisals such as yours (which is the default reaction). You nitpick on single details and one-liners while ignoring the bulk of the post. You are totally closed minded and view your own position as completely incontrovertible. Whenever the evidence that you went out of your way to cherry pick turns out to be garbage, you recoil with ad hominem insults. I'll tell you one thing, I would have NEVER pursued education beyond undergrad, or even read beyond a book a month without abstinence. Without even intermittent tactical use of celibacy, a I would be a mediocre, worthless average person. I do not claim to be a saint and openly admit that I have fallen back into the habit at times, and it has only reinforced my resolve. I mentioned a while ago that satiating it with 2160p 4k pornography, made everything worse--- I spent two months, two whole months in a hole, where it felt as though I was condemned to live out the rest of my days in subjection to this horrible, habit. Sexual thoughts were infused upon waking, and throughout the day, I would be distracted---I could manage, go through the motions but I knew it infinitely less than my ideal self. This is how the masses are. Worthless. Preoccupied with their masturbatory and copulatory release, reinforcing daily, until they're just dicks for brains. Their dreams and ambitions of long ago discarded in favor of their insatiable question for instant gratification; ΔFosB induction occurs with every instance of this act and habitual pathways are so strong that abstinence is but an impossible goal; they think it will make them uncontrollably horny when in fact, the opposite is what would await. The hypersexual frequencies of the modern era is a real epidemic than far exceeds even opioids; while it might not kill an individual acutely, it will kill off his potential and make him live out out the rest of his days in service to this reinforced instinct, reducing the mind to but a means to seek pleasure at every single corner, making all other aspects and endeavors in life only a source of frustration that get in the way. You make allusions to religion but you're the one who sounds like a metaphysician; making the body, the urges of it, to be infallible, and having a totally ignorant understanding of how it works.
I'm finished. I'm retiring from posting about celibacy again. I have recovered from the accident and the flu is almost over; time to get on with life. The ideas are out out there; hopefully others utilize and develop them.

>> No.12071562 [View]
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I feel compelled to help you out. The utmost threat to self-control is regular, habitual, sexual release. It creates a viscous cycle of arousal--where you are distracted-- and release, which is followed by decreased mental activity and being subdued which again predisposes one to distractability. Breaking the sexual habit is key for exerting as much agency over life as you can. Without it, you'll always be a slave, and pulled along for the ride; this is why the overwhelming majority of people are so mediocre. The only difference is, they believe their frivolous cell phone usage, their squandering of time, was their own choice. The lack the awareness (or intelligence) to realize the fundamental heteronomy that they are in.
Getting there is the difficulty; you need to take measures to ensure that your enviroment does not contain cues that lead to these behaviors.
Develop a routine of waking up so early that you cannot help but to crash shortly after you arrive home.
Another thing I have in my notes, is that you must wholeheartedly commit to set objectives in your life. The will, undecided on a course of action, vacillates, between almost an infinite number of options but ultimately can act on one. When undecided, it usually is inclined toward whatever is the easiest, the most convenient.

>> No.11953366 [View]
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>implying and putting your own assumptions and narratives in this much
>Man, this is such a trip of a line. First it says that nearly every single time you feel aroused you feel the need to crank one out, or let it distract you in a damaging way, I can't imagine how difficult being a teenager must've been for you.
No. It neither says nor implies this. Again:
>The moment arousal happens, prefrontal transmission slows down which almost always leads to release.
Invariably it does. Whether that moment, the evening, or sometime later that day. It isn't an abnormal response for prefrontal neurotransmission to decrease in such an instance from an evolutionary perspective, so that the decision to procreate and hence continue the species won't be contemplated or even denied if given the chance. And of course, sexual stimuli, if passed over will be peculating in the subconscious possibly leading to increased sexual thoughts and so on later on. Anything other than the briefest moment of arousal will produce cowper's fluid and if not acted upon results in vasogenstion.

It actually was the reverse, being a teenager was much easier. My sexual frequency was lower and I did not masturbate as much, due to my days and mind being busier which prevented initial habituation. As habituation to pornography took place and substitution of it with coitus, and the ever increasing variety and quality of the stimuli available, the frequency too increased to daily by the end of my teenage years and even more frequently as the 20s progressed. The libido is no longer a mysterious force that is poorly understand. It is increasingly being seen as having a behavioral aspect, rather than being an individual quirk or purely hormonal driven.
>Secondly it means that you got aroused by Pynchon's comical and bizarre sex scenes, I never even got the feeling while reading that they were supposed to be arousing.
By the time I began reading Pynchon, I was mostly chaste. These decisions reflect a proactive measure to offset even the remotest chance of arousal occurring. I didn't read the sex scenes. I'm not sure if arousal would have ensued or not, I simply did not want to take the chance.
> Lastly it implies that you use scientific studies to explain your own sexual feelings and have generalized your own (abnormal) experiences onto everyone in the world.
Or perhaps it implies I have a medical background and am well attuned to physiological actions in the body due to mediation, self-awareness, etc, and noticed that the state of arousal always inclines itself to distractability and that sexual activity itself is a net negative, to which avoiding arousal is advantageous.

>> No.11906962 [View]
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>> No.11904435 [View]
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>> No.11862891 [View]
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>> No.11842877 [View]
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Wrong. Visual stimuli are a reward, as is conjuring up a visual image in your mind. This makes it especially difficult to quit because the stimuli are rewards of themselves and even thinking of the stimuli provoke arousal. Fantasy, while compelling you to act, is a reward unto itself.

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