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>> No.23210412 [View]
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A short book that covers everything that could be said to make a great man written by an SS Man who volunteered to fight on the East Front. Strength, honor, beauty, love and more are covered in its pages. It draws from many sources and combines them in to a coherent and vitalistic world-view that actively makes one wish to engage the world with chest out and shoulders back. It is broken down in to short chapters for ease of reading.

>> No.23069916 [View]
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It is not about paganism, but more about a Post-Christian world-view.

>> No.23042163 [View]
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Nothing you have said is true. Your conception of an aristocrat is an inbred modern landowner, as far removed from an aristocracy in spirit, meaning and ability as one can get. They are no different to the masses beyond wealth and inherited physical deficiencies.

>> No.22984483 [View]
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>> No.22955886 [View]
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This is a great read, really expands on a world-view many people within the Nazi's Third Reich had, or tried to embrace.

>> No.22943497 [View]
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Read this lad instead, it covers much of the same topics.

>> No.22825550 [View]
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Largely yes, not a coordinated conspiracy like some suggest but a natural convergence of interests, the majority of whom happened to be internationalist jewish socialists. As George Carlin said before he became shit. Most of the problems Germany and regular German's faced were because of Jewish actions.
>Sparticist Civil War and take over of German cities and several of its States and imposed Jewish (Communist) leaders
>Barmat Scandal in which Jews engaged in rampant war profiteering of food while millions of Germans starved
>Sklarek Scandal in which Jews were contracted to provide war supplies during and after the war, but intentionally never delivered
>Subversion of the typical gender and sexual norms of society, headed by a cabal of jews, including pedophilia, homosexuality, transsexualism and more.

There are countless more which at the core was always instigated by a group of jews, I am saddened that so many died in the Holocaust but not as sad as I am by the defeat of the most successful government Europe had seen in centuries.

>There's no need for formal conspiracies when all of these economic and political elites share the same ideology, which they learned from their environment growing up in similar positions of privilege within the dominant culture.

>Picrel is unrelated but was written by a SS man and has a marvelous world-view.

>> No.22526820 [View]
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I agree with a great deal Evola wrote and said, but you can not for a moment take anything he said about fatherhood when he himself had no children.

Picrel is pro-natalist.

>> No.22501676 [View]
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I'm sure the Jewish translator of it is not at all subversive and has in no way ameliorated the most critical statements Nietzsche made on the jews.

>> No.22338511 [View]
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Read Kurt Eggers instead of Evola.

>> No.22251794 [View]
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The Ford Translation, it can be downloaded from archive.org and comes with a guide to specific parts as to why the translator chose that specific word.

>> No.22186300 [View]
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We all aspire to be Prussian. The philosophy, memoirs and thoughts of a humble writer and soldier. His world-view is one of natural order, practical advice and belonging to the ethnic community. Hope you enjoy it.

>> No.22185821 [View]
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Are you capable of expressing anything worthwhile?

Terrible metaphor, but the Holocaust is the foundational myth of the current West. It ought to be broken and shattered, along with those who propagate it.

>> No.21702921 [View]
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Arabs have never performed maintenance of their weapons, vehicles or equipment, they do not know how. The only people the Israeli army is capable of defeating is illiterate goat-fuckers. The high IQ jews are utterly powerless against any foe with the capacity to think more than twenty-four hours ahead. Let us not forget how much indirect support they had sitting in the sea providing them with all manner of sophisticated surveillance equipment that the jew themselves had no understanding of how to use.

You are not the martial people you think you are, you have been beaten, mauled, raped, robbed, abused and murdered by every single nation you have settled in. Let's not forget that fact. Based on current social trends it is likely we are heading in that direction once more.

>> No.21661874 [View]
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Exactly. Kurt Eggers does not do this, the translations of his work are evocative and uplifting and above all relatable.

>> No.21644666 [View]
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Kurt Eggers.

>> No.21559859 [View]
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The end.

They will do all they can to keep you away from nationalism and ethnic culture. Read Kurt Eggers, he touches on many of themes Evola mentions but within a framework of racial and ethnic roots and groundedness.

>> No.21551317 [View]
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This. Read Kurt Egger.

>> No.21546630 [View]
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>Read Evola.
Ive read Evola, i do not agree with much of what he said. Further he neglects the material in favor of the spiritual. Instead i say to you, read Kurt Eggers as he incorperates the spiritual in such a way that it is intrinsic to the material, specifically to blood and soil which is central to my world-view. He also does it much less verbose manner, which is a critique of Evola himself not his ideas.

There is nothing, so far, thst could convince me Traditionalism or tradlife, have anything worthwhile to offer the future. Both are dead ends that skirt around the very real fact that without a focus on ethnic/racial primacy of White people, nothing will rise to the lofty hights as it could of.

>> No.21534484 [View]
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I believe it is a true quote but Evola did not value the material world at all. Which is why i dislike much of his thought, and why people recommend him. Just read National-Socialist authors, those that wrote during it and in the lead up. Kurt Eggers is far superior to Evola in both action and thought.

>> No.21498925 [View]
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Try reading this. It addresses many of the same problems Ted did but about sixty years before he came famous but has a more fitting solution than destroy everything with bombs.

A culture that exports a device that destroys native culture is an anti-culture. It is not a better culture, cultures are built up over time, in part by the ethnic people who make them up and in part by the environment in which they were raised. This is then steered, unintentionally (Kings, Princes, Lords, Knights, Shieks, Imams, etc), by leaders of their community.

America did not do this, it outsources all of these things to the lowest bidder and as a result, international business interests have taken them over. Yours is a plastic culture, artificial and manufactured to fit whatever they chose. Rather than a slow evolution of natural beliefs and values over time.

An anti-culture. Don't get me wrong, there is much about the US that I love, I live here. But to say it has a culture is just factually wrong. You are plastic reproduction, like all the shit you buy from China.

>> No.21438083 [View]
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>What did this obscure, useless philosopher think of briefly important British former conservative politician?

I do not get the fascination with Evola. It strikes me as wanting to be something approximating a Fascist without proclaiming to be one. Either because you're still conditioned towards a knee-jerk reaction when somebody says Fascist/National-Socialist or that you are fearful of ending up on a watchlist for saying such.

What is the fascination and drawn to him? He had nothing practical to say, as far as I am aware, all of his stuff was akin to Christendom and that all rewards come in some form of head-space, rather than practical Materialist improvement, not meaning Consumerist but in the meaning that the world we see about us is more important than Mysticism and Spiritualism.

Why not just read Mein Kampf and find a grounded World-View in Blood & Soil and from there explore metaphysical concepts from that starting point? I know he cared little for Race and ethnic groupings, but as the world progresses and how the last 100 years have played out, one can not deny that fact that some groups are utterly incapable of conscious thought, let alone any sort of higher capacity for reason and exploration.

>> No.21410498 [View]
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Read Mein Kampf and similar literature. What you are feeling is the natural reaction from being cut off from your ethnic group. What is needed is ethno-cultural collectivism, the very thing that Peterstein has rejected. You can not maintain culture alone, it takes a group, you need to establish an ethno-group and associate based on that very fact.

>> No.21410298 [View]
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Tradition is the worst reason to do something, if it provides no benefit beyond reptition it should be dropped. We do it because we have always done it. No, traditions need to provide some benefit for them to be kept. Ritual alone is not enough to ensure it is maintained.

Literally, the preservation of Blood & Soil is the only means by which a society is driven forward.

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