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>> No.16615427 [View]
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Always remember that you are you. You are neither Vivekananda nor Buddha nor me. Don't get too impressed; impression is an impurity. Don't get too influenced; influence is an impurity. Be alert, watch, observe, and unless something fits with your nature, never take it. It is not for you or you are not ready for it. Whatever the case, at this moment it is not for you. You have to move through your own experience. Suffering is also needed for you to come to a ripeness, a maturity. You cannot do anything in a hurry.

Life is eternal; there is no hurry in it. Time is not lacking; life is absolutely patient, there is no impatience in it. You can move at your own pace. No need to take shortcuts; nobody has ever been successful through shortcuts. If you take a shortcut, who will give you the experience of a long, long journey? You will miss it, and there is every possibility you will come back to it, and the whole thing will have been a wastage of time and energy. Shortcuts are always illusions. Never choose a shortcut; always choose the natural. Maybe it will take a long time - let it. That's how life grows; it cannot be forced.

When Patanjali says: Lack of awareness is taking_the impure for the pure_ purity means your naturalness, as you are, uncontaminated by others. Don't make an ideal of anybody. Don't try to become like a buddha; you can become only yourself. Even if a buddha tried to become like you, it would not be possible. Nobody can become like anybody else. Everybody has his own unique way of being, and that is purity. To follow your own being, to be yourself, is purity. It is very difficult because you get impressed because you get hypnotized. It is very difficult because there are logical people who convince you. It is very difficult - they are beautiful people, their beauty impresses you. There are wonderful people around: they are magnetic, they have a charisma. When you are around them, you are simply pulled; they have a gravitation.

You have to be alert, more alert of great people, more alert of those who have a magnetism, more alert of those who can impress, influence and transform you, because they can give you an impurity. It is not that they want to give it to you; no buddha has ever tried to make anybody like himself. Not that they want it, but your own foolish mind will try to imitate, make somebody an ideal, and strive to become like that. That is the greatest impurity that can happen to a man.

Love Buddha, Jesus, Ramakrishna; be enriched by their experiences, but don't be impressed. It is very difficult because the difference is very subtle. Love, listen, imbibe, but don't imitate. Take whatever you can take, but always take it according to your nature. If something fits your nature, take it - but not because Buddha says to.

>> No.16553697 [DELETED]  [View]
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So when there is no God, there is also no holy scripture and there is no son of God like Jesus Christ to save you, and there is no meaning in the pope who represents Jesus Christ who is the son of God who does not exist. Can you be a son of someone who does not exist? To be a son of someone who does not exist simply means you are a crackpot – and the pope is representing the crackpot, Jesus Christ, and he goes on saying that he is infallible. And each pope has contradicted other popes. In these twenty centuries there have been many instances when one pope acted in a certain way and another pope demolished it and changed the rule. Both cannot be right. Both cannot be infallible. Both can be fallible, but both cannot be infallible. One has to be fallible. But if one pope is fallible, then what is the guarantee that other popes will not be fallible too?

And the pope is elected. Do you elect a buddha? Do you decide who is a buddha by election? Then your politicians will become buddhas, and your buddhas will not have any votes because your buddhas will not go begging for them. A buddha is unconcerned whether you think him a buddha or not.

The pope is elected. And you will be surprised to know that even Jesus Christ, three hundred years after his death, was elected as a divine being by a conference under the Emperor Constantine. The conference is known as the Nicene Council. It was decided that Jesus is holy by election, by voting.

You cannot decide by election that Jesus is holy. You cannot decide by election whether Albert Einstein is right or wrong – by election, by people who don’t know any mathematics, who don’t know any physics. People who don’t have any experience of the holy are voting for whether Jesus is holy or not. After three hundred years, people who have not known Jesus and people who have no idea and no experience of holiness are deciding by election!

It was just because of the power of Emperor Constantine; he forced people to vote for Jesus Christ as a holy man. Because they could not go against the emperor, they had to vote. And then the second thing he wanted them to vote on was that although Jesus Christ was holy, was a messiah, he had failed in his mission. Constantine asked the conference, “Now vote for me. I am the real messiah and a successful one.” He turned the whole Roman empire to Christianity. That’s why the Vatican exists in Italy. Italy’s old name was Rome. The whole Roman Empire under Constantine converted to Christianity. Of course he was far more successful than Jesus.

>> No.16114893 [View]
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I think that Iphones are overpriced scams that spy on you.

