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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.8495924 [View]
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>mfw I used to like Epicurus when I was in HS because I was in my "everything in life is so confusing why do we make our lives so complicated, whats the point to life, why should we have to go through any suffering at all." phase.

Now I am clamoring to be the "Anything worthwhile in your own life and human civilization is only attainable through immense work, pain and struggle." Guy, but I am still a depressed pussy bitch.

>> No.8050759 [View]
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Here's the difference between reading and playing videogames or watching tv.

True readers will still read through something they aren't exactly fond of reading. They have the discipline and the willpower to struggle through difficult texts, hard to grasp subject matter, or just plain boring reading that they know is for the good of them. No matter how much it isn't immediately entertaining, readers know more about struggling through content for the long-term gain. Reading is ultimately a discipline within itself, not just for pure entertainment value all of the time. Readers know the value of at least going through SOME struggle to reach the nectar of a piece of work, if there is any at all.

Videogames, most movies, TV, etc is all immediate satisfaction or almost immediate. You don't have to work hard for the brain to become fulfilled at least in some aspect. This is why most lazy people gravitate towards videogames and TV, because it's immediate escapism and entertaining satisfaction.

This is my opinion is why reading is so important, and why the decline of reading has contributed to the degeneration of intelligent thought within western society.

This is also why I think /lit/ is one of the last good boards, because I think we all share the similar benefits of reading. We all understand at least somewhat the skills required for reading, and the benefits it produces.

I think the idea of constant escapism is hedonistic and the product of lazy fucks that need to wake up and reactivate their lives.

>> No.7983224 [View]
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>> No.7884112 [View]
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Except Nabokov was intelligent, respected, and contributed to the artform with a great novel. He also discussed deep topics about literary theory itself and wasn't just someone who gave ratings.

Name a single music critic who is that. All music critics are idiots who wear taste like a fashion show. I bet this scaruffi guy doesn't even know music theory. Neither do any of the pitchfork assholes or Anthony Fantano.

/mu/ is coming from an area where they think it's cool to literally rip other people's songs off and resample them into their own "artwork".

What I am saying here is I think /mu/ is cancer and so is Scaruffi.

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