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10128783 No.10128783 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10128816

'Whatever' is pretty much /r9k/ the novel.

>> No.10128819

Its not really a new phenomenon, its been going on forever. The only reason its of interest now is that the losers have been given platforms.

>> No.10128822

It's nothing new. Just back in the day these NEETs would just quietly kill themselves instead of whining to other people.

>> No.10128826

Don't talk shit about NEETs, they are an inherently noble people. Its the incels that deserve this roasting.

>> No.10128831

no, but he described it well

wrong. read a book.

wrong again.

>> No.10128843

>implying that Venn diagram isn't just one circle

>> No.10128849

NEETs who actively made the choice are alright, but they don't whine about it, so obviously not the type of people I meant.

>> No.10128853

Artistically, the cultures of it is a recent occurrence post industrialization. Kafka was the first major occurrence in literature. It's why a professor deemed him the "Shakespeare of the modern civilization."

>> No.10128864

It's not new, but it has been accelerated and is more common than ever. As Houellebecq himself explained, the sexual revolution read to free market liberalism entering the sexual market.

Back when the only socially acceptable way to live was monogamous marriage most people ended up married.

>> No.10128926
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Which do you prefer, /lit/? Clean Houellebecq? Or Dirty Houellebecq?

>> No.10128940

Pretty sure you can find examples in the earliest literature. Its not like its a new phenomenon

>> No.10128947

Then find some examples, faggot.

dirty all the way.

>> No.10128963
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there's also sleazy tan rich sex tourist houellebecq in between

>> No.10128965

Is that irl Wojak?

>> No.10128973
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>> No.10129119

The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.10129127

>Its the incels that deserve this roasting.
Why? NEETs are lazy losers who can't manage to work. Being a NEET is a choice. Being an incel means that you have shitty genes. It's not a choice.

>> No.10129159

Werther had what we would call "oneitis," but if he weren't such a romantic he would find another woman

>> No.10129166
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People who fuck and are content fucking and people who don't fuck and are content not fucking both make sensible lifestyle choices. Their expectations from life match their reality.

It's the people that can't fuck yet are obsessed with fucking that are sad, maladjusted beings that only torture themselves.

>> No.10129171

incel in reality just means lazy loser who doesn't want to work to get money to get pussy, by that logic. plenty of ugly cunts holiday in thailand.

>> No.10129176

But how is that their fault? Human beings are inherently sexual. People have innate sexual desires, and when those desires can't be fulfilled those people naturally become alienated and full of angst. It's like making fun of someone who's angry for being born poor.

>> No.10129186

Not having a job in a Western country is the result of bad decisions on your part, for the most part. Exceptions exist, but if you're not employed or being educated, and you don't have a disability, you are most likely lazy. Being too ugly to attract anyone often isn't the result of any bad decisions, it's usually genetic.

>> No.10129211
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Being too ugly is directly the result of not spending enough to fix it and not putting in enough effort (gym, job, clothing, etc.)

>> No.10129222

It's not like hunger, and not only because you won't perish of lack of sex. The difference between the starving and incels is that the starving don't need to be seen eating; incels not only want to get laid, but they also need to be seen fucking the most desirable woman. I have a growing suspicion that what incels desire is not so much sex as much as it is the social approbation that attends sex; furthermore, the approbation they want is not so much that of women, but that of their fellow men. Tldr: angry incels are mad they don't feel validated by other men more than they are angry that women won't fuck them.

>> No.10129229

if you can have a job you can pay for pussy. incel fixed

>> No.10129235

Did Goncarov predict the NEET phenomenon?

>> No.10129241

No, it's much more complicated than that. The problem is fundamentally hormonal. The thing is that when you're a teenager or young man, your sex drive is insane. That hyperactive sex drive could, in the past, be sublimated into a sports or art, but the problem with our contemporary culture is that it's so highly-sexualized that we're bombarded with sexual images every time we go out. Sex and exposed body parts are literally everywhere. So if you're a 19 year old boy who gets a boner every hour, and then is forced to live in a society where sex is everywhere and all media is dedicated to a particular notion of romantic love, and you can't participate in that, then it causes a feeling of alienation that's almost indescribable. You're seeing what your body and culture are telling you that you need everywhere, and you can't have it. It makes you want to die.

>> No.10129246
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The point is that there are wise and unwise days of dealing with the hand you've bean dealt.

If someone were to lose his legs as a child the wise thing for him to be is to live as well as he can despite his disabilities rather than to spend the rest of his life complaining about having no legs and by not being to accept reality increasing his suffering even more.

The incel wallows in his frustration with the inevitable.

>> No.10129249

I agree that the alienation is extraordinarily painful, but that's exactly my point; the problem is NOT hormonal, but social, and it depends on validation and not the innate desire for sex.

