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File: 78 KB, 644x335, Voltaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10209943 No.10209943 [Reply] [Original]

Why all the old intellectuals and writers were anti-Semites? Especially in Europe

>> No.10209954

that mean they were all stupid

>> No.10209962

This is a clever rehash of your last thread anon, but you'll probably have to redo it again. You have to get creative and you're really not that creative. To answer your question: because Jewish metanarratives have overtaken traditional Western metanarratives for the time-being.

>> No.10209965

>/p*l/ is trying THIS hard

>> No.10209971

Sorry ? This is the 1rst time that I make this thread

>> No.10209975
File: 17 KB, 189x266, easyonthecreambugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting rare Ottos.

>> No.10209982

>bitching about /pol/
where do you think you are?

>> No.10209999

Indeed, we are talking about writers, not politics

>> No.10210016

Not on /pol/

>> No.10210065


>> No.10210073

try the fucking redpill cockholders. I suggest you start with Kevin McDonald's Culture of Critique Series

>> No.10210081


>be American
>read McDonald's

>> No.10210325

All the greatest intellectuals have understood the problem of the jew, because the jew is the problem and still is, not these intellectuals.

>> No.10210368

>be eurextrachromosome
>unis are shit
>read nothing

>> No.10210967

They weren't all and generally it was because semites are not of Europe (even if so-called semites were practically european genetically after being there for so long) so there is a natural ostracisation of the foreign, and because they were largely Christians.

>> No.10210971

>european unis are shit
not a dirty european but lmao what? a uni in some shithole eastern european cunt is better than any uni in the americas.

>> No.10211232
File: 74 KB, 1024x765, meontheleft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why all of the breakthroughs happen in some shithole Eastern European country university, right? That's why all of the students of note also hail from that particular region, right? And that's why the Eastern [European] canon is considered superior to the Western canon, right?

It's not like quality research papers (read: not the garbage that China puts out), students, programs, books, etc, all largely come from the US, UK, Western continental Europe, Oz, and Japan. No, that'd be crazy.

>not a European
You've made that clear, Vlad.

>they hate us because they ain't us.

>> No.10211265

>burgers really think like this

>> No.10211302
File: 228 KB, 1024x921, 1338731067989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-Americans are really this desperate

>> No.10211353

You forgot to put a triggerwarning on your post cis-scum. Now nobody in US universities is allowed to read it.

>> No.10211361

>getting in burger/europoor spats as shitskins stream into both places

>> No.10212000

Intellectuals tend to drift toward fascism for obvious reasons, and in pretty much all countries that jews have gone to they have been successful and thus a target for fascists of all kinds.

>> No.10212031

>Intellectuals tend to drift toward fascism for obvious reasons

>> No.10212036

Only if "successful" means "subversively undermining the host by nepotistically stacking their institutions with your own people."

>> No.10212083

Coercion is the only means they have to enforce their preferred system in a nationwide scale.

Successful as in highly educated and wealthier than the average native.

>> No.10212104

America's universities are the best the world has ever seen. Even subpar state colleges in America are superior to the top universities Eastern Europe has to offer. The UK and Japan are the only other countries with respectable universities.

>> No.10212109

Right, highly educated due to nepotistic takeover of the admissions process at universities whites built and wealthier due to ethnic nepotism in institutions whites also built.

>> No.10212645
File: 15 KB, 356x436, 1509455643933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unzips khazar milkers

>> No.10212744

The jews are the ones who built Hollywood. Also largely the clothing industry in the States. Pretty sure a lot of the banking industry can be attributed to them aswell.

>> No.10212771

No, they didn't. And jews don't build things. They never have.

>> No.10212775

This. They only tear down the work of the white man. Try Kevin McDonald's Culture of Critique series for the truth

>> No.10212830

You sound exactly like a SJW.

>> No.10212831

Smart people like to discuss the nature of human behavior and motivations. Intellectuals seek out the nature of that nature.

>> No.10212833

I can't help but feel these hasbara trolls are helping the pro-white cause: the lack of subtlety means they can't be mistaken for anyone other than jews subverting as jews do, but they still get the basic message out. So no complaints from me.

>> No.10212846


>> No.10212917

Did you mean Hasbro, anon? I, too, was sticking Barbie up my ass as a child.

>> No.10212922

>Kevin McDonald's Culture of Critique
Ah, yes, the critical theory. I do love me some cultural marxism.

>> No.10212923

>false flag bump

>> No.10212932
File: 17 KB, 189x266, muhwymin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You left this picture on the table, anon.

>> No.10212936

Kek. Underrated

>> No.10212986

Evolutionary Psychology is a fucking pseudoscience, fuck off.

>> No.10213034

wtf i loved voltaire now