>> No.16022741 [View]
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The day Gautam Buddha became awakened, something in you has also become awakened. No man is an island; we are all connected, deep down in our roots. In the awakening of Gautam Buddha or in the laughter of Mahakashyapa I am also a part. The moment I understood the beauty and silence of those tears, something in me has also responded

Just in this century, Carl Gustav Jung has been able to find a right word for this experience which in the past has been called the transmission, the transfer, the communion. Jung's word is certainly very significant - although he himself is not a mystic, he is a man of great intelligence. He calls it synchronicity. And it was only by chance that he discovered the word

He was staying in an old castle with a friend. The old castle had two big antique clocks and the mystery about those clocks was that they always kept the same time. They were hanging on the same wall, and people used to come to see them. Even if you disturbed their balance, set one clock a few minutes back or put it ahead, you would be surprised: soon, within a few minutes, they would start coming back again, closer to each other

Jung was very mystified - what miracle is there? There was really no miracle, it was a very simple thing, but nobody before Jung had bothered about it. Everybody thought it was something mysterious. It was something mysterious, but it was not something that could not be understood. The mystery was that the clocks were hung upon a piece of board, very sensitive wood, so that the "tick-tick" of one clock was heard by the other clock, and they would slowly find that they were not in step. Something vibrated on the wood, and the clocks fell into step

Jung was in great difficulty to find the right word. What is happening between these two clocks? He coined the word synchronicity - something like deep sympathy, such a deep love that they cannot move differently

The mystic rose, When it was given to Mahakashyapa, certainly there were many disciples who asked Buddha, "We are puzzled, what is happening? You have not said a word; neither has he said any word, not even in thankfulness. You have given him the rose and he has received it. No language has been used from either side

Gautam Buddha said, "It is for that purpose I have brought the rose. It is very symbolic because the heart is so beautiful, your innermost being is beautiful as no rose can be, but the rose is the nearest symbol. And when it opens the fragrance also is the closest symbol, because the same fragrance, similar - of a higher level, more mysterious - the rose can represent in the mundane world of our day-to-day reality

This rose that I have given to Mahakashyapa will die. Right now it is so alive, so beautiful and so young. Just by the evening its petals will start dropping, dying. Today it is here, tomorrow there will not be even a trace left behind. Tomorrow it will be impossible to think what beauty, what fragrance had existed in reality yesterday.

>> No.15510874 [View]
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Sigmund Freud is reported to have said, “We cannot make man happy, because there is no possibility of man ever being happy. All that we can do is we can make him less unhappy.” This is a significant statement, and coming from the founder of psychoanalysis it has great importance. And he is being true.

One thing must be said about Freud: that he is always sincere. Even though his sincerity goes against many things he wants, goes against his own psychoanalysis, still he remains sincere. He never hides behind facades and masks. He is a simple man in that way. In that way he has some religious quality about him.

But otherwise, psychoanalysis can help you in particular problems: it can give you a little insight into your problems, it can make you accept them. It can bring you down from your feverish state to the average, and that too at a very great cost and years of work.

Meditation can do it within days, and meditation can do far more. It does not help you to become adjusted with the society. It helps you to be adjusted with God, with godliness. The society means the crowd. To be adjusted with the crowd is not growth, it is just the opposite of growth. The crowd consists of the lowest, and to be adjusted with the lowest you have to remain the lowest. Religion takes you to the heights, it takes you toward the sky, it gives you wings.

Religion will always be needed. Psychoanalysis may not be needed one day. Psychoanalysis is a temporary phenomenon. It is only the contemporary mind that needs it. For centuries man had lived without psychoanalysis. In the East we have not given birth to any system like psychoanalysis. We have lived without it, we are still living without it.

It is just the contemporary Western mind that has become too tense, that needs psychoanalysis. It is something like a phase which is going to pass.

Psychoanalysis will soon be part of history, but religion is going to remain forever. Religion is something without which man cannot be man.

And the psychoanalyst himself is in the same trap as you are. He needs religion as much as you. He needs meditation as much as you, or maybe he needs it more than you because he has to live with mentally ill people. He becomes infected by all their illnesses.

Patient: “People seem to think I’m brash, provocative and forward.”

Psychiatrist: “I quite understand, Miss. Now, I want to make a few notes. Would you mind getting off my lap for a few minutes?”

If you live with people like this long enough, you may be helping them, bits of insight may be given to them, but they are also changing you meanwhile.

More psychoanalysts commit suicide than any other profession. More psychoanalysts go mad than any other profession. It is very strange. Psychoanalysts going mad is enough condemnation of psychoanalysis.

>> No.14951582 [View]
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Islam is shit
Christianity is shit
Judaism is shit

Why do people still follow these desert cults in the year fucking 2020?

>> No.14911141 [View]
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Wisdom is not knowledge. The knowledgeable person cannot see it, he is blind. Only the innocent person can see it, only a child, one who knows nothing, one who functions from the state of not knowing, can know what wisdom is. Wisdom has nothing to do with knowledge, not at all; it has something to do with innocence. Something of the purity of the heart is a must; something of the emptiness of being is needed for wisdom to grow.

“Only those who are like small children will be able to enter into my kingdom of God.” Yes, Jesus is right.