>> No.10129250

Being rich is not just something that you can become. Having the money to get the sort of plastic surgery than Musk got is the result of an incredible amount of luck and innate talent. A normal person can't just become a billionaire.

>> No.10129251

Stop posting meme tier motivational quotes with no substance, and fuck you. Perhaps, something is wrong with modern society as Houellebecq has so well predicted.

>> No.10129252

Yes. Autismbux are basically redistributed aristocracy.

>> No.10129261
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>Stop posting meme tier motivational quotes with no substance, and fuck you.
They may seem trite by themselves but if you let your life be ruined by not getting pussy reading a bunch of Stoics might be helpful.

>Perhaps, something is wrong with modern society as Houellebecq has so well predicted.
I agree, that's why I live the enlightened volcel neetlife

>> No.10129277

I'm not an "incel", I'm not bitter about not having sex but I realize that the incel phenomena is real and it's spawning a very dark energy that will lash out once the time is right.

>> No.10129279

It's how hormones interact with culture. But that's besides the point, because one can't choose which culture they're born into.

>and it depends on validation and not the innate desire for sex.

The sexual aspect of the alienation is usually how the entire thing is framed (by incels themselves, admittedly), but the real issue is the lack of intimacy. Sex as a purely physiological issue can be dealt with through masturbation, but wanting another person to actually touch you isn't acting entitled, it's acting like a normal human being. Going years without any sort of intimate human contact makes one indescribably lonely.

>> No.10129287

Most incels do just bear it in public. The private online complaints are just normal human expressions of frustration. What do you want someone in pain to do, bottle it up because it's unpleasant, or express it to other people and know that they're not alone?

>> No.10129316

All three are the problem. Even if you think that the first shouldn't be an issue, and the second can be dealt with by jerking off, there's nothing an incel can do about the third.

>> No.10129317


>> No.10130407

He looks so gay in this picture. Is there something wrong with him?

>> No.10130408

Not remotely true

>> No.10130409

Is he already losing his hair at such a young age as he appears there?

>> No.10130415


He's French.

>> No.10130420

You don't need to be a billionaire to shave and work out. The only thing that costs money would be hair transplants, which are affordable if you save up money from any job, besides, he could've just shaved his head with the same result.

>> No.10130422
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This is what my hair looks like at 24

>> No.10130431

Yeah, but a young man could dress like that and have hair like that and be knee deep in vagina. For a man his age, he looks really weird. I think American old farts have it better with the Hawaiian shirts.

>> No.10130433

Working out isn't going to make me taller, or make my face more symmetrical

>> No.10130450

Nor does it need to. Fucking midgets get pussy and some level of asymmetry can make you stand out. Unless you have half a torso and a second face growing out of your first, it's just a shitty excuse not to bother.

>> No.10130513

People who look like me don't get pussy dude. I'm not a NEET either. I'm social, dress well, have a low BMI, still nothing. People who aren't ugly don't know what it's like to be ugly.

>> No.10130520

Do you believe that only 10/10 tall, handsome men can have intimacy with women, or what?

If you're not seriously fucked up (e.g burns, deformity like loss of limbs) you can be attractive. Not as attractive as Ryan Gosling or Channing Tatum, but attractive enough to have a healthy sexual life and/or relationship.

-basic hygiene
-fitting clothes that don't look like shit
-a good haircut
-not being a total social fuckup
-working out

That's all there is to it. And even working out is optional if you're not fat but skinny instead, if you can dress the type.

The amount of damage incel communities cause to men cannot be understated. "Boy we're helpless, let's row back and forth between toxic hatred and self-pity." Fuck that, put in effort. I feel sorry for all the men who fall for the incel meme.

>> No.10130531

Fine then, be a defeatist pussy.

>> No.10130541

Very, very unlikely. Look around when you're in a city, there are tons of painfully ugly people with a partner. I doubt you're even half as ugly, given a decent BMI. Given how the majority is fat, not being a fatass is already a simple plus that makes you more attractive than the average person. Unless you're an acid attack survivor or something.

>-basic hygiene
>-not being a total social fuckup
Are the only points that are crucial. Rest is a fucking bonus and the biggest upside is that they boost the confidence, not the actually effects.

>> No.10130543

It's not like I don't fucking try

>> No.10130569
File: 88 KB, 840x630, 1499003154003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a gf
>everything gets boring after a few a month
>gf gets provided fun by other men
>once one of the other relationships are secured, she breaks up with you

>> No.10130578

>-not being a total social fuckup
Damn I got close

>> No.10130582

Daily reminder to read his manifesto: https://www.houellebecq.info/popdivers.php?id=13