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/lit/ - Literature

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10306445 No.10306445 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys know so much? I feel like a brainlet especially when I browse philosophy threads

>> No.10306450

we access the Akashic records

>> No.10306461

Philosophy is their hobby. They may not know much about other things, but /lit/ is the place they come to to talk their hobby.
It's like going to /a/ and wondering how they know so much about anime.

>> No.10306473

To be quite fucking honest, this board is also for poetry and novels of various types. But retards prefer to read /lit/ top 100 chart books and philosophy to shitpost ad infinitum in every thread with the slightest political content.

>> No.10306490
File: 583 KB, 1192x1748, William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_Homer_and_his_Guide_(1874).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poetry and Philosophy are the greatest mediums. Gets my dick hard just thinking about comparing their form and content. How can narrative prose even compete

>> No.10306494

That makes perfect sense actually and explains
a. the insecurity & aggressiveness that are so typical in shitposting
b. how that autistic knowledge doesn't translate into any deeper insight

>> No.10306499

I tend to agree, but I don't like people who only read philosoph. They're usually bad people, in my opinion. I may be wrong.

>> No.10306504

We know that we don't know.

>> No.10306519

You're thinking of the phil undergrad who engages the theory with a stemlike attitude and as a result is almost always a faggot. Most people here started with history and literature then got into phil. It's just another aspect of humanities, pure, like poetry but on the other end if that makes sense

>> No.10306520

You're not wrong. Ironically, attacking philosophy is a thing many philosophers like to do.

>> No.10306528

>... we say Anaxagoras, Thales, and men like them have philosophic but not practical wisdom, when we see them ignorant of what is to their own advantage, and why we say that they know things that are remarkable, admirable, difficult, and divine, but useless; viz.

- Aristotle on /lit/

>> No.10306538

Jokes on him Heraclitus and the Ionians got it right long before Aristotle forever marred philosophical method

>> No.10306561

talking about brainlet, is it grammatically correct in English to say: "In a House lives a Man" ?

>> No.10306565
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Shitpost on /lit/, /his/ and /sci/ all day everyday, fellow /lit/izen

>> No.10306575

>How do you guys know so much?
The vast majority of people here are pretentious retards. Philosophy, in particular, seems to attract that particular kind of pseud that likes to talk about everything while having a very surface level understanding of what they're blabbing about.

>> No.10306588

Of course it's correct. The sentence structure is unusual, but I am of the opinion that English should get freer in the word order. Latin languages don't have those silly rules and sound much better.

>> No.10306623

thanks for your response my dude

>> No.10306625

Some people are just very smart OP.

>> No.10306628

You're welcome my dude

>> No.10306636


>> No.10306889

Where did the my dude meme originate from?

>> No.10306903

I don't know why, but I want to correct it to;
"In a house, lives a Man."

>> No.10307084

I think it would sound nice if the sentence was: "In a house there lives a Man"

>> No.10307158

That works better.

>> No.10307218

only like 10% of the posters here are as smart as you think they are. Another 10-15 are close, and another 10-15 can still be helped. 60-70% of these faggots cant be helped and are utterly useless

>> No.10307370

It is Wednesday my dudes is the earliest one I can think of, but ironic dudebro culture jokes obviously predate it

>> No.10307402

Entirely superfluous

>> No.10307424

Heil Hitler

>> No.10307430

people pretend to be smart by using big words. college teaches you to use big words. don't go to KKKollege.

>> No.10307433

It should be "A man lives in a house" unless you're being retarded on purpose.

>> No.10307494

>60-70% of these faggots cant be helped and are utterly useless
Yep, those age and reading threads are a good reminder that at the end of the day we are still on 4chan.
luv u guys

>> No.10307500


The clause is grammatically correct (the capitalisation is off though). It places emphasis on the phrase "in a house".

The introductory adverbial clause can be set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma to avoid any momentary confusion that might arise from the word order, especially from the placement of a noun before a verb of which it is not the subject.

I assume this is the bare bones of a sentence you will be fleshing out. If this is the whole sentence then:

>> No.10308217

The feeling I get reading this board is similar to the one I get after browsing fit (or his) : inadequacy from the constant bullying by insecure sophomoric disciples. I feel that they know shit but can't prove it so my confidence shrinks. Then I continue to browse even though it makes me feel bad

>> No.10308249


Stanford Philosophy guide is a good website, tons of info all you need for BA MA PhD Philosopoopy

>> No.10308264

Tbh I'd like to get some utility out if it, i.e. an understanding of human nature. Participation in conceited discussions for the purpose of ego stroking is pretty low on my priority list. Is moral philosophy (psychology) my best bet?

>> No.10308771

You probably don't even realize how dumb you sound lol

>> No.10308773 [DELETED] 

The world is governed by the lies, chaos and stupidity of Aleister Crowley

>> No.10308777

Next ones going to be longer and on /x/. I swear by my blood.

>> No.10309442
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>> No.10309448

Explain what is wrong with the post without meme arrows

>> No.10309511
File: 302 KB, 403x524, 1432420951067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got into lit -> philosphy -> logic -> math
now studying lit and math, and phil in free time
feels good mane

>> No.10309566

If you're not learning philosophy for the sake of philosophy you'll find it unbelievably boring
Even learning moral philosophy, you'll reach conclusions that normies will strongly disagree with (ie not pulling the lever in the trolley problem)
Also human nature is a shitty meme