Knowledge comes from without, wisdom wells up within. Knowledge is borrowed, wisdom is original. Wisdom is your insight into existence – not Buddha’s insight, not Atisha’s insight, not my insight, but your insight, absolutely your insight into existence.

When you are able to see with no dust of knowledge on the mirror of your soul, when your soul is without any dust of knowledge, when it is just a mirror, it reflects that which is. That is wisdom. That reflecting of that which is, is wisdom.

Knowledge gratifies the ego, wisdom happens only when the ego is gone, forgotten. Knowledge can be taught; universities exist to teach you. Wisdom cannot be taught, it is like an infection: you have to be with the wise, you have to move with the wise, and only then will something start moving inside you.

The movement in the disciple is not caused by the master; it is not under the law of cause and effect. It is what Carl Gustav Jung calls synchronicity. The master is so full of silence, so overflowing with innocence, that his presence triggers a process in you, simply triggers a process in you. Nothing is transferred; your inner being starts remembering “I also have the same treasure as my master, I had simply forgotten about it. I had moved into the without, keeping the within at the back. The treasure was not lost but only forgotten; I had fallen asleep.”

And the sleeping person at the most can dream that he is awake. But that too is a dream. That dream is knowledge. The person who is asleep and thinks that he knows…that is knowledge. But the person who really awakes is wisdom. Knowledge is a false, plastic substitute for wisdom.

Wisdom is true knowledge – rather knowing than knowledge, because it has no full stop to it. It goes on growing, it goes on flowing. The man of wisdom goes on learning; there never comes a stop.

Don’t be knowledgeable, be wise.

>> No.14260022 [View]
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>I too enjoy fucking goats

For example, Mohammed said to his disciples that they can marry four wives. But it became a guideline for the future, and now Mohammedans everywhere are insisting that this is a question of their religion, they have to marry four wives. In Mohammed's time there was so much war, murder, arson, that the population of men and women had come to that proportion - one man, four women - because men were being killed in war. It was simply compassionate of Mohammed to say that one man should marry four wives; nothing was wrong in it. But to make it a guideline for the future, forever, is dangerous.

Now the situation is different. If one man marries four wives, then three men will remain bachelors. The situation has completely reversed, but the mind of followers is such that they will not see the point. Why had Mohammed insisted on marrying four women? So that three are not left unmarried, because they will suffer unnecessary psychological repressions, they will become prostitutes, they will destroy the whole moral structure.

But now the situation is just the opposite: if a Mohammedan marries four wives then he is driving three men to remain celibate. Those three people are not going to sit silently, they will have to do something. Then all kinds of perversions - the same perversions that Mohammed was trying to avoid - are all over Mohammedan countries. Because you are rich you can get as many wives as you want - and four is not the limit, it is the minimum. Mohammed himself married nine wives; that is enough example for rich emirs and sheiks and oil kings. They can marry hundreds of women - all the beautiful women of their country are brought to them - but what about all those hundreds of young people who are deprived of their wives and their rights? You are driving them to homosexuality. You are driving them into other perversions, sodomy.

Men making love to animals_ It is worse than rape, because the innocent animal is in your hands, whatever you want to do you can do. When you rape a woman, in some way or other she cooperates, otherwise it is not easy. Perhaps deep down she desires it, because whenever a woman is raped - the man is certainly criminal, I am not saving him from his crime - but the woman is not absolutely innocent. In the unconscious somewhere there is a desire that somebody should find her so beautiful, so irresistible, that he will even be ready to commit a crime. That is a kind of tremendous satisfaction, a confirmation of her beauty, of her charm.

>> No.14232046 [View]
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People even follow, but then too they follow out of misunderstanding. Just becoming a follower does not change anything in your life. It is not a question of following somebody: it is a question of understanding somebody who is awakened. Hence, I don't call you my followers but only my friends. If you can be my friends, if you can be in deep love and trust here in my presence, if you can be present to my presence, if we can face each other and mirror each other, tremendously important things will start happening of their own accord, because your heart will understand, and when the heart understands, immediately transformation happens.

When the head understands, then it asks, "How? Yes it is right; now, how can it be done?" Remember this difference: in the head, knowledge and action are two different things; in the heart, knowledge is action.

Socrates says: "Knowledge is virtue" and he has not been understood down the ages. Even his own disciples, Plato and Aristotle, did not understand him rightly. When he says that knowledge is virtue, he means there is a way of listening and understanding in which the moment you understand a thing you can't do otherwise. When you see that this is the door, then you cannot try to get out through the wall, you will get out through the door. Seeing means acting, seeing brings action.

If when I tell you, "This is the door. Whenever you want to get out, please get out through this door, because you have hurt your head enough by trying to get out through the wall," you say, "Yes, sir, I understand perfectly well, but how to get out through the door?" your question will show that the heart has not listened, only the head. The head always asks "How?"

>> No.5072729 [View]
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What does /lit/ think of him?

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