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>> No.22957150 [View]
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Other studies worth reading
>A. James Gregor, The Ideology of Fascism
A very good overview of Italian fascism that debunks many myths about it and idiotic interpretations of it.
>Zeev Sternhell, The Birth of Fascist Ideology
A classic and still probably the single best, overall interpretation of Italian fascism and French third positionism.
>Zeev Sternhell, Neither Right nor Left
More in-depth on the French setting. Alain de Benoist has a good book on French on Berth if you end up being interested in the French angle, and Eugen Weber has a good study of Action Francaise.
>Nicholas Nagy-Talavera, The Green Shirts and Others
Best overview of Codreanu's Legion.
>Stanley Payne, Falange
Best overview of Falange, which is in the same tradition as French third positionism as described by Sternhell.

Other general works on fascism that are useful to consult
>Ernst Nolte, Three Faces of Fascism
Still a great work even if Nolte's ultimate thesis is criticized.
>Roger Griffin, The Idea of Fascism
Griffin's interpretation of fascism as a form of modernism with its own internal logic is now dominant in fascist studies. This is his landmark study.
>Roger Griffin, Fascism and Modernism
This is Griffin's final authoritative statement on his synthetic interpretation of fascism. It's hard to read and I wouldn't read it first if I were you.
>Stanley Payne, A History of Fascism 1914-1945
Just a good overview.

More primary sources that can shed light on the national socialist worldview in parallel or as precursors:
>Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, For my Legionaries
>José Antonio Primo de Rivera, Anthology of Speeches and Quotes
>Ernst von Salomon, anything (Outlaws, Fragebogen)
>Alain de Benoist, Vu de droite
>Georges Sorel, Reflections on Violence
>Joseph de Maistre, Considerations on France
>Thomas Mann, Reflections/Observations of an Unpolitical Man (Betrachtungen Eines Unpolitischen)
>Hermann Löns, The Warwolf (Der Wehrwolf)

>> No.22939588 [View]
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>> No.22937113 [View]
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It's funny you talk about trying to convince people on Facebook as I have similar memories of trying to argue with people on 4chan about things as simple and silly as Fallout 3 being a disgrace to the Fallout IP. I remember finding it so bewildering that I couldn't convince people of the proposition "Just because you had fun playing it, doesn't mean it should have been made or that it was good" by using analogies like "A child likes eating a bag of sugar and would insist that you let him keep eating it. Does that mean this is 'good'? What if it prevents him from developing a more refined palate, or rewards lazy confectioners while putting superior ones out of business, or even outright kills the kid?" I was baffled that I could never convince anyone. But it's because my idea of understanding was fundamentally democratic. I assumed everybody was like me (autistic) and I was like everybody. Turns out, most people aren't capable of even following a syllogism. Around the time I figured this out, my belief in democracy and liberalism began to die.

I still believe in fairness, and I hate oligarchies and apparatchiks too much ever to support a merely class-based elitism but I'm so antidemocratic that even the notion of "what the masses think of X" seems like a category error to me. "The masses" can't "think" of anything, they just go with the flow, which is not thinking. By extension democracy is impossible. What could it possibly mean to "poll the masses" for what they "think?"

Obviously society needs to return to traditional models and obviously a massive reckoning is in the cards, in which the masses will be slapped back down and forced to learn humility again, but I would prefer this not be enacted by faggoty 18th century noblemen of the Versailles variety or random Roman patricians who own slaves instead of being slaves by mere lottery of birth. We need to sublimate both the aristocratic and socialist impulses in a dialectical synthesis. I think Evola is one of the few people who understood this, although even he balked at how far National Socialism went in creating a classless society.

If more commies knew just how far the NSDAP went in this regard, they'd probably become Nazbols overnight.

>> No.22924030 [View]
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Fascism is a broad term that encompasses many things. At minimum it can indicate any form of right-wing socialism, nationalist socialism or national syndicalis, or integralism. People restrict the definition based on personal preference and context. For example German National Socialism is obviously called völkisch socialism rather than fascism by people who think that only the national syndicalist "family" of fascisms (including Italian Fascism and the Spanish Falange) should be considered true fascism, but in the day to day everybody knows you're broadly referring to völkisch socialism as well when you talk about fascism.

