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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14566079 [View]
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Houellebecq suffers too much from his persona.
He marketed himself as a sad, sexually frustrated racist French man writing books about flat main characters only able to cry and whine and be pathetic and relatable to his cockroach readers.
He's a much more interesting person than what he made himself like, he could shine if he had stopped posturing after writing Atomised and picked a different path.
He is legitimately talented as a writer, and it shows even in his books.
He is tired to write like this and even his readers are sick of it but he can't go back at this point.

>> No.14537446 [View]
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That ain't literature.

Mine is Prince Myshkin

>> No.14520814 [View]
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Not all French are hacks.
Perec, Céline, Huysmans, Baudelaire, Rabelais, Villon, Valery, Verne, Hugo...
All pretty good

>> No.14516483 [View]
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You aren't contributing shit by posting you know, don't you?
You stop the phenomenon by reporting and saging

>> No.14500438 [View]
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a fucking armchair

>> No.14477838 [View]
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Faulkner is such an incredible writer, much better than Hemingway.
Salinger too is better than Hemingway but not better than Faulkner.
Even Hunter Thompson is better than Hemingway and Faulkner's spiritual successor

>> No.14465193 [View]
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I gotta admit, Huysmans is alright.
I have nothing bad to say about him.

Là-bas is pretty good

>> No.14462167 [View]
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People who didn't suffer from some sort of mental disorder or were at the very least troubled in some shape or form at some point in their life are rare.
That might even be a prerequisite for writing anything of any value.

We are humans because we suffer and yearn. That's the essence of the human condition, pain.

>> No.14438691 [View]
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Hideous day.
I've been dragged to a m*ll with the excuse of watching a movie, and a terrible comedy flick at that.
That's not the point though.
Out of curiosity I looked into the "book shop" and scanned through the books while also keeping an eye on the readership.
Hienous outcome.
The walls were covered in waste paper.
Their narrative section was composed of copies upon copies of Moyes, Green, Niffeneger (I don't know who that is. I remember the name because I found it amusing) Yoshimoto, Murakami and other such aborigines.
This is where most people lurked, mainly untouchable womanoids, 40 something yo wine gurging spinsters and a few zoomers in the manga section which was just next to narrative.
The only attractive woman grabbed a book by one Nicholas Sparks and ran to the counter.
The only Joyce I could find was in the fiction area, it was an old dusty copy of Ulysses.
There was one copy of Infinite Jest which I did not dare to touch.
4 or 5 copies of "Can a lie ever be noble by Kant" also in the fiction section next to Green.
The section on Religion and History (weird pairing) counted about a dozen copies of the I ching, many books by Osho, all the Self help books a man could read while serving a life sentence, Ho to unlock your Chakra, The Kamasutra, The Book of answers and even a Talmud. Not a single Bible except one "Marriage Bible" another self help book.
History was your run of the mill pamphlets on the Egyptians and something about Roman history.
A big funko pop stack just next to the counter, various gadgets and useless plastic junk.
They had a good comic book section though so I grabbed an Corto Maltese omnibus and read it for 15 minutes.

>> No.14431239 [View]
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To be fair there are some Americans as well but I will never admit that

>> No.14402990 [View]
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>started reading through Moby Dick
>constantly have to search up words and phrases
>difficult to follow sentences make it a long and tedious process
Is Moby Dick dense for only me or did you have a hard time too? Laugh at me all you like but I think it's too advanced for me. 18 years of age for reference

>> No.14395447 [View]
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Pynchon is one of the few authors I regret not liking, such a pity...
I dedicated so much time to his novel but it has been a total waste of time.
He has a soporific effect on me, I hopelessly try to keep my eyes open but it's too incoherent and cartoonish.
My mind wanders and I end up day dreaming.
Even MASON and Dixon which is supposed to be his best has me snoring like a bear in hibernation.
I won't even bother with Gravity's Rainbow.
Such a pity.

>> No.14367466 [View]
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Extremely unimpressed with Hemingway, his overly simplistic prose is of no value and the human aspect of his work comes through as a poor man's corny humanism.
The old man and the sea is enjoyable but how the rest of his books made it in the Canon is a mistery to me.
Melodramatic crap all of it : For whom the bell tolls, Faraway to Arms..
The Killers was alright

>> No.14366187 [View]
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>he killed three people and injured 23 others in an attempt to start a revolution by conducting a nationwide bombing campaign targeting people involved with modern technology.

You are a mongoloid.

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