From a large-scale comparative perspective, basically all forms of socialism that don't converge on hardcore internationalist socialism by 1900-1920 could be considered fascist. Thus you have the convergence of French syndicalism with French nationalism and integralism with the Cercle Proudhon, and Mussolini's own flip from leading Marxist intellectual to founder of the Italian Fascist Party, as well as Werner Sombart's flip from leading Marxist intellectual in Germany to leading National Socialist ideologue. From the other direction, too, you get a lot of conservative revolutionary nationalists who are deeply dissatisfied with existing conservatism (which in Germany was influenced by Burkean moderacy and gradualism, and was basically never more than a convenient front for the embedded aristocracy - see pic related) and with the political establishment (which they see as infected and weighed down by capitalism and dead liberal parliamentary norms, and increasingly becoming a mere bureaucracy), and so they begin to approach socialism "from the right" because they see it as having a legitimate revolutionary impulse: the impulse to overthrow mediocre and arbitrary forms of rule and to found a more organic society. Thinkers in this tradition are people like Oswald Spengler (Prussian socialism) and Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, Othmar Spann (The True State), the younger Ernst Jünger and Jungkonservativen, etc.

Internationalist socialism was a failure, radical communism was both weak and (where it did exist) an obvious front for USSR propaganda, the USSR itself was universally reviled as a headless zombie Russian empire, and all the old socialist parties by 1920-1930 had happily become bourgeois social democrats and melded with The System. The most vital socialist impulse of the interwar period was right-wing socialism or nationalist socialism. This created a broad discourse of what we now call fascism. A lot of them actually admired Lenin's revolution, again, for its revolutionary aspect, and wanted to carry out similar revolutions on national-socialist or national-syndicalist grounds in the West. Above all they were opposed to the "Americanization" of life and the degeneration of the European spirit that seemed inevitable due to capitalism, rule by financiers, and headless technocracy.

>> No.22905902 [View]
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>> No.22810689 [View]
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"In fact, the legacy of the HJ experience was ambiguous. On the
one hand, the HJ had encouraged many members and particularly
those who had taken on significant responsibilities within the move-
ment, to be very active. It had conveyed the powerful experience
that for those willing to put in the effort to the collective, the reward
could be considerable personal advancement. The dissolution of the
HJ consequently left a vacuum in the post-war period that cried out
to be filled with new activity ...
The resulting ambivalent outlook was probably extremely significant
in explaining the particular pattern of behaviour which emerged in
both Germanies after the war. Both societies seem to have been
characterised by a willingness to put in enormous effort in return for
recognition and personal advancement.
The lesson the HJ generation drew from
the past, then, was Pflichtbewusstsein, a willingness to do one's duty, or
better Leistungsbereitschaft, a willingness to give it everything one
had, largely irrespective of whatever state form or political system
happened to be in operation at the time."

>> No.22799989 [View]
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"Against Liberalism," Alain de Benoist. First chapter here:

Also Paul Piccone:

>> No.22666717 [View]
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>> No.22660684 [View]
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>> No.22404059 [View]
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>> No.22171498 [View]
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Reminder that the entelechy of New Sincerity is third positionism.

>> No.22130514 [View]
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Become a third positionist

>> No.22122760 [View]
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Reminder that you have been lied to. Marx would have been a third positionist had he lived to see the 20th century. He would have disavowed the Bolsheviks, and even Lenin himself disavowed Stalinism and would not have recognized the fully crystallized USSR.

You can absolutely be a socialist and a communist without being an internationalist. "Internationalism" in current leftism is a tool to make socialists weak, it's designed to turn it into a feel-good crypto-liberal hippie circle. Marx was NOT an internationalist of this kind. No actual communist wanted the utopian and childish "dissolution of nations."

>leftists proving as always don't even care what Marxism is or what Marx said
Like I said, crypto-liberals.

>> No.21878769 [View]
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In this context the HJ generation also argued that there had been
a stronger 'social side' to National Socialism than later generations
and most outsiders have been willing to acknowledge. Such things as
the training competitions, for example, the fact that there were no
school fees for the poor, the introduction of coeducation, com-
petitions for the most social factory or more generally working for
'the community' were cited as examples.

Another important point which has now become well established
in the historical literature is that despite the official National Social-
ist ideology on woman's role in society, girls and young women in
the youth movement gained new experiences and responsibilities
very much outside the domestic sphere. The experience of exercising
authority within the organisation collided with the official image of
women as mothers, tied to church, children and the chip-pan.

Most had formed, as we
have seen, their own complex picture of positive and negative
experiences and were now outraged by the blank negative judge-
ment being cast on the Third Reich. Even those who had never
regarded themselves as Nazis found that it was no longer permissible
to mention even the 'positive things' about the Third Reich without
being treated as such.

In fact, the legacy of the HJ experience was ambiguous. On the
one hand, the HJ had encouraged many members and particularly
those who had taken on significant responsibilities within the move-
ment, to be very active. It had conveyed the powerful experience
that for those willing to put in the effort to the collective, the reward
could be considerable personal advancement. The dissolution of the
HJ consequently left a vacuum in the post-war period that cried out
to be filled with new activity ...
The resulting ambivalent outlook was probably extremely significant
in explaining the particular pattern of behaviour which emerged in
both Germanies after the war. Both societies seem to have been
characterised by a willingness to put in enormous effort in return for
recognition and personal advancement.
The lesson the HJ generation drew from
the past, then, was Pflichtbewujitsein, a willingness to do one's duty, or
better Leistungsbereitschaft, a willingness to give it everything one
had, largely irrespective of whatever state form or political system
happened to be in operation at the time.

What was the psychological state and social condition of German
youth as the war came to an end? There is little doubt that the
Nazis' comprehensive youth programme had left a deep impression.
More than any previous regime, the Third Reich had created a
unified youth, with mentality, attitudes and values that transcended
differences of class and region

>> No.21715273 [View]
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"Reaction is a necessary term in the intellectual context we inhabit in the twentieth century because merely to conserve is sometimes to perpetuate what is outrageous."
>Mel Bradford

>> No.21711861 [View]
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>Codreanu’s most effective propaganda in these years was to be work, action, and [leading by] example. Hundreds of voluntary labor camps of the Legion, then called the TPT Party, dotted the map of Romania, repairing village bridges, roads, and churches, building dams, digging wells and working “for the collective and national solidarity.” In these camps, the boyar son worked side by side with the son of the laborer and the peasant, creating a powerful feeling of national unity and renovation. If the new intellectuals who graduated (or failed to graduate) in increasing numbers from the universities and joined the ranks of the Legion were strongly anti-Semitic because of the Jewish middle classes blocking their way, the lower classes came to the Legion because they hoped to fulfill their desires for a social justice on a national rather than a Russian Bolshevik platform.

>As the Legion increased in importance, it had to take a certain number of stands on practical issues of the day despite its acute revulsion to dealing with the problems of the sordid twentieth-century industrial age. These stands and attitudes were taken on an ad hoc basis when the Legion had to face them, and the result was a curious mixture of their ideology and more realistic considerations. Although it concentrated its activities in the villages, the Legion formed the Corps of Legionary Workers in 1936 and in addition to the dozens of labor camps, Codreanu ordered the Legion to enter a very new field for Romanians, commerce. He wanted to prove that not only Jews could be successful in this area. "In less than a year, the Battalion of Legionary Commerce founded a chain of Legionary restaurants, groceries, and repair shops covering Bucharest and the provincial towns. The income from these establishments financed vacations for underprivileged children and provided funds for the movement.” Besides the commercial establishments, there was a Legionary welfare organization, and steps were taken to organize Legionary cooperatives. At the opening of the Legionary sanatorium in Predeal, different payment rates were established. Everybody was to pay according to his conscience; the poor were not to pay at all.

>> No.21705989 [View]
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But instead, either projections were wrong or other factions were also working on their own projects (destroying all cities with anarcho-tyranny, demoralizing everybody, flooding social services with Cloward-Piven type strategies via mass immigration) and you get 2023 San Francisco as the norm instead. So now they are switching back to controlled demolition models. Don't get cocky: things you consider to be a victory, like Orban and Meloni winning in their countries, and probably le Pen soon too, those can be moved like chess pieces within the elites' models just as much as they can within yours. All politicians go where the wind blows, and the winds are still controlled or at least better understood by the vampire elites right now. So instead of tending toward true illiberalism, Orban and Meloni will tend toward "natcon" (national-conservative) movements promoted by Israeli thinktank interests who mostly control US post-neoconservative discourse - most of the "BASED TRUMP!" stuff you see is also modelled, by people who themselves dislike the neocons like you do, but for different reasons, they dislike them because they're no longer EFFECTIVE. They want a replacement, an anti-neocon "new conservatism" that satisfies all the Trump people and people longing for a collapse of decadent society, but that still keeps things as decadent and frozen in place as the neocons did. They are modelling you, predicting your reactions, when you go "BASED ORBAN" they filter it into their model and prioritize controlling Orban, shaping him and other natcons like him into everything you want EXCEPT the actual thing you want (all image no substance).

The one thing we have going for us now is that their models failed re: COVID / EU social credit systems / multiculturalism as a way of diluting and disorienting societies. But this is still only a tactical victory, not a strategic one. One other thing that is useful is that we can tell, based on what they clearly thought would happen (multiculturalism and mass immigration would be absorbed by welfare states into reddity "walkable cities" between 1995 and 2020), that they are genuinely stupid: we can tell they have no actual understanding of human nature or human societies, we can tell they are "individualists" themselves, because they based their attempts to scientifically model human behavior to predict all contingencies on a "systematically individualist" anthropology. They really did think that welfare states + reddit ""prosperity"" (gig economy, AI drone delivers anal lube to your door, your electro-gizmo-car says "Hello Gregory, you're looking handsome today uwu~" when you get into it) would be the dominant centripetal force, and naturally integrate/overwhelm any centrifugal forces like ghettoization, deracination, the death of religious feeling etc.

>> No.21576892 [View]
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>> No.21448875 [View]
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If you actually want to know, because of this:

>> No.21343057 [View]
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>> No.21333543 [View]
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Evola's books, Myth of the Blood, and Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race are very good on this. Myth of the Blood is an overview of the history of racial doctrine. Very detailed, so you can skim for the meat, making it shorter than it seems.

Decent summary:

Racism vs. anti-racism is an MKULTRA psyop designed to limit thought to a polar opposition between two retarded nonsense positions. They took the most vulgar elements of the most vulgar Nazis and turned them into "The Thing Everybody Who Disagrees With Us Believed," so that you can only choose between retarded insane sadistic "white supremacy" and retarded insane racemixing glorification as the default.

They mix this with authoritarianism vs. liberalism, again, as if the only two positions one can hold are "everyone is a slave to the state, run by one guy!" and "everybody is free to buy whatever Frogurt they choose!" It is a perfectly valid critique of liberalism that it is demotic, not democratic, and ochlocratic, as a smokescreen for technocratic oligarchy. Read about Burnham's "revolution of mass and scale":

And read this:

And this:

And these if you really want to get into what fascism was about:

>> No.21037830 [View]
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The demands of Codreanu and the Iron Guard to the completely corrupt parliamentary regime in Romania:
>WE DEMAND the introduction of the death penalty, exclusively for the fraudulent manipulators of public funds.
>WE DEMAND the revision and confiscation of the fortunes of those that fleeced their poor country.
>WE DEMAND the calling to account of the politicians that have been proven to have worked against the country, supporting fraudulent private dealings.
>WE DEMAND the future obstruction of political persons that have been proven to have worked against the country, supporting fraudulent private dealings.
>WE DEMAND the future obstruction of political persons to take part in administration councils of various banks and institution.
>WE DEMAND the ejection of the droves of merciless exploiters who came to this land to exploit the riches of the soil and the labor of our arms.
>WE DEMAND that the Romanian territory be declared an inalienable and imprescriptible property of the Romanian Nation.

>3) To declare war on misery and general poverty, putting the good to
work and to temperance, sending the parasitical elements to work by
force, which play the sluggard role in the hive of the state, all the
slothful, who watch the coffee shop tables from dawn till dusk, the bored
ones who wander the streets, all the electoral agents from city halls,
prefect’s offices, ministries, the democratic ideologues who wish to keep
cheap discourses.

>4) To abolish all that is parasitism on the worn-out body of the
country, to raise up, organize and stimulate the creative energies of the

>5) To abolish dishonesty and confiscate the riches of the guilty,
bringing the stolen money back to the state coffers, to the last dime.

>6) To take charge of the large destitute mass, for better or for worse, to
eat of the same brown bread and the same poor meal that the
downtrodden worker eats. That in these harsh times, moral filth,
unequal treatment harms much more than material filth. Some live in
luxury, with champagne and caviar and others don ’t even have polenta,
under the people-loving democratic regime.

>10) To raise from the ground up the new ethnic national state, to be
based upon national culture, family and worker corporations.

>> No.21025968 [View]
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You want national syndicalism or some other variant of third positionism

Sorel was a fan of both Lenin and Mussolini, and the Young Conservatives in Germany were big fans of Lenin, as was the fascist Ezra Pound

>> No.21013120 [View]
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Daily reminder that when your podcast listening "dirtbag leftist" pea brain strains to find a form of socialism that isn't gay liberalism nanny state shit or weak feckless cuckolds like Bernie Sanders, what is really happening is that your soul is longing to manifest its natural political entelechy: national syndicalism

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